• Published 25th Aug 2012
  • 5,343 Views, 285 Comments

The Spoon That Refused Polish - Hollyfern

Life is unfair. Sometimes even going so far as to thrust upon the young the weight of responsibility. Though, being grown up is no cake-walk either.

  • ...

Those That Run Equestria

Silver Spoon sat beaming a wide smile to her mother, who once again combed through her mane with the help of her magic. “Today you’ll be meeting some of the most prominent figures in Equestria and their children,” Sunset said, bringing powdery blue ribbons to circle around Silver Spoon’s head.

“What’s it like?” Silver Spoon eagerly asked, letting her ears fall as her mother placed ribbons in her mane. "I met Mr. Trojan the other day, he seemed nice."

“Well at times it can be interesting, but you must remember that they are all in some form of business,“ Sunset explained, examining Silver Spoon’s reflection in the mirror. “As such, they seldom hesitate at trying to increase their profits.”

“Does dad have any friends there, aside from Mr. Rich?”

Sunset paused. A glimmer of something that distressed the mare flashed in her eyes. “W-Well, there is Ms. Sanguine, a doe.”

“A doe?” Silver Spoon cooed. “That’s rare. What’s she like?”

“As with most deer, she’s a Prance native. She has a bit of a hard time speaking outside her native tongue, but she is very sweet nonetheless,” Sunset added with a small smile. “Albeit at times painfully honest, but she means well. She’s the head of a very important medical firm.”

“Sounds like a friend Dad would have.” Silver Spoon giggled. “What kind of friends do you have, Mom?”

“Not many.” Sunset shook her head. “Perhaps four that I can recall off hoof. A griffon named Brunhilder, a pony named Twinkle Sky, another pony named Clover Bloom, and then there’s dear Octavia who I’ve known since we were foals. She actually provided some of the music at my wedding”

“Wow, I didn’t know you had that kind of connection with such a well-known pony.”

Sunset shrugged as she applied finishing touches to Silver Spoon’s mane. “Some are just lucky, I guess," she added with a giggle. "Ah, here we are. All done.”

Silver Spoon’s mane was straightened out, lapping at her shoulders like a shimmering waterfall. It retained a certain wavy texture even though it covered one of her eyes. Ribbons that matched her violet eyes were perched just above her ears on either side

"Now all you need is a nice dress or flowing saddle, and you'll be ready to attend the meeting. Hm...” Sunset tapped a hoof to her chin as she examined her daughter. “I haven’t the foggiest idea of what would look nice."

"We should go to Carousel Boutique!" Silver Spoon chirped. "Rarity makes the best dresses. I'm sure she will have something that will look amazing."

Sunset faintly smiled and nodded. "I'm sure. But, instead, why don’t we shop around a bit? I’m sure there are other stores around Ponyville than just Carousel Boutique."

Silver Spoon giggled. "If you want to go shopping with me, Mom you should just say so."

"Yes," Sunset flashed an awkward smile. "I suppose I should have just come out with it."

Silver Spoon brushed her mane behind her ear with a hoof, smiling confidently into the mirror. My first outing with Mom!This will be fun.


Despite the malicious weather of the previous night, a warm breeze blew through Ponyville as Silver Spoon and her mother trotted through visiting various stores, occasionally leaving with a bag bought on a random whim.

“We’ve spent quite a bit of time dilly-dallying,” Sunset noted, holding a hoof over her eye as the sun temporarily blinded the mare. “I think we better go get a dress before soon.”

Silver Spoon frowned but reluctantly nodded. “True, I almost forgot about the meeting.”

“We can spend more mare time together, just the two of us, after we take care of business.” Sunset smiled. “If you don’t mind, that is.”

“Of course not!” Silver Spoon shook her head. “This was fun. I don’t mind if we spend more time together.” She paused, reaching up to embrace her mother. “I’m really glad we got to do this together.”

Sunset smiled warmly. “I’m happy to hear that, Silver Spoon That means a lot to me.”

“...Ah just don’t get why ya don’t jes’ let me go!” protested a familiar accent.

Silver Spoon and Sunset turned as Apple Bloom and her siblings trotted by. Both Apple sisters appeared upset while Big Macintosh kept his cool demeanor. “S’cause ah’m the eldest,” he said, straightening the collar on his tuxedo as he spoke. ”Ah know y’all’ll do me proud.”

“But ah still got so much t’learn.” Apple Bloom frowned. “AJ, say somethin’!”

Applejack scratched the back of her head and sighed heavily. “Ah don’t rightfully know what to say that we ain’t already said.” Apple Bloom opened her mouth to protest, but was silenced by Applejack’s hoof. She shook her head and leered at their brother. “This ain’t over; we’ll talk later.”

“But AJ!” Apple Bloom whined.

Later, Apple Bloom.” Applejack stressed, coaxing her sister back with a hoof. “We best be gettin’ back t’ talk to Granny Smith ‘bout all this.”

“Y’all try not t’ wake her if she ain’t already up.” Big Macintosh cautioned.

Applejack waved a dismissive hoof and continued off with Apple Bloom casting an anxious glance back.

What was that all about? Silver Spoon moved to follow her friend only to be stopped by Sunset. Her mother shook her head and then began heading over to Big Macintosh.

Sunset smiled to Big Macintosh. “I see you are the one Mrs. Orange mentioned to take her place while she will be absent.”

“Eeyup.” Big Macintosh replied with a nod.

“My name is Sunset Silver,” she said, dipping her head. “And I assume you’ve met my daughter, Silver Spoon, before?”

Big Macintosh replied with a nod, smiling to Silver Spoon.

“Hello, Big Macintosh.” Silver Spoon smiled.

“Great.” Sunset giggled. “Now, I do trust Mrs. Orange has informed you as to what will be going on?”


“I won’t keep you then, it was nice meeting one of the Apple family.” Sunset smiled. “We will meet you when the meeting starts, I wish you the best of luck.”

“‘Preciate it, ma’am.” Big Macintosh dipped his head to Silver Spoon and Sunset before trotting off.

“Mom, your last name is Silver, but Daddy’s last name is Archer,” she paused, looking up to her mother. “Isn’t it?”

“Ah. True... I had grown accustomed to introducing myself, I forgot about that.” Sunset tapped a hoof to her chin.

“Forgot about what?”

Sunset blinked. “O-Oh, nothing terribly important.” She shook her head. “I must have a word with your father after the meeting. But for now, we must be getting that saddle.” she flashed brief smile before briskly trotting off.

“M-Mom! Wait up!” Silver Spoon called, joining her mother’s side and narrowing her eyes accusingly. “If it’s not important, why do you seem nervous?”

“Nervous?” Sunset echoed. “No, I’m not nervous.” she sighed. “Truthfully, I’ll admit I’m a bit jealous...”

“Of what? Or who?”

Sunset sighed. “Of you and how close you are with Ms. Rarity. I suppose it is my own fault and I’m—”

“Mom, it’s fine.” Silver Spoon rubbed her head into her mother’s side. “Rarity and I are close and we are friends. She is nice, but in the end, I guess she’s not you.”

“Thank you, Silver Spoon.” Sunset smiled. “I’m a fortunate mare.”

Silver Spoon giggled. “I’m a fortunate filly.”

Sunset opened the door to Carousel Boutique, and met the welcoming smile of the pony in charge. “Welcome!” Rarity chirped. “How can I assist my dear friends this evening?” she said, raising an eyebrow as she took in Silver Spoon’s appearance.

“Hi Rarity.” Silver Spoon smiled. “We were looking for something for me to wear today.”

“Oh, I figured you two were in the market for something nice judging by how lovely the way you two look.” Rarity giggled.

“If possible, something floral for my daughter. I haven’t decided for myself yet.” Sunset added. “Expense is no issue.”

“Tut tut tut.” Rarity waved a hoof. “Your sweet daughter has done plenty for me and she is a good friend of my younger sister. I believe it is time I returned the favor. This will be pro bono and I will not argue on any other deal. Am I understood?”

Silver Spoon and Sunset giggled. “Yes ma’am,” Sunset replied. “Crystal clear.”

“Good.” Rarity smiled. “Now, Ms. Silver, Silver Spoon,” Rarity’s horn began to glow, ponyquinns began to trot in of both mare and filly sized variety sporting various dress and saddle designs. “Choose your outfits!”

One by one Sunset and Silver Spoon looked over the designs graciously set before them by Rarity. Rarity is always so nice. Silver Spoon smiled as she considered a fetching, rich blue saddle. She cast a glance over to her mother, who was found chatting with Rarity, and giggled. I knew they would get along.


Seabastion moved through Ponyville with a subtle grace; each step he took was deliberate and even. He paused near town hall and retrieved a pocket watch from his suit jacket. After confirming the time, he replaced it and continued on.

“I know that look, old friend,” chuckled a familiar voice. “Is the detective hot on the trail of another thief?”

Seabastion shook his head. “Ever vigilant as always, Doctor Clockwork.”

“So what are you doing out? Picking something up? Perhaps a stroll through the hustle and bustle of town?”

“Not quite, no.” Seabastion shook his head. “I am just settling affairs.” He looked over his shoulder. “But you know as well as I that you knew that already.”

Clockwork half smiled, obvious sorrow behind his cheery facade. “I keep forgetting how sharp your mind is despite your age.” He shook his head, expression darkening every moment. “Have you spoken with the Silvers? How about August Hoof?”

“I’m afraid August is a loose end,” Seabastion replied with a chuckle. “She has been a dear friend of mine, but I must repay my debt as anyone would do should they have been in my hooves. She knows this—” He paused, quickly retrieving a handkerchief to catch himself as he coughed into it.

Clockwork’s plagued his face which was creased into a frown. “You know I could help.”

“Doctor,” Seabastion turned to face Clockwork, his piercing orange eyes fixated on the stallion. “I appreciate the conversation and your concern, but I really must be going.” Seabastion dipped his head, then continued on.

As Seabastion approached a homely estate, birds chirped and splashed in their bath erected in the yard. Arrangements of bright yellow flowers sat in pots on the window. He smiled as he rapped on the door, within moments movement could be heard coming from inside before the door opened revealing a welcoming smile.

“Seabastion, how good to see you,” chirped Mayor Mare, brushing her silvery mane aside with a hoof. “Come in.”

“Thank you.” Seabastion dipped his head as he trotted inside.

After shutting the door, the mayor trotted over next to him. “To what do I owe the occasion? Or do you need something from me?”

“I wouldn’t mind a cup of tea if that isn’t too much trouble.” Seabastion replied, moving over to a chair near the window. “And yes, I would like to speak with you, Curlicue.”

“Ah, I see...” the mayor wearily sighed at the sound of her name. “It’s one of those talks then.” she shook her head. “I’ll get right on that then. Golden Monkey is your favorite tea, If I remember right, that is.”

“It is.” Seabastion nodded.

“I am not looking forward to this,” Mayor Mare groaned, trotting off around a corner. “It’s bad enough Sterling is back in town...”

Seabastion chuckled, shaking his head. “You shouldn’t be so hard on your brother. Fatherhood does not come with a manual, he is doing only what he knows.”

“That implies that little colt actually grew up,” Mayor Mare retorted. “I envy the patience Sunset has.”

Seabastion sighed. “Can you not forgive and forget?”

“Seabastion, you coddle him too much.” Mayor Mare sighed. “In the end, he’s proved he won’t even listen to you.”

“What happened, happ—” Seabastions coughing returned suddenly, leaving him with a slight wheeze and short of breath.

“That sounds bad,” Mayor Mare said, returning with the tea. “You should see a doctor.” She offered Seabastion his tea then sat down and smiled.

“I have seen a doctor,” Seabastion said, gingerly sipping his tea. “ And he has seen me.”

Mayor Mare slowly shook her head, narrowing her eyes. “Seabastion what are you—”

“I have seen two generations of the Silver family, Curlicue.” Seabastion smiled. “I ask you as a pony that changed your diapers, I would greatly appreciate it if you looked after them.”

“Seabastion...” Mayor Mare sighed.

Seabastion took another sip of his tea, sitting it down before he stood. “Ah, and before this slips my mind...” He frowned. “I’ve no idea where you might have bought this,” Seabastion gestured to his cup. “But I hope I do get at least a half decent cup of tea before soon.”

“I actually grew this myself.” Mayor Mare growled.

Seabastion cocked an eyebrow. “Your point being?”

Mayor Mare groaned, chuckling to herself as she shook her head. “I can’t promise more than I’ll attempt to talk to him.”

“I foresaw as much.” He chuckled. “He will be through after the family meeting has adjourned.”


The Silver family entered town hall, their hooves echoed on the reflective tile beneath them High above their heads, sun shone in from a stained glass window of the Equestrian royal flag which cast deep red and gold throughout the foyer. On either side sat oaken doors, polished to shimmer as bright as the floor. The carpeted stairs led to the second floor which encompassed the inside of the building.

“Its been awhile since I’ve been in here, and it hasn’t changed one bit,” Sterling remarked with a wry smile. “The other families should be getting here soon, so lets hurry and get good seats.”

“Good idea.” Sunset added.

Silver Spoon silently fell in behind her mother, her eyes wandering about their surroundings. Come to think of it, I haven’t been here in some time.

Sterling opened the doors to their right, a room reminiscent of a dining hall was the other side. The large circular table was set with no shortage of seats placed comfortably apart. As Silver Spoon stepped in she instantly spotted Big Macintosh talking with another orange stallion.

“Well, well, well!” Sterling chuckled. “If it isn’t Big O! It’s been a while.”

Mr. Orange rolled his eyes. “Oh, Sterling,” he dryly said. “My name isn’t— Oh what’s the point?” Mr. Orange groaned. “You’re early for a change. Are you feeling alright?”

“Cute.” Sterling retorted. “And... you must be Maddie’s nephew, Big Macintosh, right? I’m Sterling Archer—you've met my wife and daughter already, I hear.”

“Eeyup.” Big Macintosh nodded. “Nice t’ meet ya.”

See? I thought that was weird. Silver Spoon frowned, scratching her head. Archer? Silver? Which is it? If it’s Archer, I wonder if that one filly in my class is a cousin of mine. I know Mom knows something, but what could it be she isn’t telling me... She cut her eyes to her mother, who glanced down then visibly flinched.

“W-Well, from what I hear, congratulations are in order!” Sunset said, wasting no time in moving over to a seat next to Mr. Orange.

Sterling blinked, realization hitting him suddenly. “Oh, yes! I almost forgot about that. I heard Madrid is having triplets?”

Mr. Orange shuddered. “We don’t know how many for sure, just that the doctor says she should be resting now. So, in order to have a bloodline family member here...” he motioned to Big Macintosh.

“Speaking of bloodlines and foals,” Sterling smiled to Silver Spoon. “Do you remember my daughter, Silver Spoon?”

Mr. Orange blinked, a smile making its way across his face. “She’s grown!” He chuckled. “I haven’t seen her since she was in diapers.”

Silver Spoon blushed and awkwardly smiled. I feel kind of bad, I don’t remember meeting him before.

“Ah, Sterling, mon bon ami!” Chirped a voice.

Sterling turned, grinning ear to ear, Sunset appeared less enthused as she laid eyes upon the approaching family of deer. Totaling in four, the buck in the back loomed in his tux and tie, leering at Sterling from under his top hat. Two young twin bucks, dressed in a red and yellow ariant of their father’s ensemble, smiled warmly to Silver Spoon and her family.

That must be the doe Mom was talking about. Silver Spoon took notice of her slender and delicate form. Pearls hung from her neck and her faint, cream colored dress flowed with each step she took.

“Sanguin! It’s great to see you again.” Sterling and the doe embraced in a hug. Silver Spoon giggled at the height difference between Sanguin and her father..

“Monsieur Lumiere,” Sunset dipped her head to the almost statuesque buck in the back who shot a brief smile. “Hello Javert and Leblanc.” She gestured to the two young, fawn coated bucks respectively.

“Madame Silver,” he replied with a tip of his hat. “Az your ‘usband az said, eet ez good to see a familiar face, oui?”

“Bonsoir, Tante Sunset!” The twins enthusiastically chirped. “It’s been a while.”

“And look at that! Not a trace of accent.” Sterling giggled. “You two have gotten good!”

The twins’ gaze turned to Silver Spoon unanimously. “Is this your little filly you’ve told us about?” they asked ensync.

“Yes!” Sterling chirped, hooking his hoof around Silver Spoon. “This little kitten here is my pride and joy. Silver, this is Javert and Leblanc.”

“Pleased to meet you, princess.” the twins said insync as they dipped their heads.

Silver Spoon giggled. “Hello Javert and Leblanc.” She smiled.

One of the twins nodded approvingly, smiling to the other. “What do you think, brother?” he asked raising an eyebrow. “She does have that same beautiful smile.”

“No doubt!” The other brother enthusiastically nodded. “She obviously took after her mother.”

“Alright, little bucks, enough flattery.” Sterling cut in.

Sunset giggled. “Jealousy does not become you, darling,” she mockingly smirked.

Sterling shrugged and casually smiled. “Jealous? Me? I’m was just pointing out the fact that the meeting should begin soon.” He gestured to the doors, bringing attention to a familiar minotaur who was followed by a cream coated calf wearing a passionate crimson dress that flowed behind her along with her onyx hair hiding part of her face. Upon noticing other eyes in the room on her, the shy calf hid behind Bulk.

I suppose that’s Mr. Trojan’s daughter. Silver Spoon giggled to herself. She looks frail compared to her father.

“Sterling? Early?” Bulk asked in his gruff tone of voice. “I never thought I’d live to see the day.”

Sterling hung his head and sighed. “Is it really that big a deal?”

“Ah, Sable, dear,” Bulk began, coaxing the meek calf from behind him. “Sterling brought his daughter along. Perhaps the two of you have something in common?”

Sable peered from behind her father, looking over to the group of ponies. She paused then tugged on her father’s arm, Bulk leaned down and Sable whispered something into her father’s ear. Bulk groaned and lead his daughter to a seat.

“Silver, honey, Sable is a bit on the shy side. If you get a shot, she could really use some opening up.” Sterling suggested with a smile.

Silver Spoon nodded. “Alright, Daddy I’ll try,”

The first to arrive (on time, in her usual fashion) was Diamond Tiara with her father and sister. From head to hoof Diamond Tiara’s family’s fortune showed: Filthy Rich clad in a deep burgundy tux, Screwball appeared visually distressed walking on her own four hooves inspite of the enchanting saddle she wore. And of course, there was Diamond Tiara beaming a smile as she trotted along side her father in her confident fashion.

The next to arrive was a griffon of an imposing sort, scowling as he strutted in in a white tuxedo. A giddy unicorn mare trotted behind him, beaming a warm smile as she ran a hoof through her blond mane. “Come along, dear Rosenkrantz,” she called.

“Yes, mother,” came a voice. A colt trotted in bearing a striking resemblance to his mother, his piercing green eyes scanned the room, as he made eye contact with Diamond Tiara he scoffed and found a seat next to his mother.

“Bleh, that colt...” Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes. “Thinks he’s SO smart, thinks he knows everything.” She groaned to Silver Spoon.

Sterling snickered. “looks like some filly has a crush on a certain colt.”

“As IF, Mr. Archer.” Diamond Tiara huffed.

Silver Spoon giggled, shaking her head and keeping an eye on the lithe and tall colt who seemed more interested in his book than the ongoings around himself. He’s... pretty. She smirked. Can a colt be pretty? Yeah, I think... not quite handsome, but not cu— wait, why am I even thinking about this? Silver Spoon shook her head in an attempt to dislodge her thoughts.

“Huh, shame the old ranger isn’t here...” Sterling mumbled.

“Ah, yes, it seems we are missing one...” Sunset observed.

“Who, daddy?” Silver Spoon asked, counting the families.

“A founder of this little get-together we all have,” Sterling replied. “A stallion as old as Methuselah— then again, possibly older.” He chuckled.

“As colorful with your comparisons as always, Sterling.” Came a posh voice. An antiquated stallion shuffled in, the tails of his black coat flowing as he moved through the room. His yellow coat was dulled with age and what remained of a mane peeks from below the brim of his bowler hat. “I can always count on you to find some original verbal jab to take at me, eh?” He heartily laughed.

“Well, Sunbeam, it’s not everyday one meets a walking museum exhibit.” Sterling teased.

“Bah,” Sunbeam huffed, shaking his head. “You believe just because you married a nice young tail—”

Enough, you two!” Bulk bellowed, swiftly turning to Sunbeam and bowing his head. “I do apologize, but you two must be aware of the females in the room and I will not allow such words to cross the ears of my daughter.”

“Honestly, Sterling,” Filthy Rich chimed in. “You mustn't let Mr. Beam get to you.”

Sanguin giggled, smiling to Sterling. “How do you say, to be around you iz ever az exciting, non?”

“You mean, being around him is exciting, mom.” Javert chuckled.

“If one finds coltishness attractive, I suppose so.” The staunch griffon bluntly cut in.

“Oh, don’t YOU start with me, Freid,” Sterling growled.

I thought these were supposed to be Equestria's elite... Silver Spoon couldn’t help but crack a smile as the arguments grew until everyone was saying something that became incomprehensible amidst the noise of the room.

“This tends to happen from time to time.” Diamond Tiara whispered to Silver Spoon, sighing and smirking as she shook her head. “I swear I have no clue how they do get business done in times like this.”

“It’s not what I expected,” Silver Spoon giggled. “But it seems like fun.”

“I don’t think so.” DIamond Tiara shook her head. “Sometimes this can go on for hours...”


Just as Diamond Tiara had prophesied, the arguing was still going on, the subject had shifted to something along the lines of Changelings, but the rest was anyones guess. Silver Spoon, the last of the junior heirs, slipped out into the hallway when the others were each tending to their own attention.

Sable seemed to stand out, her eyes darting back from one heir to another until she met Silver Spoon’s gaze then flinched.

A shy minotaur? There’s an oxymoron in that idea somewhere. Silver Spoon giggled to herself as she made her way to Sables side. “Hello.” She smiled.

Sable only made a vague gesture of a greeting, keen to avoid further eye contact before shuffling off.

“That one’s a bit weird, Silver Spoon.” Came Diamond Tiaras voice. “I rarely see her, but when I do she acts like that.”

“I used to do the same before we were friends, remember?”

Diamond Tiara nodded. “True, I didn’t even see you eat lunch at school when we first began talking outside of me being mean back then.”

“I’ll try again to talk to her.” Silver Spoon said with a confident nod. “Maybe invite all of the heirs to my house to get to know one another.”

Diamond Tiara chuckled, “Just like your dad.”

“Huh?” Silver Spoon cocked her head. “How?”

“You two are always wanting to throw some sort of get together,” Diamond Tiara noted. “I swear your family might be relatives of Pinkie Pie's.” She giggled.

The doors to the conference room opened and the adults fanned out to each of their young, an obvious tense air hung thick amongst the supposed mature individuals. Diamond Tiara rushed over to embrace her father in a hug.

Sunset sighed, smiling weakly to Silver Spoon. “It isn’t always like that... but it does happen from time to time.”

Silver Spoon giggled. “I would hope not, Mom. Though, it was a little weird to see something like that happen.” She turned and looked to her father who was uncharacteristically silent for a change with a brooding expression about his face. “Daddy? Something wrong..?”

Instantly Sterling snapped out of his stupor and hastily flashed Silver Spoon a smile. “Not really, little puddingcess.” He shook his head. “Just a bit tired and I still have business to take care of... this time with the mayor.”

“Must you, dear?” Sunset asked pleadingly.

Sterling reassure his wife in a kiss then smiled. “Given our past, this isn’t bound to last long.” He chuckled. “I will see you two back home soon.”

“Mom...” Silver Spoon narrowed her eyes after her father. “Do the mayor and daddy know each other aside from working together from time to time?”

Sunset shook her head. “Not here, dear, lets get home first before I explain.”

Sunset and Silver Spoon made haste to their home, rather, Sunset was keen to keep up with her eager daughter. The pair wasted no time in climbing the stairs and entering Silver Spoons room.

Sunset sighed wearily as she entered the room, shaking her head. “You seem terribly excited to hear ancient history, dear.”

“Something is going on. I’m not dumb, Mom.” Silver Spoon said, narrowing her eyes. “Plus, the mayor is my aunt! She excitedly added. “I also want to know why nopony has said anything to me. Did I do something wrong?”

“No, Silver Spoon.” Sunset shook her head. “What is going on between your father and aunt has nothing to do with you. Those two have a bit of bad blood between them...”


I can’t believe Seabastion pulled the whole ‘Dying stallion's last wish’ routine. Sterling huffed as he moved with the quickness through Ponyville. He’s fine, just needs to see the doctor. If not the one here, I’ll import one. He will be fine. Just melodramatic is all, as always.

As Sterling approached his destination, the front door opened and a familiar face appeared.

“Oh.” Mayor Mare deadpanned. “Hello, Mr. Silver.”

Archer,” Sterling curtly corrected. “Sterling Archer.”

Mayor Mare scoffed, rolling her eyes. “I suppose.”

“So, what did you want?”

“Is it so wrong for a sister to long to spend time with her dearest brother?” Mayor Mare sarcastically said.

Sterling chuckled. “Now I know you’re toying with me.”

“True, I am.” She frankly replied. “Being my sibling, I suppose you could tell when I am and am not sincere.”

“‘Brother?’ ‘Sibling?’” Sterling echoed, arching his eyebrow. “I thought you hated me.”

Mayor Mare genuinely reeled. “Sterling, I don’t hate you. You’re family.”

“Then why did you stop talking to me? I sent mail.”

Mayor Mare narrowed her eyes. “You know why. I understand that you and Father never saw eye to eye, but that was no excuse for what you did.”

“Didn’t see eye to eye...” Sterling mocked. “That’s putting it mildly. Father only had eyes for you. He never had time for me, hardly ever saw him. All I needed was mom.”

“And yet he left you, my younger brother, with our family fortune.” Mayor Mare calmly said. “Have you never asked yourself why would he do something so generous for you when I was originally in line before you?”

“Simple, he saw the way I was living, enjoying my life, then he decides impose his way of life on me!”

“And yet you didn’t complain.” Mayor Mare simply stated.

“Well, what choice did I have? Silver Spoon was on her way at the time an—”

“And father saw you staring your family then decided to leave you with the means to raise your daughter. Whom you, yourself hardly ever see.” Mayor Mare chided. “Tell me, how are you doing anything different than what father did to you?”

“I—I... I”

“Precisely.” Mayor Mare decisively nodded. “You’re harbored your hate for our father so long, you’re becoming more like him than you know.”

Sterling couldn’t reply.

“I’ve watched Silver Spoon from afar, she is quite the filly, Sterling.” Mayor Mare approached her distraught brother and placed a hoof on his shoulder. “All she wants is her mother and father.”

“I... had no idea.” Sterling managed to choke out.

Mayor Mare smiled. “He would understand. Father and I would talk, know that despite his absence, father loved you very much, Sterling.”

“I need to apologize to him...”

“Come on then, lets go pick up some flowers. I’m sure he will be more than happy to make up with you."

Comments ( 25 )

Yes include it Holly. Ok so the Mayor being Silvie's aunt is unexpected

I say you include it, along with a hidden scene about how Silver Spoon becomes the Dutchess of Pudding

Some errors.

Mayor Mare smiled. “He would understand. “Father and I would talk, know that despite his absence, father loved you very much, Sterling.”

Should be obvious with it pointed out.

Sunset faintly smiled and nodded. "I'm sure. But, instead, why don’t we shop around a bit? I’m sure there are other stores around Ponyville than just Carousel Boutique."

Unnecessary double-space between "I'm" and "sure".

I thought these were supposed to be Equestrias elite... Silver Spoon couldn’t help but crack a smile as the arguments grew until everyone was saying something that became incomprehensible amidst the noise of the room.



There seemed to be a couple grammatical things that niggled at me, but I give grammar the bird whenever I can so I'm not the one to say anything about them. Include it!

Another solid chapter! Poor Silver's really starting to get a sense that All Is Not Well.

(I've sent my editorial comments to you via PM so as not to clutter things here.)

It updated! :yay:

Silver Spoon giggled at the height difference between Sanguin and her father..

I don't remember any mention of this? Who is taller? Because deers can be as small as two feet or up to seven, depending on species and gender.

Wow Silver Spoon has quite the family. Having the Mayor of Ponyville as your aunt must be really awesome and really embarassing.

“Alright, little bucks, enough flattery.” Sterling cut in.

Is it wrong that in my head, I heard, "Alright, you little f*cks, enough flattery."

Ah, great to see this updated again! :pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy:

The conflict between Mayor Mare and Sterling feels like it resolves itself too quickly. Considering the two had bad blood between them for years, a 5-10 minute conversation doesn't do the resolution justice.

Other than that, I enjoyed this update. I loved all the family bonding this chapter had.

Nice to see you writing again. Can't wait for the next chapter.

2393693 Oh, I've more plans for that. :raritywink:

You really need some better editors. There's been typos and grammar mistakes all over the story.

Anyway, Great to see this picking up again. Good to see that DT's story doesn't need immediate renewal just yet, but it would be nice to see more from that one. Keep up your writing buddy, can't wait for more!

Sterling... Archer..?


U still alive, bro?

HA this meeting reminds me of Captain Jack Sparrow's quote at the Bretheren's Court.
"This is politics.":pinkiecrazy:

I am with Silver Spoon.. so confused about family names among ponies.:twilightoops:

and where's Applejack and Applebloom? Big Mac and his Uncle are there to represent the "so called" Orange Family. I thought Silver Spoon said the "so called" Apple Family would be represented as one of the seven?:applecry:

Little confused as too whats going on but can't wait to see more:twilightsheepish:

His father is Sebastian, I'm calling it.


U still alive?


Please don't be dead.:applecry:

Any more to this? It's now been a year. Writers block?

Will this continue?

Dude. Two things. One. I LOVE your name! Have you read the Warrior Cats series? And Two. HURRY THE F UP WITH THE FREAKING NEXT CHAPTER YOU JERK!!!

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