• Published 18th Jul 2020
  • 3,991 Views, 101 Comments

Hornets and Tricks - Yuri Fanatic

Anonfilly and Trixie travel through Equestria and comes to terms living together while finding out about each other's dark past.

  • ...

Rat Piss and Crepes part 1

"That's it, Hornet. You almost got it off the ground... But you need to concentrate on Hysh more. Trixie barely could feel it in you."

Breathing a sigh of relief and exhaustion, you plant your plot down on the grassy soil and wipe the several thick beads of sweat that have accumulated on your forehead away. Casting spells is so much more demanding than you thought it would be... She makes it look so easy. Just a quick flash of her horn and... Bam! Instant magical trickery.

"H-Hysh?", you ask Trixie and shoot her a puzzled look, "That's the one that burns, isn't it?"

"Oh no, my dear.", she giggles, "Hysh is bright and incandescent, like the rays of Celestia's sun. What you meant is Aqshy, the wind of fire."

"Meh...", you groan and paw the ground, "All those different winds are just confusing..."

"Trixie knows how you feel. Getting a grasp on magic can be really frustrating, but believe her when she says that it will feel like the most natural thing ever once you get the hang of it."

"If you say so."

"That's the spirit... Well, kinda. So how about you give it another try?"

A deep rumbling resounds from your stomach and you give it a few pats, tittering at the unicorn in front of you.

"Okay, but I'm hungry. Can't we get something to eat first?"

Hearing your words, the azure mare flinches and beams you quite an unsure and nervous seeming smile. What's up with tha-... Oh... Oh, for fucks sake!

"Trixie... Please don't tell me you used all our money to buy booze again."

"S-Sure. Trixie didn't..."

Through your gritted teeth escapes a growl and you point a shaking hoof at her.

"We didn't eat properly for at least a week now! Look!", you bark and show her your ribcage, "I can count my fucking ribs!"

"Hornet! Language!"

"You wot mate?! Language?!"


"You promised me to hone your boozing down to a minimum!"

"And Trixie did!"

"Then why are we broke again? We earned like two hundred bits last week!"

"Well...", she gulps and averts your stern gaze, "Well... That doesn't matter! Trixie does not want to talk about it right now!"

"You never want...", you mumble.

"And just for your information..."

"Yeah? What now?"

"We ain't broke."

"It damn sure sounds like that, though! Tell that to the mari- guards!"

"No! See?", she conjures her bit bag up and opens it, "There are still sixty bits left!"

And sure enough there are three golden, four silver and around ten to twelve bronze coins in it... So she at least didn't lie about that. Still... She fucking spent almost one hundred fifty bits on booze! And probably on some cheap and nasty gnat's piss too. To say that her recent drinking habits worry you is an understatement...

"And Trixie promises you to cook her famous vegetable stew for you! You know? The one with the star roots and wizard pipes? The one you love so much?"

Man... Solely thinking about that stew makes your mouth water. It's really damn good. But it is also quite expensive. Especially the star roots.

"So how about you do one last try and then we go grocery shopping? Trixie saw cheap star roots when she bought her liq-... Stuff."

Yeah... Stuff.


"Wonderful! And Hornet..."

"Yes?", you ask and meet her eyes.

She's sweating... Quite heavily at that too. Her violet orbs bear a sad expression and you can literally read off her twitching ears and quivering lips how incredibly awkward this whole situation must be for her. If she would just be responsive to your attempts to talk that out with her... You are sure you would be able to help her. You might be just a small filly now, but you lived a whole another live unbeknown to her before. Maybe tonight...

"Please be a dear and do not focus on Aqshy under any circumstances, okay? As much as Trixie loves you, she simply can't afford to replace any more furniture of hers."

"Of course."

"Thank you."



"Bright and incandescent, you said?"

"Yes. Like Celestia's glorious sun."

After a few more failed attempts at spell casting, Trixie finally decided to call it a day and now you two are on your way to the nearby village of Hagshoof. Some small thorp in the middle of nowhere, nestled in a thick and sombre forest and apparently quite famous for their excellent rangers. At least according to what Trixie told you. She tends to make up facts when she's drunk. And she certainly is right now... Well... Not drunk, but at the very least tipsy. You can smell the cheap liquor every time she opens her mouth. When did she have the time to drink? Did she directly teleport the booze into her stomach? That wouldn't be beneath her...

"...And those three rangers managed to bring down that Chimera all by themselves! Can you believe that?"

"I guess... A chimera is something big, isn't it?"

"Oh yes, they are! To use Starswirl words: "A thing of immortal make, not pony, lion-fronted and snake behind, a goat in the middle and snorting out the breathe of terrible flame of bright fire."

"They can breathe fire too?"

"They can, but it is more like a blazing stream of acid than a cloud of pure fire. So their breathe is quite different to a dragon's."

But at least she is quite chatty when half-cut. Usually your walks together are spent in relative silence.

"Burning acid? That sounds cool as fuck!", you chirp and hop over a small gap in the road.

"Heh... Yeah, it kinda does, doesn't it? But Hornet?

"Yes, Trixie?"

"Please do watch your language a bit more... You sound more like a sailor than a small filly. Trixie doesn't like that."

"Oh, okay. Of course. Sorry."

"Never mind. But to be honest, dear, it really isn't such a "cool" thing."

"Huh? Why? What couldn't be cool about burning acid?"

"You see, on her travels Trixie has met a stallion who was lucky enough to survive such an attack. And from what he told her it must have been the most painful and terrifying experience in his life." Trixie sighs and levitates you over another fissure.

"H-Hey! At least warn me before you do that!"

Not acknowledging your words of complaint, she sets you down again and gently cuffs your backside as a cue to keep walking. Are you on some kind of footslog now? You quickly catch up to her again and shoot her an annoyed look that promptly gets ignored as well. How rude! But before you could express your discontent with the current situation, Trixie looks down at you and points at a small pond just a few yards ahead of you.

"Let's take a small break, okay? Trixie's hooves are hurting and she really needs a drink."

A what now?

"A drink?", you ask and narrow your eyes.

"Oh! Not what you meant, of course!", she blurts out and giggles, "Just a sip of water! Trixie did promise you to restrict herself, didn't she?"


"Wonderful! Trixie can't wait to get her throat wet!"

Oh, you have no problems believing that. Better keep a wary eye on her and her saddlebags lest she tries to fish her hip flask out of them when she thinks you aren't looking. God knows that has happened before.

Like a dog excited to see its master she skips to the creek and immediately dips her muzzle into its slightly murky water. Ponies have no issues drinking things that a human would get at least diarrhoea from, that you know, but it still somewhat disgusts you. So you just sit down besides her and unscrew your own flask to take a sip from it instead of the sludge that Trixie chose to quench her thirst. With a loud, somewhat content sounding sigh, she wipes her mouth and plants her plot down on the grassy soil next to you, beaming you a warm smile.

"It's nice here, isn't it?"

"Sure is.", you state and take another pull on the bottle, "How much further is it to Hagshoof?"

"Mmmh... Maybe another ten or fifteen minutes or so."

"Still so far away? Ah, man. Couldn't you just teleport us there?"

"I could... But I thought that a little walk wouldn't hurt. It always helps Trixie to think over a few things."

"For me it's just exhausting, though..."


"What "hmm"?"

"Oh nothing. Say, Hornet, may Trixie ask you something that has been on her mind for quite some time now?"

"Of course.", you shrug and screw the top on your flask again, "Fire away."

"Trixie noticed over the last weeks that you appear to be awfully interested in a lot of violent stuff. That's kinda unusual for a filly, especially for one as young as you. Are there any reasons for that?"

"Violent stuff? Care to elaborate?"

"Well... For one, the only books you ever seem to read are Trixie's more combat oriented spell books, which she doesn't mind at all, don't get her wrong..."

"And? They make for an interesting read."

"Like Trixie said: She doesn't mind you reading them, since they consolidate your magical skills on a theoretical level. And for another... Remember the last town we passed through?"


"Yes, that one."

"What about it?"

"You spent almost all your free time in that wheelsmith's shop there, which made Trixie think."

"Wheelsmith? You mean that stallion that made those weird, round blades?"

"Exactly. And they are called "Celestial Wheels", my dear."

"That's a strange name for a weapon. What's so celestial about them?"

"Today? Nothing much any more. They used to be shaped like radiant suns or crescent moons and not like those silly serpent and dragon designs you saw. But I digress."

"Okay that makes sense. What are you getting at then?"

Opening her saddlebags, Trixie pulls a blackish red book out of it and levitates it over to you.

"Eh? 'A Hypothetical Treachery'?", you say a bit confused and take it into your hooves.

"Mhm. It's an one act play by Nettlekiss."

"And who is that?"

"Well!", she happily states, "Nettlekiss was a very famous author and also happened to be the finest spell crafter of his time!"

"Interesting...", you say and flip the book open, "Dramatis personae... Gleaming Ashes, an unicorn apprentice... Blue Lightning, an unicorn battlemage... Uh, what? Starplume, a gryphon stormsmith?"

"What's so strange about her?"

"What's a stormsmith?"

"Stormsmiths are a class of gryphon mages who bid the raw elemental powers of thunder and lightning."

"Hold up! There are gryphon mages?"

"Of course. Why would you think otherwise?", she asks and turns herself around to properly face you.

"I thought only unicorns could cast spells."

"Oh no, my dear," she titters, "that's a common misconception. In fact almost all races, be it gryphons, minotaurs, ponies or even diamond dogs, are capable of manipulating the magic winds in some way."

"Wow... I didn't know that."

"Now you do.", she says with a smile and pats your head. "Why don't you read around in it for a bit while Trixie rests her weary legs."

With that said she lies down next to you and puts her hooves up, watching with great interest as you flick through the pages and quickly skim over them. Apparently the play is about those three characters trying to uncover some evil enchanter's plan to sell the headmaster of the university they attend down the river.

Oh my... Some of those battle scenes are really graphic. Not that you mind, of course... Equestrian literature is usually so boring that this is a nice change of pace. All in all, it sounds and reads pretty interesting. Maybe you will read through it tonight. It doesn't seem all too long anyway. Perhaps one hundred pages or so. That's doable in one evening. Closing the book again, you catch Trixie expectantly looking at you. Oh, you forgot to thank her. That's what she probably wants.

"Thanks for the book, Trixie."

"Don't mention it, my dear. Trixie just hopes that this book will help you to get a better grasp on your magic."

"How is it supposed to help me with my magic? It's just a story."

"It's far more than that, Hornet. Didn't you read the spell register?"

"No I didn't. Where is it?"

"At the very end.", she says and flips the book open to the pages in question, "It contains all the simpler spells used in the play itself, so foals can try and learn them by simply re-enacting it."

That's rather nifty, you have to admit.

"Of course those spells are all illusionary, so nopony gets hurt. But it is easy to remove the parts that make them illusionary, so that they are practical again. This one for example..." She points at a spell named "Searing Grape-Shot" and highlights a section of its description with her magic. "You would just have to remove Ulgu out of the elemental mix and replace it with some more Aqshy to give the spell its full effect back."

Isn't Ulgu the wind of shadows? Shadows are kinda like illusions, aren't they? So it would make sense if it... "So I assume that Ulgu makes all those spells illusionary then?"

"Kinda... It does this for all the simpler ones. You don't have to worry about which winds to keep and which to remove, though."

"I don't?"

"Mhm, for now Trixie will just tell you the right combination of winds and when you mastered a few of those spells, she will teach you more about how the eight winds interact with each other so you can discern that by yourself."

"Cool!", you chirp, "But I thought you wouldn't teach me any combat spells until I'm older?"

"Well, Trixie indeed said that.", she snickers and heaves herself up again, "But since you seem to have a rather hard time getting your head around the usual basic spells, Trixie thought that this way of learning would be more up your alley. You know? By setting things on fire."

Now this sounds a lot more exciting than trying to lift stones all day.

"It really is. Thank you."

"No biggie. We don't have to re-enact the play if you don't want to, but... Uhm... Trixie would really... Ehrm...", she mutters, her last few words barely being a whisper.

"I didn't understand you, Trixie. Could you repeat that?"

A slight blush creeps up on her cheeks and she stares at you with a longing expression, before shaking her head and sighing.

"It's okay. It wasn't important anyway. Let's get going again, shall we?"

"If you say so."

"Trixie does."

Beaming you a soft smile, her horn lights up and you feel your hooves leaving the grass as a warm, tingly aura embraces you.

"W-Whoa! Trixie, what are you doing?"

Slowly you drift towards the blue unicorn mare, your tiny legs uselessly kicking the air, until the incorporeal force of her magic settles you down on her back.

"Didn't you say that all this walking tires you?"


"So Trixie thought that this might be better, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is, but you really don't have to car-..."

"Shush now, before Trixie decides to change her mind! Feeling comfy up there?"

She really is quite warm and comfortable... And being so unusual close to her gives you a strangely soothing feeling. It's so familiar, but yet you can't seem to point your finger, or hoof to be precise, on it... It somewhat reminds you of your childhood. And your mother... How strange...


"Wonderful. Let's go then!"

The damp confines of a laboratory hidden between thick, oaken roots. You recognise where you are... But how did you get there? And when exactly? Sounds of hurried hooves and stern voices trickle into it as two ghostly figures stare at you, their faces unreadable but you somehow know that they bear expressions of worry and concern. Words of protest leave your mouth, emphasised by desperate gestures of your hands, but neither of them finds hold in their ears. Everything plays out like in a movie... You see through your eyes, but you can't influence anything you do. You are nothing more than a mere spectator in your own body.

"Please, Anon... You just have to understand! This is the only way!", the purple spectre nervously exclaims.

"The only way? There has to be another one!"

"I can understand how you must feel right now, darling, but I'm afraid that she's right. There really is no other way out of this.", the other shade, this one as white as virgin snow, chimes in.

"I'm innocent for god's sake!"

"We know that you didn't do it... But the Royal Guard has already issued an order of commitment."

"You might be very different from us... And sometimes a horrible brute, but beneath that rough exterior beats a heart of gold."

"Yeah... So please understand that we just want to help you."

"By turning me into a pony?! "

"Yes, dear, that's the plan. We have gathered all the needed materials for the ritual. Well... Except for one.", the white one states. The purple phantasm draws a jagged knife and levitates it towards your neck.


"To cite High Inquisitor Solar Storm of the Crystal Inquisition... 'To cleanse the soul of the impure, gather the hearts of a dozen elementals touched by both the moon and the sun, ground them until nothing but dust remains and then taint it with the foul being's very life essence.' There's more to it... But we are running out of time."

"The town is swarming with soldiers, darling. We implore you to trust us."

"We don't need much...", the amethyst ghost sighs, "Maybe a pint, but no more than that."

"And this is really necessary?"

"Sadly yes. But please believe us, Anon, we won't treat you any different after this."

"Well... Maybe a tiny bit.", the argent one giggles.

"Heh, yeah... Also I swear..."

"No, we swear, dear."

"Yes, of course... We swear to do our best to help you settle in your new life. It might be difficult and confusing for you at first, but you shall get all the support you need."

"Will it be painless?"

"That I can't promise, Anon... But you will be finally able to live a normal life again."

"As a pony."

"Yes... As a pony."

"It isn't all that bad, darling! Hooves are just as good as your hands~"

"What will I be?"

"The outcome is random, but if you want I could try to influence it by adding roc feathers or imp fangs to the ritual. I still should have some lying around somewhere."

"So what will it be, Hornet?"


"Please wake up."

You don't understand... What's happening?

"We're there... Come on now, my dear, ponies are already looking. And Trixie doesn't like it when ponies are staring at her."

A mysterious force is shaking you... Ripping you out of your surreal state and forcing the landscape around you to distort and melt until nothing but pure caliginosity surrounds you. Then, suddenly, your eyes are stabbed by a flash of incandescent light.

"Hornet... Don't be like that. Trixie might look young and fresh faced, but her back is the one of an old mare."


"Ah, finally... Good morning, sleepyhead. How was your nap?"

"I f-fell asleep?"

A quiet yawn escapes you and you stretch your tired limbs, burying your face into Trixie's mane in an attempt to escape the bright sunlight. It smells like sulphur, black powder and all the other chemical and magical compounds she needs for her illusionary trickery. Pretty much anyone else would be nauseated by this quite sharp amalgam of scents, but over time you've grown more or less used to it and now can't imagine her smelling like anything else.

"Why, yes.", she snickers, "Trixie heard you snoring just five minutes after she started carrying you!"

You hear the distinct crackling sound of magic being channelled and soon feel it all around you, gently lifting you off Trixie's back and settling you down on the paved road.

"Also you're quite the talkative sleeper, my dear."

"Uh, really? What did I say?"

"Trixie didn't really understand you since you mumbled into her mane, but she thinks you had a nightmare. Is this true?"

"Dunno... Can't remember it any more."

"Okay then, but do tell her if it crosses your mind again."


Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, you smack your lips and sit down before you take a look at your surroundings. So that's Hagshoof, huh? Doesn't look all that different from any other town you've visited on your travels with the azure magician and certainly not like one that is known for some famous unit of soldiers. The same timber-framed houses, the same medieval architectural style for everything else and from what you can see the same general layout. Meaning everything is centred around a a brightly and garishly decorated town-hall... Wait...

"Oh wow..."

That doesn't look like any town-hall you've seen before... A massive stone tower soars at least seventy feet into the air before you, its walls steel-clad and bearing numerous, large claw marks in them. Countless long iron spikes protrude from its base and from its top hang the tattered hides of what must be the beasts that assaulted it and failed. That's... Quite grim for ponies, you have to admit. If Orcs would exist in Equestria you would have guessed that they built an outpost here.

"Impressive, isn't it? Trixie had the same reaction when she first laid her eyes upon it too!"

"You could say that... Yes."

"It is called a "Hawkhorn Spire", named after a famous tactician and monster hunter who exclusively designed it to withstand even the fiercest of monster attacks."

"Monsters live here? But we didn't see any."

"Well... Not any more. The first settlers drove most of them off or... Uhm..."

"Killed them."

"Ehm... Yes.."

"And they fought them all at this tower?"

"You see, most monsters and beasts are very territorial creatures that simply won't tolerate any newcomers in their territory. Let alone a whole "nest" of them."

"So they threw themselves against the tower?"

"Pretty much. You can surely imagine that it was a simple task to fight them there.", she says and points at a bunch of strange, orange-glowing crystals, "You see those?"

"Mhm. What are they?"

"So called "Ember Hearts". Extremely rare and volatile crystals that convert any magic winds in their vicinity into Aqshy."

"The wind of fire?"

"Very good, my dear.", she coos and pats your head, "Thanks to those crystals, the battlemages had a nearly unlimited supply of it, meaning..."

"Fireballs and meteors galore!"

"Exactly! Except for the meteors... You would need Ulgu for them too."

"But shouldn't forests have more than enough of it? It's the wind of earth, isn't it?`"

An impressed whistle leaves Trixie's lips and she beams you a wide smile. "Colour Trixie impressed. You really did learn something out of her books, but sadly you are only partially right."

"I am? How so? Forest are related to the earth, so shouldn't they produce Ulgu?"

"They are, but they don't "produce" Ulgu. Earth elementals like timberwolves and rock golems do."

"Well, fuck."


"Sorry, sorry... Won't happen ever again."

"Trixie sure do hopes so. Ponies could think she's teaching you those words!"

"I did learn a few of them from you, though. Like fillyfidd-"

"S-Shush!", she hastily interrupts you, "She was out of her senses when that slipped out of her!"

Yeah... 'Out of her senses'... Pissed like a rat would be more accurate.

"And now please don't talk about this any more."


"Wonderful... So any more questions regarding the spire before we move on?"

"Naw, not really. Just if there are more like it around."

"Yep, in the outskirts.", she says and points behind you, "If you want we could visit them later on the way back. Especially the ranger's barracks are very interesting."

Barracks, huh?

"I'm sure they are... Lots of single stallions there, eh?", you giggle and shoot her a smug grin. A furious blush creeps on her cheeks and she averts her eyes from you, her muzzle reaching record levels of scrunching.

"W-What are you..? Trixie would n-never!", she stammers and then sighs, "Well yes... There are, but that's not the reason Trixie sug-" She looks at you again but the incredible speed at what your eyebrows wiggle bowls her over, tinting her face a few shades redder.

"Please stop that, Hornet! Trixie swears she doesn't have this intention!"

"Aww come on, Trix, I can totally understand you. A mare has her needs."

"And how would you even know what those needs are? You're a filly!"

"I'm old beyond my years!", you chirp.

"That would certainly explain this colourful language of yours..."

"It's not that bad."

"Oh believe Trixie that it is... And now come!", she states and trots off, "The market won't stay open all day long."

"Are we still gonna visit those barracks, though?"

"Maybe... A bit of ogling can't hurt, can it now?"

"That's the spirit!"

Snickering to yourself, you catch up with Trixie and have to assess with delight that she still is blushing quite a bit. Man... Looks like you really flustered her with that. But now that you come to think of it, you never saw her flirting of even talking for a prolonged time with a stallion. Could that be because of you? Because she thinks she has to "behave" around you? That would be a real pity... Not that you are particularly interested in her sex-life, but you don't want to see her unhappy either. You mean... If you still would be in possession of your penis, you would totally tap those flanks of hers.

And during her shows you catch many stallions blatantly staring at them... Waiting for that one magical moment in which her cape raises high enough to allow a glimpse on them. Which makes for a nice source of extra income, if mentioned casually to the stallions in question when you go around collecting tips. You see it as some kind of shush money... But that's not the point. Maybe you should just ask her if that is the case or not.

"Hey, Trixie. Can I ask you something?"

"Of course, dear. What's on your mind?"

"It's about those aforementioned needs..."

Hearing your words, her eyes go wide and she looks at you with a bewildered face.

"Please don't tell Trixie that you're in heat."

"W-What? Oh nonononono! Don't worry, I'm not."

"Thank the celestial sisters...", she sighs in relief, "Trixie just couldn't handle that right now... What do you want to know then?"

"Well... Uhm..."

Fuck, that's harder than you thought it would be.

"Is it an intimate question?"


"Then you should perhaps ask it later, back at the wagon.", she beams you a warm smile and leans down to nuzzle your face, "Trixie will be more than happy to answer it there."

"Okay then.", you return her smile, "That sounds like a plan."

Also she will be a lot more responsive when she had a few belches of whatever cheap liquor she bought today... That should make getting a honest answer out of her a bit easier.

"But if it's too intimate, Trixie will shove some books into your hooves, okay? She isn't used to teach fillies about... Those things."

"It isn't about "those things". So don't worry."

"It isn't?"

"Nope! It isn't really about me, to be honest, either."

"Huh? You are confusing Trixie, Hornet."

"Just wait and see."

"Well then..."

Hagshoof's market is reached rather quickly and before it even came into eyeshot, you already could hear countless cheap-jacks praising their goods. From what you have heard they must sell just about everything there... From simple things like fruits and vegetables to the more obscure stuff like salamander cores and chimera bile. Well, that's a hunter's town for you, you guess... Or at least one that has to defend itself from monsters on a more or less regular basis. Now you stand at the market's very edge and marvel at the countless stands, booths and stalls that stretch before you eyes.

A vast number of ponies are strolling through them, happily chatting with each other or just looking at what's on offer. The air is heavy and saturated by all kinds of smells... Ranging from the earthy, savoury smells of herbs to the almost indescribable aurae of magical powders and compounds to a few that make your stomach churn. They are especially notable... Raw, acrid and festering. It's amazing how much more sensible a pony's nose compared to a humans is, but sometimes, just like now, it is just excruciating.

"Blergh...", you groan. A reassuring hoof is placed on your withers and begins to rub them gently, taking your mind somewhat off the stench..

"You will get used to it in time, dear, but Trixie promises to give the butcher's district a wide burl."

Did you hear that right? A what now?

"A butcher's district? Hagshoof has a butcher's district? Why?"

Instead of answering you, she just points at a small group of ponies a few meters ahead of you, bearing a somewhat disgusted look on her face. For a short moment you wonder what has gotten into her, but this thought is quickly forgotten as you shift your gaze towards the group and have to assess with quite some surprise that it isn't completely consisting of ponies.

"That's why."

Two gryphons stand amongst them, talking and showing what you think are some kind of blades off to the rest. One of them is even chewing on a strip of dried meat... Funny... Just a year ago or so you would have ran up to her and asked if you could have some, but now... Now alone the thought of going near any causes the bitter taste of bile to appear in your throat. But at least now you know why the need for butchers exist here.

"Darned featherbrains...", Trixie snarls.


"Nothing. Come, Hornet. The sun will be setting soon."


Seems like your travel companion has some issues with gryphons... You wonder why though. Maybe some bad experiences with them? Or perhaps a natural dislike against predators? ... Or it could simply be plain, old fashioned racism... But you don't believe that. Surely there is more to this. But whatever it is, judging by the current look on her face and her more than agitated body language, now isn't the right time to delve deeper into this. Maybe later.

So you keep your trap shut for the moment and just look at what's on offer while Trixie leads you to wherever they sell vegetables here. Hmm... By the looks of it, this must be the corner of the market where they sell all kind of magic ingredients and accessories. Books, ores, cores of various elementals. All that good stuff. Good, but boring. Don't they have a few stalls that sell weapons? You don't have much money, but it should be enough to buy a dagger or maybe even a small sword when Trixie isn't looking.

"Please stay close to Trixie, Hornet. She doesn't want to lose you."

"Okay.", you reply and hush to her side.

"Good filly."

A surge of mixed emotions washes over you when those words leave her mouth... On the one hand you don't like being called like that, but on the other... It makes you feel weirdly happy and content. Some things are happening inside of you and you don't know if you should like it or not... But why now and not back in Ponyville? Rarity and Twilight treated you similar... Well, maybe more like an adult, but still you were a filly in their eyes. If you just could ask Twilight... She would surely kn-

"Say, Hornet." Seems like this will have to wait too. Things like those are better thought over alone anyway. Preferably while cuddled up all comfy in your blanket.

"Yes, Trixie?"

"Would you maybe like something sweet?"

"Why, yes! Now?"

"Trixie meant for after dinner, but...", she chuckles, "Why not? Look!", she points at a nearby stall, "They sell crepes there!"

"Crepes?! I fucking love... I meant... I really love crepes."

"Somewhat nice save there, dear."

"Thanks, but..."


"I don't think we can afford them... They practice usury on those stalls."

"Trixie will tell you a secret now...", she says with a giggle and leans down, "Come closer."

"Uhm... Okay?" So you do as she told you to and lean towards her face, wondering what she wants to tell you.

"Always buy sweets or any other pastries when the market is almost closing... They practically give them away then!"

"Heh, that's genius. But why did you need to whisper me this?"

"Because..." Suddenly you feel a pair of soft lips planting a gentle kiss right on your forehead, sending pleasant, even if unwanted shudder down your spine.


"Of this!"

"Y-You know I d-don't like that!", you stammer and try to hide your furious blush behind your sadly too short mane. Why didn't you let it grow out?

"Oh yes, Trixie knows that. But your reaction is just too cute."

"I-I'm not cute. Neither I'm adorable."

"You sure are and now come. It looks like they are already packing their things up.", she smilingly states and walks up to the crepe stall.


Two ponies are standing behind it. A cream-coloured pegasus mare with a long, flowing fawn mane at the counter, rather bored looking due to the lack of customers, and a dark-brown earth pony stallion with a short, ragged black mane who is busy packing eggs and milk away.


"Good evening miss!", the mare says with a far too wide to be honest smile on her face, "What can good ol' Float get for ya?"

"Trix-... She meant... I will get a strawberry crepe please. With extra cream!"

"Of course, coming right away! Did ya hear that, Beater?"

"Yeah, yeah.", the stallion monotonously replies.

"Wonderful. And what will it be for the adorable, little filly?"

"I'm no-"

"Hornet, please.", Trixie interrupts you, "Just tell the nice lady what you want."

"Fine... I will take... Uhm...", you say and take a look at the menu nailed at the stall. Oh wow... You can stuff your crepe will all kinds of fruits and sugary treats here... The choice is really overwhelming. From strawberries to apples to chocolate to... Huh?

"Hmm... What's a "Zikerra"?"

"Ah! You really have an eye for the finest things, don't you?", the pegasus chirps, clapping her hooves together.

What a weird mare... "I guess? But what is it?"

"Just take a look.", she says and shows you a strange looking fruit.

It's bright yellow with crimson spots on its leathery skin and its shape kinda reminds you of a hand-grenade... To be honest it doesn't look all that appetizing. But it smells heavenly. Like a weird amalgam of oranges, limes and wild berries... If it just tastes half as good as it smells, you should be in for a treat.

"Zikerras are harvested in the deepest parts of Zebrica and have an unique, zesty and fruity taste! If you never had one, you should absolutely try it!"

"Even Trix... I never had one. Sounds delightful."

"It really is. And I'm willing to make the small, cute gourmet a good price! Just four bits! I usually sell them for ten!", the sales-mare says and reaches down to pet you, what you luckily manage to dodge in time. Trixie petting and kissing you is one thing, but strangers are another. You still have some human pride left in you.

"A bit shy, eh? No problem! So shall Beater there bake you a crepe with Zikkera stuffing?"

"I told you to use my full name, Float. We're not friends.", he growlingly says.

"Isn't he endearing? What a kidder!"

Trixie laughs somewhat awkwardly and then shoots you a questioning look.

"So do you want one, dear?"

"Yeah. Sounds pretty good."

"Terrific! That will be seven bits please."

There you go.", Trixie says and levitates one golden and two bronze coins out of her purse.

"Thank you! Your crepes will be ready to eat in a few minutes. If you want you can wait right here. It doesn't look like there are any more customer coming anyways."

"I wonder why."

"Oh, Beater! Always with the jokes!" And with that being said, the mare hurries to a small table and begins to cut the fruit while the stallion grumpily scoops dough on two pans. You swear that you see him mouth something... It looked like: 'One day... One day.'

Gentle magical forces lift you off the ground for the third time this day, this time not unwanted, though, and carefully put you down on the wooden planks of a bench drenched in the orangish rays of a gradually setting sun. "There you go, dear."

"Thank you, Trixie."

"Anytime.", she beams you a smile and climbs up the bench herself, planting her plot down next to you.

Like a squashy, sugary ghost, your crepe floats in front of you and you waste no time in taking it into your hooves while Trixie just keeps hers in her magic grip. "Thanks."

It still feels weird to hold things between your ankles, and it took you a long time to even learn to properly do this, but until you get a grip on your own magic, this is your only alternative. This crepe is really squishy, though... Hopefully you won't drop it and make an ass of yourself. Would be a real shame since you never have seen a crepe sexier than this one. The dough is baked to an auburn perfection, not too dark, not too light, and the formerly pink and firm fruit pulp of the Zikerra somehow has melted into some kind of crimson, chunky goo. And if you thought that it smelled heavenly before, it now emits the scent of angels, invading your nostrils with the force of at least two barrels full of citrus fruits and berries. All in all it just makes your mouth water and you can't wait to feel it inside of you. No matter where, but preferably in your mouth.

"It's piping hot, so please be careful when you take a bite."

"Will do!", you chirp, "Bon appétit!"

"Thanks, you too."

"Time to check if it tastes as good as it smells!", you think and sink your teeth into the crispy, baked batter. A wave of pure orgasmic bliss surges through you once the taste hits your tongue and you can't help but to let out a quiet moan.

"That good, huh?"

The crepe itself tastes pretty much you like expected it to taste... Like a crepe, but the Zikerra... God, that thing is sex in food form. It tastes just like it smells, only infinitely more concentrated and intense, filling your whole mouth with fruity, sweet and sour explosions. And its gooey consistence just adds to the whole experience... Gumming up your jaws and coating every inch of your maw with its sticky goodness. Swirling the warm goo around in your mouth a bit more, savouring every second of it being in it, you finally swallow and shudder a little when you feel it viscously running down your throat. That was certainly something... And that was just the first bite.

"God! You have to try this, Trixie!", you blurt out and shove the crepe into Trixie's face.

She barely avoids getting her whole muzzle smeared and giggles at your enthusiasm before taking a small bite out of it. Her face instantly lights up and a loud, delighted hum escapes her.

"Ohw whow!", she audibly swallows, "That's really good!"

"I know, right?! Like sex in your mouth!"

"H-Hornet! A filly like you shouldn't say those things... Let alone know what sex feels like!" A somewhat bright blush creeps on her cheeks and she promptly checks if anyone did hear you, which lucky doesn't seem to be the case.

"Sorry... Seems like I got carried away."

"A bit, yes..."

You really need to take care of what you're saying... Better switch the topic quick before she comes up with the idea of pressing you on. "Hey! Can I try yours?"

"Of course.", she says and levitates her crepe to your muzzle. "But Trixie fears that it is not as good as yours."

"Thanks!", you cheep and take a bite.

Hmm... Yeah... Trixie was right, compared to your crepe hers is really bland. Not that it's bad, but... Those are just strawberries with cream, albeit very good strawberries with very good cream. You certainly can't complain about the quality of their ingredients.

"Trixie can tell by your expression, so there's no need to tell her what a bad decision she made.", she titters and retrieves her crepe again.

"I won't, so don't worry.", you return her laugh and fill your mouth once again with the exotic treat.

It doesn't take long for you and Trixie to chomp through your respective snacks and you even feel the need to have a short digestive break since it's so filling. But since this bears the risk of having to eat a cold crepe, you decide to ignore the ever growing pressure in your stomach and just keep eating. Just as you bite into the last third, Trixie bops your shoulder and looks at you with questioning eyes. Uh-Oh... That usually means that she wants to ask you something personal.


"Mhm? What is it, Trixie?" You hope that this isn't about the sex thing... That would be seriously awkward to explain or even just craft a lie for it.

"Who is this "God" you always mention?" Thank god...

"Uhm... No one special. Just a ma-... Stallion in the sky who does miracles and stuff."

Judging by the look on her face, this answer doesn't seem to satisfy her. "A stallion in the sky, huh?"


"So you weren't raised celestial?"

"Celestial? No... I wasn't. Why are you asking?"

"Because you told Trixie that you were born in Ponyville... And only frontier towns practice religions other than Celestialism."

Oh, fuck. Why didn't you pay more attention in Twilight's pony society integration classes? You are sure she mentioned something like that.

"Ehrm... You see... My... Par- Ah! My parent's weren't originally from Ponyville! They moved from somewhere far in the north to Ponyville." Hopefully she buys that.

"From where exactly?"

Well, fuck. Time to put your internet acquired lying abilities to good use.

"I... I don't know. They never told me and I never asked.", you say and focus on your almost eaten crepe in an attempt to avoid her eyes.

"Okay... That makes sense, Trixie guesses."

She sounds... Sad? Disappointed? You can't tell, but it certainly didn't sound like something good.

"Something wrong?"

"Well...", she sighs, "Trixie just wonders if you are being honest to her. She thinks that you are hiding your true past from her."


"Mhm..." An awkward silence settles in as both of your voices peter out.

Telling her the truth is completely out of the question, but you just can't stand seeing her like this... Ears drooping and lips frowning... That just breaks your heart. So what should you do? ... Maybe that could work... Not all the truth, but just a tiny bit of it, so she doesn't think that you don't trust her. Because you fucking do.

"Well, Trixie..."


"To be honest, I've been hiding a good bit of my past from you."

"Oh... Okay."

"But not because I don't trust you or some other shit like that.", you say and put a hoof on her muzzle when you see it open, risking to drop your crepe, "I know, I know... My language and what not." A small smile spreads on her lips and your hurt flutters a tiny bit when you hear her giggle. That's better. A lot better.

"I have my reasons for that. I've been through a lot of shit and currently I don't feel ready to talk about it, but when I am..." Putting your crepe down, you lean towards her and plant a soft peck on the tip of her nose. "You will be the first pony I will tell."

For a second it seems like she's frozen in time, but before you can even react, you feel her forelegs wrapping around your small frame, pulling you into gentle hug. "W-Whoa!"

"Trixie understands... She has been through a lot of shit too and she will wait until you're ready."

"Heh, watch your language."

"Shush. Trixie is an adult, so she's allowed to swear."

"That's kind of unfair, you know?"

"Trixie doesn't care.", she snickers and breaks the hug again, "She does not fucking care."

"I see. Life just isn't always fair, eh?"

"Exactly. And now let's finish our crepes. The market is closing soon."


The sun is already being poised to fully vanish behind the horizon when Trixie and you pace through the heavy gates of Hagshoof, your saddlebags full of all kinds of different vegetables. From potatoes to celery to carrots to tomatoes... You just have about everything in them. Even a few mushrooms, after Trixie has convinced you to allow them in her stew. Meh... Spongy fuckers... You will just eat around them.

Sadly only one stall still had star roots, so you didn't get as much as you wanted, but at least you were able to snatch the last bundle of wizard pipes from that sleazy stallion away. In fact you are currently chewing on one. They are kinda like leeks only with a bit more... Well... "Omph" to them. The taste of magical infused crops is difficult to describe... So you don't bother with doing so. What's important is that Trixie's famous stew wouldn't be the same without them. They just give it that extra bit of spiciness and zest.

Speaking of Trixie... Some guard wearing padded, black leather armour and wielding a quite intimidating jagged halberd in his magic grip just approached her. You think that he is quite handsome with his dark grey coat and his beige mane... Well, for a stallion at least. Maybe he's interested in her?

"Good evening, Miss."

"Uhm... Hello.", she meekly replies and puts her bags down, facing him.

"Are you heading towards the valley?"

Well... So much for this.

"Kinda. We've set up camp near the river crossing. Why are you asking?"

The stallion levitates a scroll out of one of the many pouches that hang from his belt and shows it to her. She takes it into her hooves and gives it a quick read over before sighing deeply. Huh? You wonder what's the matter. Hopefully it's nothing bad.

"We received several reports of marsh hags roaming this area."

"Marsh hags? Here?"

"What's a marsh hag?"

"I will tell you later, dear."

"Unfortunately yes. We don't know where they came from, but be assured that our best hunters and rangers are already on the prowl for them. Still we strongly advise against leaving the town at night."

An annoyed groan escapes her and she hoofs the scroll back to the guard. "But where shall we stay? We can't afford a hotel."

"Don't worry about that, miss.", the guard states and pulls another scroll out of his pouches, "Head to this address and tell them that you're an outsider. They always have a bed and a warm meal for a mother and her foal."

"M-Mother? I mean... Yes, of course.", she stammers and looks at you, "Hornet?"


"Looks like we will have to spend the night in Hagshoof. So sadly no stew tonight."


"It's simply too dangerous, little filly, but I'm sure your mother will cook it for you tomorrow.", the guard chuckles and then shifts his gaze to Trixie again, "Do you have any further questions, miss?"

"No, I don't. Thank you."

"Do you need to secure your belongings or grab something necessary from your camp?"

"Something necessary?"

"Yes. Medicine or something in the likes of this. I would accompany you so you could get it."

"Oh...", she sighs, "No, thank you. Trix-... I would like to get something, but it isn't really important enough to justify your time." She paws the ground and from the corner of your eye you can see her gritting her teeth... You know exactly what she wants to grab...

That fucking rat piss she bought today... Can't she survive one night without drinking herself senseless?

"Very well then.", he says and shoulders his weapon, its massive blade reflecting the last few sun rays, "Do you have any other questions?"

"No, I don't. Thank you very much."

"Just doing my duty, miss. And if you care for one last piece of advice..."

"Of course."

"Stay out of the western parts of Hagshoof. It's not safe for a mare to be alone there at night."

"I will. Thank you again.", Trixie beams him a smile and stores the scroll away. He returns her gesture with a nod and then returns to his guard shack, leaving you two to yourselves. Another groan leaves Trixie's frowning lips and she picks her bags up again, her face bearing a pondering and somewhat irritated expression.

"Let's go to that place then."


With no other words spoken, she turns around and trots through the same gate she passed just a few moments ago, some clock tower far away striking eight times as she does so. Mumbling words you cannot understand into her non-existent beard, she unravels the scroll and sighs yet another time once she has read it. Tonight looks like it's going to be a difficult one...