• Published 11th Jun 2020
  • 717 Views, 13 Comments

My name is Anna Maus - Gallants

Dr. Maus gets thrusted into equestria and none of the ponies can pronounce her name right

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My name is Anna

I woke up sprawled across the floor, a throbbing pain in my leg causing me to struggle to my feet shifting my hair out of my eyes, I was able to get a better look around my house, the banner above the cake simply said, 'WELCOME TO PONYVILLE ANONYMOUS' Pinkie must not have heard me right when she helped me to the hospital, that's fine. Looking around more I saw my cane propped against the wall. After half dragging half limping my way to my cane, I grimaced at the cut leg of my pants but decided to explore the town anyhow.

The ponies were nice giving me friendly waves as I moved down the street taking in all of the sights, I saw Dr. Quick Stitch giving him a wave he noticed me and waved back, "Good morning Dr. Anonymous," I stopped waving as I got closer to him.

"My name is Anna," I told him when I got close enough, he looked me up and down smiled and shook his head and let out a chuckle.

"I see we didn't give you enough mental stimulation, forgot your own name," he let out a sigh, "well have a good day anonymous," he said before trotting away, I just stood there trying to figure out what just happened when I felt a tap on the hand.

"Anna are you ok, I heard you started to cry last night at Pinkies party?" I looked down to see Redheart, I felt a smile creep onto my face.

"Yeah, I'm fine it's just that, Quick Stitch called me Anonymous and then said I forgot my name from a lack of mental stimulation," I rubbed the bridge of my nose before looking back at her, "You wouldn't happen to know anything about it would you?" Redheart looked at me curiously, before she sighed while dropping to her haunches and rubbing her temples.

"If Pinkie heard your name wrong she might not correct herself and ponies can be a bit stubborn, if the entire town heard your name was Anonymous, your name is Anonymous now to them," She stood up and started to walk away before turning around again, "Oh yeah, I was looking for you I was wondering if you wanted to get breakfast or an early lunch so I could help you with acclimating to Equestria maybe help you find a job," She smiled and continued to walk down the street, I followed eagerly, maybe I could find some fish.

We walked only for a few minutes in relative silence only being broken to learn about the various businesses. We eventually stopped at a little café where we quickly got a table and menus. Sadly the cafe didn't have any fish, but the salad was really good, far better than what I got in the hospital. Redheart spent the time teaching me about the basics of how the weather was managed and pieces of the bureaucratic side of medicine. The worst part of the whole ordeal was everyone calling me Anonymous, they wouldn't stand to be corrected. My angered thoughts were disturbed by Redheart giving me some important cultural information.

"Before I forget tomorrow is the first summer sun celebration held in ponyville," she looked me up and down, "I understand if you're too uncomfortable coming to the celebrat-," I cut her off I might have been a little uncomfortable but it was a good opportunity to learn the culture.

"I'd love to go after all if I want to fit in I should get involved in the local festivities," I gave her a wink before adding, "how else am I supposed to invade," We both started to laugh before devolving into talks about the weather.