• Published 3rd Jul 2020
  • 893 Views, 28 Comments

Harmony's Thieves - 4428Gamer

A few of Ponyville's residents awaken to find themselves as humans, Ponyville sealed in a magic dome, and their memories gone.

  • ...

The Woodcutter

3rd Person


A large, magical dome is fitted in and around the town of Ponyville, sealing several locations off in the process. While Ponyville is in the center, the farmsteads to the east and the stone quarry and Ghastly Gorge to the west are all contained as well.

However, the last area locked within the dome is the Everfree Forest, south of Ponyville.

The forest itself is too large to fit inside the dome which means it is the only area not entirely encased. Barely a third of this massive forest is held captive. As a couple dozen individuals are beginning to awaken in or around Ponyville, there are only three figures inside the Everfree Forest.

One of them specifically is a human with black wings on his back. He has short, blonde hair, regular jeans and a gray t-shirt, and a machete sheath on his back with an odd looking blade inside of it. His wings stuck out of his t-shirt through two holes.

He had been walking alone in the Everfree on a dirt path, singing along with a song that had just started to play from a mechanical ear.

As the song began, the human mimicked the beat of the drums by knocking on his chest. He knew how to walk perfectly fine as a human unlike most of the others trapped in the dome.

The human continued following the drum beat as he sang along to the lyrics. As he did, he glanced up at the forest’s canopy that acted as his ceiling. He hadn’t seen the sky the entire time he had been walking. He had no idea there was a dome above him.

To the human’s side, he could see an opening in the forest. The trees went higher off the ground there and the area lacked any brush.

As the human looked closer, he could see animals circling a tree where a purple figure was currently hanging from a branch.

The dirt trail passed by the scene naturally so, as he walked closer, one of the brown animals snapped its head in his direction. The human could notice that it looked like a wolf with glowing green eyes.

At that moment, the song suddenly let out a loud—



The purple thing hanging from the trees let out a scream at the same time as the song. Simultaneously, one of the brown wolves jumped to try snatching its prey with a wooden maw.

The other three wolves turned fully to the human, hearing the song’s screaming from his ear. The human went to try silencing the music but it was too late.

The first wolf broke into a sprint, rushing for the prey ahead of them. The others bided their time.

With the wolf’s speed, the human didn’t have time to reach for the blade on his back. Instead, he reached out his left arm towards the wolf with a nervous expression.

The wolf lunged forward and rather than turn his arm to block, the human opened out his fingers like a catcher’s mitt.

The wolf accepted the challenge and clamped down on the hand, its jaw shattering as a result.

Then, with the leftover force, its head impacted and crushed against the open palm like a car wreck.

The arm was made of metal.

The victory came with a price. With all the force slamming into the human, he was thrown backwards, tumbling as he went.

He opened his wings at some point to try braking but to no avail. His back would slam into the ground several times with his wings now getting sandwiched at wrong angles.

Ten or so feet of crashing later and the human rolled onto his knees with a painful seize. He tried his best to ignore the pain racking his back and wings.

As the human began standing up, he watched as the wolf’s body fell into a heap. With its head reduced to mulch, the green aura that held its body began wafting away from the remains.

Then, when the human was standing once again, he took the chance to reach for the blade on his back. While he did, the next two wolves shared a glance before rushing him at the same time.

The human gave out a shaking breath and slowly built up into a run himself, painfully unfurling his wings as he did.

Before either side could reach the other, the human jumped and let his wings carry him higher. One of the wolves leapt at him but the human clumsily backhanded it with his metal arm.

The wolf fell onto its shoulder as some of its jaw cracked and chipped away. Still, it and its other turned to watch the human make a stiff landing between them and the tree ahead.

The human finally unsheathed the blade from its back and took a second to study it. There was no handle but instead burnt wrappings at the base of this lightning bolt-shaped, yellow blade.


The human switched his attention and towards the tree behind him. At the base of the tree, landing back on the ground from its recent attempt, was the fourth wooden wolf.

It paid no mind to the human as it tried reaching up in the tree where its real prey hung. Large claw marks coated the base of the tree and shards of bark were littered upon the ground.

The human’s eyes settled on the wolf’s target dangling from the branches above. It hung by two arms and was the size of a two-year-old with purple scales and green fins.

It called for help as its grip was slipping from the branch. Before the human could answer, he heard the two wolves behind him rushing forwards again.

He turned and held up his blade.

The first wolf lunged, the human swinging wildly out of impulse. With little resistance, the wolf was bisected with wooden body parts everywhere. He wasn’t as lucky with the second wolf, unfortunately.

Before he could bring his blade back, the wolf jumped and pinned him to the ground. It was all the human could do to bring up his metal arm and hold back the splintering jaw.

The wolf kept biting into the metal, not caring that its teeth were cracking and breaking as it chomped. For all its attempts, the only thing it managed to do was scratch the metal shell.

As the wolf barked and snapped, the human’s vision flashed with several memories.

Acting in desperation, he repositioned his arm to jam his fist down the wolf’s throat.

The human twisted his metal wrist and, to both his and the wolf’s shock, the hand rocketed out of the wolf’s back like a bullet.

The green light faded from the wolf’s eyes as it crumbled to pieces. The only response was the music from the human's ear playing a guitar solo in the wolf’s honor.

Meanwhile, the artificial hand sailed thirty feet before a rubber elastic pulled taut between the hand and arm.

Before the human could realize what was going on, the hand was yanked back by the elastic and reconnected at the wrist.

It was as though his artificial arm had turned rubber for a moment.

H-Help! Please!

The human’s focus settled on the purple person. No, the purple dragon that the human suddenly recognized.


Blitz?!” Spike called back. “Blitz, is that you?!

“Who? Uh,” the human picked up his blade. “Hold on! I’m coming!”

The wolf never turned to look at Blitz. Its attention was on the prey dangling like meat from a stick. It leapt once more but Spike swung away. The wolf narrowly missed snapping the dragon’s tail.

The wolf’s claws sliced through the tree’s bark once more, ripping it and other low hanging branches free.

Rather than fall to the ground, the magic from the wolf enveloped the tree parts and pulled it into the creature.

The timberwolf tripled in size, wooden spikes jutting from its shoulders.

On top of it all, the bark was now worn by the timberwolf as though it were a set of armor.

A yellow blade, dwarfed by the wolf’s size, sailed past its head. It smacked the tree and fell to the ground. All it did was make the wolf turn around.

What the wolf saw as its new prey was Blitz, standing there awkwardly with his arms outstretched. Blitz looked away from the blade and at the timberwolf that was now growling at the human.

You threw it?!” Spike chastised.

“I thought it would work,” Blitz argued.

The wolf gave out a deep roar as it flung the blade away in the other direction.

You got another one, right?!” Spike pleaded.

“...Shit.” Blitz pulled his arms back into an amateurish boxer’s pose.

The wolf lowered itself to the ground, now at eye level with Blitz. Then, almost like it was waiting for it, the wolf charged Blitz right as the song's lyrics began blaring again.

Blitz put every muscle he had into his wings and took to the air but the wolf refused to slow its charge.

When the wolf was in range, it hopped up and tried tearing Blitz in half with his teeth.

Blitz managed to dodge the bite, even slamming his metal fist into the wolf’s nose but not to the desired effect. Rather than stun the wolf, Blitz left himself open as a massive claw battered him back to the earth.

Blitz’s body started screaming from the small crater formed. Still, with adrenaline rushing through him, he got up on one foot just in time to jump away from the next claw sent to crush him.

He stood on both feet, his wings outstretched. Then, Blitz pulled back his metal arm. The giant wolf growled at him.

Seeing a chance, he brought his fist forward and twisted his wrist at the same time. His metal hand launched from his arm like a ballista.

Though the wolf was quicker. Its jaw opened and, with green smoke billowing forth, let the hand fly into its mouth. The wolf clamped its jaw shut and refused to release.

Blitz’s eyes pulled wide but before he could protest he was pulled by force of the elastic and dragged up against the timberwolf’s torso-sized teeth. Blitz swore the wolf was grinning.

With Blitz trapped, the wolf started violently shaking Blitz as though he were a chew toy.

With every pause the wolf gave between shaking, Blitz kicked, clawed, and pulled to free his arm. However, the wolf was stronger and fully aware of it.

When the wolf was finished having fun, it threw Blitz aside and let him flail across the dirt until he finally stopped at the base of a gnarled tree.

Blitz groaned as the wolf strode up, clearly victorious.

Blitz stared at his metal arm. The elastic to his hand was outstretched and taking its time to pull back. There were also dozens of bite marks and scuffs across the metal shell.

The wolf growled as the music finally faded out. But Blitz was too tired to do anything about it.

Instead, Blitz peeled himself off the ground and faced the wolf. He didn’t try running.

Finally, Blitz watched as the massive timberwolf straightened its back and stood still. Not even looking at Blitz anymore.

Confused, Blitz leaned forward and spotted the same purple dragon from the tree now standing underneath the large wolf with a terrified yet determined expression on his face.

Come on…” Spike strained, twisting the yellow blade deeper into the timberwolf’s stomach. As he did, the bottom of the wolf came alight in green flame.

The wolf howled in pain as Spike drew the blade back out. The top half was glowing hot with green flames dancing along the blade’s edge.

The wolf turned to flee from Spike but now finding a new problem. With the wolf's large size, it couldn’t get past the trees that were packed so close together.

Blitz took the chance to grab his hand and click it back into place. When he could move his metallic fingers again, he forced himself to his feet and went to take the blade back from Spike.

Only, Spike kept the blade away from Blitz. While Blitz fell back on one knee, Spike nervously ran up to the behemoth wolf and plunged it into one of the legs.

The heat and flames of the blade made it cut through the wood like butter, allowing Spike to rip it free and watch as the second round of fire caught even quicker than the stomach did.

Green flames wrapped around the timberwolf as chunks fell apart. By the time it was small enough to fit through the trees, the wolf’s legs were already destroyed.

Spike backed up far enough to stand beside Blitz. As they stood they watched as the last of the timberwolf fell apart into a charred mess of useless wood.

When Blitz and Spike were certain that they were safe, both of them fell to the ground, lying on their backs breathing heavily.

“I hate timberwolves,” Spike announced weakly.

Blitz started laughing. “Yeah. I can see why.” He took a second to roll his shoulder. His normal, non-metal shoulder. “You good?”

“I think so.” Spike sat back, propping himself up with his arms. “What about you?”

“Eh. I’ll shake it off.” Blitz flinched when one of his muscles pinched. “...With one or twelve ice packs.”

The two shared painful laughter as they let themselves enjoy the silence.

When Spike looked over at the timberwolf piles, his laughter faded.




“Huh-Oh. Me. Sorry, yeah?” Blitz spoke hesitantly.

“The timberwolves are doing something.” Spike crawled up to his feet.

Ugh. Playing dead, I hope.” Blitz forced himself to stand up with a groan and turned around.

The first thing Blitz noticed was there were only three timberwolf piles; the giant one and two small ones. The second thing he noticed was that the three piles were glowing with different colored strands of aura.

“That supposed to happen?” Blitz asked.

Spike worriedly shook his head and slowly reached for Blitz’s still glowing hot blade. What Spike did know was that timberwolves always had a sickly green aura. The multi-color strands were new.

When these strands finished rising out of the timberwolves, each pile of lumber turned into purple aura before vanishing. Then, the colorful strands formed into three orbs of magic where each wolf was.

“Maybe we should go,” Blitz offered, backing up himself. But he wouldn’t have the chance to act on that thought.

Without a warning, the colorful orbs each popped, sending tendrils of energy in every direction. Some flew up through the canopy, others went underground, but many of them settled for slithering into Spike and Blitz’s faces.

Both of them flinched. As the tendrils struck each of them, they both felt a warmth in the front of their heads before a burst of sounds and visions danced across their minds.

“I. M-My name,” Blitz stammered. “I forgot my name.”

Spike shook his head with a groan but still heard the human. “Huh? Forgot?”

“Yeah,” Blitz went on. “When you called me Blitz just now; I didn’t know what you meant. But, Blitz. Electric Blitz? That’s my name...Right?”

“Uh-huh,” Spike hummed. Then he rubbed his eyes. “And I’m your friend, Spike. I. I-I’m the...I do—I work at…?” Spike trailed off before suddenly having a sense of clarity.

“I work at the Golden Oaks Library,” Spike realized. “Yeah, I keep all the books organized there.”

Spike scratched the side of his head. “But wait. How did I forget that?”

“No clue. And for that matter.” Blitz took a second to look at his arms and legs. “Why am I human again?”

Spike frowned deeper. “Something’s not right here.”

Blitz started looking around them as he glanced at the blade Spike was holding. Confused, he carefully took it with his metal hand and put it back in the sheath on his back. “We’re somewhere in the Everfree. No clue how to get out though. And the canopy’s too thick to fly out of.”

Spike’s face lit up. “Oh! What about Zecora? If we can find her hut, we can find Ponyville.”

“Ze. Cora?” Blitz repeated slower.

“You. You don’t remember?” Spike cringed.

“...Kind of,” Blitz groaned. “The name sounds familiar. But, I know what Ponyville is. And I know you, so...lead the way?” Blitz did not sound sure of himself, but he didn’t have much of a choice.

“D-Don’t worry. I think I remember how to get there.” Spike smiled, but it shrunk right as it appeared. “Just gotta find the...T-The blue flowers?”

Blitz bit his lip. “Sounds...Reassuring.” He was going to try reconsidering but the pain racking his body helped convince him. “Let’s be careful,” he suggested.

Neither of them seemed to be in the best mind but they both knew they should keep moving. So with no time lost, the two got back onto the trail and started walking.


Author's Note:

The prologue is finished and the pieces set!

This character, Electric Blitz, is actually what started this story. He was what the original story was based off of. Actually, that yellow blade is what eventually became my avatar.

Also as a small side note, I originally wrote this fight scene to the beat of the song I linked in the story. I wrote out the lyrics to help frame the action but that was before I realized that was against site rules. So I'm sorry if it's a bit jarring because of that.

Anyway, with the prologue now completed, the first act officially begins! I hope you enjoyed and until next time!