• Published 14th Jun 2020
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Devil May Cry: The Brothers’ Mission - darkstone57

The Sons of Sparda were given a job to do together but were separated before it began. Now, Vergil ventures alone to complete the task at hand whilst Dante wagers war against the leader of the Demons. Will they succeed?

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Prologue: Part 3

Devil May Cry: The Brothers’ Mission

By Darkstone57

Prologue: Part 3

The ball of white light appeared once more in a new location, a cave that, given the roots hanging from the ceiling, was underground.

The entrance of the cave had been sealed off and the only other thing to find in the cave, before the ball of light appeared, was a great tree. The tree was unlike any other, it’s whole form was made of a light blue crystal. It held a glow that illuminated all things in the cave, such as the gems rooted into the walls and the rocks surrounding it.

When the ball of light faded, only Vergil was there, slumped down on all fours gasping for air. The Yamato resting on the ground next to him.

After several moments of regaining what little strength he had left, Vergil tried to get to one knee, grasping his weapon with his right and using the Yamato scabbard as a means of raising himself up. That at the moment was enough as he used the time to take in the new surroundings.

When he looked in the direction opposite of the tree, he could immediately tell what was beyond the wall. Demonic energy, it was faint but it was certainly there, outside of the cave.

Vergil then turned his head to look at the tree itself, the sight left him perplexed and in awe. He was used to seeing all kind of things human and demonic but never had he come across that radiated such energy that he could best describe as ‘pure.’ The more he observed its crystal structure, the more certain he felt that he couldn’t identity even a scrap of demonic power.

But, he did sense another presence coming from the tree. Given what he had just went through, he knew who it was and called out to the tree, “Faust…” Vergil spoke out, with heavy breaths in-between, “What happened?”

“Please, try not to force yourself.” Faust’s voice called out from the tree, worried for the brother she could save. “I’ll explain what happened.”

Vergil said nothing and merely waited for her to continue.

“After Astaroth used his magic to electrocute you, I tried to strike him with my own magic. Your brother,” Faust paused for a moment before she recalled solemnly, “He used his powers to severely wound Asaroths hold on you.”

Vergil’s grip on his scabbard tightened slightly at the news.

“He then told me to take you and escape.”

Vergil looked down, frustrated by it all. The idea of him being taken advantage in a weakened state in such a cowardly manner and rendered incapable to retaliate was something that angered him deeply.

“Your brother, Dante, did have a message for you though.” Faust spoke up after a moment of silence.

Vergil didn’t look at the tree but replied, “And what would that be?”

“He said, ‘Not to be late to the party.’”

Taking in those words, Vergil couldn’t help but shake his head and chuckle. And, though no one could see it, Faust was to surprised to hear him laugh.

Eventually, Vergil strenuously got to his feet and exhaled a heavy breath. “Of course he did.” Vergil commented.

As he stood, closed his eyes and began to contemplate all the information he knew of what had transpired. The idea of a demon gaining the means of free the being that his father fought all those years ago was something he knew he and Dante would not allow.

‘Dante…’ Vergil quietly said in his mind. The message that he was given by Faust was something that he knew Dante would say to him. Taking that into account, he knew what he had to do.

He then took a couple of steps closer to the tree and looked at it with conviction as he firmly said, “Faust, I hereby accept your request.”

If Vergil could see her now, her smile was bright and her eyes shone with newfound hope at the sound of his words.

“Thank you, Vergil. I am truly grateful.” Faust replied contently. “Please, let me help you before I explain in detail of what must be done.”

Before Vergil could even blink a golden magic circle appeared around his feet, which then covered him head to toe in a golden light.

In that one moment, Vergil was surprised to feel completely refreshed. The cuts and bruises he had received were healed, and found he had the strength to stand fully without any effort.

He brought up his free hand up to before his face and observed that his limb movement had no pain to them whatsoever, even being able to make a fist.

To make certain of this, he calmly closed his and then he effortlessly switched hands that held the Yamato, with a light toss. Then, when the scabbard was in his left, he grabbed the hilt of the sword with his right, turned away from the tree and swiftly drew the blade to point at the ground ahead of him. The action was faster than any normal being could register, which Vergil was from at all and sword was just over half as long as Vergil was tall.

He then quickly turned back around, brining the blade to his side before deftly twirling the sword in his fingers and methodically sheathing it into the scabbard.

Taking in that familiar sensation once again, Vergil took a slow deep breath before opening his eyes to turn his attention to the tree once more.

“Thank you, Faust.” Vergil said, genuinely grateful.

“You’re very welcome.” Faust replied gently.

“So, can you tell me what you know?” Vergil inquired.

“Of course,” Faust began, “As I mentioned early, the demons that have infested my world have attained a great power to open up portals to demon realm around my world. The power in question used to belong to this tree.”

“This tree is that powerful?” Vergil inquired as he looked upon the outline of the tree once more.

“Indeed. See the markings upon the tree?” Faust asked rhetorically as Vergil saw what she was pointing out. Above the trunk were two symbols and five were donned on the end of five separate branches that were connected to a large star like symbol in the centre. “These are symbols of the Elements of Harmony and the symbols of my two daughters…” Faust stated solemnly.

Vergil looked beneath the star once more and saw the two symbols in question. A sun and a crescent moon with a star.

“In times of crisis, the Elements of Harmony are used by its bearers to put a stop to any evil that intends to do harm to my world. And my daughters are like myself, a unique race of pony known as an Alicorn that holds tremendous power.”

“And the demons are using their power in a twisted way to charge the portals to hell.” Vergil added, his right hand resting against his chin in thought.

“Correct,” Faust continued, “I can faintly sense all of them and I fear that have also taken captive of another alicorn and are using their power for the same purpose as well.” Faust commented with dread.

“If they have that many portals opened are using to fuel the means to free Mundus, then they’re accelerating the process.” Vergil said, detesting the notion.

“Once you step out of this cave, you should be able to see where the portals are coming from. I can’t pinpoint exactly where they are, due to demonic energy swallowing the air but there are denser areas. I surmise that’s where they’ll be.”

“What about your ken when I have retrieved them?” Vergil asked.

“I already have something in mind for that.” Faust replied with an assured tone.

The ground in front of the tree began to move slightly as crystal root began to grow quickly out of the ground that bloomed into a pink flower. In the centre of the flower, was a amulet held by a crystal chain. The amulet in question was shape of a sun that formed around a crescent moon with a star in the centre.

“This amulet is the symbol of Equestria, my world. It is connected to the Tree and with it when you have freed my little ponies from their confines, the amulet will respond to their presence and warp them to a small realm that belongs in the tree. They will be safe here with me.” Faust explained, calmly and firmly. “When you have retrieved all of them, I will be able to help them charge the tree and allow it to create a powerful wave of harmonious energy, wiping out the demons and undoing the damage they have done in one fell swoop.”

“And will you be able to communicate with me through the amulet?” Asked Vergil.

“Certainly.” Faust replied softly before adding, “I wish I could help you more, but I am no longer of this world and can merely watch from the realm of the Tree of Harmony.”

“So, you are a spirit.” Vergil said, acknowledging what he had thought she meant from when she spoke to him and Dante before.

“Yes…” Faust confirmed. “I am sorry.”

“It’s fine.” Vergil said, slightly reassuring her. “I will see to it that the mission is done, that you have my word.” He proclaimed proudly as he took the amulet, put the chain over his head and placed the symbol under his turtleneck.

“The wall opposite the tree is an illusion, made to keep the demons from ever entering this cave. You will be able to step through it.” Faust stated.

“Then, let us make haste.” Vergil replied as he walked toward entrance with purpose.

In the past, Vergil would have been hesitant to take upon such a task with ease, he would’ve relented stubbornly, not caring of what would’ve become of this world.

Now, Vergil knows he has the means and the power to complete the task asked of him, more importantly he knew at the end of it all he would come face to face with Astaroth once more. With or without Dante, Vergil would aim his blade and drive it through Astaroths’ to make him pay for what he did.

With the goals of the mission set in his mind, Vergil stepped through the wall to the outside.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

It begins.

Thanks for reading.

Kind Regards, Darkstone57