• Published 2nd Sep 2012
  • 6,025 Views, 242 Comments

Sisterly Bonds - Secret_Shadows

Follow Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo as they discover their past and build a new future.

  • ...

The Fair

Sisterly Bonds

‘The Fair’

Written By: Secret_Shadows
Edited By: avorin
Consulting Advisor: Enlistedpony

Rainbow woke to the sound of birds chirping and the sun shining into her eyes. Scootaloo was still fast asleep wrapped in her wing like it was a blanket.

Rainbow yawned as she looked at a small clock on her nightstand.


Hm, Scootaloo probably won’t get up for a while yet.’ Rainbow thought as she tried to think of a way to get up without bothering Scootaloo.

Slow and gentle she was as she slid her wing out of Scootaloo’s grasp and started to reclaim her wing from the sleeping filly.

Scootaloo yawned and rolled over, pulling Rainbow’s wing around her again for warmth.

That’s cute, but I really want to get up.’’ Rainbow thought to herself.

She started to retract her wing only to have it pulled back, again, by Scootaloo.

“Alright, I want my wing back now” Rainbow said, loudly.

Scootaloo stirred a bit before she slowly opened her eyes and looked at Rainbow.

“Good morning” Scootaloo said as she rubbed her eyes.

“Good morning Scootaloo, mind if I get my wing back now?”

“Oh, uh, sure.” Scootaloo said as she released Rainbow’s wing. “It, it was just so warm.”

“Well that’s nice, but, I really need to get up now, you can go back to sleep if you want.” Rainbow said.

“O *Yawn* Ok Rainbow” Scootaloo said, she stood up like she was going to get up, but she circled on the bed and laid back down after another yawn and fell back to sleep.

After about twenty minutes of Rainbow trying to coax Scootaloo out of bed she finally managed to get the sleepy filly to the breakfast table.

“So Scootaloo what do you want for bre-”

Rainbow was interrupted by the sound of a snoring filly. She moved closer to Scootaloo and shook her shoulder to try to wake her up again.

“Huh, what?”

“You fell asleep, again.”

“Heh, sorry, I, I am really tired today for some reason.”

“Probably because you didn’t sleep well last night, even after you came to my bed you were tossing and turning all night.”

“Oh, I hope I didn’t keep you up...” Scootaloo trailed off looking a bit.

“No Scoots, its fine, you’ll feel better after you eat.” Rainbow said as she set a bowl of sugar cube cereal down in front of Scootaloo.

Scootaloo devoured the sugary substance in ten seconds flat.

“Foals and their cereals these days” Rainbow said, instantly trashing the thought so as not to sound like her mother.

“You sound like an old pony Dash.”

“I am not old! I am only five years older than you!” Rainbow thought for a moment about what she just said, but set aside that thought.

“I think I see some grey in that mane of yours.”

Rainbow started to turn in circles in a frantic and vain effort to look at her mane, making herself dizzy in the process.

“Do you have a mirror?!” Rainbow asked frantically.

Scootaloo just burst out laughing.

Rainbow went from being frantic, to having an aggravated look on her face.

“That was not funny.” Rainbow said with a straight, almost angry face.

“Haha, I thought it was!” Scootaloo said laughing.

“Yeah well, your mane looks weird.” Rainbow said, trying to retort, failing miserably.

“Sure it does Rainbow.”

“Well I am not old!”

“Yeah, keep saying that to yourself, it’ll come true one day.” Scootaloo said sarcastically.

“Yeah, well, I need to talk to you about School, so go wait in the living room while I clean up in here.” Rainbow said as she started to wash the dishes that Scootaloo had just used.

After a few moments and noise in the kitchen, Rainbow made her way to the living room were Scootaloo had made herself comfortable on the sofa.

“So what’s up Rainbow?” Scootaloo asked, she tilted her head slightly.

“Well, Cheerilee told me you will fail if you don’t get better in math, and, I need to help you.” Rainbow said, she sat down next to Scootaloo.

“Yeah, I’m no good at geometry and angles and lines and stuff.” Scootaloo admitted.

“Well, I can try to teach you how I learned at Flight Camp.” Rainbow said, she stood up.

“How’d you learn?”

“Through Flight.” Rainbow smiled a bit as she started for the door. She gestured for Scootaloo to follow.

As the got onto the cloud lawn Rainbow spread her wings and took to the sky.

“Well, come on!” She shouted down to Scootaloo who was still on the cloud.

Scootaloo started to flap her wings and she took off, following close behind Rainbow.

“Alright, what’s your biggest problem with math.” Rainbow asked as she flew to a patch of clouds.

“Word Problems.” Scootaloo said, she felt a bit ashamed of herself, everypony in her class got it accept her.

“Well, I might be able to help with that!” Dash said as she flew up into the air making herself look awesome and sure of herself.

“Thanks, but I just don’t get it.” Scootaloo said.

“Nonsense! Try this one, Applejack applebucks four tree’s, each tree has ten apples on it, how many apples does applejack get?” Rainbow asked.

“Well that’s easy, anypony can count their tens....”

“How many apples then?”

Scootaloo thought for a moment and held up her forehooves like she was using them to count.

“uh, forty?”

“There ya go, now, you got that down, why can’t you do another one?”

“Because anypony can do their tens! Its harder when its not tens.”

“Ok, try, The pegasus weather factory has to make sixteen clouds this hour and each cloud making machine makes four clouds and hour max, how many cloud making machines do the pegasus need to run to meet the quota?”

Scootaloo thought for a moment, again using her hooves to count.


“how did you get eight?”

“well, sixteen, is, but the four clouds, I don’t even know.” Scootaloo hung her head down in defeat, she just didn’t understand it.

“Don’t feel bad Scootaloo, here, I have an idea.” Rainbow flew up to a cloud that was floating above them and she brought it down.

“Ok, now, pull pieces of the cloud off and use it as counters.” Rainbow said as she pulled small pieces of the cloud off to demonstrate.

“Ok, I, I can try.”

Scootaloo started counting again

the pegasi needed sixteen clouds, and each machine made four clouds.’ Scootaloo thought.

After tearing apart half a cloud she managed to come up with the answer of four.

“They need to turn on four machines?”

“See! I told you that you’d do it!” Rainbow said, she was a bit overly excited for Scootaloo.

“Yeah, but, its one problem, I don’t think I am that good.” Scootaloo said, she was still lacking self confidence.

“Hey, don’t feel bad, math isn’t easy and it doesn’t come to everypony that fast, I am pretty sure Applejack isn’t that good at math either.” Rainbow said, she didn’t like to use her friends shortcomings as an example, but at least it made Scootaloo feel a bit better.

“Lets try another one, You have three feathers that need preening, for each old feather you take out, two new ones grow in, how many feathers grow in now?” Rainbow thought this example would be very easy for Scootaloo, after having her own wings preened.

“Uh, six, because, two, two, and two, that is six” Scootaloo said.

“There you go, see, you’re getting it.”

“Yeah, I am aren’t I?”

“Ok one more, a large storm cloud needs five pegasi to move it, and a small storm cloud only needs two, if there are eight small storm clouds and three large storm clouds, how many pegasi are needed to move the clouds?”

Scootaloo tore apart the cloud she had making counters for this one. After a while of scratching her head and counting over and over again.


“Are you sure?”


“Well, its wrong, but, count again, one more time”

After counting again...

“Thirty one.”

“Yeah! Thats it! See, I told you, it just takes practice, like flying.” Rainbow said as she did a small loop in place.

“Yeah, but I got it wrong the first time.” Scootaloo’s ears went a bit flat.

“But you got it right the second time, don’t get discouraged from failure, look at it, look at it like an opportunity to learn from the mistake.” Rainbow said, she gave a small smile.

Scootaloo looked up and smiled back.

“Now come on, lets go practice flying!” Rainbow said as she pointed to a cloud above them. “Race you.”

“You’re on!”

“Three Two, GO!” Rainbow took off, but she wasn’t flying that fast.

“Hey you cheated!”

“Yeah, and if you don’t get moving I am gonna win.”

Scootaloo took off, she was catching up with Rainbow who was leisurely floating upwards with her eyes closed as if she was lounging.

Scootaloo blew past her.

“Wait, what?” Rainbow said in confusion as Scootaloo raced past.

Rainbow then kicked it into high gear, or so it seemed trying to catch Scootaloo.

Scootaloo blew through the cloud cover and landed next to the hole she created. She looked around for a moment before Rainbow created her own hole.

“Ha! I beat you!” Scootaloo said, she was a bit full of herself by this time.

“No you didn’t, I uh, I was here first, I just, I was going so fast you didn’t see me!” Rainbow said.

“No, I think I beat you!”

Rainbow sighed.....”Yeah, I guess you did.”

“Huzzuh! The fun has been doubled now that we art here!” Princess Luna said as she landed on the cloud next to them.

“Princess?” Rainbow asked, she was confused, where did she even come from?

“Greetings Rainbow Dash, we have come to invite you to the fair in canterlot!” Luna said, she smiled.

“Oh Awesome!” Scootaloo said.

“Shall we expect you to be attending?” Luna asked.

“Oh, that’s nice, but, I planned on spending a day out with my sister.” Rainbow said.

“Sister? Thou hast f-” A bit of magic stopped her from finishing that sentence.

“Yeah, Scootaloo.”

What dus thou want, dearest Tia?’ Luna thought.

I’ll tell you later, just don’t finish that line of thought.’ Celestia said in a sort of telepathic communication.

Fine, we do not understand your logic, but we will play your little game.’ Luna thought.

“Well that is very nice of you, you can bring Scootaloo if you want, there is a sisters obstacle course, Celestia and I are entering it ourselves, you should enter with, your sister.”

“Sure, Scootaloo, want to go to a fair?”

“Sounds like fun!”

“Well then, I guess we are going.”

“Very Well, I shall inform the royal fair ponies you will be making an appearance, we shall see you at the fair!” Luna said as she suddenly disappeared in a purple light.

Another random amount of time later...

“So, after we eat do you want to wait a bit, or go right to the train station?” Rainbow asked, she then proceeded to stuff another hoof full of hay fries in her mouth.

“Thath Souths-”

“Swallow before you talk Scootaloo, even I do that.”

*Gulp* “heh, sorry. Lets go right to the station so we can get to the fair early.” Scootaloo said as she finished cleaning off her plate.

Rarity couldn’t help but overhear this conversation.

“Darling! Did I just hear you were going to the proper canterlot fair, as commonpony?” Rarity asked as she sat down at the table.

“Uh, proper? That’s not wha-”

“My dear, I will not have this, you two, come with me, now, I shall prepare you for this proper affair.” Rarity said as she lifted both Scootaloo and Rainbow with her magic.

Yet another time skip to the boutique later...

Rarity! Out! Now!” Sweetie screeched as she slammed the closet door shut from the inside.

“Sweetie...I need to get my supplies out of there, what are you even doing in the closet?”

Rarity opened the door to find Sweetie and Spike, about to kiss.

Oh Come On!” Sweetie yelled as she dragged spike out of the closet with her magic, huffing as she walked pass Rarity.

“Don’t take that tone with me Sweetie, and put spike down this instant!”

“Actually I-”

“Shut up Spike, Rarity! Leave me alone!

“But I-”

Rarity used her magic to close spikes mouth.

“Put, Spike, Down”

“Rarity, if this is a bad time?” Rainbow said, trying to find any way to get out of Rarity’s make over obsession.

“No, its fine.” Rarity said as she overpowered Sweetie’s magic with her own and put spike on the ground.

Hmph!” Sweetie huffed as she walked to her bedroom and slammed the door.

“Honestly that foa- Anyway, so, girls, what are you planning to wear?”

Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash looked at each other in a bit of a horror, then looked back at Rarity.

“Don’t tell me you’re not even going to put on a fancy saddle?” Rarity asked, when she got a blank stare from Rainbow, she got her answer.

“I thought so, come on, I’ll fix that.” Rarity said as she pulled some fancy dresses out of the closet previously containing Sweetie and Spike.

“Uh, gee Rarity, we have to go do some, sister stuff, um, yeah, bye!” Scootaloo said as she started to run out of the door.

Rarity caught Scootaloo with her magic and pulled her back.

“No, no, no, I can’t possibly allow you to attend the fair in such a, common, way.”

“Uh, Rarity, not that we don’t like your dresses, they are nice, we just don’t wa-” Rainbow said trying to back out the door.

“Y-you don’t like my dresses?”

“That’s not what I said.”

“But its true! My dresses are all ugly and horrid! They used to be nice but now they are awful, just look at them!” Rarity whined.

Both Scootaloo and Rainbow cringed at the whining.

“Ok ok! We’ll wear the dresses!” Rainbow yelled over the whining.


“Its just a dress little sis.” Rainbow said, that word caught Spikes attention as he left the boutique.

“Oh that’s just lovely of you dears!” Rarity said with a smile ‘Works every time.’ she thought to herself.

After a few moments of, unpleasantly trying to fit into dresses, Rainbow appeared from behind a small changing wall.

I feel all, ugh.’ Rainbow thought to herself, she had a look of being unpleased on her face.

“Do I have to Rainbow?” Scootaloo said from behind the changing wall.

“If I have to you have to.”


“Scootaloo.” Rainbow said in a commanding tone.

“Fine...” Scootaloo said finally giving in.

After another few moments Scootaloo also appeared from behind the changing wall.

“I look stupid.”

Rainbow held back the urge to laugh at Scootaloo. “N *hehe* No Y-you don- ahahahaha” Rainbow failed to contain herself.

Hey! You don’t look any better!

Rainbow, instantly reminded she too looked just as girly as Scootaloo, stopped laughing, giving in to a chuckle every glance at Scootaloo.

Both Rainbow and Scootaloo were wearing elegant dresses, that neither of them were the least bit pleased with.

“Why you two look darling, now, about your manes.”

“Rarity do we have to-” Rainbow said before being cut off by Rarity.

“I Insist. You must.”

“You’re not going to let us leave if we don’t, are you?” Rainbow asked with a very straight face.

Rarity shook her head with a smile on her face.

After a few more moments of unpleasing tugging on their manes, they both emerged with very elegant looking manes, even their tails were styled, though, that was a bit of an issue for Scootaloo.

“You both look fantastic.”

“We don’t feel fantastic.” They both said in unison.

“Well, off to the fair now?” Rarity asked as she put on her own dress and started off for the train.

“I, I guess.” Rainbow said, both her and Scootaloo shared a look of absolute horror that they were going to be seen in such frilly, fru fru dresses.

“I don’t know Twi, they seemed insistent that they were sisters.” Spike said as he ate ice cream right out of the tub.

“Spike, that’s not like Rainbow, her sister...” Twilight trailed off.

“Well, she called Scootaloo her, ‘Little Sis’ and it seemed like she meant it to me.” Spike said as he took another bite of his ice cream.

“I’ll look into it.” Twilight said as she levitated a book of records to the table in front of her.

However Long It Takes To Get From Ponyville To Canterlot On A Train Ride Later...

“I still don’t see why we have to wear these stupid dresses.” Scootaloo mumbled to herself.

“Shh Scootaloo.” Rainbow scolded.

The two proceeded off of the train following Rarity, who was more than pleased to be dressed in her best.

“Rarity my dear! So good to see you.” Fancy Pants said as he drew Rarity away from Rainbow and Scootaloo.

“Quick, while she’s distracted, lets get away from her.” Rainbow whispered to Scootaloo.

The two quietly made their way into the crowd of ponies at the fair. There were many sophisticated games and foods, but nothing that really interested Scootaloo or Rainbow.

“Now what?” Scootaloo asked, in a bored tone.

“Uh, maybe we can find somepony to, oh look over there its Pinkie! She always has something fun to do.” Rainbow said as she dragged Scootaloo over to where Pinkie was.

“Hiya Dashie!” Pinkie said in her overly enthused voice with a large smile on her face.

“Hi Pinkie, what’s up?”

“A Party!” Pinkie said to Rainbow. “Aww, you look so adorable!” Pinkie said as she noticed Scootaloo, who was hiding herself behind Rainbow in a vain attempt not to be seen by anypony.

Scootaloo just blushed and tried to hide her head under Rainbow’s wing.

Rainbow turned as she felt her wing being pushed up by the orange foals head.

“What’cha doing there Scoots?”

“Oh, uh, nothing I’m just-”

“I’m Thinkin’ she might be a lick embarrassed.” Applejack said as she approached the three.

Scootaloo’s ears fell in embarrassment when Applejack said that.

“Now don’t ya fret Scootaloo, you look just fine, nothin’ to be embarrassed ‘bout.”

Even after Applejack reassured Scootaloo, she was still trying to hide her head under Rainbow’s wing.

“Hello everypony, did I miss anything?” Princess Luna said as she landed next to the four ponies.

“Well Hi Thar’ Princess” Applejack said with a bow.

“Young Scootaloo, what seems to be thy problem?” Luna said, a bit concerned that Scootaloo was acting strange, or at least it seemed strange to Luna.

“She’s a bit embarrassed.” Rainbow said as she attempted to fix her wing after Scootaloo shoved her head under it.

“I see, well Rainbow Dash, shall you and thy sister be joining in the sisterly gaming, the fun shall be doubled!”

“Its up to Scootaloo, if she isn’t too embarrassed that is.” Rainbow said, she moved her wing into more of a hug for Scootaloo instead of a convenient hiding place.

“Sure, I, I guess, nopony is going to see me right?” Scootaloo said, she tried to bury herself in Rainbow’s embrace, failing to do so.

“Fantastic! I shall inform thy fair ponies of your entrance!” Luna said as she flew off.

A few moments later the games were announced to be starting.

“Come on Scootaloo, we’d better hurry if we want to participate!” Rainbow said as they walked over to the starting line.

The contest seemed to be out of place for the proper fair, but, it was still a competition, and Rainbow never turned a competition down.

The first challenge was a 6 legged run, both sisters would have one foreleg and one rear leg attached to their counterparts as they tried to beat all of the other ponies to the finish.

“Ready Scoots?”

“Ready Dash.”

The start was signaled by a magical bang.

The teams ran from their starting positions, most tripping and falling over each other, however Rainbow and Scootaloo were managing to stay at the front of the pack, almost neck and neck with Luna and Celestia, who, some argued, were too skilled to even be allowed to take part.

Just as they passed Luna and Celestia, Scootaloo and Rainbow tripped, falling forward and tumbling over each other as the rest of the competitors galloped past. By the time they were able to recover they were in last place.

They crossed the finish line, almost limping from their fall.

“I’m sorry Rainbow, I tripped and-”

“Its fine Scootaloo, did you have fun?”

“Well yes but-”

“Thats all that matters.” Rainbow said, swallowing her pride.

The next event was an apple bucking contest. The contestants had to buck an apple tree, then get all of the apples over to the finish line.

Another magical bang signaled the start.

Rainbow reared up her hind legs and kicked the tree causing apples to fall into the basket below.

Applejack and Apple Bloom were already far ahead of the rest of the pack already transporting their apples to the finish line.

As the apples fell into the bucket Scootaloo picked it up and started racing to the finish line. She was far behind Apple Bloom, but she could make it. As Scootaloo caught up to Apple Bloom, she started to talk.

“Hey Apple Bloom, look over there, its The Great Apple!” When Apple Bloom turned to look Scootaloo put an apple from her bucket on the ground in front of Apple Bloom causing her to trip. Scootaloo started to get ahead however her victory was short lived when Apple Bloom grabbed Scootaloo’s leg dragging her down.

“What Gives Apple Bloom!” Scootaloo said, her dress was ripped from her fall and now covered in dirt, but, that wasn’t her greatest concern at the moment.

“You Tripped me!”

“Nu Uh!” Scootaloo said

“Ya Huh!”

With that, the two fillies got into a hoof fight.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash raced over to their sisters.

“What in Tarnation!” Applejack said as she pulled the two fillies apart.

“Scootaloo, You’re in trouble, come with me now.” Rainbow said in a demanding tone.

As Scootaloo and Rainbow got farther away Rainbow spoke. “You need to be more subtle if you’re gonna cheat.”

“Well, Apple Bloom-”

“Yes I know, lets just go to the next challenge.”

The final challenge was an obstacle course filled with hazards such as mud pits, barrels, and jumps, however, the older sister had a blindfold on, and the younger sister rode on their back giving directions.

“Ready! Set! Go!” The unicorn judge yelled as he created a bang with his magic.

Rainbow ran with Scootaloo on her back, just as the other sisters had their younger sisters on their backs.

“Ok, Uh, the first mud pit is, um, there.”

“Where is there Scootaloo?” Rainbow said as she ran right into the first mud pit splashing mud all over the two of them.

“Jump!” Scootaloo yelled as Rainbow ran right for the second small mud pit.


Jump!” Scootaloo yelled. Rainbow jumped, nearly knocking Scootaloo off of her back. She jumped just in time to miss the pit.

“Ok, Now, Um, Left, go left around the barrel.” Scootaloo said.

Rainbow dodged the barrel almost hitting it.

“Jump!” Scootaloo yelled, this one was the biggest and final mud pit.

Rainbow jumped, however, she jumped too soon and landed in the mud pit causing their dresses to rip even more and mud to go everywhere. The other ponies jumped over the pit not making the same mistake.

Rainbow took off her blindfold.

“I think we lost.” Scootaloo said, her ears went flat.

“Next time, lets not wear our dresses.” Rainbow said with a chuckle as she examined what was left of her own dress.

“Yeah” Scootaloo chuckled a bit before returning to being a bit sad.

“Hey? What’s the matter?”

“Well, we lost, and it’s my fault.”

“Nah, we had fun, and thats what counts, now come here, give your big sister a hug.”

Scootaloo got closer to Rainbow and embraced her in the warm, albeit muddy hug.

The sisters chuckled.


“Yeah Dash?”

“Your dress is really dirty.”

“So is yours.”

“Come on, why don’t we go home.”

And with that, the two sisters proceeded to the train station to wait for the train back to ponyville.

About an Hour Later...

Scootaloo was asleep next to Rainbow on the bench at the Train Station.

All of the sudden Twilight started galloping over to Rainbow and Scootaloo.

“Rainbow, I have something very important to tell you!” Twilight said.

“Can’t it wait Twi? Scootaloo is asleep, you’re going to wake her up.”

“No, Rainbow, This is really important, I did some digging into your past and-”

You did what!?” Rainbow shouted at Twilight.

“This is such an invasion of privacy Twi! You had better have a good reas-” Rainbow was cut off by Twilight.

“Rainbow, your sister, survived the fire.”