• Member Since 7th Jun, 2017
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago

Dr Sharaz Jek

Cynically Pretentious Hedonistic Nihilist...and those are my nicer qualities!


Comments ( 32 )

Sounds promising. I'll check this out

Thank you, hope you enjoy!

Taking a final look skyward, at the rolling smog that cloaked the nightmarish city, she felt strangely serene, almost zen for once in her life. She'd never been good at much other than breaking things, tried her hands at being a mechanic, just to have her cutie mark spitefully spit in her face. Now she just lived to have a good time, thrilling in the moment, spiting the world at large.

I'm surprised cutie Mark's are still a thing in this cyberpunk world

The rather voluptuous vampire went completely naked, like she always did on the hunt, relishing the blood she spilled over her supple curves. Her eyes were scarlet, her pouty lips opened with a hiss that exposed sharp fangs, and she pounced down on a mortally wounded merc, straddling him him a suggestive manner and noisily, messily sinking her teeth into his throat.

I always loved flutterbat. This is definitely a plus for me

The rather voluptuous vampire went completely naked, like she always did on the hunt, relishing the blood she spilled over her supple curves. Her eyes were scarlet, her pouty lips opened with a hiss that exposed sharp fangs, and she pounced down on a mortally wounded merc, straddling him him a suggestive manner and noisily, messily sinking her teeth into his throat.

Also spot an error with him him

“You're mine ,” announced Flutters in triumph, all her pet's defenses broken, and she sank her fans into one of Belladonna's tits, suckling on the fleshy globe, blood running messily down it as she squirted all over her to, more from the act of utter dominance than the sheer pleasure which she was used to. She ground into her, drawing all their multiple orgasmic releases.


“Around. We all made it, little thanks to you. Anyhow, I've got an appointment with Spike later tonight. You'd better behave while I'm away.” The boss insisted she come alone, and used B.A.B.S. In secret to help wipe out the crime epidemic. But no merc unit, no matter how good, could hope to stem the tide. At best they were another small clean up crew.

Probably to make way for him to the sole ruler of the criminal underworld in the city no doubt

“Not exactly.” Spike frowned and took Rarity's slender, manicured hands. “A perfect, synthetic facsimile. The real one I lost. That's why I called you here. You're an enchantress, aren't you? I want you to bind Rarity's soul to this doll.”

Damn that's a very tall order... not to mention the severe lack of ambient magic in the world

Realizing their business was finished, Babs headed out and Beatrix raced to keep up. The witch felt he had a certain boyish charm, like the Spike she'd know, but there was a predatory, dangerous side to him too, and she dared not disappoint him. Yet on the elevator ride back down she couldn't think up a way she could possibly bind a soul to a construct.

Would it be know or known?

Overall not bad of a first chapter

“They call me obsessed. But I'll show them.” He ran his fingertip between the tits, down the navel, over the tight cleft of a womanhood, a soft pastel pink peeking out from the slit which moistened. They were manufactured to fulfill his fantasies, reacted in exactly the way he desires, but whatever love and affection they showed him was a cruel reminder they were fake.

Because they are completely right

He pressed a button under his desk and said, “You're needed.” Within a short time his secretaries arrived, Rarity in the lead like always, his favored of the three, with Coco Pommel and Sassy Saddles at her sides. They too were automatons based on the deceased women, old friends of his lover, who smiled at him dressed in scanty, for-hugging gowns that exposed them.

Damn you are crazy and very obsessive

She also took the time to see more members of B.A.B.S. One of these was Rainbow Dash, who sat in chamber and tinkered with her metal wings.

This doesn't make sense to me

Rainbow shot her a blank look. “I tried to perform the Sonic Rainboom. Ruined myself instead.” Her words her bitter as she bluntly stated the facts. “They say I was lucky not to end up a cripple, but they had to amputate. I hooked up with B.A.B.S. And after a number of runs was able to buy some passable replacements. Now I'm just kind of here.”

Were not her

They took a private cab that belonged to Spike to the downtown section. Each of them were armed to the teeth, except for Beatrix, who refused to carry so much as a sidearm. “They scare me,” she admitted, such weapons rare or nonexistent in most places she'd been. “Plus, uh...I'm pretty useless in a physical confrontation.” She blushed and wished she'd asked her dear departed father, Shining Armor, or her mentor Sombra for lessons in basic swordplay, at the least.

Were rare or nonexistent

She didn't recognize most of those hear. Many moaned, writhed, and blushed, in a constant state of over-stimulation. She realized they were junkies addicted to some form of virtual world. Belladonna understood the temptation herself, to never worry and simply submit to pleasure, that many would choose to be a prisoner rather than face a cruel, cynical reality.

Here not hear

Trixie Lulamoon was similarly hooked up, but her terminal was a little different from the best, a large sum of credits spent to rent it. It conformed to the wishes of its wearer, the woman's pussy and ass stuffed by liquid metal tendrils that shifted to perfectly fit her, and throbbed in-and-out. Similar ones filled her lips and shaped themselves into horsecocks which she stroked.

Rest not best

I definitely did not like spike fucking Beatrice it ruined the chapter for me.
I don't know what to think about the whole werewolf thing either

Thanks for the comments and the catches! A tall order indeed and Beatrix knows it, especially with her weakened powers; but President Spike is delusional after losing Rarity and won't be dissuaded, especially since he's used to getting what he wants.

As for wanting sole control, definitely!

What about Rainbow Dash doesn't make sense? If you mean the metal wings she had to replace her real ones after an accident, can't recall if I explained that in chapter 2 or the upcoming 3.

What about Spike having sex with Beatrix ruined it for you? Keep in mind this is a different Spike, the Equestria Girls version. This fic has a pair of competing Spikes.

Does Beatrix Belladonna sound like Blake Belladonna from RWBY?

You mean is the name similar or the voice? Beatrix is meant to sound chirpy/playful/mischievous. As for the name inspiration, a combination of Trixie being short for Beatrix (it's a plot point in Beatrix's background that Trixie subconsciously shaped her daughter while in the womb using the Necronomicon's power to make her a 'copy' of herself), and also her name was taken from a real female serial killer, Beatrice Belladonna. (Not that Beatrix is bad, but when introduced in her first story she was shady/amoral and readers weren't supposed to be certain whether she'd ultimately turn out good or bad.) No relation to Blake, although she is my favorite character in RWBY!

This development is turning very nicely. Really can’t wait to see where this leads.

Glad it's turning out well so far, thanks for your help.:yay:

You always dislike my fics, so why continue to read them?

I don’t dislike all your fics. I also haven’t read, commented or rated many of them.

Every time you've commented it's been vague and negative, which isn't helpful if you actually have a critique of them. Unless your goal is to troll me and waste my time, you've yet to post anything meaningful on any of my fics.

At least some of my haters have given me tips to improve, whereas I get the impression you simply don't like the premise of my stories, so what do you want? Me to write safe, fluffy stories without any edge? That's never been my goal, I take lots of inspiration from pulp and exploitation media, so I'm not sure what you're expecting here.

Don’t waste your time on someone who doesn’t write. If they’re just here to get a rise for whatever reason, best to avoid meaningless conversation.

And this is why I don’t waste my time.

You've actually wasted everyone's time by not posting an actual critique, as always. As Harlan Ellison put it, "You're entitled to your INFORMED opinion!"

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