• Published 3rd Jun 2020
  • 2,206 Views, 52 Comments

“Pharynx, what the buck is a lesbian?” - BezierBallad

Pharynx is forced to explain a certain subject to a certain little nymph. Celestia help him...

  • ...

“Is Ocellus pulling my leg or what?”

“Pharynx,” a small voice asked from out of the blue, “what the buck is a lesbian?”

Pharynx nearly spat out his honeysuckle tea across the table as soon as he heard that question. He stared in awe at the young purple nymph, who sat at the table in front of him. He looked at her while she stared at him with a curious gaze.

“...What?” he uttered after a moment of silence. “Come again?”

“Didn’t you hear me?” she asked with a slightly irritated tone. “I just asked what a lesbian was.”

Pharynx swallowed. “Uhh… Flutterwings, where’d you even hear that term?”

She smiled. “Well, I heard Ocellus talk about meeting her special ‘somecreature’ a few hours ago…”

Flutterwings silently watched as the icy blue changeling pace the stone floor of her bedroom. She tilted her head in confusion as she watched the changeling trot back and forth. “Hey… Ocellus?” she asked.

The changeling looked over. “Flutterwings?”

“You look like you’ve lost a book or something.”

She rolled her eyes. “It’s not that, it’s something else.”

“Oh, you’ve lost something else then?”

“I didn’t lose anything. I’m waiting for someone.”

“Hmm…” Flutterwings blinked, scratching her head. After a while, her eyes lit up. “Ohhh, I get it!” She then smiled a bit before asking, “Is Headmare Twilight planning a diplomatic visit?”

“Heheh, not yet. Besides, I think Thorax handles that,” she said, smiling. “I’m actually talking about my—”

“Ooooooh! Is it your special ‘somecreature’?” Flutterwings asked excitedly.

Ocellus’ eyes bulged. “...H-How’d you know?” she stuttered, a blush forming on her face.

Flutterwings stared for a while. “I uhh… wild guess?” she said, sheepishly.

The pair of changelings soon heard footsteps, and they turned to see a young orange dragon standing at the doorway of the bedroom, her arms casually folded.

Ocellus smiled. “Smolder!” she greeted, jumping up and buzzing her wings and throwing her hooves around the dragon, capturing her in her embrace.

Smolder grunted. “Oof… glad to see you too,” she wheezed.

Flutterwings blinked. “Hey… Smolder?”

Ocellus smiled. “Yep. This is Smolder. I thought my special somecreature would never get here!”

“Oh? Your special somecreature arrived?”

“Yes! This here is my special ‘somecreature’!”

“That’s great!” Flutterwings smiled, before gazing around the room. “So uh, where is he?”

They stared at her. Heck, Ocellus looked like she was kicked in the gut. Hard. “Uhh… Smolder IS my special somecreature,” she informed Flutterwings.

Flutterwings stared with her jaw agape. “Is she a stand-in?”

“What? No. She IS my special somecreature. She’s NOT a stand-in.”

“...Is this a joke? Because I don’t get it,” Flutterwings said while sweating.

“...Why would it be a joke?”

“Because… um…” Flutterwings thought for a second. “Well, I’ve never seen two girls together like… this.”


“I mean, I have nothing against you guys. I’m not mad, I’m just… confused. Like, how does this work? Is there some sort of… uh…” Flutterwings started fidgeting with one of her pigtails, trying to find proper words.

Smolder sighed, pinching the bridge of her snout with her claws.

“...Something tells me I should leave now,” Flutterwings said. “At least until I know what the heck you two are talking about.”

Smolder rolled her eyes. “Yeah. Come back when you learn the definition of… you know… ‘being girl crazy.’”

“‘Girl crazy’?” Flutterwings scratched her head.

Ocellus sighed heavily. “She means ‘lesbian,’ Flutterwings.”

“Yeah, at first I thought she said the words ‘less beans.’”

“‘Less beans’? What are you even talking about, Flutters? And what was with Ocellus and Smolder again?”

“Well, apparently, they’re each other’s special somecreature.”

Pharynx blinked. He tried to comprehend what he just heard. Wait. I don’t believe it… Is Ocellus a…

“So, I only have one question. What the buck does she mean by ‘lesbian’? Is it in a dictionary or something? I mean, I wanted to see if it was or not, but I figured it would be better to ask you about it.”

Pharynx froze like a cow in headlights. “Uhh… a lesbian is a uhh…” He tried to think of how he could say it. “You see… the thing is… uh…”

“Yeah?” she asked, leaning closer, an anticipated smile slowly creeping its way onto her face.

Pharynx started sweating. “Well uhh… it’s when uhh… two females like each other…” he said, cringing as he did. “Like, romantically like…”

Flutterwings tilted her head. “So… when two girls like each other… it’s called… lesbian?”

“Look, why are you asking me about this?” He asked sternly. “Shouldn’t you be asking your brothers? Or… or better yet, my brother?”

“I’m not asking them. I’m asking you.”


“Because I don’t trust your brother to give me a straight answer. And my brothers said ‘ask Ocellus’ but she’s pretty occupied with Smolder, so—” Flutterwings’ rambling came to a screeching halt. “Wait…” she uttered. “You just suggested that I should ask Thorax, right?”


“...So is Thorax a lesbian then?” she asked, her lips curving into a smirk.

Now, it was Pharynx’s turn to freeze. Again. “What? No! He’s straight!”

“Is he? Like I said, he never seems to give straight answers.”

“Th-That’s not what that kind of ‘straight’ means, kid!” Pharynx smacked his forehead. “There’s two types of straight. The one we’re talking about means a boy likes a girl, okay?

“Um… okay,” the nymph replied. “I didn’t even know the whole ‘girl dates boy’ thing even had a term for it.”

“Well, believe it or not, it does.”

“So… basically, anyone who dates the opposite gender is as straight as an arrow, but if they date their own gender, they’re... curvy?”

“Er… No. Unless you’re Tempest Shadow of all ponies, then yes, you’re curvy as buck.”

“Uhh… what?” she asked, staring at him blankly.

“N-Nevermind,” he said as his face went as red as his antlers.

“...You’re straight too, aren’t ya?”

He blushed even harder. “Of course I am! W-Why wouldn’t I be?!”

“Well, first of all, you’ve actually seen Tempest’s freaking body figure?

He nodded. “Well, yeah! Who else had to talk to her about the crazy changelings who were playing ‘ring toss’ by throwing donuts onto her horn!?”

“...Wait, you said she was curvy, right?”

He blushed again. “Y-Yeah. W-Why?”

“Well, she has been close to Twilight Sparkle since her redemption, so it would make sense.”

Pharynx went from blushing to frowning. “What are you saying? That she’s lesbian?”

She nodded a bit. “Yeah. You said it yourself. Lesbian is when a girl likes another girl. That means they’re not straight. They’re curvy.

“That wasn’t what I—” Pharynx banged a hoof against the table in frustration. “If she was dating the Princess of Friendship she would’ve told me, Flutterwings!”

The nymph slightly jumped at the sudden gesture. “Uhh, why? Are you two friends or something?”

“No. I-I mean yes. I mean…” Pharynx blushed yet again. “Th-That’s not the point, okay?!” He flusteredly covered his rosy face with his forelegs.

“Uhh, you good there?” Flutterwings asked, lifting her eyebrow in mild concern. “Pharynx...?”

“I’m… fine.”

“Okay then...”

Pharynx looked at her, sighing heavily. “What else do you want to know?” he asked tiredly.

“Uhh… I guess… hm...” she thought for a few moments, putting her hoof to her chin and leaning against the table. She looked at Pharynx. “I think... that’s it.”

Pharynx felt a wave of relief crash over him. “Is it?”

“No, wait…”

Pharynx looked at her like she was going to hit him with a train. “...What?”

“Are my brothers straight?”

Oh, sweet Chrysalis… Pharynx should’ve seen this question coming. “Er… which brothers?”

“Well…” She thought for a second. She went through each of her brothers one by one. “Well, we’ve seen Venom Stinger hitting on Thistle, but I’ve never seen them actually date.

“Well, what about the others?” Pharynx asked.

“Cricket Cluster usually acts weird around this quiet earth pony called ‘Marble Pie,’ that’s for sure.”

“Are they a mare? Or a stallion?”

“Of course she’s a mare!”

“Okay. Probably a straight guy.”

“I think Spiny and Scorch are pretty neutral… Is there a neutral?”

“Oh. Pfft. Of course not,” Pharynx remarked. He looked at her. “Well, I don’t think, but yeah. They’re probably straight.”

“So you’re basically saying everyone’s born straight? Unless they decide not to be straight anymore?” Flutterwings asked.

“That’s debatable. It’s sorta of… uhh… you know. Really, it’s all based on the creature's decisions. I can’t… I can’t really explain it, actually.”

“Oh.” Flutterwings looked at him. “Well uh… what else?” she asked. “Is there anything else? Anything we missed?”

Dear Celestia, I hope not… He looked at her. “N-No. I believe not.”

“Well, that was interesting actually!”

Pharynx looked at her with surprised eyes. “Really?”

“Yeah, I liked it. Heck, maybe I should talk to my brothers about it.”

“Uhh, okay.” Pharynx wiped his forehead. “Whew. So, I guess that’s it then? No more questions.”

“Actually, I have one more thing to tell you about.”

Please, Chrysalis have mercy on my soul… He took a breath. “Yeah?”

“Well… I came across a group of changelings, and they heard about you and Venom…”

“Er… okay?”

“They thought it was cute whenever you guys were having another one of those ‘arguments,’ so I just thought that it meant you guys were—”

Good grief, no…

Pharynx immediately put a hoof to the nymph’s mouth. “Stop, stop, stop, stop…

Comments ( 49 )

A wonderful way to answer this question. I was giggling the whole time, you did a great job Bezier. You and Hero both.

Thanks. I couldn’t have done it without Mlphero

This makes me dread the day my niece goes back to school and starts learning new words...

You both did great. Sorry I didn't respond, for some reason the notification bell didn't show you responded...oh well. Still, I was laughing pretty hard when Tempest was brought into the conversation...definitely a story I'm going to read again!

Tell me about it. My brother is always sending her my way with tough questions. The day she discovers boys, I'm hightailing it to the next state.

No problem. I'm hoping for a new chapter of MTCG soon, but this is a nice filler for it.

:rainbowlaugh:I had a blast writing this!

Yeah! Thanks for having me help you do this!

Right back at you!

Honestly, I would think the bigger problem would be figuring out the concept of fixed sexuality in a society where gender is literally fluid-by-default.

Sorry, this is going to sound really ignorant but I'm struggling to understand what you were implying with the Tempest part in the story and how Pharynx was reacting.:rainbowhuh:

Well, I’m a Tempynx (Tempest x Pharynx) shipper, so...

Ohhhh...Okay, reading over it I can see it now. :rainbowlaugh:

Tempest and Pharynx? Huh. That...a ship I've never considered before. Thinking about it, it weirdly fits together seeing as how they are both fairly militaristic in mindsets, having to fit into an overly-bubbly world. Seeing as how you're a fan of that ship, know any good stories out there?

Oh, by the way, have a follow and a favorite. :pinkiesmile:

Thanks buddy!

Yeah, there aren’t many Tempest x Pharynx fics on this site. Well, other than this one here.

I’ve actually written some Tempynx fics myself.

Was getting some Lucky Star vibes from this fic. :derpytongue2:


...So is Thorax a lesbian then?” she asked, her lips curving into a smirk.

:rainbowlaugh: I don't know why, but that quote just made me think of this:

Ah, you ship Pharpest. A man of culture, I see.

Holy crap my SIDES.

YES. This was hilarious.
"If you date your own gender, then you're...curvy?"

Just yesterday a co-worker showed my this clip below from a t.v. series she likes and recommends - and then I see the title of your story then next day. Must have been a sign.


One thing I love about your writing is your grasp of dialog. No one sounds like a robot or a doofus. Great job.

Heh. Thanks. I couldn’t have done that part alone.

Something about Pharynx having to explain this kind of stuff is nothing short of comedy gold!:rainbowlaugh:

Many giggles were had while reading this fic

Thank you very much.

Commented! Enjoy! Thanks for the recommendation!

You mean the large portion of your town is straight or...?

This is lovely comedy. It reminds me of the "Why are you gay?" interview on YouTube.

Because I don’t trust your brother to give me a straight answer.

Also, trust the super emotional and "sensitive" Thorax to be straight, and the super macho Pharynx to be gay. :rainbowlaugh:


Also, trust the super emotional and "sensitive" Thorax to be straight, and the super macho Pharynx to be gay. :rainbowlaugh:

Pharynx is so manly, girls aren't manly enough for him. :ajsmug:

Though in all fairness, Thorax makes a great bear. :trollestia:

really nice story! i hope flutterwings learns more about LGBT in the future so that she is accepting of LGBT. Frankly, it feels like kids learn about it when they are older, but by then they seem to find it harder to understand. In the meantime, with a kid, you could just say with love, partners could love either gender, and as time goes on you explain more, like with usual. Science even says kids tend to learn new things easier than the avergae adult because they havent become as "concrete" in their ideals

“So… basically, anyone who dates the opposite gender is as straight as an arrow, but if they date their own gender, they’re... curvy?”

“Er… No. Unless you’re Tempest Shadow of all ponies, then yes, you’re curvy as buck .”

LOL. Just lol! :rainbowlaugh:

This story made me laugh, I'm favoriting it for sure!

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