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Chapter 4: Sunlight Blaze meet Blaze

Sunlight was actually in the chamber where Blaze was sealed. He looked around him and saw nothing excepted lava and fire.

”If i was Kronika and wanted to seal a being of fire able to rivalise with gods, he thought, I would seal him deep, very deep in something almost impossible to resist against. Like...Of course”

Sunlight put his hand into the lava and felt a burst of energy in his body.

”Here goes nothing!” he thought, jumping in the lava pit

He started to swim in direction of a hole in a wall. To avoid himself to explode due to the colossal amount of heat his body was absorbing, Sunlight had to constantly reject the excess of energy out of his body. That was mentally hard to do and if he released his focus for a few seconds, he will die. After a few minutes, he finally arrived to a secret room and got out of the lava.

“Finally!! He said. Now, let’s just find Blaze”

Sunlight looked around him and saw a path, blocked by a veil of magic. He touched it and get knocked back.

”Grr, great, i should have known that would not be that easy.” he thought

He tried to teleport on the other side, but got knocked back again.

“Teleportation doesn’t work either, he said. Hum, let’s try something else”

He used his magic to throw a burst of flames on the magic veil. After a few minutes, the magic protection began to weaken.

”That seem to work, but this is not enough, he said. Maybe fire is not the only thing i need, i maybe have to use another element...”

He tried combining fire and lightning, but that didn’t work. Then, he decided to try with ice.

”I hope my control of ice magic is good, i didn’t use it in a while.” he thought.

The hero threw a beam of ice and a beam of fire on the veil and after a few seconds, the veil broke.

”Classic” thought Sunlight

He walked in direction of the path. Then, when he arrived in the other room, he heard metal clanging and immediately moved his head to the left, avoiding a deadly ice sting.

“Oh, you are fast” said a female voice.

Sunlight saw in front of him a woman with a cybernetical body and spiky frosted hairs. Suddenly, he have visions of two mens probably warriors, judging by their outfits. One mastering fire, and the other, ice, fighting this woman.

“Oh, so you are one of Kronika’s goon, Frosty...right?” he asked

“I am more than that, i am one of her generals, she said. And my name is Frost!”

A bunch of what was looking like cybernetic warriors suddenly appeared around Sunlight, surrounding him.

“Kronika gave me the order to kill you, said the cyborg woman. You will not get to Blaze, not before passing me first, cyber Lin Kueis, attack!!”

Sunlight avoided the first and sliced his head off with a laser blade (by combining fire and light, he discovered that he could create laser based weapons). He did the same to the others coming at him. Frost iced the whole room and then threw ice beams at him, immobilizing him in a ice bloc.

“That was not that hard” she said.

Sunlight broke out the ice prison and threw a powerful laser beam at Frost, who is projected agaisnt a wall.

“I first have to deal with her soldiers, thought Sunlight, They are machines, so they must be weak to electricity”

Sunlight blasted a wave of fire all around the room and made the ice melt.

“A futile effort, said Frost. I can just freeze it again.”

Sunlight smiled and revealed his hand charged with electricity.

“Oh no, don’t you dare do that!!!” said Frost, angry and scared.

“Oh yes, i will” he answered.

He put his hand in the water and electrocuted all the cyber warriors, including Frost. Who fainted.

“I guess i can say that was quite the...shock for them” he said.

He walked in direction of a statue representing Blaze and blasted it with fire. But as the fire destroyed the statue, the room began to shake and the water started to evaporate. The cyber Lin Kueis also began to melt. Sunlight looked at Frost and teleported her away, with all her mens. She was mean, but he didn’t want her to die, same for the others. Then, in front of him, the statue broke and revealed an humanoid being made of fire.

“Are you the one who freed me?” asked the fire being.

“Yes, you must be Blaze, right?” he said.

“This is my name, yes, said Blaze. Why did you free me?”

“I need your help, answered Sunlight. I need your power”

“I am sorry, but i can’t leave this Pyramid, he said. Kronika not only sealed me in this statue, but she also casted a spell preventing me to leave this place.”

“There is another way you can help me, said Sunlight. You see, i have the ability to absorb heat, to boost my power, and Shang Tsung think that if i absorb you, i could become powerful enough to take on Kronika. It is right?”

“Shang Tsung, uh? Said Blaze. Absorbing my power will effectively give you a power rivalizing with gods, but in order to do that, a fusion is necessary”

“In that case, let’s do it!!” asked Sunlight.

“I see that your soul his pure, and you have good intentions, he answered. If i accept to fuse with you, it will be not reversible. Just promise me you won’t let Shang Tsung or Kronika win”

“I promise, said Sunlight. I have something for him when the moment will arrive”

Blaze began to pronounce words in a language Sunlight couldn’t understand. Suddenly, the hero was teleported in front of Blaze. The elemental being pronounced the final phrase and fused with Sunlight’s body. He was envelopped of fire, his costume turned into a badass red and gold draconic armor and magic wings appeared on his back. He teleported outside the room and got his allies and everyone else out of the pyramid, who was beginning to crumble down. Sunlight appeared in front of Shang Tsung and the others.

“Oh, you succeeded, said the old sorcerer. And just in time, Kronika sent her kids in the battle. You will take on them while me and the others will hold the armies of Frost and Quan Chi.”

Sunlight saw coming in his direction Shinnok (In his Corrupted form, Kronika giving him access to the Jinsei)

“Is this Shinnok?” Asked Skarlet.

“Not Shinnok, said Shang Tsung. This is Corrupted Shinnok. Kronika gave him access to the Jinsei. In this form, he is almost invincible, but you can manage to beat him. Remove the amulet he wear out of his body and he will lose this form and die”

“Got it!” said the hero

Sunlight teleported in front of Shinnok, smiling at him.

“You are ugly, you know that? He said. Don’t worry, i know how to help you with this problem”

Sunlight punched him in the face but Shinnok didn’t seem to be affected.

“I didn’t feel that... My turn, now!” said Shinnok

“Oh fuck...” said Sunlight.

He punched the hero and sent him crash in the ruins of the Pyramid of Argus. Sunlight touched his cheek and spitted out a teeth.

“Oh, said the hero. He will pay for that!! Okay, i am not holding back!!”

Sunlight teleported in front of Shinnok and blasted him with a powerful Light beam. The Elder God was sent on the ground and screamed of pain. Sunlight continued to blast him, this time with fire, then lightning, ice and beams.

“And now, do you feel that, Motherfucker!!” he yelled to him.

Shinnok got up, grabbed Sunlight by the wings, and sent him on the ground. He then crushed him with a giant skeleton hand.

“Die, human filth!!” said Shinnok

“Not today!” said Sunlight, teleporting out of the hand.

“Let’s solve this somewhere else” said Shinnok.

The Elder God teleported himself and Sunlight in what was an apocalyptic land

“Welcome in my domain, Welcome in the Netherrealm, he said, laughing devilishly. Now, let’s get serious...”