• Published 23rd Jun 2020
  • 1,280 Views, 26 Comments

Truth Over Dare - SunTwi06

While caring for Sweetie Belle, Rarity learns a little secret her sister is reluctant to share.

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Sisterly Love

“Sweetie Belle, time to get up, darling…”

The sing voice of her older sister stirred Sweetie Belle beneath the sheets of the bed, but she wasn’t fully awake or at least she didn’t want to be.

“I don’t wanna…” Sweetie Belle moaned.

Standing by the door to the guest room, Rarity sighed as she looked over her younger sister. Once more, Rarity was asked to babysit for her sister while her mother and father were away, only this time it was for their anniversary. This gave the sisters a chance to spend time together yet here Sweetie was, nearly sleeping through the whole day. Especially considering it was Monday, Sweetie would be ready for school by now.

“A year and a half of complete chaos, and always being alert still hasn’t changed you in the slightest,” Rarity replied, shaking her head.

The figure of her little sister sat up, the bedsheets covering her top. As she sat up, the sheets fell forward and before Rarity’s eyes Sweetie Belle wasn’t as ‘little’ as she used to be. She had grown significantly older, her hair was longer, a few inches taller in height, and her voice was a slight deeper, more mature.

“Kind of spent my years sleeping in…” Sweetie responded, despondently.

Even when Sweetie Belle was younger, she’d always find some excuse to skip school. Ms. Cheerilee, her old elementary school teacher, eventually caught on to her and naturally she was steered straight. But today, however, Sweetie Belle seriously did not feel well, if her facial expression didn’t give it away. But still she tried to get up, missing school because she overslept was not going to cut it.

“Well, do make yourself presentable,” Rarity said, leaving the room. “Breakfast will be ready in five.”

It took quite an effort, but Sweetie Belle eventually stood up, tossing the sheets aside. She slowly approached the mirror on her bedroom door and took a good look at herself. To say she was a mess was putting things too lightly. Her hair stuck out in wide angles, her eyes were swollen, and as she placed the back of her hand against her forehead, her skin felt so hot as if it were on fire. And her mind, she tried to recall how she ended up this way.


It happened just the other night, Sunday evening. A storm was brewing, Sweetie Belle and her friends, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, ended up trapped in their old treehouse. It’s funny looking back how it stood the test of time all those years, albeit adding a few extra planks every so often to keep it together. That night, the wooden shack provided a roof over their heads and shelter from the rain, but the storm continued for hours. The girls knew they’d be fine because it was mostly heavy rains and a strong breeze, not a rumble of thunder was heard, or a bolt of lightning could be seen.

After a while, the girls had gotten frightfully bored and so they decided to pass the time by playing a game of ‘Truth or Dare’. As luck would have it, Sweetie Belle’s turn had come up and she chose dare. For her dare, Scootaloo challenged her… To run out of the treehouse and jump into the stormy waters from the pouring rain. Knowing as per the rules, Sweetie Belle couldn’t deny a dare and she had to go through with it.

So, that’s exactly what Sweetie Belle did, she remembered jumping out of that treehouse and splashing into the puddle soaking her clothes. The water itself was neither too rough or too cold, it was a summer day and the rainwater was actually warmer, if not lukewarm. It was only a couple minutes or so, Sweetie didn’t keep track of that part, she was forced to wear wet clothes the rest of the day or at least until the rain stopped. By that time, the sun was setting, and her two friends left after having a good laugh.

When she had got back to Rarity’s, who was too busy with her latest fashion project, Sweetie snuck her way to the guest room, retreated to the closet, and pulled out her usual white dress and placed her wet clothes in the hamper. Course, Sweetie had to act fast and clear the rainwater that dripped on the floor because Rarity would eventually notice, if the muddy shoes Sweetie didn’t take off before coming in gave it away.

As she attempted to comb her hair, at the very least make it more respectable, Sweetie Belle thought back and immediately regretted her choice against Scootaloo’s dare. Then again, it’s not as if Sweetie Belle picked truth that it would’ve gone any better. She cared for her friends, that much she knew for certain, but there was some things she’d rather not share with just anybody because she felt no one would understand her.


Sweetie Belle stumbled into the kitchen, rather sluggish, and took her seat at the table. Her sister had already sat down, having set some plates for Sweetie Belle and herself. While Rarity ate, Sweetie Belle, on the other hand, merely ran a fork through her breakfast as if she weren’t in the mood to eat. Not like Sweetie Belle was doing so out of spite or malice, but for some reason she just didn’t feel hungry.

Only a few minutes passed, Rarity had finished her breakfast and was getting ready to clear the table. After collecting her own dish and utensils, she crossed the table to pick up Sweetie Belle’s plate, only to notice that all of her food was still on the plate.

“Sweetie Belle, is anything the matter?” Rarity asked.

“Mm… I’m not really sure,” Sweetie Belle moaned.

Rarity placed the back of her hand along Sweetie’s forehead, and reeled back, not because it was burning, but surprising how warm it felt.

“My word, Sweetie dear. You’re burning up! How long were you girls out last night?”

“Stupid Scootaloo…” Sweetie muttered, shaking her head. “Never listening to her again.”

Rarity just looked at her sister, rightfully confused. It wasn’t quite the answer Rarity was asking for, it was rather vague even coming from her own sister. But she decided not to question the matter for the time being after what her sister must have been through. Sweetie Belle, on the other hand, wondered why she didn’t just pick ‘truth’ as if choosing ‘dare’ meant there was more for her to prove.

“Why don’t you go back upstairs, Sweetie?” Rarity suggests, taking her plate away. “Don’t worry, I’ll call your teacher and let her know you’re not feeling well. Better to have a day off to rest, before doing anything reckless.”

“Thanks sis…”

Sweetie Belle smiled weakly, she wanted to be more grateful, but she was just feeling so miserable. For now, Sweetie got up from her chair and climbed her way upstairs to the bedroom. She slipped the dress over her body and changed into some more casual clothes, a sleeveless white shirt, and some pink shorts with red candy hearts before flopping back into bed. With so little energy and feeling so weak, it wasn’t hard for Sweetie to feel comfortable, practically sinking into the mattress. Her eyes couldn’t focus on anything except staring at the ceiling.

School would be starting in a few minutes right now and no doubt her two best friends were already there. No doubt in Sweetie’s mind both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo would be wondering where she was or thinking their best friend was playing hooky. She weakly turned toward the bedroom window, her eyes lazily looking over the town where everyone else was just passing along minding their own business. Before she fell asleep, a vision of Apple Bloom flooded in her mind as well as the one thing she’d say that always made Sweetie smile.

“What a lazy bum.”


Several hours passed and Sweetie jerked awake, coughing up a fit. As she huddled deep in her blankets, she turned to the bedside clock as the hour struck noon. The shined uncontrollably through the bedroom window, yet despite the warmth spilling into the guest room, Sweetie Belle was so cold she practically shivered.

Eventually, Rarity got out of bed, still wrapped in her blanket, and walked out the room towards the work room downstairs, where it wasn’t so bright. She found her sister Rarity sitting on a comfortable chair by the work bench, designing a new outfit for the shop. She was focused with her work, wearing her signature red glasses to get a closer look at the stitchwork. It did not take long to see her sister walk in and flop onto the couch, moaning weakly.

“Wow, you’re not looking very well at all, are you?” Rarity asked, standing up and kneeling beside the couch.

“Sorry sis…” Sweetie shook her head, sniffling.

If this is what a flu felt like, this was all a new experience for Sweetie Belle. It was very rare for her to get sick, even when she was a kid. But then, this wouldn’t be the first time she had a stroke of bad luck growing up. She’s always resented herself for that, like that one incident on Valentine’s Day… But she doesn’t like to talk about it and her sister knew very well not to ask.

“You just stay here and be comfortable,” Rarity said, smiling sadly. “I’ll bring you something to eat.”

“Thanks, but you really don’t need to…” Sweetie groaned.

“Oh pish-tosh and pish-posh, no need to be so polite. You know me, I insist.”

Sweetie Belle nodded understandingly, snuggling along the couch. A sigh escapes Sweetie’s lips, wanting to feel grateful for her sister’s usual generosity and hospitality and yet she still felt terrible all the same. It didn’t take long for Rarity to return with two steaming mugs of hot tea, a bottle of some strange, blue liquid, and a damp wash cloth. She set each item carefully on the coffee table.

“I’d sit up if I were you, sister dear,” Rarity suggests, taking a seat beside her. “You want to be nice and comfy after all.”

Sweetie Belle didn’t have the energy to protest, so she had to comply. She took one look at the bottle of blue medicine, the same stuff her mom often gave to either Rarity or herself when either got sick. She hated that medicine, it tasted terrible and always left her with that gross feeling. But Sweetie was in no condition to argue, all she could do as adjust herself while keeping the blanket tightly wrapped around her for warmth.

Sweetie reached for the spoon herself, but Rarity snatched it before she had a chance. Sweetie watched as Rarity poured the medicine carefully onto the spoon.

“I can do it myself, Rarity,” Sweetie muttered, groggily.

“I know you can, Sweetie,” Rarity said, smirking. “But I had it figured you could use a helping hand. I can hardly recall the last time you’ve ever been this sick.”

Taking the spoonful of medicine, Rarity had Sweetie sip the medicine before she could comment on Rarity’s statement. Sweetie’s eyes widened at the taste, covering her mouth fighting the urge to spit it out. It would be overly embarrassing if she did that in front of Rarity, as if Sweetie didn’t already feel childish already. She forced herself to swallow the bitter, burning blue medicine and quickly took the steaming mug of tea from her sister’s hands. She slowly swallowed the tear, herbal to be exact, sighing as it soothed her inflamed throat.

“It appears the flu bug is your weakness,” Rarity said, with a slight smirk.

“Oh hardy-har-har,” Sweetie mockingly laughed, with a reproachful look. “So funny, I forgot how to laugh.”

“Oh Sweetie, you do know I’m only humoring you. Now, take this towel and place it on your forehead, please. It’ll help lower the temperature.”

“Thanks, sis. But I promise I’m fine.”

As Sweetie took another sip of her tea, Rarity gazed at her and never lost her smile.

“How do you ever manage to stay energetic all the time?” Rarity asked.

“Well, I have to. Nowadays, what with things going crazy in the world, we need a little happiness. I know times are hard, I’m not going to ignore that… But somethings are more difficult than others. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo would always assure me things are not as bad as they make it out to be.”

“And who would you say is the most happy?”

“Huh?” Sweetie raised an eyebrow.

“Hmm… Let me put this in another way,” Rarity thought. “Enthusiastic… Optimistic even. If you have to choose between Apple Bloom or Scootaloo, who would you say fits that character?”

Sweetie Belle pondered for a moment, though the question took her by surprise. Rarity was the last person Sweetie Belle would think to inquire about her friends, even if they are sisters. Not that it was a bad thing, Sweetie never thought Rarity had interest in any of their activities. For her, this was a first.

“Well… I’d probably say Scootaloo,” Sweetie answered. “She’s got more of that energy, but Apple Bloom makes up for it with her optimism… Well, when she’s not too hard on herself. As far as ‘happy’ is concerned, they’re pretty much on top of that… Why do you ask?”

“Well, it’s just that we’ve never really talked about you with your other friends,” Rarity stated. “Figured since you won’t be going anywhere and most of my work is pretty much done, I was thinking this is something I believe would be lovely to talk about.”

“Well, they are great that’s for sure. But I do have more than a few friends actually.”

“Oh yes, of course. Tell me about that one kid… ‘Bad’ Seed, was it?”

“’Babs’, sis. Apple Bloom’s cousin from Manehatten. But I totally get the confusion, easy mistake.”

“To be fair, I hardly know much about her and when I do see her, she always seems… Mean. Is she actually a nice girl?”

“She’s ‘nice’… Enough,” Sweetie remarked, with some body language. “She can be a little… Rough around the edges. I’ll never forget this one time she took one of my drawings.”

“When did that happen?”

“It was a long time ago, sis. My friends and I didn’t want to make a big fuss and we tried to manage it ourselves… Didn’t work out, initially. Turns out she came from a tough upbringing; she takes whatever she wants or anything she sees fit because… That’s how she was raised.”

“But… She didn’t try to ‘attack’ you, did she?”

“What? No! She asked for it, and I handed it to her.”

To say that Rarity was confused was an understatement.

“I’m terribly sorry, I’m trying to process this,” Rarity spoke, scratching her head. “How do you still have it?”

“That’s the thing about Babs, she’s not as bad as everyone says,” Sweetie explained. “She just wanted to see my drawing, told me it was cool, then gave it back. Just like that.”

“Oh? Well, that wasn’t quite what I anticipated… But that’s good.”

“You should see how she is when we play pirates. Course, I was always the prisoner, but I made it work.”

“She made you a prisoner, too?”

“No, no, that was Apple Bloom. Babs captained the other ship.”

“How many pirate ships did you have?!”

“Two… Actually, three if you count Applejack. You’d be surprised how she can pull off the pirate persona. She’s better Drama Queen than you.”

“Well, I don’t know about that… Hey!”

That got Sweetie Belle laughing, as Rarity shook her head with a smile. But she had to admit, her sister got her that time. They eventually stop, sighing and having another sip of tea. Surprisingly, Sweetie Belle was starting to feel a little bit better.

“So… Apple Bloom worked with her sister?” Rarity asked, breaking the silence.

“Oh yeah, they are totally fun to work with,” Sweetie nodded. “Not so fun when we took over their ship, but they were good sports.”

“You captained a ship?”

“Nah, I left that to Scootaloo. I was having too much fun ‘flying’.”

“My, my,” Rarity chuckled. “I bet you girls had the time of your life.”

“Yeah…” Sweetie sighed, sadly. “I really want to go back; it has to be soon.”

“Why? What’s stopping you?”

“Because if you hadn’t noticed, this game is meant for kids. I’m currently in the eighth grade. By the time I get to high school, my childhood days are pretty much over.”

“Didn’t you say ‘Applejack’ was involved in your little game? She was still in high school and that wasn’t a problem for her.”

“Yes, but… Everyone knows that anyone older than a child is always the bad guy. And you… Sorry to say, sis, but you wouldn’t learn to fly.”

“Well, I beg to differ. Remember that time you pretended to be a dolphin at the beach?”

“I was supposed to be a ‘shark’, sis.”

“Hmm… Not what Applejack told me. She clearly told me you were a half-dolphin, half-girl hybrid, does that make sense? Anyways, you had this fin on your butt—”

“Hey, that fin had its uses!” Sweetie heatedly replied. “… Mostly to scare Apple Bloom.”

“And ‘why’ would you scare Apple Bloom?”

“Because she was the only one who believed I was actually a shark out to get her.”

“And clearly you don’t have to be a kid to portray a creature that are typically scary for children?”

“… Okay, you got me there.”

The two sisters paused for a moment for another sip of tea. Sweetie Belle noticed how progressively she felt less tired, taking the back of her hand to her forehead her temperature wasn’t as warm as before.

“So… What is it about that makes you feel so sad?” Rarity asked.

“What do you mean?” Sweetie asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Well, with all this fun you and your friends have had, it must be sad when it ends.”

“… Actually, it really is. I mean of course I’m going to see them again the next day. Whether if it’s at school or when we hang out at the treehouse or our sleepovers every other week. It’s just when I’m by myself, and I try to see myself as someone I’m not, it doesn’t feel satisfying.”

“You’ve always been rather expressive with yourself, that doesn’t surprise me.”

“Yeah… I wish I had been more honest about how much acting makes me feel to my friends.”

“And that doesn’t have anything to do with last night?”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I believe you know what I mean, Sweetie. Don’t think I haven’t noticed how your shoes had all that mud, terribly difficult to clean up. Not to mention I had to hang those wet clothes outside or else the rest of the laundry would’ve gotten moldy. Come now, you can tell me what happened.”

Sweetie Belle wanted to see as if she had no idea what Rarity was talking about, but the truth of the matter is: Rarity knew. She knew in such a way; Sweetie Belle had no point in denying it.

“Last night, while it was raining, my friends and I played a round of ‘Truth or Dare’,” Sweetie Belle said. “It was my turn and I ended up taking a dare, that’s how I got that cold… I know, pretty stupid.”

“… What would you have done if you picked ‘truth’?” Rarity asked, curiously.

“If I did, my friends will probably ask, but I wouldn’t know how to answer… They’d probably ask if I’d consider joining the school drama club.”

“What would be so bad about that? You’re a talented actress and an especially exquisite singing voice, especially if they do a musical. I used to dabble in the arts myself… Mostly for costume design.”

“Rarity, you know I get stage fright when I perform in front of people. When it’s just me and my friends, goofing around like a bunch of kids, we’re not actually trying to be ‘good’ at anything we just want to have fun. But if I were to do it in front of an audience, in front of people constantly judging me, pointing out every mistake I make, or just expecting me to mess up… I don’t think I could handle that.”

“Not like it matters, I won’t be able to really do much pretending with the girls now that middle school is keeping us busy. All that fun that we had back then… Might as well just end where it left off.”

Rarity listened to her sister’s concerns over this subject, proving that there was more bothering her than just this flu. True, Sweetie Belle was unquestionably unhealthy, but it was more than just her younger sister fighting a cold. She could tell by the way Sweetie looked at what remained of her tea.

She wasn’t just reflecting on an afterschool activity, she was pondering her future: She’d want to be able to do things with her friends, but they’d be busy if they get involved in school activities. Now here she was, sitting on the couch, sipping tea, and thinking of her future and if her friends could be included… If her friends, could be included.

“You know,” Rarity spoke. “What if it’s not completely over?”

“You mean… I should get held back?” Sweetie Belle asked, sarcastically.

“All right, you leave the sassing to me, Applejack can vouch for that. Any who if you’re so uncomfortable about getting involved with the Drama program alone… What if you were with your friends?”

“You’d think Apple Bloom and Scootaloo would actually ‘want’ to do Drama with me? Because it didn’t go so well when we posted that video of our music video… A lot of dislikes on that one. And besides, we’re three completely different girls.”

“Exactly! You are three different girls, but from what you’ve said, you three have one thing in common: When you pretend to be these characters, you have so much together. Call it mere pretending, a lot of the greats put that imaginative suave and apply it to the stage. And us ‘grown-ups’ would call it a boost in self-confidence.”

“Well, maybe it would be less stressful if my friends ‘could’ try out with me. But… What happens if ‘that’ doesn’t work out?”

“At least you’ll know, so you don’t have about your future. As long as your friends are still with you and you enjoy it, nothing should stop you from trying. Because you’re friends believe in you; I believe in you.”

“And if high school drama doesn’t work, you can always do local theatre. They’re always on the lookout for new talent.”

In that moment, almost subconsciously, Sweetie Belle felt a strange sensation and placed a right hand over her chest. She could feel her heart beating rapidly, as if all at once this idea had a higher merit than she imagined. She couldn’t read Rarity’s reaction, but Sweetie could tell she shared the same feeling.

“You know what, sis?” Sweetie asked. “You’re right. As long as you and my friends are with me, maybe this doesn’t have to be over.”

Rarity shifted closer to her, as Sweetie Belle moved her hand from her chest and onto her lap. The two sisters gaze toward one another, for one brief, tender moment. Eventually, Sweetie allows herself to lean into Rarity’s sisterly embrace, her older sister hugging her close, and lightly stroking her grayish mulberry hair, with the cute pale, light grayish rose streaks.

And the more Sweetie Belle thought it through, the more she could imagine that there is still a bigger world out there for this young middle schooler to explore. Sure, she’ll eventually leave her childish antics behind, being a thirteen year old girl going on fourteen. Many challenges every adults face would be waiting for Sweetie Belle to tackle, regardless if she has a chance to succeed or fail. And sure enough, there will come a time she won’t be able to turn to Rarity for advice because eventually they’ll both be off doing other things as they get older.

As much as Sweetie Belle would hate to admit it, she’d miss her big sister terribly when that day comes. But she didn’t want to feel scared or worried. She knows she’s capable of caring for herself, she’s always been helpful to others in need. But still, Rarity is more than just her big sister. She’s the very first best friend she ever had.

“Sweetie Belle, I just want to say I’m proud of you,” Rarity said. “In all the years we’ve been together, not once have you ever given up on anyone or anything. Whatever you set out to do, whoever you aspire to be, you’re going to achieve it because I’m your biggest fan. There is no little sister that I know who has as strong a heart as yours, one you will never lose, no matter how challenging life gets. One journey for you may end, but another is just beginning… And it starts, the way you want it to.”

The whole time, Sweetie Belle absorbed every word Rarity had to say. Practically having to shut her eyes tightly to fight the tears threatening to fall, she still smiled. She’s had this much praise from her friends, though it was mostly because she’s related to Rarity and her famous clothing line. But, the more she truly thought about… Sweetie Belle can still be a special woman, in her own way. Probably just like Rarity, whom she always admired for her strength and how she had to deal with life head-on. Rarity could run for President and she’d surpass every obstacle it would take for a run at the office.

The two sisters sat silently for a few moments, holding each other in that loving embrace… Sisterly love, of course. Eventually, Rarity released her hug to place her hands upon Sweetie’s cheeks and placed a kiss on the forehead. Probably not the smartest thing to do when her sister was still sick, but… Sweetie Belle was willing to let that pass.

“So… Feeling better?” Rarity asked.

“Thanks Rarity,” Sweetie smiled.

Satisfied with her progress, Rarity lifts herself off the couch and makes her way toward the kitchen.

“Hope you like soup dear because that’s what’s for dinner. Anyways, our parents will be home soon, and they probably won’t like it if they find you out of bed by then.”

Sweetie Belle chuckled, nodding her head as she watched Rarity leave for the kitchen. But before she completely disappeared, Sweetie Belle called her back.

“Hey, sis?”

Rarity stopped just short of the doorway, slowly turning to face her sister.

“Yes, Sweetie?”

“Thank you…” Sweetie smiled. “For everything. I love you.”

It was rare for Sweetie Belle to say that, particularly to her older sister. It certainly wasn’t something that should be said lightly, either. Rarity smiled towards her, not just what Sweetie said. She smiled for her uniqueness, her maturity, and even her courage. No sister could ever feel more proud of Sweetie Belle than her own, a sister who believes Sweetie has truly earned the love and praise she deserves.

“I love you too, Sweetie Belle… Always.”

Comments ( 26 )

10299243 Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it :heart:

A sweet sisterly story, I found it very cute!

Good job!

See, I did get around to reading stories again!

Lol, I'm not entirely hopeless.

10299266 Don't say that. You're never hopeless. Still, thank you for the read. I'm glad you enjoyed it:heart:

Incredibly heartwarming - I always enjoy a good sick day story and this one was really cute. You did really well on the dialogue too, it flowed quite naturally:twilightsmile:

10299283 Thank you for your kind words. However, most of the credit should go to my editor as if not for him, this story wouldn't be nearly as good :heart:

Stories centered around sisters definitely make for a great read, especially when it's between siblings like Rarity and Sweetie Belle. On note about the latter, we know she's a very gifted performer with a taste for the arts. Yet while she has a natural voice and once put together a play for the ponies to see, I will never forget that time she refused to perform the solo for that talent show back in Season 1 just because she was scared to sing in front of a crowd. But then again, I want to get that from her I really want to: Being in front of people can be very scary, particularly when we worry about how judgmental they can be (Critics can be the worse and that comes from one like myself).

Still, it's nice for Sweetie Belle to have a sister to talk to about these ordeals. And going through the difference between doing casual pretending like during recess and comparing that to actually preparing a show as part of a class ordeal. Just to have someone close to you saying they'll support you and encourage them to confront what scares them in order to do what they enjoy, I do believe that's just what Sweetie needed to hear.

10299292 Thank you for your kind words. Although without you, this story wouldn't have been nearly as good:heart:

Without your vision, this story would never have been possible.

You comment on my page saying ( I hope I don’t disappoint)
I am here to say you have not disappoint me Suntwi06
This story is quite good, it first time I want to read more of your stories suntwi06. So I am pleased that I decided to watch you.

10299419 I'm very grateful you enjoyed it. Also, not gonna lie, I speed read though your comment the first time and I thought it said that you were disappointed>_<.

Congratulations on the Feature!

This story does deserve it!


10299587 Wait, it was featured? I didn't see it(even with the M tag off)

I think it booted off, well I took a snapshot.

It hit the board, I bet it'll bounce back up there again soon.

10299601 May I see the picture? Its not because I don't believe you. I just want to see it is all. Or rather, post it here so everyone can see

Nice little story :twilightsmile: good job my friend.

I did, it's in the link.

But I'll post it again.


10299675 Oh. Sorry, I didnt see the link>_<. Regardless, that's suprising

It was there, even if it were brief.

I was like, awesome that sweet story reached the Feature!

I take snaps if I see any of my friends on the board, lol.

10299668 Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it:heart:.

10299682 The only downside is that not many get to see it but it's a start:heart:

10300956 Thank you. This will be incredibly useful :heart:

So cute and heartwarmig faved :3

That was the idea going into this story. We're very pleased you enjoyed it.

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