• Published 3rd Jul 2020
  • 7,319 Views, 248 Comments

Droning On - James Pwyll

After her brother's wedding, Twilight goes back home and discovers an unexpected visitor

  • ...

The Visitor

The air had been cooling for a long time by the point the sun had set beyond the horizon. Ponies of all stripes had retreated into their homes, waving each other goodnight before leaving the streets empty and quiet. Lights were also gong out in the Golden Oak Library, as Twilight and Spike, in their preparations for bed, were blowing out the candles that had been illuminating the place for the former's late-night study sessions. Spike had, in his claws, one of his favourite comic books, and the way he was looking at it made it abundantly clear that he still indented to do some reading after he'd gone to his basket. The one figure in the Library who did not partake of this end-of-day ritual was Thorax, who maintained his post at the door like the sentry he was. Twilight, once everything else had been sorted out, looked to him after she'd taken that first step onto the stairs. "Are you sure we can't leave you a candle or two, Thorax?"

But the drone declined, giving a bow of his head. "I thank you for the offer, Highness. But my kind are rather good in the dark. Seeing my way will be no issue."

Smiling to him, Twilight nodded. "Alright then. Good night."

Thorax watched her go, followed shortly by Spike, and after a moment he was all alone on the ground floor of the Library, the only sound that of the occasional movement of the two upstairs. Turning, he again faced the door, counting the moments as they passed. Everything seemed as though it was all gearing up to be another uneventful night, albeit one interrupted by the infrequent reminder of his tiredness from his lack of a proper meal. But, ever the dutiful drone, he put those thoughts aside and kept his vigil. That it, until an unexpected sensation passed through him. The spines on his back began to twitch and vibrate, and his eyes widened. He darted his head left and right, but saw nothing there in the gloom. In his heart, he knew that wherever the source of this feeling, and he knew that feeling all too well, it wasn't in here. So, after casting a quick look to the stairs where his queen had gone up, he slowly opened the door, trying his hardest not to make a noise. "I...I have to be sure."

Exiting the Library, and closing the door behind him with equal care, Thorax stepped out onto the empty street. Since there was nopony here, he didn't bother with his disguise, and so instead stayed where he was, surveying the immediate area. A few birds flying overhead, a gentle breeze through the street, nothing out of the ordinary. But as always there was that sense running through him. Somecreature was here, and he had a good inkling of who and what they were. After a while, he could hear it. Steps, echoing through the night. He turned, his eyes narrowing as he saw a figure in the shadows getting closer and closer. He assumed a posture that sent the message that he wasn't moving from his spot, and after a while the mysterious figure finally emerged. It was a unicorn mare, about Twilight's age from the looks of it. Her fur was blue, with her mane being a lighter shade, and her cutie mark was one that suggested a talent for magic. Upon her face was a knowing smirk, and as she continued onward Thorax raised a hoof towards her. "That's far enough."

The mare stopped, her smirk disappearing and replaced with a look that Thorax already knew was one of fake concern. "Oh my! A Changeling! Whatever is a poor, helpless mare such as myself to do?" Then, she put on an air of bravado and confidence. "But fear not! For I am no mere mare! I am the Great and Powerful Trixie! And I fear neither pony nor beast! So come, dreadful Changeling! And meet your doom!" Silence fell once more, and Thorax simply stared at her, never moving, prompting the smile to vanish from Trixie's face. Instead, her shoulders slumped and she took on a more disappointed tone. "Really? Nothing? Come on, this is some of my best material here!"

But Thorax maintained his stance and his unimpressed expression. "I am not here for theatrics. I know what you are, so let's get to it."

Trixie rolled her eyes. "Ugh! You're so boring!" Then, her smirk returned. "Still, given what drones are usually like I suppose I can't be too surprised...brother." There was a flash of flame, not green like Thorax's, but blue. Trixie was engulfed in this magic, and when the flames died down her appearance had indeed changed. Though still the same size, her blue fur was replaced with an almost black colouring, with her hooves bearing a number of holes at their base. Her horn was more crooked, and her mouth bore sharp fangs. Really, the only thing she retained from her pony disguise was her mane and her eyes, and her confident smirk of course. "You may call me Tricks. Daughter of Chrysalis."

Thorax watched her carefully. "So, it is true. She did birth a queen."

Tricks scoffed. "Pfft! Not that you'd ever guess it, the way she hurried me out of the hive and all." Stepping forward, she pointed to him. "Let's get down to business then shall we? What is your designation?"

Thorax's expression was stony. "My name is Thorax."

Tricks looked to him, then seemed almost amused by the information. "Huh, a drone with a name. Well aren't you special?"

"Why are you here?" Thorax asked firmly.

Tricks shrugged. "Isn't it obvious? I'm here to pick up the pieces of Mother's domain."

It took no time at all for Thorax to get the picture. "You wish for me to enter into your service?"

"Indeed," Tricks answered. "Things haven't been easy, being a young queen out there in the world. Believe me, getting by on adoration from doing magical stunts for pony audiences can only get our kind so far. I need a proper power base, and that starts with you, brother."

The younger Changeling kept his gaze on her like a hawk. "Are there no other siblings of ours you could have gone to?"

Tricks seemed annoyed by the question, looking away from him. "Alas, it seemed our kin's desire to move on was far swifter than I would have liked. Most of them had already taken up with other queens. And as you can imagine, those queens weren't willing to share." Her calculating smile returned. "And that was when I was able to sense you. A drone, unattached, ready and able to serve."

But Thorax shook his head. "I cannot. I have already pledged myself to another."

To that, Tricks' smiled faded, and her tone once more bore the tint of irritation. "So, it is true then? You serve the mare who helped vanquish our Mother?"

Thorax stepped forward. "You know our ways."

Tricks waved him off. "Yes, yes, I know. The queen who bests another shall take her drones as her own."

"And you know also that once such an oath is made, it cannot be broken. It is our highest law," Thorax added.

Here, it was Tricks' turn to move closer. "Be that as it may, I think it's safe to say that we're no longer dealing with the 'good old days' or whatever you want to call them. In case you hadn't noticed, Thorax, the world has changed." She gestured to the side, to nothing in particular. "Our kind are known now. Thanks to our Mother's foolishness, and more importantly thanks to her failure, we're now considered a threat by everycreature out there. The old ways can serve us no longer. Our people need to adapt to whatever this new course in our history is going to throw at us. And if that means abandoning some ancient ideas, then we must do so." Again, she moved closer. "You know I'm right, brother. You only need to look at yourself to know that coexistence with the ponies isn't going to be possible."

There was a pause as Thorax considered his answer. "...I don't know what you're talking about."

Tricks' smile returned, as if she now had some advantage in this conversation. "Oh, I think you do. Did you believe I wouldn't feel how weak you are right now?" Thorax did his best to hide the wobble in his knees, but the keen eyes of his older sister weren't missing it. "How long has it been since you last fed? Days? Weeks?"

But despite this clear understanding of his current state, Thorax wasn't relenting. "I have strength still."

Here, Trick's smile vanished altogether, and her tone was now as firm and clear as her intentions. "You know, given how you are right now, it would take very little effort on my part to press the issue."

"Most likely," Thorax conceded.

"Yet still you refuse?" Tricks asked.

"Yet still I refuse," Thorax confirmed.

Tricks stared at him for the longest time before, against all odds, actually smiling again. She shook her head, then glanced up to the stars in the sky. "Say what you will about our dearly departed Mother, she raised no cowards." Brushing some of her mane aside, she turned. "Very well then, brother. Have it your way."

As Thorax saw her start to walk away, he felt compelled to speak out. "Wait. I need to know. Do you intend to be a threat to my queen?"

Tricks stopped, scoffing again. "Believe me, as much as I'd love to bring Little Miss Perfect down a peg or two, it wouldn't help me." Her eyes narrowed as she regarded her estranged sibling. "In case I haven't made my point clear enough yet, getting involved with ponies is one of the worst decisions our race has ever made. It doomed our Mother, and it'll eventually doom you." After a pause, she sighed. "But...fine. I give you my word that I will not pose any threat to your queen. I will be no danger to her whatsoever, and I will be no threat to you either for your refusal." Looking to him, she arched an eyebrow. "Happy?" A silent nod from Thorax was her answer, but shortly afterwards the young queen returned to her default look, that of seeming like she was already the victor. "Besides, I don't really need to be a threat to her. Because make no mistake, little brother, you will be serving me, one way or another." As before, she started to walk off. "Though perhaps not in the way you were expecting."

Thorax kept his gaze on her, watching as she once more entered the shadows of the night-time streets of Ponyville. After a while even the sounds of her hoof-steps was gone, leaving him all alone on that cold street. Once he was sure she was gone, namely when the spines on his back finally ceased to vibrate, he let out a deep exhale. Given their nature it was almost certain that she could feel his uncertainty about his chances, but he wasn't about to complain about having gotten away with it, at least for the time being. So, for now, he contented himself with returning to the Golden Oak. As expected of an encounter like that, he'd been given a lot to think about, and the words of his sister echoed in his head all throughout his walk back to his current home. Much like he'd left, he entered the place with as much silence as he could, before again resuming his post at that door, and just in time to hear a voice from up above. "Don't mind me. Just needed a glass of water." It was Spike, heading down the stairs and towards the kitchen. When he caught sight of Thorax though, he paused. "Everything okay?"

After a lengthy mental debate with himself, he gave the only answer he could give right now. "...I hope so."

Author's Note:

And here we once more delve into the realm of old-school early headcanons for me. I mean, a mare with a rivalry towards the Mane Six, craves attention and love from lots of ponies, and is voice by the same person who did Chrysalis? Oh yeah, you'd better believe that got the old theory head buzzing back in the day :raritywink: