• Published 5th Jun 2020
  • 9,093 Views, 853 Comments

Slice of Velvet and Pear - David Silver

We walk down our long roads of life, but what of the roads not taken? Twilight and Applejack are carried along a different path, where their fates were bound in new ways.

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69 - Sweet and Elite Part Two

Diamond hopped up on a box, then another. That got her high enough to peek inside where she saw Rarity looking stressed out. What about? She pressed the side of her face against the glass, ear training to catch a few words.

" Con: Twilight's party might not be as sophisticated as the Derby, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't put all of my energy into creating her birthday ensemble." Rarity paced fitfully, talking animatedly to herself about her problem.

Diamond perked. Had Rarity agreed to that? Take one's eyes off them for even one moment... She considered how to help. She sure couldn't make a dress on her own. On the other hoof... She hopped down and circled to the front door. Sometimes, direct answers were appropriate.

She knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Rarity sang out as she approached the door at a light trot. "I'm a little occupied... dear?" She faltered, opening the door to find Diamond staring at her. "Darling, what brings you around? Shouldn't you be with the others?"

"No." Diamond walked into the apartment with her head held up. "Assisting you is more important right now. You agreed to help Twilight?"

Rarity cocked a brow at the pushy filly. How had she become involved? "Darling, I appreciate the, hm, sentiment, but how do you plan to change anything?" She closed the door with her magic. "I've been invited to quite the event. I have a chance to brush against the top! But I did promise Twilight a lovely dress."

Diamond twirled on Rarity. "First, priorities. Social event with important ponies? Yeah... Everything else can wait, but you don't want to tarnish your professional image."

Rarity came further into the room, meeting Diamond. "That is... roughly correct. Little dear, I'm... impressed, and a little scared. I don't want to make Twilight sad either. She is a friend, after all."

"Right right." Diamond Tiara did not sound as pressed by that fact. "Twilight. She's a librarian. I've seen her dressed once." She held up a lone hoof for emphasis. "I am certain you designed the dress."

"I did... dear? What of it?"

Diamond rolled a hoof. "Twilight has no taste. Go for simple and easy. Tasteful, but simple. If it's a dress, she'll love wearing one, over not wearing one, and she'll feel quite fancy wearing it."

Rarity blinked at the little filly giving her fashion advice. The nerve! The gall! The worst part was that it wasn't entirely nonsense. "That... would free up time."

"Time enough to make that social event?" Diamond grinned schemingly.

Rarity joined that grin. "I think it would." She reached to draw Diamond closer. "You are a clever little thing. Now..." She pushed Diamind right out the doors that opened, glowing, just in time. "I need to get to work."

She slapped the door shut with her magic. She had a dress to make.

Rarity hesitated as she pushed Diamond Tiara out the door with her magic. The little filly's advice had been surprisingly astute, but could she really justify putting fancy parties over her friend's special day?

Rarity paced back to her work table, anxiety and indecision gnawing at her. "Oh darling, what to do?" she muttered. Diamond's words echoed in her mind - how a simple, tasteful dress for Twilight would free up ample time to attend the social event. Surely she could do both, if she rushed?

Yet the thought of showing up to Twilight's birthday wearing the same ensemble she had donned at the sophisticated soirée made Rarity cringe. True, Twilight wasn't as concerned with fashion as she was, but the scholar surely deserved to feel like the belle of the ball on her special day. Rarity paused mid-step, struck by an idea.

"Perhaps I could combine them?" She nodded eagerly at her reflection in the mirror. "A chic dress for the Derby that I can repurpose into a fab frock for Twilight afterward! It's brilliant!"

Rarity leaped into action, brainstorming gown designs that would straddle the two very different events. Something tastefully simple in color scheme and silhouette, with subtle accents that could easily be swapped to transform it. A bit of fancy trim here, an elegant sash or brooch there...

As she sketched and planned, she realized Diamond Tiara's suggestion of a simple dress for Twilight wasn't a bad one at all. The small touches she added would give it that extra dash of panache Twilight deserved, without requiring complete redesign. Rarity worked diligently through the afternoon, pleased her clever workaround would allow her to attend both engagements without sacrificing her commitment to dear friends. After all, a rising star in Canterlot's social sphere had to know how to don different hats in style.

Diamond returned to the others, nose wrinkled in mild distaste.

"I say."

Diamond looked up at the cultured voice as a colt approached her. "Do you need something?"

"Perhaps." The wealthy-looking colt appraised Diamond carefully. "My date to a little function fell through. Showing up with nopony would be quite the faux pas." He laughed a laugh of thick entitlement. "We can't have that. No no... But here you are, a pony I never saw before, and about my age! How marvelous."

Diamond scowled at him. "I remember you, but you didn't return the favor."

"Do you now?" He frowned with some thought, and it came. "Oh." He rubbed his cheek where he'd been punched before. "Oh dear. I'd rather you not strike me again."

"Don't give me a reason to." Diamond smirked at the colt, as if she was up to repeating that act again. "So you need a girl?"

"I hardly imagine you qualify." Having remembered Diamond, Silver Platter scowled at her.

"And yet..." Diamond walked around him slowly, smirk unwavering. "Sounds like you don't have a lot of choices."

Silver raised an arm across his vision. "Mercy me... I refuse to be the only one without company." He put his hooves down. "But some guidelines must be set! No violence!"

Diamond chuckled softly. "No violence against you. In return, I show up at your side, we smile, and then I get out of your mane."

Silver Platter perked up at the outlined idea. "Yes, that... sounds perfectly reasonable. Do try not to tarnish my image. You are my companion. Your actions will reflect on me."

"And on me." Diamond rolled her eyes with a toss of her mane. "I'll be good."

"One of our images is more valuable than the other." With a huffy snort, he began forward. "This way."

Diamond pursed her lips but followed Silver Platter at a measured pace. His entitled manner riled her up, yet simultaneously intrigued her. He exuded the easy confidence of old money and patrician pedigree. Clearly he was accustomed to commanding any room he entered. Yet for now he was at her mercy, grudgingly relying on a "country pony bumpkin" to avoid social embarrassment.

How the tables had turned! Diamond savored the small victory, her lips quirking in a sly grin. Silver Platter caught her expression and scowled.

"Wipe that smug look off your face," he said through gritted teeth. "You will be there to make me look good, nothing more. I don't expect country rabble like you to know how proper gentleponies behave, but do try to be less obnoxious than usual."

Fire flashed in Diamond's eyes. "Watch yourself, Silver Platter," she shot back dangerously. "I can and will walk out. Then where will you be?"

That made Silver stiffen. He glared at her a moment more before resuming his walk, his mouth pinched tight. As much as he clearly detested relying on her, the thought of showing up alone to the elite soiree filled him with dread.

"Shall we review etiquette basics so you don't completely humiliate me?" he said tersely after a minute.

Diamond smirked again but nodded. Clearly she'd have to play nice, at least on the surface. For now she would tolerate his airs and memorable slights. Her ambition demanded no less.

So she listened as he went over a thousand things she already knew. She was from a small town, but her mother didn't tolerate her not listening to much of the same endless prattles of how one simply had to behave around ponies of any importance.

That he was repeating all the same lines made her confident. Perhaps all that hadn't been entirely a waste.

Attending an event with a peer at her side, getting a chance to meet others? That trip was shaping up...

"This is... a disaster." Spike heaved for breath, the animals out of his reach. "Scamp... Owli..." But neither were paying him much mind.

They seemed far happier playing with each other in spirited bouts of tag. Owli was pretend hunting the little mouse, and neither was consistently winning the matches, but both were having a grand time, also knocking things over along the way.

Spike rubbed at the sides of his head. "This is going to take forever to clean up... Guys!" Aborting the attempt to gather the pets, he focused on cleaning up as he went. "Twilight and Moon'll be mad at both of us... Mostly me..."

Spike hurriedly put the scattered books back on shelves as he watched Scamp and Owlowiscious continue their rambunctious game of chase. The mouse was certainly bold for his size, showing no fear of the great owl swooping over him.

In fact, both pets seemed completely unfazed by the disorder they were creating. Scamp scurried up and under piles of fallen books that Owlowiscious batted playfully, sending objects flying. Clearly they saw this as more a game than work needing done.

Spike groaned. At this rate, all his tidying was in vain. But his shouted reprimands fell on deaf animal ears. How was he going to reign both pets in long enough to properly clean the library?

On an impulse, Spike made his way to the kitchen. There he grabbed a bag of rodent treats and a container of dried insects. Shaking both noisily, he reentered the main room.

"Snack time!" he called out in a tempting sing-song voice.

That got Scamp and Owlowiscious's attention! They paused their playing at once and scampered eagerly over to Spike. With the enticements of tasty treats, Spike was able to direct both pets into his bedroom for snack time.

"There, stay!" he said, quickly shutting the door behind them. With the animals preoccupied, this gave Spike precious uninterrupted minutes to tidy. He raced about, deciding to focus on fragile valuables and important documents first before general clutter. It was short lived damage control, but it was a start! Now if only he could keep both animals entertained like this until Twi and Moon got back...

Spike scrubbed his hands down his face with a groan. What had he gotten himself into volunteering for this? Still, his pride wouldn't allow him to admit defeat and reach out for help....yet. He would persevere a while longer before taking that drastic measure!

Spike took a deep, steadying breath as he surveyed the library's disarray. Though daunting, this was his chance to prove his maturity and capability both to himself and to those he cared about. No more being viewed as the baby dragon who constantly needed supervision!

Gritting his teeth with renewed determination, Spike strode purposefully toward his next cleaning task. As he worked, his thoughts turned fondly toward his friends in Canterlot. Though he wished he could be there too for Twilight's birthday festivities, picturing their excitement and joy brought a smile to his face.

And, of course, his mind drifted dreamily to Diamond Tiara. His ambitious, fiery filly who never ceased to surprise him. Spike chuckled imagining what trouble she might be stirring up among Canterlot's upper crust. He couldn't wait to hear all about her big city adventures later!

The very thought of her filled Spike with bubbly happiness. And pride too - he, a dragon, was dating one of the most popular fillies back in Ponyville! Sure, some ponies questioned if they were really compatible, but Spike knew Diamond Tiara cared for him in her own way.

Their relationship gave him confidence and purpose. He wanted to be the best gentledrake possible for her. To stand tall among Canterlot's elite if that's where Diamond's ambitions took her, supporting his gem no matter what. Spike grinned goofily. Yup, his lucky dragon claws sure clutched a prize in that one!

Bolstered by his driving motivations, Spike pushed through the evening's chaos with scrappy perseverance. He could do this - he woulddo this! Then maybe next time, he'd get to join the Canterlot excursion too.

Author's Note:

This episode is going places! Problems shortcut, and new ones arising.

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