• Published 1st Jun 2020
  • 514 Views, 44 Comments

LEGO Equestria Girls 9 - Chronicler06

In the Lego World, the Equestria Girls attend a music festival, but Sunset Shimmer somehow finds herself repeating the first day over and over again.

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Morning arrived at the campgrounds just outside the Starswirled Music Festival. It was little more than an hour after sunrise, and as Sunset slept in her sleeping bag beside the window inside the RV that she and her friends were using for their stay at the festival, her phone was lying beside her head on the pillow. At the moment the time became 7:00, the phone’s alarm went off by playing a song by PostCrush.

Be the true… true, true original—

Sunset quickly woke up and shut off her phone’s alarm. She had a huge smile on her face as she saw that not only was today finally Sunday instead of Saturday, but also the new background image she had applied based on the selfie she had taken the previous night with Pinkie and PostCrush. That was all she needed to confirm that today was finally going to be a brand new day in every way imaginable.

Sunset looked out at the rest of the RV’s interior and saw that Pinkie Pie was still asleep atop her now ruffled sleeping bag, while everyone else had already gone outside. As she listened to Pinkie snore and mumble something about churros, Sunset grinned and excitedly declared, “Starswirled day two!”

Pinkie immediately awoke with a gasp, then quickly started jumping around the room as she excitedly cheered, “Yes! We did it! Woohoo!” She then landed to sit down beside Sunset atop her sleeping bag and asked, “So what do you wanna do today, Sunset?”

“Whatever the day brings us,” replied Sunset contently. She then rolled her eyes and grumbled, “Yesterday was the longest four months of my life!”

Sunset and Pinkie both laughed at that remark for a few seconds.

Once their laughter calmed down, Sunset stood up and suggested, “How about you get dressed and go ahead of me? I’ll catch up after I take care of a few things.”

“Sure thing, Sunset!” agreed Pinkie eagerly as she rushed towards the bathroom and closed the door. Just two seconds later, she came back out of the bathroom, now fully dressed for the real second day of the music festival, then quickly headed out the door outside.

With a smile still on her face, Sunset turned to her packed bags. Before she started getting ready for a brand new day, she wanted to write a message to Princess Twilight in Equestria to inform her of what really happened yesterday.

Outside the RV, the rest of the group was gathered together as they prepared for the day ahead. At one of the nearby picnic tables, Pinkie and Applejack sat on the side closer to the RV while Rainbow and Rarity sat on the other side, all of whom were sharing the usual small talk. The other nearby picnic table was occupied by Twilight and Spike as they tested a solar-powered waffle maker, one of Twilight’s recent inventions that included a repurposed satellite dish to focus the sun’s light into a heating element that was directly connected to a slightly modified waffle iron.

Sunset eventually stepped out of the RV and made her way over to the empty table where most of her friends were seated. As she sat down in the available space to the right of Pinkie and across from Rarity, the other girls seated at the table turned to her and saw she was mixing a bowl of oatmeal she had just finished making for herself.

“Oatmeal?!” asked Pinkie in shock. “Are you crazy?!”

Sunset just smiled and replied, “Let’s just say that after eating the exact same blueberry pancake breakfast for four months straight, I’m actually craving something a little bland for once.”

“Eh, to each their own,” remarked Spike as he glanced over at the table where the girls were seated.

Sunset giggled and retorted, “You know, that’s exactly what you said yesterday morning to Rarity. I should know, ‘cause I had to hear it for four months straight.” She scooped out a spoonful of her oatmeal, but before she took a bite, she turned to the other girls and asked, “By the way, I saw the note Fluttershy left behind this morning saying she went out early to check on something. Any idea what that’s about?”

“Not a clue,” replied Applejack with a shrug. “She hasn’t even come back yet.”

“Oh! There she is!” Rainbow Dash suddenly pointed out.

Everyone turned to see Fluttershy slightly hunched forward as she slowly walked over to the picnic table and sat down in the available seat to the right of Rainbow Dash and across from Applejack.

“What have you been up to this morning?” asked Rainbow Dash.

Fluttershy let out a tired sigh and replied, “When Sunset mentioned the Time Twirler had an area effect on its first use, I couldn’t get any sleep over the thought that it might have also affected some of the animals in that part of the forest. I checked out the site and, sure enough, there were quite a few critters who had gone half-crazy at seeing their food stockpiles never changing and failing to see the arrival of winter that to them should’ve been weeks ago. You have no idea how hard it is to explain time loops to woodland critters.” She then smiled and added, “But the important thing is that I assured them all they are now finally back on their natural cycles and can get back to preparing for the upcoming change of seasons.”

“That’s quite the relief,” Rarity spoke up. “I honestly had never even considered the possibility that any fauna in the area might have been affected by the time loop, and I seriously doubt such a thought would have crossed the minds of PostCrush, either.”

Sunset finished a bite of her oatmeal before she asked, “By the way, Fluttershy, could you give your friend Tree Hugger a call? Ask her to bring Hattie the tuxedo kitten over here, as I happen to know someone who’d love to adopt him.”

Fluttershy was initially confused by that request, but then quietly responded, “Well, you know a lot more about what happened yesterday than anyone else, so if you really think that’s a good idea, then I guess it might be worth it.” She then stood up and began walking away as she pulled out her phone and made the call to her friend.

“Oh, I get it,” remarked Pinkie slyly. “This is supposed to be a favor for that security guard from yesterday, isn’t it?”

“Guilty as charged,” acknowledged Sunset with a smile. “Maybe we should also throw in a thank you card so he understands why we’re offering him that gift.”

“Got it covered!” declared Pinkie as she dug around in her tiny fanny pack until she pulled out a pen and a pink greeting card with the words “Thank You Very Much!” printed on the front.

Sunset giggled and continued, “Write the following message inside. ‘To Max Steele, the best security guard ever. We never could have stopped the latest threat of Equestrian Magic had it not been for your good judgement and actions. As promised, here’s a little something I know you’ll appreciate.’” She paused and waited for Pinkie to finish writing before she added, “Then we’ll just sign our names at the bottom.”

Pinkie nodded in agreement before signing her name in the card. She then passed the card and pen over to Sunset so she could also sign her name in it.

“By the way,” Rainbow Dash spoke up, “that rental van the festival manager hired will be here in less than half an hour. I know you don’t wanna trust the keys to your homes to a total stranger, so I’m gonna ride with him and grab our instruments myself, if that’s okay with all of you.”

“Fine by me,” agreed Sunset as she finished another bite of her oatmeal. “After four months of trying to watch PostCrush, I’m definitely looking forward to preparing our own show on stage.”

Pinkie suddenly gasped and excitedly asked, “Since we played on PostCrush’s show last night, do you think they’d be interested in playing on our show tonight?!”

“After what we’ve all been through, I’m sure they’d welcome the invitation,” replied Sunset with a smile. “And since it’s now day two and our backstage passes have become valid, we shouldn’t have any trouble reaching out to them.”

Rainbow Dash chuckled and remarked, “You know, Sunset, I gotta admit, I’m actually kinda jealous of you.”

“In what way?” asked Applejack.

“Just think about it, girls,” explained Rainbow eagerly. “As virtually the only one aware that she was in a time loop, Sunset didn’t have to worry about destroying something or hurting someone’s feelings. As soon as the time loop reset, everything went right back to the way they were, not just broken things being restored, but also no one would have any memories of what happened in the previous loop. No one would’ve ever been aware of what she did in any of the previous loops. She could’ve destroyed valuable objects, said nasty things to people, committed robbery, ran around naked, and never would’ve had to worry about facing any consequences for whatever she did as soon as the time loop reset. She could’ve literally done anything she wanted, and would’ve totally gotten away with it!”

“Rainbow Dash!” scolded Rarity. “Honestly, our friend Sunset is responsible enough to not take advantage of such circumstances for any petty, selfish gains!” Her expression quickly grew more uncertain as she then turned to Sunset and asked, “Right?”

Sunset had just scooped another spoonful of her oatmeal as she glanced around at her friends seated at the table, all of whom were anxiously expecting an answer from her. She stared back at them for a few seconds, then simply smirked before she put that spoonful of oatmeal in her mouth. There was no need for her to tell them anything.

Of course, Sunset’s reaction was enough of an answer for all of them to understand the truth. Rainbow Dash cackled and quipped, “She did. She totally did!” She turned to Sunset and insisted, “Oh, you have got to tell us what kinds of crazy stuff you did!”

“Sorry, girls,” responded Sunset with a playful smile after she finished her bite of oatmeal, “but that’s for me to know and for you to speculate. Those secrets are gonna stick with me for the rest of my life. After all, it’s like the old me used to say — it’s not illegal if you never get caught.” She couldn’t help but giggle at the mixed reactions she got from her friends. “Besides, that all happened yesterday. Today is a brand new day to look forward to.”

“Couldn’t have said it better myself!” agreed Pinkie cheerfully.

Twilight suddenly groaned in frustration. Everyone turned to her and saw that her experimental waffle iron has resulted in a burnt waffle that audibly sizzled. “Well that’s ruined…” she grumbled. She then glanced back with an embarrassed smile and asked, “Hey, uh, Sunset? Do you happen to know where I could find another Time Twirler? I could really use one right about now.”

Everyone gave Twilight a blank stare.

“That was a joke,” added Twilight in a deadpan tone.

All of the Equestria Girls quickly burst out laughing. All in all, it was just another day of a group of best friends having a good time together, and there was nothing about this day that any of them would want to change for any reason.

Author's Note:

And that brings an end to the latest main story in my LEGO Equestria Girls series. After the ridiculously late start I got on writing this story, I was left pretty much scrambling to get every chapter completed on time, and while I'm relieved that I was able to stick to my schedule, it often resulted in a lot of nights with very little sleep. Hopefully I'll be able to actually better manage my time once I start writing the next part of this fanfiction series. Next up will be the group of holiday-themed short stories, which will be a mix of ones based on some of the official holiday shorts and ones that are my own original ideas.

Comments ( 5 )

At least this time the Waffle maker didnt explode or try and form the Temple Of Silicon Heaven, devotees to take over the world. :moustache:

I'm actually quite looking forward to seeing your original ideas. The next few stories should be fun.

And now we wait.

After all, it’s like the old me used to say — it’s not illegal if you never get caught.

D'Arby: that's my girl.

10413104 Part of the reason why some of the holiday short stories I'll be writing soon will be original ideas is because I just couldn't think of a good way to adapt some of the official ones into the setting of this fanfic series. Some of the other official holiday shorts, on the other hand, were good enough that adapting them into short stories was relatively easy. I would've had some difficulty coming up with six different completely original ideas, while the ones I did come up with are so good that I just have to write them, so I guess you could say that I was lucky enough to end up with a perfect balance between original and inspired ideas. As for which of the official holiday shorts I'll be adapting and which ones I'll replace with original stories, you'll just have to wait and find out.

when is Lego equestria girls 10 coming out?

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