• Published 4th Jun 2020
  • 1,632 Views, 17 Comments

SCP-2669 - The Thing - One-Of-Three-Names

SCP Classifications: Biohazard, Non-Euclidean Biology, Exequestrial, IK-Class Threat

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ITEM #: SCP-2669


SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: Samples of SCP-2669 are to be kept frozen and contained within sealed heat and acid-warded alloy crates. These crates are to be kept inside a standard insulated containment chamber that has been fitted with internal refrigeration equipment to keep the crates and chamber temperature no higher than -25°C. This temperature is to be maintained by no less than three (3) redundant cooling units. If at any time the temperature in the containment chamber climbs above 18°C, site-wide emergency quarantine countermeasures will be activated. The containment chamber must at minimum be equipped with at least two acid-warded security airlocks, with a quarantine containment chamber between. The quarantine chamber is to be be fit with an incineration fail-safe system for use in incapacitating instances of SCP-2669-1 or those infected with SCP-2669 during an attempted breach event.

Once every week, an agent adhering to Class-A Biohazard protocols must enter the containment chamber to inspect the crates and refrigeration units for damage or flaws (See Incident-2669-C). At no other time is anyone permitted to enter the quarantine or main containment chamber without 05 authorization. Personnel leaving containment must remain in quarantine for a minimum of thirty-six (36) hours, and submit to periodic biohazard screening and standard DNA testing protocols followed by decontamination before exiting the quarantine chamber. Failure of any one of these tests is an indicator of exposure to SCP-2669, and is grounds for immediate activation of the incineration fail-safe. Authorization for further testing must be approved by no less than two-thirds of an 05-Council vote or a #001 emergency council override.

DESCRIPTION: SCP-2669 is an extremely virulent cellular organism believed to be exequestrial in origin. SCP-2669 is able to perfectly assimilate and imitate any cell that it comes into contact with, analyzing its genetic data and storing its form and function for later recall. This ability makes it capable of covertly spreading through living tissue, eventually assimilating an infected organism entirely into disguised copies of itself without outward signs of infection. SCP-2669 is not restricted to imitating a single type of cell, and may freely rewrite its biology to become an identical copy of any cell it possesses memory of. The method SCP-2669 uses to collect and store this information is unknown.

SCP-2669 instinctively seek each other out and form colonies, clumping together and eventually becoming a multicellular organism, hereby referred to as SCP-2669-1. SCP-2669-1 forms a collective intelligence among its cells through a method believed to be similar to the way brain cells form a neural network, pooling its collected information and growing in cognitive ability the more cells are connected in this manner. SCP-2669-1's cells share their genetic memories with each other, and a genome known to a single cell becomes known to all cells connected in this way. It is unknown how much of an organism SCP-2669-1 must assimilate before it acquires a complete genome, but an analysis of SCP-2669-1's behavior suggests a small sample is not sufficient.

After assimilation of a victim's brain, SCP-2669-1 will often retain the organism's original brain pattern for camouflage and infiltration purposes. Keeping a mind intact in this way allows SCP-2669-1 access the victim's memories and instincts, as well as mimic the individual's personality perfectly. Field observation has shown that SCP-2669-1 can recall the memories of any organism it has previously assimilated, no matter its current form.

SCP-2669-1 is not restricted to mimicking a single species at a time, and has been observed combining many aspects of radically different species, freely molding its body to suit the situation or its whim. SCP-2669-1 has also demonstrated numerous other anomalous shape-shifting abilities, including: Turning into a near liquid state, generating an infectious digestive fluid, merging with other instances of SCP-2669-1, splitting into multiple smaller instances of SCP-2669-1, raising or lowering its body temperature, and spontaneously generating new orifices and limbs. One notable incident observes several large SCP-2669-1 fusing together into one massive predatory organism, which proceeded to [DATA EXPUNGED]. Inflicting damage to SCP-2669-1 can interrupt its bodily functions, temporarily forcing it into a dormant state while it repairs itself. The only confirmed method of ensuring termination is the extermination of all SCP-2669 cells.

SCP-2669-1 seems to prefer covert methods of assimilation, but will usually react violently to its true nature being exposed. Field agent accounts of encounters with SCP-2669-1 are inconsistent, with some reporting instances of SCP-2669-1 to be surprisingly docile, while other reports depict them being extremely aggressive. This suggests some manner of individuality between separate instances.

ADDENDUM-2669-A: Audio transcript of Incident-2669-A declassified.

ADDENDUM-2669-B: Containment procedures updated as of 4/69/999. Full specimens reduced to small samples, additional redundant cooling system added, additional security camera added to containment chamber.

ADDENDUM-2669-C: Incident-2669-C video transcript.

ADDENDUM-2669-D: Note From Dr. _____

Because of SCP-2669's ability to covertly consume entire town populations in mere hours, its propensity to survive even the most extreme sterilization methods and subsequent artificial winters, and its habit of assimilating itself into the power structures of any organization it sees as a threat. I think it's safe to say the reason SCP-2669 hasn't already assimilated every living thing is because it chooses not to. I know that's a terrifying idea, but the evidence we've gathered about just how ridiculously advanced and efficient this organism is, is overwhelming. We can't even scratch the outside layers of understanding this thing's biology. Half of the outbreaks we've contained have only been discovered because one of the entities deliberately revealed itself. I don't know why it's been so easy on us so far, but let's hope its charitable mood continues.

>An interesting theory Dr. _____, one warranting investigation for insight into possible limitations to SCP-2669's spread. However, please refrain from making additional unsubstantiated assertions in the future. - 05-_

ADDENDUM-2669-E: Containment procedures updated as of 1/44/2. All ongoing tests are terminated. Further tests must be authorized by two-thirds of an 05-Council vote.

ADDENDUM-2669-F: Containment procedures updated as of 1/1/3. Surveillance cameras removed from containment and quarantine chambers.

Incident-2669-A: 2/23/999, initial retrieval. See incident field report.
Incident-2669-B: _/__/999, outbreak confirmed in ___________, __ individuals confirmed assimilated. Breach neutralization uncertain.
Incident-2669-C: 4/67/999, SCP-2669 attempts to breach containment. See video transcript of incident.
Incident-2669-D: 1/15/1, positive test result in Ponyville, 1 individual confirmed assimilated. Breach contained.
Incident-2669-E: 2/38/1, outbreak confirmed in Canterlot, 5 individuals confirmed assimilated. Breach neutralized.
Incident-2669-F: _/__/1, outbreak confirmed in __________, __ individuals confirmed assimilated. Breach neutralization uncertain.
Incident-2669-G: 1/2/2, positive test result in Cloudsdale, 1 individual confirmed assimilated. Breach neutralized.
Incident-2669-H: _/__/2, [REDACTED]
Incident-2669-I: _/__/2, outbreak confirmed in ____________, ___ individuals [REDACTED].
Incident-2669-J: 3/89/2, outbreak confirmed in Crystal Empire, 9 individuals confirmed assimilated. Breach neutralized.
Incident-2669-K: _/_/3, [REDACTED]