• Published 5th Jun 2020
  • 1,000 Views, 10 Comments

My little Pony Isekai: The Wolf. - Fernando1717

In his way back to the Digital World, one digimon is pulled out of his route toward a magical world to combat a familiar threat, but more importantly, to find a new beginning for himself. Magic of friendship meets the Crest of Friendship!

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4.- Salamon.

After flying away from Pinkie and Tsunomon, Fluttershy got lost in the middle of the forest, it wasn't long before she heard the scary noises of the Everfree grow malicious around her before hearing a thunderous sound nearby followed by the cry of a small creature. Immediately, Fluttershy switched from her scary cat to her fearless personality and ran to see what was going on.

" He-hello? ". Fluttershy called softly as she broke out from the dense forest into a lakeshore, there she found a small puppy-like critter, white cream colored fur and wide ears. The puppy was down on the shore and it seemed to be injured.

" Can you hear me? Are you ok little one? ". Fluttershy asked her while she inspected th surroundings.

" Wha-ugh, who..! Aaah! ". When she saw her, the puppy jumped back, or tried at least, in her current condition all she managed was trip and fall once more.

" Geh! Trying to, trying to finish me off, are you?! ". The puppy growled. " Fine! Give me your worst! ". She got up in all four in defiance, only to fall once more.

" Don't move! You're injured, you could break something! ".

" Wha-Hey! ". The Digimon expected that the yellow pony would make use of her weak shape and tramp her down with her hooves or slice her to pieces with her sharp wings, or bite her to dead or something, but instead of any of that, the yellow pony pulled out bandages and some herbal smelling liquid from her saddle bag that she applied into the wounds, the liquid felt refreshing and the pain diminished considerably, a few minutes later, the Rookie Digimon was standing up again.

' What's with this pony? She could have trapped me or killed me but she didn't! She cured me instead, could it be that..? '.

" Hey! ". The puppy called.

" Ye-yes? Are you still hurting? Do you need more medicine? If so I have more ". Fluttershy responded.

" Tha-no, no, you... Are you not from around here? ".

" Oh, I'm afraid not, I'm from Ponyville ".

That confirmed what the mischievous Digimon was thinking, that this pony wasn't from the same town she has been harassing so she didn't know her, but it could also be that now that she transformed back to her Rookie form she couldn't recognize her, whatever the case was, Salamon was already thinking in how she could dispose of her without fighting, that plan was ruined the moment her belly made an unholy roar.

" Aaaah! I forgot! ". Salamon dropped down again, she was healing up but her stamina tank was still empty and even if she reverted back to a simpler form her appetite was still the same size.

" Oh my, sounds like you're quite hungry ".

" Grrrrh! If it wasn't for that stupid reptile! ". Salamon growled in anger, but that only exasperated her condition even more.

" If you like, I could share my food with you little one ". Salamon turned to the pegasus, she moved away from the shore and placed her bag under the shadow of the closest tree, she then returned to where Salamon was and pulled her up with her front legs while flying her next to the bag.

" Hey! Let me go! ". Salamon was dropped softly under the same shade.

" Here, help yourself to whatever you want ". The yellow pony opened her bag and pulled out a few things, the more important one for Salamon, food. Fruits, vegetables and a few other things that the Digimon never saw in her life before but it smelled delicious, so much so that she started drooling immediately, much to her own embarrassment.

Despite her growling stomach, Salamon didn't move for the food right away, she considered the possibility of this been a trap to drug her or poison her and torture her while she slowly died, or at least that what she would do if the roles were inverted. " Don't you like th food? ". The pegasus asked.

Salamon looked her with suspicious, trying to o look as intimidating as possible, but the incessant growling of her midsection did this an impossible task. " I probably should put it back then ".

" Noooo! ". Salamon dive bombed to grab as much food as she could, when her little pass were full she moved away with her loot and started digging into it, all the while keeping the pony in her sight in case she tried to retrieve her food, but she didn't, instead of that the pegasus was smiling happily.

' What's up with this dump horse? Is she really ok with me stealing her food or is she just too naive? '.
Salamon asked internally as she kept on biting her hunger away, the attitude of the pony was throwing her off for a loop for she knew she hasn't done anything to deserve it and in accordance with her Lord Piedmon, rewards were only for the obedient and for the strong, the weak only would receive pain and suffering.

This ideology was what made possible for her to evolve as far as she did before been stroke down by the blonde winged wench and her human runt, after that, she was forced to begin her journey to gather strength once more and take revenge for her defeat and that of her master Piedmon, it took her many years and many tries, many times she was crushed down again by other wild Digimon that ran rampant now that the power structure of the Dark masters was gone, but she never gave up, never stopped, one day she would reach her Ultimate level once more, or even surpass it, that was, until she was dragged off from her world into this strange one habited by those weird horses.

And so, the once feared and powerful LadyDevimon was now reduced to this insignificant form once more, having to scavenge for food like the weak creature she didn't want to become. That was the way of life she knew, the only way she knew, so it baffled her why would anyone provide something with such expression from of happiness.

" It tastes good, right? Have as much as you want ". The pony said to her with that smile that only irked the Digimon even more, the food suddenly didn't tasted as good watching her stupid face but her mouth wouldn't stop chewing. Then, an idea came to her mind, if this pony wasn't trying to trick her then maybe she expected to gain a favor from her, that could be it!

" Tsk, Whatever! Tell me what you want in exchange for this food, I'm not one to show mercy but you turned out to be useful, so ask away, but it will be only one favor and no more ". Salamon said as she wiped her mouth from crumbs.

" A favor? Oh! No no no! I don't want anything in exchange, the food is free, no need to pay, I just love to help little creatures ".

" Bah! Don't lie bird pony! You want something in exchange for that, I'm sure, so do it, ask! I may look like this but I'm as ferocious as no other creature here, ask and I shall destroy what you want! ".

" De-destroy?! I don't want anything or anypony destroyed! If anything I just want to find my friends ". Fluttershy chied out in fear after hearing what the puppy was offering, she couldn't believe that such a cute little thing would talk about destruction and whatnots. Fortunately, her last request seemed to steer the conversation away from the morbid theme.

" Find your... friends? Guh! What's with everyone in this world! Why is everyone so weak-minded! Gaaaaah! ". Salamon growled. " Fine! The faster we find them the faster I'll be out of your debt. Now tell me, which way did you lose those... ' friends ' of yours? ".

" I, I don't, I mean..! ". Fluttershy wanted to keep talking about what the puppy was referring to but meeting back with Pinkie and Tsunomon and make it to the village was the priority. " Fine, umh, let's see, I think I came from... that side! Yes! That's the direction I came from! ". Fluttershy pointed with her hoof in the direction from where she landed.

" That so? Then let's not waste my precious time, let's go ". With no fear whatsoever, the cream puppy started walking in front of the pony, Fluttershy was both worried for her new friend but also baffled that such small creature was this brave, it also made her self-conscious of her own cowardly nature.

' Why can't I be as brave as my this young animal, or like Tsunomon, or like Pinkie? Why must I always be a scary cat? Ugh, who am I kidding, even a little kitty would be braver than me! '.

Fluttershy sunk deeper into depression as her new friend critter marched ahead of her, she put more attention into the way Salamon marched unfazed by the hidden dangers that the Everfree forest was capable of production. Surely, years of exposure to this dangerous environment has turned this cute puppy into a brave creature despite it's cute look.

The puppy seemed to be in very foul mood, it reminded her of Angel Bunny whenever the white rabbit didn't had his filling of carrots, or when he needed a bath, or when he didn't wanted to be waken up, or when... basically the whole time of his life, but still cute, she was like that.

As they walked through the foliage of the forest with only a bit of light that penetrated the canopies, Fluttershy became more scared. Every little noise spooks her, far howls, nearby growls, even some hissing coming from the trees alarmed her, the puppy only stopped and carefully peered around until the sound would disappear and then they continued.

It was after a good portion of walking that Fluttershy realized she hasn't introduced herself, so she quickly tried to rectify her mistake. " My name is Fluttershy, what's yours? ".

" Hm, weird name ". The Digimon said in short, not answering the question.

" S-so? ".

" Hm, what?! ". Asked the Digimon with annoyance.

" Y-your name, how do I call you? ". The pony insisted.

" Why do you care? Not like we're gonna meet again, besides, I didn't asked for your name to begin with so I don't need to know it ".

" I-I see, sorry ". The yellow pony started to sob for the kindless treatment, as they continued walking, her sobbing just increased and Salamon had troubles detecting nearby dangers thanks to that, but more problematic was that she was losing her mind.

" Fine! If I tell you my name would you shut up?! ". Despite her menacing tone the pegasus wasn't scared, instead, she did a 180 in mood waited happily the know the name of the puppy. " Carve my name pretty well into your tiny mind bird horse for is the name of the one and only disciple of Lord Piedmon! My name is Sala-! ".

" FLUTERSHYYYYY! WHERE ARE YOUUU! ". Before the Digimon finish her introduction, the booming voice of Pinkie Pie broke through the air.

" Ah! Is my friend! We must be close now! ". The yellow pony exclaimed in joy and rushed to hug the cream puppy despite her immediate protests.

" Good for you, now get off me you bird brain! Go and hug your so call ' friend ' ! ". Salamon pushed Fluttershy away and looked indignantly at her but the pegasus didn't mind it.

" Sorry, but I'm glad we found my friends and it was all thanks to you Sala, so thank you ".

" Tsk, I told you already, that s was just to repay you for the food and nothing else, now go and begone from my sight. I have things to do ". Salamon started to walk away when the pony called her.

" Wait! Don't you want to come with us? Maybe leave them s place? ".

" Not interested, now go before I change my mind about you! ".

" Wait! ". Salamon turned, ready to strike at the pony for keep being a pest but an object thrown at her feet distracted her. " Here, is not a lot but I want you to take this food, as thanks for helping me ".

Salamon watched the bag with surprise, uncertain of what to do, her instinct as a follower of Lord Piedmon was telling her to take the bag and demand more, but for some reason she couldn't comprehend she didn't. " Take it, I'm serious, and thanks again for your help Sala ".

" FLUTERSHYYYYY! ". The yell was heard again, closer this time. The other party was following the same path but in opposite direction, which mean that they would be meeting soon and Salamon didn't like it. Having more ponies run into her increased the chance of been recognize as the attacker of the nearby village and in her weaker form she could only fight a few of those ponies at a time, too many of them would overpower.

Before this scenario could become true, Salamon snatched the saddle bag the yellow pony so foolishly offered, making use of her full energy and maybe some panic as incentive, Salamon rushed dead ahead without caring for dangerous animals or obstacles in the terrain, she only wanted to be away from the yellow pony and the nauseous feelings she was causing to arise in the Digimon.

She didn't stop until she found a reclusive spot near some big rocks that formed a small shelter, There Salamon dived with her price still safely clutched in her mouth. Even though the yellow pony didn't seemed to be chasing her, she didn't dare move until her heart stopped thundering like crazy.

" OVER HERE PINKIE! ". Fluttershy called out, it didn't took long before the pink form of the earth pony was visible as she bounced her way towards her with a familiar orange horned furball on her back.

" Fluttershy! ". Pinkie crossed th distance in a blink and tackled her winged friend down to the ground in happiness as the two reunited once more. " Oh! I'm glad we found you, it wasn't long but we were worried for you ".

" It, it's ok Punkie, I'm here, you found me, you found me ". Fluttershy assured her friend as she tried to untangle them. After succeeding, she heard another voice to her left.

" I'm sorry for leaving you behind Miss Fluttershy, we didn't mean to abandoning you ". Tsunomon explained with teary eyes that quickly melted the pegasus's heart.

" Is ok Tsunomon, it was me who ran away scared, I'm not valiant at all, not even a little, I wish I was like you and Pinkie, or like Sala ".

" Sala? ". Tsunomon asked.

" Oh yes! I forgot to introduce her, she's right he-uh?! ". Fluttershy found the spot she pointed at empty of puppies, or anything for that matter. She froze in confusion at the absence of the grumpy pup but Pinkie took this with her own comic way of doing things.

" Heloooo Fluttershy's friend!, My name is Pinkamina Diane Pie but my amigos just call me Pinkie, how are you doing? ". Pinkie approached the empty spot and put her right arm over the imaginary shoulder of the imaginary friend.

" I don't see anything ". Tsunomon said.

Pinkie stretched her neck impossibly long to reach the little Digimon and whisper. " Don't say that, or she'll feel dejected for calling her out on her imaginary buddy.

" Guys, I can hear you, and I'm not making it up, there was a white talking puppy with the me before you appeared, and I think she took my saddle bag with her. I found her near where I landed and she was pretty hungry, I offer her my food and I think she took it at the end and ran away ".

Pinkie adopted a thinking posture. " Imaginary hunger IS a very terrible problem, is almost impossible to fill your belly with food when your belly has no imaginary bottom ".

" Shouldn't we find her? If she's alone in the forest she may be in danger then ".

Fluttershy patted Tsunomon on the head gently as thanks for worrying and for not keeping with the ' imaginary ' stuff. " Thanks, but I think she doesn't want anypony to bother her for now, besides, we still have a mission on our hooves, there's a village that needs our help stopping this black cat ". Fluttershy said decisively.

" Are you sure? I know how much you love critters ". Pinkie asked.

" Thanks Pinkie, but I have this feeling that it won't be the last time we meet ".

" Okey dokey luckey! Implied foreshadowing noted ".

Fluttershy rolled her eyes and trotted ahead, feeling a tad more cheerful, she then noticed Tsunomon bouncing near her and she extended her wing for him to climb up, and after he did she continued forward until Pinkie caught up.

" What took you Pinkie? ".

" Just leaving an imaginary sing for your friend explaining where we were going, just in case ".

The pegasus sighed in annoyance.


Confusion, sadness, anger, fear. As the ponies of the village tried to salvage what was left of th food as well as to think how could they solve this terrible situation, their anguish flew through the air like a rich fragrance that excited the evil and the weaked to rise and prowl towards the origen of the smell, and while certain cream colored Digimon got a sniff of it, the effects of her actions stirred something completely different and far more dangerous, something out of this world, just like the Digimon herself.

From a small watering hole that dried up long ago a new liquid manifested. Thick, black and alive. It oozed up and around like tart, but soon started to move in a twisted way that made it look like possessed. Then violently, the tart shut upward and away, it fell to the ground like a formless mass of blackness, it continued to move and expand, taking form little by little until the black residue give way to white boneplates and limbs, tail and head, and finally, eyes, as red as blood. Now complete, the new creature rose on its legs and moved its tail around to feel the surroundings, the jaws opened and closed to test its strength, when the creature was well aware of its own body, it released a powerful feline roar that muted anything else nearby. The Grimm was now in the Everfree.


Author's Note:

Thanks for reading and sorry for the long waits for the chapters, Overlord Amazon demands at least 3/4 of our lives to keep up with the demand, anyway, hope you like the chapter, just so you know I have a Digimon story focused in Yamato Ishida in ' Archives of our own ' , it has mature content and focus in his life as space pilot and his relationship with Sora Takenouchi, read it if you feel like it and/or are a fan of Digimon Adventure one, I will appreciate it if you do, thanks and see ya soon!

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