• Published 25th Aug 2012
  • 2,123 Views, 51 Comments

Strangers in a strange land - Snowy Flanks

Andy and his newphew are some how sent to Equestria, how will they adjust to their new lives?

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Awoken in a strange place

It was a beautiful, cheerful day. The kind of day you just have to sing about. The sun was shining brightly and the birds were singing their songs. A few leaves danced across the grass, a typical mid spring day. Of course none of this was known to the two creatures that were passed out next to each other deep in the forest. If either of them had been awake they would only see a dark, dank and somewhat spooky world. The two creatures were lying in the middle of a circle of slightly toasty grass and were both were unconscious. None of the forest animals had found them yet but it was only a matter of time. One of the creatures began to stir slightly shaking its head before sitting up.

“Whh-what happened” said Andy keeping his eyes closed and shaking his head to get rid of the spots in his vision “What was with that light?”

Andy felt like he had just stuck his finger into a light socket, his whole body tingled and he could smell burnt toast. His tongue felt dry and like it was a little too big for his mouth.

“Why does everything feel different?” raising his hand to his face.

When he made contact he stopped. This was not his face, his nose was too pointy and it seemed like he had not shaved in a while. Opening his eyes slowly he saw he was in a forest and it looked like it was night time. He looked down at his hand and almost screamed.

“That’s not a hand! Why do I have a hoof?” whispered Andy, quickly looking all over his body and moving his hooves around to make a full examination. He was covered into teal fur which completely covered his body. His hooves, if that’s what they were, were too soft to be real pony hooves and were also covered in the teal fur. He looked behind his and saw a tail much too clean cut to be from a pony. It had two colours, dark and light teal and you could clearly see the distinction between the two colours. As he rubbed his head he felt a horn poking through his mane which also much too long and too soft to be real.

He tried to stand up and it felt like someone had just pushed a freight train over on him “OK too much pain to be dreaming. So what else could it be? People don’t just turn into unicorns and where the hay am I?

His rant was interrupted by a piercing cry right next to him. He looked down and saw a small zebra crying its eyes out. But at the same time it wasn’t a zebra. Instead of stripes the creature had dark grey fang marks all over its body. Sure the marks looked symmetrical and looked real good on it but there was no way they could be mistaken for proper zebra stripes. The creature also had hair; small black minifro hair sat on its head and ended at the start of its neck. Even the tail was wrong; two clear-cut black and white lines swished and swayed as the zebra cried. The zebra opened its eyes, and Andy looked right into them, they were light purple and much too large to be proper zebra eyes.

Looking deep into the zebra’s eyes, Andy felt a small spark of recognition. Grabbing hold to the zebra, which squirmed and tried to get away, Andy stared deeply into the tear-covered eyes and recognized who he was holding.

“Jermaine! Jermaine! Don’t cry, it’s OK, it’s me Andy. Don’t worry I’m still here no need to be afraid I’ll stay here with you.” softly spoke Andy stoking Jermaine as gently as he could.
The crying didn’t stop, but there was a small decrease in the volume and Jermaine did stop trying to struggle. As Andy kept softly reassuring Jermaine and holding him his mind was racing.

OK what is the world happened to me and Jermaine and where in the world are we?.

Then it all hit him.

Zebras and Unicorns? A deep foreboding forest bathed in darkness? Ridiculous colour schemes on a pony that could not possibly happen? Hairhooves? Expressive faces on animals? Anatomically incorrect leg bending? I can talk? How in the wide world of Equestria did I ever get into the My Little Pony Cartoon?

Then it hit him again, both he and Jermaine were sitting in the middle of the Everfree forest, a place full of Manticores, Ursas, Dragons, Timberwolves, Cockatrices and all manner of other animals that would like nothing more then to eat the both of them. And with Jermaine crying like a stuck pig something was bond to come before to long. So Andy did the only logical thing he could think thing of.

“SOMEPONY?! ANYPONY ?! HELP US!!” he screamed as loudly as he could.

Fluttershy started the day with a big smile and stretch. She got up and feed the creatures that lived in her house took special care to make sure Angel ate his food. Then went outside and feed the creatures that live around her home from the birds in the sky to the fishes in the river. After that she went to the market to replenish her dwindling supplies of food and building materials for her creatures. After getting back home she made herself a simple breakfast of tea leaves and strawberries before going out to check her mail. The town mail mare was on point today and all of the mail in her mailbox was neatly in place and addressed to her. Flipping through the pile Fluttershy found that the special seeds she ordered for Mr. Redbreast’s arthritis had finally arrived. She squeed with pleasure and ran back to her cabin tossing the rest of her mail on the table and pouring out the seeds into her mortar. She ground the seeds a little to loosen the shell casings and called out

“Oh Mr. Redbreast your special treat is ready if you don’t mind eating it. I’ll just leave it here on the table for you. Please eat all of it if you don’t mind”

With all of her animals feed and cared for, Fluttershy was free until the mid day check up, so she decided to go and visit Zecora. She always enjoyed that talks the two had, Zecora knew so many ways to take care of animals without giving them nasty tummy aches and was always willing to give her aid without ever asking anything in return. Fluttershy walked down the path leading to Zecora’s hut, taking special care to look out for any animals that might need care, when she heard something that made her blood run cold. Off in the distance was the unmistakable sound of a foal crying.

“Oh no what if he is hurt he needs help” she cried turning towards the sound.

Taking off as fast as she could, Fluttershy zoomed towards the sound of the crying which grew steady louder. As she neared a second voice desperately cried out for help. She could hear the fear in the voice and took off, flying as fast as she could to a gap in the trees. Fluttershy landed in the clearing as saw a unicorn stallion trying to console the crying child he had wrapped in his hooves.

“Do you need any help?” asked Fluttershy walking up to the duo.

Fluttershy? I managed to get myself Fluttershy? This is good. Thought Andy turning towards the butter coloured pegasus

“Oh thank you so much miss, my nephew and I have become terribly lost and I’ve heard horrific stories of the creatures that lurk in here. Could I trouble you for directions out of the forest? Asked Andy; making sure not to call Fluttershy by name since he was not supposed to know it.

“Oh you got lost? That awful! Don’t worry I’ll get you out of here myself” gasped Fluttershy lifting her hooves to her face “Come with me please”

Andy tried to figure out how to carry Jermaine while walking before just placing to crying foal on his back. Walking carefully and looking back every few steps to make sure Jermaine was still safely on his back, Andy followed Fluttershy through the forest speaking calming and reassuring words in hopes that it would stop Jermaine’s crying. By the time the trio reaches Fluttershy’s cabin Jermaine had finally stopped crying and Andy’s back was very wet. Once going inside and placing Jermaine on the floor, Andy turned to Fluttershy and asked

“I hate to be a bother miss, but do you have any balls or blocks? Something for the little guy to play with so he can calm down”

“Oh um I think I have something upstairs don’t worry I’ll go get it” whispered Fluttershy hiding behind her mane.

“Thank you again miss…come to think of it I never got your name”

um it’s Fluttershy” said the Pegasus hiding herself even more and backing up the stairs

“Thank you for everything Miss Fluttershy” called Andy up the stairs.

Andy looked around the room repressing a smile as much as he could. I can’t believe I’m in Fluttershy cottage! And it doesn’t even smell bad! You’d think with all the animals in this place it would smell like a barn but it’s got a nice pine fresh scent to it. He turned around to see Angel strutting over to Jermaine and moving to poke him with his paw. Leaning down, and narrowing his eyes as much as he could, he looked right in to the bunny eyes.

“You lay a single paw on him and I’m making Hasenpfeffer for dinner. I don’t care what you do to me but the little one is off limits. You got that.” spoke Angel poking the bunny little to illustrate the point

Angel pointed to the stairs and raised an eyebrow.

“Yah I know Fluttershy will get mad at me and will cry a lot” said Andy with a little sigh “But I don’t care what happens to me or her as long as I can protect Jermaine from any and all threats”

Angel saw how deadly serious Andy was being and flicked the unicorn’s nose before hopping on to the couch.

“Good” said Andy rubbing his nose and moving to nuzzle Jermaine.

A small ball rolled down the stairs prompting Jermaine to get up give a big smile and bound over to it. Andy smiled and saw Fluttershy smiling from the top of the stairs.

“Thank you again Miss Fluttershy, he looks a lot more content now”

Oh it’s ok sir I was glad to help

“Now that he is calm I’m hoping I could bother you again. Sorry about all of this but do you of any way I could contact the Princesses, it is fairly important that I talk to them as soon as possible.” Said Andy brushing his mane back.

Oh my friend Twilight is her student, I’m sure she could get you in contact with her” said Fluttershy rising up a little and looking Andy in the eyes,

“A thousand thank yous Miss Fluttershy. Where does your friend live?”

“Don’t worry, I’ll take you to her right now” said Fluttershy walking to the door

“OK, come little guy it’s time to go now” said Andy gentle picking up Andy in his teeth and once again placing him on his back. This time Jermaine jumped off and pick up the ball in his mouth before following his uncle. The trip to Ponyville was quiet except for the giggles of Jermaine. Fluttershy was to shy to ask questions and Andy was too private to speak. As they enter Ponyville Andy heard the sounds of the townsfolk when they saw him and Jermaine Putting on a smile and waving whenever possible, Andy started looking for Twilight. The faster he could find her, the faster he could get to Canterlot and figure out this whole mess. Andy sighed a little when he heard a familiar gasp he expected and braced himself. Music started playing and a voice rang out “Welcome welcome welc…”

“Whoa there Pink, I’m sorry but I don’t have time for a song right now. Do you happen to know where Twilight is?” said Andy, interrupting Pinkie Pie before she could get going.

The music stopped abruptly and Pinkie Pie popped up in front of him “Oh hi I’m Pinkie Pie, I never seen you before and I know everyone in Ponyville so that must mean you are new, what’s your name, who is that between your legs, why do you need to find Twilight, how did you know my name was Pinkie?’ Said Pinkie Pie bouncing up and down

Smiling a little, Yep that’s Pinkie Pie all right. “Well I can’t tell you my name right now, he is my nephew, I need to talk to her about the princesses and gee I wonder” said Andy poking Pinkie in the chest for the last part.

“Oh I see I’m all Pink and my name is Pinkie! to bad I’m not a pie or all of my name would make sense, and your name is a secret are you a secret agent here to find a secret in the city” said Pinkie smiling at him.

“Secret agents rarely bring their nephews with them on missions and no I am not. So do you know here Twilight is?” said Andy patting Jermaine on the head as he talked.

“I sure do she’s right behind you staring at us”

Andy turned around and saw Twilight walking up to him with Spike on her back.

“Ahh Miss Twilight, just the mare I wanted to see. I’ve been told you can put me in contact with the princesses. It is important that I talk to them as soon as possible. Can you help me?” said Andy with a small bow.

“You need to talk to the Princess Celestia, what is this all about?’ said Twilight with a touch of panic in her voice

“I’m afraid I can only talk with the princesses about it. Until I talk with them I can’t say too much.” said Andy averting his eyes from Twilight’s gaze.

“Umm I can have Spike send a message but I can’t guarantee they will respond. Now who are you?”

“Umm Twilight, I found him in the Everfree Forest with his nephew, he said he was lost and needed help so I took him to my cottage and then we left to find you” said Fluttershy peaking out from behind Pinkie

“And his name is a secret but he says he is not a secret agent! Oh Oh we can have a welcome not a secret agent party for him” beamed Pinkie Pie

“I’m sorry Pinkie, but I really don’t have time for a party right now, so if you do throw I won’t be attending.

“No party?” gasped Pinkie her hair beginning to deflate

Andy watched the hair begin to shrink. Ohhh hay no, that is not happening to me, thought Andy and quickly said “Don’t worry Pinkie once I get back and settled a little, you can throw the bestest not a secret agent party ever. And this way you will have time to plan and make it even better then if you had to rush.”

“Oh right, I’ve never throw a not a secret agent party. I will need time to get all the masks. Don’t worry Mister Secret when you get back your party will be ready.

“Looking forward to it Pinkie” smirked Andy turning back to Twilight. “So how do I get to the princesses?”

“Celestia lives in Canterlot, you can take a train but she is very busy she might not be able to see you”

“Don’t worry; I can wait when I arrive there. So where is the train station?”

“Umm it’s down the street. If you will just tell me the problem I can try to help you”

“I’m sorry Miss Twilight, but it needs to be the princesses that I talk to first. Come on little guy we have a train to catch” picking up Jermaine and walking down the street; He only took few steps before he put him down again. “Umm, I don’t mean to be a bother but do any of you have something I can carry this guy in, my teeth are getting a might sore and I don’t want him to run off”

“Oh Oh, The cakes have a spare baby case, I go see if they can loan it to you” said Pinkie Pie rushing off

“Meet me at the train station and tell them I said thank you!” shouted Andy at the disappearing pink baker before continuing to walk towards the train station; Jermaine followed closely behind him. Twilight and Fluttershy followed them and Twilight continued to ask questions, but Andy politely declined from answering any of them. Half way down the road Andy heard another voice her recognized, he sighed softly.

“Hey mister where your cutie mark?” Asked the orange Pegasus filly stepping off her scooter, her two companions getting out of their wagon.

“I don’t have one yet” said Andy simply, dreading what was about to come.

“WHAT!?” shouted the three crusaders “How old are you” said Applebloom her typical bluntness

“About twenty-five” said Andy.

“And you don’t have your cutie mark yet?”

“Nope” shrugged Andy hoping the three will go away before things got uncomfortable.

The Cutie Mark crusaders sighed and cried a little “He is that old and he doesn’t have his cutie mark. This proves it, will never get ours, were going to be blank flanks forever.” said Applebloom

“Maybe he is just lazy and never tried anything” said Scootaloo with hope

“Sure lets go with that” said Andy shrugging and smiling a little

“Come on girls we have to get are cutie marks, we can’t be lazy like this guy!” said Scootaloo as the three bound in the there cart and speed away.

By the time they arrived at the train Jermaine was cowering and Twilight was exasperated. Pinkie appeared in front of them, walking out from behind a pole that could not have possibly hide her but somehow did, with a bag in her mouth

“The Cakes were glad to let you borrow this and I got me a few things for you and your nephew. Some oatmeal cookies and cut fruit, a bottle of milk and some diapers” said Pinkie Pie putting the bag down at Andy’s hooves.

Leaning down to slide the bags over his back Andy replied “Tell them thank you very much, and I shall return it as soon as I can” he paused a moment before hugging Pinkie and smiling. “Umm Miss Twilight do you mind levitating my nephew into the bag for me, I don’t know how to do it”

Twilight was shocked “You don’t know how to levitate things, but that’s the first thing a unicorn learns!” Proclaimed Twilight gently lifting Jermaine into the bag.

Andy turned to pat Jermaine on the head “Well I didn’t. Thank you all for your help. I am in your debt. If I come back I will find some way to repay your kindness” Then her quickly got on the train before any of them could ask questions.

The doors closed and Andy sat down on a seat sliding the bags off on the seat next to him

“Well Jermaine, where on are way” he opened the bag and picked up a cookie for Jermaine to munch on. Once we get to Canterlot, I’m sure the Princesses will be able to send us back. Why don’t you take a little nap?” Said Andy pushing the cookie towards Jermaine.

Jermaine gobbled up the cookie and wiggled in his bag”

“Now come on Jermaine go to sleep.” Said Andy brushing Jermaine mane. Oh I know what to do, I hope nopony questions this. He softly sang

“Hush now, quiet now
It's time to lay your sleepy head
Hush now, quiet now
It's time to go to bed”

He kept singing until Jermaine drifted off into sleep. Wrapping his hoof around Jermaine Andy look out the window at the approaching castle. I hope the Princesses can help me.

Twilight was not happy. Whoever this stallion was he seemed dead set on meeting the Princess. He wouldn’t say anything about himself or what he wanted.

“Spike take down a note” she said turning towards the baby dragon on her back. In his hand was a quill and parchment.

“Dear Princess Celestia

Today Fluttershy found a strange unicorn stallion in the Everfree Forest. He insisted on talking to you saying he needed your help, but when I asked questions he wouldn’t tell me anything about himself, not even his name. He didn’t have anything with him and didn’t even know how to levitate something. He is headed for you right now with a zebra colt that he claims is his nephew. I am concerned about his intentions and thought I would warn you

Your faithful student Twilight Sparkle”

Spike rolled that parchment up and breathed his travelling fire onto it. The note quickly burned and headed towards Canterlot.