• Member Since 28th Nov, 2016
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


I'm kinda bad at comment's, and believe in Karma.

Comments ( 677 )

Good so far, I look forward to seeing more.

This I really like, especially since there aren’t many Sphinx stories.

Interesting. A sphinx story? This pleases me.

They didn't even count right, there were 2402 creatures... But colt got it.

On other hand this looks the second well-written displaced fic I ever encountered.There were a couple of jarring transions but I have nothing to complain about the style or language... Just a little type - she asked them to answer a fiddle.

It will be interesting to find out how Starswirl reacted when he finds out one of his friends Somnambula also had to deal with a Sphinx. I wonder if he will wonder if it was the same one. And also if the two sphinxes will meet?

Whoopsie, and fixed.:twilightsheepish: Happens when said letters are close to each other on the keyboard...

That meeting wil most likely be fun to reed. Also there is a possibility that she is the sphinx that Somnambula will meet.

A D&D displaced fic. This should prove to be very interesting, depending on how things happen.


"No... No... No... Nope... Double nope... Sounds shady... Definitely a scam... How did that got printed here?"

I think you mean "get"

Now I had a body of a lion, or rather a lioness after checking downstrairs, with wings on its back that looked like they could indeed enable viable flight, along with a mane reaching almost halfway down my back.

I assume you see the error here. Stairs are a dangerous thing, eh? :moustache:

I still wonder how long that darn suppression thing last's?

I think that is supposed to be "lasts" without the apostrophe. I think... I'm not certain, so if someone more knowledgeable in English grammar could answer that, it'd be nice to know. I still have problems with it sometimes myself as i'm not sure whether or not an apostrophe should be used in some cases.

Fixed, fixed aand... Fixed. Ty for your help. And yes those little apostrophe dot-thingies can sometimes be tricky to get right.

holy shit I actually got that riddle right

I'd like Hena to acidently turn someone and her self into a baby with her time magic

Actually I'm planning on doing something along those lines... Only targeted at someone wicked... And maybe at the other direction of aging:pinkiecrazy:... You can imagine the rest, plan-spoiler over...

So most likely aging them up until they are extremely old and can’t live a normal life or until they are a shriveled up dead husk of a person.

Something like the first one. Was somewhat inspired by the faith of Mordred in Justice League cartoon; who was basically old senile, decrepit husk of a person after losing eternal youth but not immortality... You can probably guess the visual result...:pinkiesick:

Ah dude the story is good so far. I hope there isn't any crossovers with others displaced stories.

Lets see... Nope, not finding any notes on crossover-stuff.

"Another morning, another day closer to being homeless."

I know that feeling :ajsleepy:

"Hello, DeezPlaced Co secretary F. M. Erchant here. How can we be of service?" came a chipper sounding voice.

Hah :trollestia:

"Oh, you mean our son could one day be called Starswirl 'The Bearded'? Yeah, that'll never stick."


Very promissing start, especially with the end indicating this is happening in the ancient pre equestrian times.

I have to say, that reveal at the end? That is ine gell of a reveal of when hena was placed

hey look a displaced story that look good this truly is a rare gem

How many were there going to St. Ives?"

I feel like this line would have rhymed better if it were phrased "How many lives were going to St. Ives?"

Alright I'm interested. That's not surprising I like your other stories first chapter too.

Very fun start

“A spider’s got to spider.” -Scarheart

Perhaps, though I was going by the original nursery rhyme-riddle, only chancing 'man' to 'stallion'.

That is the way that riddle has been written for ages. It is the classic 'ignore everything except the first and last line' riddle.

Classically awful riddle. It's perfectly reasonable for a single individual to be travelling faster than such a large party so heavily burdened. Nothing in the riddle contradicts the idea that they're all going in the same direction and the narrator simply overtook them.

Meanwhile, the phrasing specifically asks how many kits, cats, sacks, and wives are going. It seems to me that the answer should be the total minus the narrator and the stallion. Or if you assume that the large group is travelling from rather than towards St Ives, then the answer would be zero.

The answer of "one, the narrator" only makes sense if you ignore the question being asked by the riddle:

"Kits, cats, sacks, and wives,
How many were there going to St. Ives?

Igiari. The last two verses are separate sentences, and this is a common misdirection riddle. Did she specifically say that the narrator joined them to his destination? no he said 'he met them' it never once say they're going the same direction.

Nice start, but be careful, I feel a lot of boring Mary Sue energy in this story. Especially with the time manipulation and a thousand years for training bitween Starswirl and the Mane Six.

I intend to be careful with that:rainbowdetermined2:. No one wants legal problems that involve time manipulation...

Is that a reference? I feel like that’s a reference.


You don't mess with time... Or not too much to get attention from it.

Hopefully this issue is fixed by showing flashbacks of the character struggling to learn about/ how to use their powers.

Well she just arrived, and I intend to make her learn and EARN a good chunk of her "op" powers. Yes she is capable of using time powers and magic, but has not tried or learned any spells/magics yet. Latter requires studying.
Hopefully this eases the fear of "Sue" a little.

Good, good. Also, word of advice? Decide wisely if you think about your character being summoned by another Displaced or your character summoning a Displaced. Cross-over chapters with other Displaced can make or break the story.

Good. And I don't have plans to make cross-over chapters. I think I mentioned it earlier in the comments.


The last two verses are separate sentences, and this is a common misdirection riddle.

You can choose to interpret it that way, but there's no indication in the riddle itself that this is the case. It's not misdirection. It's arbitrarily choosing an interpretation from ambiguous information and acting like it's a "clever puzzle" that the person answering has to guess which interpretation you happen to like.

Did she specifically say that the narrator joined them to his destination? no he said 'he met them' it never once say they're going the same direction.

It never once said that they're going in the opposite direction either, and there's no reason to think they are. Again, it's perfectly reasonable to think that a single traveller could overtake a guy travelling with his family caravan and their quadruple-digit cat menagerie.

I understand now why this got featured. :raritystarry: I like it! :pinkiehappy:
Please do more. :scootangel:

You do?:derpyderp1: I'm still rather confused it got there on its first day and also hot.:derpyderp2:
And there will be more to come.:rainbowdetermined2:

First chapter is a little clunky, but I'll track this for now.

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