• Published 11th Jul 2020
  • 7,466 Views, 17 Comments

The Blame Game - BrawnyBold

The CMC don't speak to each other after Twilight banned them from the School of Friendship.

  • ...

Making Things Right

The Cutie Mark Crusaders slowly exited the School of Friendship while feeling really sad. They got scolded by Princess Twilight for making Cozy Glow fail her test in attempt to get into the School of Friendship. The fillies' minds were filled with confusion and sadness as they not only failed Cozy, they also got kicked out of the one school they wanted to go to.

"I can't believe this is happening." Scootaloo said while her lips quivered.

"I still don't get it, we made sure that Cozy was learning all the right things involving friendship." Sweetie Belle confirmed.

"Maybe Cozy had test-taking anxiety?" Apple Bloom assumed. "It's common for any pony or creature to feel nervous during a test."

"Or maybe some of us aren't so good with tutoring." Scootaloo sneered. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom looked at each other in confusion.

"What are you talking about, Scoot?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Oh don't play dumb with me! I know what you guys did!" Scootaloo glared. "One of you gave Cozy some of the wrong answers to make me look bad in front of Twilight!"

"Scootaloo! We would never do such a thing!" Sweetie Belle deafened.

"Or would you!?" Scootaloo talked back. "You were probably trying to get the upper hoof in enrolling into the School of Friendship while leaving me in the dust!" Sweetie Belle's anger increased and she marched closer to Scootaloo.

"I DIDN'T DO IT! And who is to say that it was you who sabotaged Cozy's learning!" Sweetie Belle screamed. Soon, Scootaloo and Sweetie were literally butting heads with each other.

"Girls, stop this!" Apple Bloom said while separating her friends. "Maybe we can speak to Cozy and ask why she failed her test."

"What's the point!? She probably doesn't want to listen or speak to us since we made her fail!" Scootaloo turned to leave her ex-friends while stomping her hooves.

"You mean since YOU made her fail!" Sweetie Belle said while she also turned to leave.

"But we shouldn't be arguing and blaming each other! That's not what friends do!" Apple Bloom spoke.

"Princess Twilight just threw us out of her school without hearing us out! It just proves that her friendship lessons don't always works!" Scootaloo responded.

"At least we agree on that!" Sweetie Belle yelled back as she and Scootaloo went their separate ways, leaving a sad Apple Bloom all alone.

"I guess they're right, what's the point of friendship if it doesn't work out." Apple Bloom said to herself as tears streamed down her face.

Twilight was in the middle of working on some papers. She was still a bit angry at the CMC for tricking Cozy into failing. At least now the fillies can't do anymore harm to the school and her students anymore. Twilight's thoughts were interrupted when she noticed her cutie mark glowing.

"The map is calling me again?!" Twilight said in surprise. She felt really excited as it has been awhile since she was called upon the map to solve another friendship problem. Twilight flew out of her office and made her way to her castle. When she arrived to the map's room, she noticed that her friends, Spike, and Starlight were there as well. Twilight also spotted Cozy Glow as well. The filly was looking a bit guilty and her cutie mark was also glowing.

"I'm going to solve a friendship problem...with Cozy Glow?" Twilight asked in confusion.

"It also looks like you won't be traveling far since your friendship problem is in Ponyville." Spike said. "There's also this." Spike pointed at the map. It showed Twilight and Cozy's cutie marks at Ponyville, but the CMC's cutie marks were blinking on top of Ponyville.

'The Cutie Mark Crusaders are also involved,' Twilight groaned in her thoughts.

"That is not the only thing we need to discuss." Starlight spoke. "Cozy Glow, is there something you would like to say?" Starlight said to Cozy. Cozy slowly approached Twilight.

"It was my fault, Princess." Cozy confessed. "I failed my test on purpose." Twilight showed a dumbfounded face.

"Why would you fail on purpose?!" Twilight demanded.

"It was to help the Cutie Mark Crusaders get into the School of Friendship. I thought if I failed the test, it would show that they needed help with friendship and attend with me." Cozy looked down in shame. It was then Twilight realized that she banned the CMC for no real reason.

"I got to apologize to them." Twilight said.

"What for?" Applejack asked.

"Probably because Princess Twilight accused the Cutie Mark Crusaders and banned them from the School of Friendship." Cozy answered. All of Twilight's friends, specially Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity, glared at Twilight, making her feel extremely uncomfortable.

"You did what?" Applejack asked while she gritted her teeth. Twilight shivered as the last thing she wanted was to be the target of Applejack's anger.

"I...I thought they were trying to get payback on me for not accepting them into the school." Twilight stammered. Rainbow just flew up to be muzzle to muzzle at Twilight.

"Are you kidding me?!" Rainbow hollered. "How could you believe such a thing!" Rarity trotted up to Twilight.

"Twilight, I understand that you were just trying to protect the school." Rarity said. "But that still doesn't change the fact that you just accused the fillies for something that wasn't even their fault!"

"I know the crusaders have made some attempts of getting into the school, but they stopped when they tried to help Cozy with her friendship lessons! Applejack mentioned. "If that's not what makes a true friend, then why in Celestia's name am I even teaching at this school!?" Twilight dropped on her flank as her guilt felt overwhelming. She didn't even considered what the CMC had to say when she accused them. Twilight just threw them out as the only thing on her mind was to protect the school and her students. She put those things first over the three fillies who she knew for a long time. Tears streamed down her face as she finally processed the hard truth.

"You're right, I made a terrible mistake." Twilight whimpered as she cried in her hooves. Starlight slowly approached Twilight and give her a pat on her head.

"And maybe that's why the map called upon you and Cozy. To make things better with them." Starlight said hopefully. Twilight thought about it before she got up and wiped her tears off.

"You're right, Starlight!" Twilight said with confidence."We got to make things right with the Cutie Mark Crusaders!"

"I'm not sure now is a good time." Cozy said doubtfully. Twilight and her friends looked at the filly curiously. "After you made them leave the school, I tried to approach them but they got into a heated argument with one another. Next thing I knew, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle marched off while Apple Bloom looked really sad. I think things went from bad to worse after what we did."

"Oh no," Twilight whispered as she feared that she might have ruined a friendship.

Apple Bloom was in the middle of cleaning up her clubhouse by removing all of the stuff involving the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

"Apple Bloom!" Applejack called out from outside. Apple Bloom sighed as she got up and exited the clubhouse. She saw Applejack, Twilight, and Cozy standing at the front of the stairs.

"Hey Applejack, are you going to talk to me about what happened with Cozy?" Apple Bloom assumed. "If so, then I'm ready to be yelled at." Applejack placed a hoof on Apple Bloom's head.

"It's actually the opposite." Applejack said as Cozy and Twilight approached them.

"I'm really sorry, Apple Bloom." Cozy said as she gave Apple Bloom a hug. "I failed my test on purpose. It was a way for you and the other crusaders to get into the school. I was terribly wrong." When Cozy was done with her hug. Twilight bowed her head in front of Apple Bloom.

"I also apologize not only as an alicorn princess, but also as a friend. I forgotten about all of the good things you and the crusaders have done when I banned you from the school. It was one of the worst mistakes I have ever made as the Princess of Friendship. I shear that I will do better as the Princess of Friendship and listen to what you, your friends, or any creature have to say." Apple Bloom's eyes teared up as she felt extremely happy from Cozy and Twilight's apologies. Apple Bloom couldn't help but give them a big hug as a sign of forgiveness.

"Thank you so much!" Apple Bloom said. Applejack smiled as she felt proud that Apple Bloom forgave Cozy and Twilight for their mistakes.

"Alright, now we have to apologize to Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle!" Twilight declared.

"I think it's best that I come along, Twilight." Apple Bloom suggested. "Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle aren't on good speaking terms with each other so maybe they'll talk to me."

"I would appreciate that, Apple Bloom." Twilight said as she, Cozy, and Apple Bloom made their way to Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle.

Scootaloo was taking a stroll on the streets with Rainbow. Scootaloo was sort of surprised that Rainbow didn't say anything about the ban Twilight placed on the CMC as Rainbow was one of the instructors. Rainbow just asked if Scootaloo wanted to head to Sugar Cube Corner and get something to eat. 'Rainbow probably thought that I was right and she is cheering me up.' Scootaloo thought while still following Rainbow. When they arrived to Sugar Cube Corner, Rarity was also there along with Sweetie Belle. Both fillies looked at each other before they glared.

"What are you doing here!?" Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle yelled at each other.

"Are you here gloat about how 'right' you are for blaming me?" Sweetie Belle sassed.

"I would as you were mainly involved in making Cozy fail!" Scootaloo talked back.

"That's not exactly how it happened." Apple Bloom interrupted. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle turned to see Apple Bloom, Cozy, and Twilight approaching.

"Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, I'm sorry." Cozy said while bowing her head. "I failed my test on purpose in attempts to get you two and Apple Bloom into the school." Twilight also bowed her head.

"I'm also sorry for blaming you two and Apple Bloom instead of hearing what you had to say." Twilight explained. Both fillies just stared at Cozy and Twilight for a long time.

"Why would you do such a thing, Cozy!?" Scootaloo yelled.

"Especially for all of the things we did for you!" Sweetie Belle included. "We tried to help you learn about friendship without asking for anything in return and this is how you repay us!?" Cozy just looked down and sulked.

"Girls, she didn't mean to cause harm to you." Twilight defended.

"You weren't any better, Princess!" Scootaloo barked back. "You just assumed that we were little devils and fooled Cozy into failing her test, then you treated us as such!"

"But that's why I'm here, to say sorry to all of you and make things right!" Twilight pleaded.

"Well, a simple sorry can't reverse all of the mean things you have said to us when you banned us from your school!" Sweetie Belle said. Both Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle huffed as they marched away while feeling peeved. It was completely quiet at the front of Sugar Cube Corner as everypony couldn't believe what has happened. Rainbow and Rarity looked at each other in confusion before they followed in pursuit of Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. Twilight didn't know what to do as everything went by so fast. She hasn't felt this guilty since she realized that she was the one who caused Moon Dancer to seclude herself into her books.

"Now I really messed things up, Princess." Cozy said with a sad pout on her face.

"I also messed things up too, Cozy." Twilight said as she looked down.

"It's alright, you guys." Apple Bloom. "I still forgive you."

"But your other friends won't forgive me after what we did." Cozy said as she slowly trotted away.

"Where are you going, Cozy?" Apple Bloom asked.

"There is one last thing I could do to make things right." Cozy replied.

"Can I help?" Apple Bloom suggested.

"No, I'll be fine." Cozy said as she trotted away.

"I also know what I must do to make things right." Twilight said as she spread her wings and flew away, leaving Apple Bloom to return home.

The Next Day

It was in the middle of the afternoon when everypony in Ponyville was gathered around Town Hall in for an urgent town meeting. The students and teachers of the School of Friendship were also participating in the meeting for some reason as they were a part of the town. Mayor Mare got up to the podium and cleared her voice on the microphone.

"Citizens of Ponyville! I am here to inform you that Princess Twilight Sparkle and Ms. Cozy Glow would like to give you some announcements!" Mayor Mare moved away to let Twilight and Cozy stand behind the podium. Some of the residents, teachers, and students were confused about what Twilight and Cozy had to say. Twilight used her horn to levitate the microphone closer to Cozy.

"When I started attending the School of Friendship, I was having difficulties with the friendship assignments. I thought I was going to fail and possible get kicked out of the school." Cozy took another deep breath. "That was until I met the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They were willing to help me out with all of my friendship assignments and I was able to pass the classes. It wasn't until they helped me with one of my tests. I wanted to pay everything back to the Cutie Mark Crusaders for helping me pass my classes. That was when I decided to fail my test on purpose." The crowd began to chatter among themselves. "I thought it would show that the fillies could use some help and attend the friendship school with me. But my plan backfired on me." Twilight then levitated the microphone near herself and she began to speak.

"When I spoke with Cozy about her failed test, she informed me that the Cutie Mark Crusaders were helping her with her friendship lessons." Twilight breath heavily before she continued. "I came to the conclusion that the Cutie Mark Crusaders were sabotaging Cozy's learning for not being able to attend my school. As a punishment, I banned the Cutie Mark Crusaders from being anywhere near my school or my students." It was then the crowd began to chatter in reaction to what Twilight had said. Some members of the crowd spoke about how shocked and or angry for Twilight's actions. Twilight continued, "It was a terrible mistake for me to accuse the Cutie Mark Crusaders as they were only helping Cozy." Cozy flew up to take the microphone and spoke again.

"I will dropout from the School of Friendship so I won't cause anymore trouble to the students." The crowd was shocked to hear Cozy's resignation as a student. Twilight resumed speaking into the microphone.

"My recent actions should also not be tolerated as I'm a princess of Equestria. In order for me to pay for my mistake, I hereby resign as Headmare of the School of Friendship and Princess of Friendship." As Twilight and Cozy bowed, the crowd began to panic from hearing such shocking news. Twilight's friends galloped to Twilight and Cozy.

"Twilight, what are you thinking!?" Applejack said in disbelief.

"You can't just give up your princess and headmare title like that!" Spike pleaded.

"It's the only way I could make it up to the crusaders." Twilight said as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"But resigning from being a princess is way too dramatic!" Rarity said.

"I'm sorry, girls. But this is our choice." Twilight said as she and Cozy nodded. Before the both of them were about to leave, a single beam was fired in the air to catch every creature's attention. They all turned to see that the source of the beam was from Starlight as her horn glowed.

"Thank you," Starlight said as she blew her horn to cool it off. "Now that I have your undivided attention, I would like to bring out some fillies who have something to say to Twilight and Cozy." Starlight moved aside to reveal all three of the Cutie Mark Crusaders trotting towards Twilight and Cozy. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle's faces no longer showed any anger.

"We took some time to think about it and we agreed that what we said to both of you was not the right thing to do." Scootaloo explained.

"Yeah, we were just so angry from being betrayed by two of you." Sweetie Belle added.

"Now it's our turn to ask for forgiveness." Scootaloo said as she and Sweetie Belle bowed their heads.

"We're sorry." Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle said at once. Cozy and Twilight began to tear up from feeling so touched from the apology. It was then that all of the crusaders, Cozy, and Twilight gave each other a massive group hug, causing every creature to cheer in celebration of the restored friendship.

"Thank you so much girls," Twilight whispered.

"Does that mean you'll stay as Headmare and Princess of Friendship?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Yes, I'll make sure that I'll stay true to my title and make sure to hear what everyone has to say." Twilight said before she and Cozy noticed that their cutie marks were glowing again, indicating that their friendship quest was finally over.

Things went back to the way it should be. Twilight was still Headmare of the School of Friendship and she was still the Princess of Friendship. She continued to make amends with the Cutie Mark Crusaders by officially graduating them from the School of Friendship since they were already so good with friendship. The crusaders were extremely happy as they were able to graduate without attending Twilight's school. The fillies even accepted Twilight's offer of becoming official tutors at the School of Friendship, as long as it doesn't get in the way of their regular school work. This meant that Cozy was able to spend more time with her new friends while learning more about friendship.

Comments ( 16 )

This sounds like it makes even less sense than the other one.

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle still need to apologize to each other though

None of the accusation fics for this episode make any sense. Twilight literally did what any reasonable authority figure would have done and people blow it all out of proportion because they don’t understand the concept of an apology gift.

Why are all the alternate endings to this episode poorly written and poorly executed with so much bad grammar to boot?

I still don't get what was so horrible about this episode that required so many people to scribble out so many fix fics in such a hurry. Twilight did apologize! She just did it in a "Show, don't tell" sort of way. And the CMC clearly got the message! Actions speak louder than words!

Great work! You hooked me into the story and kept me there; that's a hallmark for me! Love your stories BrawnyBold!

The problem with the episode is that there are literately several witness that can collaborate that the CMC were in fact teaching Cozy how to be a good friend, if Twilight had actually bothered to put in any work into investigating.

Problem is not every one reacts to those apologizes the same way. Fact of the matter is by dealing with the CMC the way she did, and blaming them for something they didn't do (in a apparently not so enclosed environment) she not only committed a injustice against them, but also impugned their character, and a lot of people would've liked to see that record set straight in a more formalized way, especially considering that's what the old Twilight would've done.

Ouch. I agree bud; this one was nonsensical, mainly as it makes the same mistake most accusation fics make; the accused is given no chance to protect themselves.

There's still the problems that the CMC have between each other that they need to resolve.

And when it comes to apologies, especially after rejecting the first one, doing one in public in front of the entire town and making a spectacle of the thing is a bit of a dick move. The CMC weren't given an apology, they were held socially hostage, where they would look like dicks for rejecting it.

Not bad... Not Bad... (You could even write a story of Twilight making good on her threat-- making sure the CMC don't hang with her students as simple friends, which can really cause confusion, really make people angry, and really make her feel guilty when she learns the truth)

I will still never forgive Twilight for what she did (Judging the CMC without hearing them out) Matter of fact, this may be mean of me (But I bet loads of you feel the same way)

Marching straight into Twilight's office (Maybe kicked the door open) shoving all the papers off her desk right in front of her, glare at her and sneer, "I ought to kick you clear into orbit for what I just saw you pull!"


I'll explain to you... (Not trying to change your mind, just making it clear)

The reason is many people are so angered is because of Twilight's attitude and banning the crusaders

1: She knows them better than that (True, the CMC have done some crazy things before... but would honestly think they would do something like make one of her student's fail on purpose?)

2: She just chewed them out without giving them a chance to explain themselves, and just judged them like that.

3: A Princess of Friendship, and Headmare of the School of FRIENDSHIP, isn't one of the lessons of Friendship "Not to judge, and hear both sides of the story." No, she just ignored all that, assumed the worst, and banned the CMC from her students and her school like that-- literally kicking every friendship lesson she ever learned or taught out the door.

...Now, True, she made up with the CMC afterwards, but that still doesn't cut it for some of us. We know Twilight is sorry for making her mistake, but MAKING IT in the first place... well... that's where she went wrong... VERY wrong!

So we all make fics like this to show what happens when she REALIZES her error (She's feels guilty and more drama ensures) And sometimes, some people are so enraged at Twilight's mistake, they'd like to see her suffer for it.

That's pretty much what these fix fics are for... "Revenge."

I feel like Rarity, AJ, and RD need to calm down, because I feel like they would have probably done the same thing.

Just when I thought people couldn't dramatize this episode anymore 🤦‍♂️

How crazy is the CMC... How they jumped on a priest during the funeral? Or how they unleash chaos itself (Discord) hmmm... New plot CMC got away with it. Also the fiction seem alright to me.

well, in their defense, their intention is never malicious.

10332444 I have to agree. This isn't repentance, this is manipulation.

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