• Published 5th Jun 2020
  • 7,308 Views, 253 Comments

Discord's Pride - AkumaKami64

Sick of his powers coming up short, Discord decides it is time to reclaim his title as the most powerful being in the world.

  • ...

Chapter 5

There is an old question about magic shields. When they were first created, they were stronger, but no one would ever create a dome shield. This was because, at first, no one had figured out how to allow air to pass through the shield. Once it was discovered how to overcome this issue, shields were a bit weaker, but no one would suffocate within their own defenses. Most wielders of defensive spells still knew how to make the original versions, if they might have to worry about poisonous gases or something similar

But wind was air. Yet wind could be strong enough to hurt or even kill creatures.

So the question became, if a shield remained inert until damage was inflicted, at what point did wind itself become strong enough that it counted as being damaging?

Twilight wasn't sure, but she was very glad that Discord's shield protected against wind right now.

The Pony of Shadows was struck down by a meteor roughly the same size as the villain. When it made impact with the ground, the shockwave from it could be felt from miles away, a huge column of wind and dust rushing over the mountains and the valley, parting around the shielded group of ponies and one dragon.

"Well! That was something!" Spike yelled over the howling noise of the wind.

"He summoned a meteorite! Why am I surprised? I shouldn't be surprised, but I am!" Twilight stated in disbelief.

"A meteor-what?!" Flash Magnus asked, dumbfounded.

"Basically a falling star!" Sunburst answered as a quick explanation.

"Anypony else getting a might bit worried!?" Applejack asked, swallowing deeply. "I mean, this rodeo is getting a tad big in terms of how much they're wrecking the place."

"I'm not surprised. Discord never did give much thought to those caught in the wake of his mayhem," Somnambula stated with a frown.

"You're saying this, while sitting behind the magic mega-shield he made for us," Rainbow pointed out with a deadpan, her fellow pegasus grimacing while choosing not to retort to that.

Rockhoof leaned down to talk to Starswirl. "I'm not so sure your limbo spell would work against either of them now, Stars," he stated, grim and quiet.

"I fear you might be correct, my old friend," Starswirl agreed under his voice, glancing to those born in these bizarre times. "And I fear that, in the Chaos Lord's case, we will find little aid in this era."

"How strange," Mistmane mused. "This world seems so bright, so hopeful in the places we searched, yet it is a world where a tyrant like Discord runs free and is claimed as an ally among ponies."



That was all Stygian knew now.

His majestic form of shadows had been burned by the light of a star and crushed under its might. His very form oozed as it struggled to recover. His entire left side was liquefied, pooling around him with only the semblance of legs remaining. The wing was just some lanky, twisted, slimy...thing now.

His vision clouded in by smoke and dust. How ironic, for the Pony of Shadows.

There was a snap.

All of the smoke and debris still in the air turned to a stark white grains, falling to the earth like a deathly snowfall.

And floating just above him was the Draconequus himself.

"How...," Stygian swallowed his own gurgling voice, struggling to stand as his own mass pooled beneath him. "How considerate of you, Lord Discord," he said scathingly. "To contain the fallout of our conflict."

Discord didn't say anything, just let him speak.

"Much has changed, if you are being mindful...of such pathetic and fragile creatures," Stygian rambled, limping forward. He chuckled. It was broken, almost madden even. "Of course...of course, that would lead to one question."

Discord narrowed his gaze.

Stygian could feel it on his skin.

Not on his shadowy body, on his flesh and blood beneath his true coat.

The ire of a God.

"Why were you so careful..." Stygian continued. "A thousand years ago?"


Then a hum.

A stroke of the beard.

"I could give you a million reasons, Stygian, all conjured up by so many that wondered the same thing. Immortals and mortals alike, all trying to grasp the logic in my head," Discord started idly, waving his talons.

Stygian coiled warily as he saw the sand churn and rise, forming into a thousand and one statues: Alicorns, Ponies, Changelings, Yaks, Dragons, Cyclopes, Kirin, Griffons, Hippogriffs, and so many more. Each was detailed, unique.

He recognized some of them; Princess Platinum, Smart Cookie, Commander Hurricane, a Griffon Warrior-Prince, a dragon mage, a diamond dog ranger.


"Many are under the strange illusion that Death is too stagnant or orderly," Discord continued, snorting. "Pathetic. Death is the most chaotic part of life. Suddenly, someone is gone, and the living are left to try and adapt, to fill the void. The filling of a vacuum is among the purest forms of chaos. The right death can spark a war, break a nation."

A statue dissolved into dust. And then a hundred more did.

"I am well aware," Stygian seethed.

Discord continued on, ignoring him. "Others believe I actually have a moral issue with it. Or perhaps I just don't do it because they think I can't bring back the dead," Discord said with a chuckle. "Oh, how simple you impermanent creatures are."

"I suppose that would be the answer? We amuse you too much?" Stygian guessed bitterly.

Discord laughed, and green lightning ripped apart a mountain from beneath, leaving it to crumble.

"You are the only amusing thing here, Stygian," Discord stated, his humor melting into a dark scowl. "No, I have a very simple reason for not killing any creature: I refuse."

"You refuse. To do what? Get your limbs dirty?" Stygian questioned as his legs reformed.

"No, no," Discord said with a deep breath, his eyes gleaming with wrath. "I refuse to give it to you, to anyone! The satisfaction of thinking I, in all my power, was pushed to kill a so-called foe! To kill one is to acknowledge their power."

Discord held up his lions paw, holding a ball of intense whiteness.

"I refuse to give you that acknowledgement, Stygian, Pony of Shadows!"

Stygian roared in futile defiance as his wings snapped back into proper form before launching himself up at the Draconequus.

Discord didn't even move, the statues all coming to life and leaping forth to grab the struggling creature of darkness. The Pony of Shadows roared as he sent out a great beam of darkness.

Discord held out the orb, the beam struggling against the air around it before bouncing off the sphere, cleaving into the ground and a mountain behind him.

"Well, I'm officially bored," Discord remarked, vanishing.

No snap, no teleport, just gone.

Stygian struggled against his bonds, before Discord appeared behind him and forced the white orb into the mock-Alicorn's backside. Stygian screamed as he felt the weight, the heaviness and the extreme pressure on a planetary scale crushing onto his body.

"W-what are you doing?!" Stygian screamed in agony.

Discord didn't answer, pushing the orb closer as the shadow body was pushed away by the waves of pressure pushing against it, wearing away until the body of a unicorn was visible.

Discord smirked as he vanished the orb, the now-free hand lurching forward to grab Stygian while his other hand grabbed the body of darkness around them. With one great pull, he tore Stygian from it and the host-less mass of shadow screamed and squealed in agony as it dissolved into a formless shape.

Stygian weakly coughed up blood as he hung by his cloak in Discord's grasp. The Lord of Chaos snorted even as he gave minor healing to the betrayed traitor, ensuring he would not die.

The world spun by them, and when it stopped, Discord was standing behind their audience. "I hope you enjoyed the show."

They all turned around in shock, some even fright, as he tossed the unconscious unicorn at their hooves.

"He'll live," Discord answered the obvious question, crossing his arms.

"Discord, that...that was...incredible!" Starlight said in awe. "Absolutely terrifying, but incredible!"

"Yeah, that was more epic than Twilight's fight with Tirek!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"Discord, I believe as a princess, I'm formally obligated to say thank you for not letting that mushroom cloud spread," Twilight said with relief.

Discord smirked rather proudly at that.

"Yep, its still Discord," Applejack remarked, glancing down at the grey pony. "So, this is him?"

"Yes, this is him," Starswirl said with a scowl as the Pillars approached the form of their former friend.

"He looks just like he used to," Somnambula stated sadly.

"What do we do about that though?" Flash Magnus asked, pointing out the mass of shadows still in Discord's claws.

"I'm sure the Lord of Chaos has some plan for it," Mistmane remarked neutrally.

"Only if you count dinner as a plan," Discord answered, holding up the mass with a smirk.

"What do you mean...Dinner?" Spike asked cautiously.

"Well, you see, I don't kill," Discord stated, his smirk turning sly. "Buuuut this isn't really alive, sooooo..."

Everyone reeled back in shock as Discord opened his mouth and bit into the mass of shadows. It didn't scream, but it clearly struggled as Discord forced it into his mouth, swallowing it more like a drink than a solid, pushing the last bit in with a satisfied sigh.

His shadow grew notably darker.

"Okay, I take it back, that was terrifying!" Starlight self-corrected.

"Still kind of awesome though," Rainbow admitted.

"Discord, you're my best-friend," Fluttershy said before shivering. "But even I thought that was a bit, well, freaky."

Discord shrugged. "Look, I figured my belly is a better sealed can for evil than anything else mortals have tried. I'm betting I can hold it in for at least ten thousand years before I forget not to let it out the backdoor," he stated blatantly.

"...I can't tell if he's joking or not, and I am very concerned," Sunburst remarked with wide eyes, all of them looking just a tad green from that mental imagery.

"So, what do we do with him?" Rarity questioned, motioning to the former Pony of Shadow. "We normally don't have villains around after we defeat them."

"Yeah, usually they get blasted away, or turned into shadows, or turned into sto-" Pinkie Pie started, stopping to look at Discord owlishly.

"No, on, it's fine, I'm calm," Discord assured, glancing up in the sky to see the scar in the sky was still there. He casually plucked it out of the sky, turning it into a sparkle toothpick of blue and purple that he used to picked at the shadows stuck in his teeth. "And you don't do anything with Stygian."

"What?" Starswirl asked with a scowl. "You want us to let this traitor go free!?"

"You passing that along to you-know-who as well?" Starlight whispered to Twilight, who scowled, glaring at both her student and then her idol… who was steadily becoming her former idol.

"Stygian isn't a traitor, you dolts," Discord said with an eye roll.

"Discord, what do you mean?" Starlight asked, wondering if her theory was true.

"I've been telling you all from the start," Discord said blandly as he picked at his teeth to get the shadows out of them. "Nightmare Moon knockoff."

The Pillars didn't get it, neither did Sunburst or Starlight. But, all at once, the other six ponies and one dragon groaned.

"You have got to be bucking me," Spike grumbled, swiping a claw over his face.

"You, no, but maybe your mother," Discord answered with a snort.

"Classy," Rainbow remarked. "But seriously? Again?"

"Any idea what they're on about?" Rockhoof asked.

"No idea," Meadowbrook confessed.

"Like student, like teachers," Discord stated with a headshake. "Speaking of whom, we're done here. Drei, Deux, Dala'a!" Discord declared, swiping his claws threw the air.

"Woooooo!" Rainbow exclaimed as the world rushed by them until they were outside the Castle of Friendship again. She blinked, looking around to see that no one had fallen over, even if some had stumbled. "Huh, I guess we're getting used to this."

"Or Discord is getting smoother with it," Spike suggested with a shrug.

"Yes, well, you still haven't given us a reason for why Stygian should be pardoned," Starswirl stated firmly.

"Even without the Pony of Shadows, he could still be a threat," Somnambula pointed out regretfully. "We imprisoned him for a reason."

"Suuuure you did," Discord said with an eye roll.

"Somepony really needs to fill them in," Rainbow remarked.

"And us?" Starlight commented.

"We're a bit lost too," Sunburst pointed out with a head tilt.

"If you know something, just be done with it and tell us," Starswirl demanded in annoyance.

"He's saying you done bucked up," Applejack answered flatly. "And that ya'll are probably the ones that ended up betraying Stygian."

"...What!?" Flash Magnus asked in disbelief. "That's a lie! He stole our artifacts to!"


Every head looked to Discord.

"Why exactly did you think he took them?" Discord asked with a malicious gleam in his eye.

Starswirl snorted. "Because he was envious and wanted to-!"


"Finally," Discord grumbled as everypony turned to Stygian as he struggled to stand up, his head wobbling and his legs shakey.

"Stygian?" Somnambula asked in a mixture of hope and despair.

He struggled to stare at them with lost eyes, with more pain than any beating could create. "I...hated...sitting back, watching you all...not for the glory, but because...my friends were in danger...and I couldn't...do anything," Stygian admitted weakly.

Starswirl looked at his old friend with wide, wide eyes.

"I just wanted...to make my own power...to be able to join you...properly, to help," Stygian confessed, smiling tiredly as he stepped forward with tears in his eyes. "It's...been a long time...since I saw you all...with my own eyes..."

He collapsed, out cold, but he was caught by Mistmane's magic as she laid him down. The Old Pillars gathered around the injured form of their wronged friend.

"He was...we actually were..." Magnus whispered with haunted eyes. "I was...so sure."

"We all were," Rockhoof agreed.

"Too sure," Mistmane whispered. "Too quick to assume the worst in our best."

"Irony," Discord said, having walked over to the other group of ponies. "They jumped the gun, and the breaking of their friendship created the Tree of Harmony," Discord mused.

"That's not irony. That's just sad," Twilight said with a scowl. "I can't believe they did that."

"Not to point tails, but that wasn't too different from the Canterlot Wedding," Discord remarked.

"Wedding?" Starlight asked.

"Don't ask. Ever. Especially around Princess Cadence and Captain-Prince Shining Armor," Sunburst advised.

"Thinking I'm ruining my brother's wedding over pettiness is a LOT different than thinking I've turned evil because I stole something," Twilight countered in their defense.

"Like I said, not pointing tails," Discord said uncaringly. "By the way?"

Twilight blinked, feeling Discord tap her on her shoulder, causing her to look up. "Hmm?"

"You dropped this," Discord said, tossing her something.

Twilight caught it instinctively, eyes wide as saw what it was.

A microphone.

"Twilight! We got your letter, and-BY HARMONY, STARSWIRL!?"


The Princess of Friendship didn't even turn as she heard Princess Celestia and Luna arrive with a small group of guards.

"Celestia?!" Several of the pillars exclaimed in disbelief.

The group native to the present stared on at the happy reunion, the Alicorns of Day and Night rushing to embrace each of the pillars, Luna nearly taking down Rockhoof and Flash Magnus, hugging them both with one hoof.

"Haha, you've gotten strong, Moony!" Rockhoof praised.

"Celestia, you're so big and-!" Starswirl stopped, scrutinizing the eldest.

"...what did you do to your mane?" Meadowbrook asked in genuine confusion.

Celestia laughed genuinely, tears of happiness in her eyes.

"Discord, fella, I'm with you on this, but...The Princesses don't deserve to have this ruined," Applejack said under her breath.

"Yeah, as annoying as they've kind of been, it'd be meaner to those two than Beardo," Rainbow said uncomfortably.

"No, they don't, but I don't think Stygian deserved to get turned on so easily," Twilight muttered.

"Twilight?" Rarity asked in surprise and concern.

"Box is in your bar, Twilight," Discord answered with a shrug.

"So, what happen? And- Holy Horn of Aperion! Discord!?" Celestia exclaimed, doing a double take at the Chaos God.

"Discord?" Luna said, tilting her head at him.

"Yo," Discord greeted with a wry smirk, leaning against the crystal walls of the castle exterior.

The Luna Diarch teleported over to him, eyeing his form up and down. "Why in Tartarus are you bigger? Sister, my eyes aren't deceiving me, he is bigger, yes?" Luna asked in surprise.

"Yes, he certainly is," Celestia observed with a curious frown. "Where have you been, Discord?"

"Within and throughout the interior parts of the world," Discord answered dryly, which answered no one's questions at all.

"So, it's actually true?" Starswirl asked with a trouble scowl. "You both actually defeated and released Discord the Draconequus?"

Celestia winced and sighed as she turned to her teacher. "Many things have changed while you were gone, Teacher," Celestia said vaguely.

Twilight turned to Princess Luna, leaning to her ear. "Princess, there's something you should know..."

"Hmm, what is it, Twilight Sparkle?" Luna asked curiously, listening intently.

Twilight was about to elaborate when Luna caught the downed figure on the ground. "Wait, is that...Stygian? I thought he became the Pony of Shadows?"

Flash Magnus nodded sadly. "Yes. Though, it seems that we were mistaken about the situation," he explained as Twilight began to whisper to Luna.

"The Mad God kept referring to it as a...Nightmare Moon knockoff? I'm not sure what the last word implies," Mistmane stated, blinking as she saw Celestia's eyes go wide and pale. "Celestia, are you alright?"

Celestia snapped out of it, shaking her head and abruptly turning to face her sister's location- only to freeze as Luna was now staring at Starswirl with a rigid posture, wide glistening eyes, and a tremble around her mouth.

"Luna?" Starswirl asked in concern.

"Luna, wait-" Celestia started only for her sister to vanish in a flash of magic. Celestia grimaced, sighing before leveling Discord a glare. "Discord, what did you do?"

Twilight opened her mouth, but Discord beat her to it. "Sorry, old habits," Discord apologized insincerely, Twilight and everyone giving him looks of surprise.

"What Did You Do To Her, You Cur!" Starswirl demanded with his horn bright.

Discord looked unimpressed. "All she heard was the truth."

"No more riddles-!" Starswirl started.

"Nightmare Moon!" Twilight spoke up loudly. "Was the name Luna went by, when she was a villain."

"...What?" Starswirl asked in disbelief, turning to Celestia as his coat seemed to lose color.

"Celestia, say it ain't so?" Meadowbrook asked softly.

"Yeah, Luna would never do that. Right?" Magnus asked imploringly.

Celestia's face twisted in sadness. "Yes, it's true. Due to my own failings, Luna fell into madness for a time," she said with deep regret.

Starswirl fell onto his rear in shock, the whole world spinning for him as his vision began to blur, so many of his own words circling in his head.

"Starswirl? What's wrong? You look like you've seen a windigo?" Celestia asked in concern.

"I believe...I believe I've made a grave mistake, Celestia," Starswirl said sadly. "Please...we need to get Stygian to the palace. He might need medical attention."

"Of course. Twilight, girls. I'm sorry to leave so quickly-" Celestia started.

"We understand, Princess," Twilight assured with a small smile. "Go, I'm sure Princess Luna needs you."

Celestia nodded as her guards began loading Stygian and the non-flying members of the pillars into the chariot.

Starswirl gave one last look to the group in front of the castle, Twilight giving him a cold, neutral stare as he climbed aboard before the chariot left for Canterlot with tears he tried to hide.

"Like a filly," Discord muttered with dark satisfaction.

"I get it, he deserves it? But seriously, not cool," Rainbow said with a headshake.

"Twilight, did you really have to...?" Fluttershy asked softly.

"You told me once being nice and being kind isn't the same thing, Fluttershy," Twilight said with a scowl. "I'm not sure if this was kind or cruel for the princesses, but...I don't feel like being nice right now."

"I'm kind of with Twilight. Timing was horrible, but I think that's on Discord," Applejack remarked. "That old bag of horns needed a reality check."

"Still, Discord?" Twilight said, looking up at him in surprise. "You didn't need to do that, taking the blame like that."

Discord shrugged. "I'm the Lord of Chaos, Twilight, not Cruelty. No need for you and Sunny to get in a spat tonight. Blaming me is a lot simpler. You ponies expect me to do stuff like this."

"Well, aren't you the sweetheart all of a sudden?" Rarity commented in amusement.

"I wrecked her castle, it seemed like a good form of compensation," Discord mused.

Twilight smiled a bit in gratitude. "I appreciate it, Discord, but I don't plan on lying if this comes up again."

Discord just hummed without interest.

"So..." Starlight started slyly. "You covering for her wasn't part of the plan to buck Spike's mom?"

Twilight blinked and blushed pink as she caught on.

"Oh, I can't believe I missed that," Spike said with a headshake.

"Eh, I could see it sailing," Pinkie Pie said with a grin.

"Discord and Princess Twilight?" Sunburst said with wide eyes. "The offspring would be terrifying. Brilliant, but terrifying."

"That'd be true for any of her spawns," Discord agreed with a chuckle.

"I hate all of you," Twilight said half-heartedly as the girls giggled. "And Discord, you're not helping!"

"I already helped. A lot. Now I'm here to mock," Discord said with a shrug. "You know, unless you have a better way to entertain me?"

Twilight blushed harder at the implications and blurted out the first thing that came to mind. "D-don't you have Fluttershy for that?!"

Fluttershy blushed, hoof over her mouth. "Oh my."

Discord leveled Twilight with a stare. "What are you implying about Fluttershy, Twilight?" he asked warningly.

"N-nothing, just that you both are r-really close and have a lot of time tog-together alone and-" Twilight stopped as Discord raised a talon. "Can I at least have a head-start?"

"You have thirteen seconds," Discord granted.

Twilight vanished in a flash of purple.

"Discord, you can't hurt your friends for misspeaking," Fluttershy said scoldingly.

"Oh, I know. I just wanted to scare her. Well, happy Twilight Hunting girls," Discord said cheekily.

"Wait, what?" Rarity and Applejack asked in surprise.

"What are we in trouble for?" Rainbow asked, crossing her forelegs.

"Oh please, this isn't trouble. It's a Tuesday for all of you," Discord said dismissively as he reached down to pick up Fluttershy and Spike. "Now come on you two, I need to see which of you has a better poker face."

Everypony watched as Discord disappeared into the castle with Fluttershy and Spike.

"Yay, Twilight Hunting! First one to find her gets a free treat from Sugar Cube Corner!" Pinkie Pie declared before pronking away.

"Twilight Hunting?" Sunburst asked with a quirked brow. "This is actually a thing?"

"About once a month now, yes," Starlight assured sheepishly.

"Yeah, now its once a month, newbie," Rainbow said with a snort as she started to fly off.

Sunburst looked to Starlight strangely. "And these are the friends you made after you stopped being a power mad dictator?"

"Believe me, I have made that observation many times."

Author's Note:

There we go, the end of that battle, and we get to see canon derail after this. Hope you all enjoyed how this fight went.

And Discord ATE the Shadows. Lovely imagery.

Hope you all had better holidays than I did...

Well, until next time.