• Published 21st Jun 2020
  • 289 Views, 2 Comments

A Change of Heart - SewerDweller

Three changelings find a portal, and now are trapped.

  • ...

Portal, Portal, in the room

Author's Note:

This is an alternate universe. The changes are that the Crystal Empire is owned by King Sombra (but he doesn't corrupt) and the wedding is a princess from a different land.

Tomorrow was the wedding for King Sombra, and a bride that was replaced with Queen Chrysalis. Changelings were hidden in the castle guard and citizens to help the wedding go as planned. With the love of these two Queen Chrysalis could feed the hive. Out of all the changeling guards three were searching for something different. Clypeus, Tegula and Elytra were their names and those two have known each other for as long as they could remember. Clypeus was known as the leader of the trio due to his height and his personality.

Clypeus was a tall slim changeling with strawberry red eyes and wings, while Tegula was normal height but had forest green eyes and wings, and Tegula was the shortest of the three and was bigger and her eyes and wings were a light blue. Yet the three of them were transformed into crystal kingdom guards and looked very similar. Clypeus was walking down the mail hall with the other two following behind.

"Clype- I mean Air Knight, what are we looking for exactly?" Tegula said calling Clypeus by his pseudo name and Clypeus ave a smirtk.

"We are looking for something. I sensed at this wedding there's a source for something greater than the love of King Sombra and that wretched princess. No, this source is stronger than anything." He replied with and Tegula rolled his eyes as they walked finding the castle boring. They were here getting ready but living lives as a castle guard was tiring.

"This is a sense, only a sense. If everything goes wrong the queen might come after us and exile us. Then we starve and die." he stated as Clypeus ignored him.

"Save your breath, we aren't going to die." Elytra said and Tegula shot her a glare. The trio kept walking, Clypeus glancing at every open door to try and see if there was any sources but he did see something out of the ordinary. It was a big wooden door and Clypeus grinned to himself as he pushed it open and a dark blue and purple crystal room were revealed with a tarp over something. The trio walked in with Elytra standing guard at the door and Clypeus uncovered the tarp to reveal a portal. This portal was a mix of blue, magents and purple crystals and wire and it seemed to be inactive. Tegula watched his leader before pushing him aside and analyzing the device.

"It's probably triggered by the weather or possible the princesses magic." He explained and Clypeus walked out of the room and towards the window.
"It's the evening, it's almost night. This portal cannot be magical." Clypeus said going back to the portal. While the two thought about how the portal worked, Elytra saw two guards walking towards them.

"Air Knight, Guard Nightshine guards!" she said quickly walking into the room. The other two stood proud as the two guards stopped by them.

"What are you three doing here? Why are you not at your posts?" One asked his tone harsh.

"We saw changelings, and we followed them and they disppeared in this area. Guard Nightshine thinks that they went through this portal." Clypeus said boldly and one guard scoffs.

"That portal activates at night, tonight might be the night it activates. Well, carry on and be done soon. The King and Princess have to be safe for tomorrow," the guards said in unison before walking off together.

"I think I'm owed an apology, Air Knight." Tegula said as they made their way back to the portal.

"Well Guard Nightshine, I'm sorry you're a fucking idiot and actually thought I would apologise to you." He snapped and Elytra glanced at them before going towards the window. If tonight was the night, then everyone would be happy.

"Apology accepted, dumbass." Tegula muttered sitting down. It would take a bit for the portal to activate if tonight was the night. Elytra watched the sun set and once it was set she glanced at the other two and walked at them.

"The sun is offically down, guys. We just have to wait and the portal will open!" Elytra said, as the two glared at her.

"The portal won't open, just because Tegula got one thing right doesn't mean anything." Clypeus added and Tegula grinned.
"The guards werent sure about the portal. So, I could be right again." He replied with standing up and going towards Clypeus. The two glared at each other and didn't notice the portal start to light up.
Elytra saw and quickly pushed the two in before going in after them.

The three in the portal changed back from the guards to changelings but the light changed them, and it was wild. The three screamed as they went through but Clypeus was able to yell "Elytra!" until it all stopped. The three fell out of another portal and hit the grass. Three three sat up and looked at each other.

"You guys look worse than usual," Tegula said and Clypeus punched him in the arm. Clypeus then looked at his hand which transformed from a hoof, he was fascinated by the lack of holes in it. The three changelings were human, with the same dark gray skin color and all were wearing a school uniform. The uniform was monotone with a white button up shirt and a light grey vest over it, while Clypeus and Tegula had black pants Elytra had a black skirt. The shoes they were plain black dress shoes. Clypeus had red iris's and his hair was red and in the side shaved with medium long hair on the right side and kept his stature like the other two. Tegula's hair was green (like his iris's) and the style was a short undercut. Elytra had light blue irises and long curly hair. They saw someone walk by on two legs and watched intensively and they all slowly got up trying to imitate it. Elytra and Clypeus wobbled but Tegula seemed to have gotten it right away.
"It's not that hard you two, you need balance and want to stand. Elytra, if that dumbass Clypeus wants us to find the source we need to do this." He said taking Elytra's hand and helping her up. He let go of her and she was able to keep her balance. Clypeus stood up after a bit and walked through the two towards the enerance.
"I was right there Tegula." He stated as they walked and he ran into the door. The door next to them is opened by a girl and they try to push it open, before Tegula looked at the door and pulled it open. Clypeus rolled his eyes and walked in, Elytra and Tegula following him.

The three walked into an office and Clypeus leaned on the desk where a secretary was typing on the computer. "Yes?" she asked looking up, and Clypeus saw that it was a changeling he knew.
"Yes, uh my friends and I want to go to this place here." He said and the secretary grinned.
"Clypeus you're back? My its been a while, the principal will just have to sign on your forms to grant you the ability to be students here. She isn't busy right now and I'm sure she would love to meet you." She said spinning in her chair to get three packets and put them on the table. "Good news is you already have the uniforms, now go in that room and ask for her to sign," the secretary added pointing to the door at the far end of the hall.

The three walked down, and Clypeus knocked on the door. "Come in," the principal said her voice almost familiar.
Clypeus walked in with the two and looked at her a bit nervous. "Hello, uh my name is Clyepus and this is Tegula and Elytra. We want to be students in your uh school," he said a bit shocked still. The principal grinned as they handed her the packets.She signed them and gave them back with a smile.