• Published 1st Aug 2020
  • 2,829 Views, 56 Comments

The Invisible Zest - mayorlight

Lemon Zest finds an invisibility formula. The only catch: it does not work on clothes!

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Chapter 3

The following day went just like any other school day for Lemon Zest and Indigo Zap, although now, as they walked the halls of the Academy between classes, they could not help but wonder how the same trek would feel if they were invisible and naked. After their outing the previous night, they were both eager to conduct another "field test" after classes.

When either of them was in a class with Suri Polomare, they each had to quietly restrain themselves from giggling. At lunchtime, they met up in the cafeteria like they usually did. As luck would have it, they found themselves in line directly behind Suri. They had just gotten to the counter when a lunch lady set down a fresh tray of steamed broccoli.

"That sure looks good," Lemon casually remarked.

Taking Lemon's cue, Indigo mirthfully added, "Careful, that stuff makes you gassy."

Suri did not look their way nor did she utter a word, but she did noticeably stiffen at Indigo's words. Lemon and Indigo both giggled as they each filled their plates with a reasonably sized amount of broccoli, a baked potato, and a cup of strawberry gelatin. As always, Lemon piled on the butter, cheese, and sour cream on her potato. Instead of their usual spot, they sat in a far corner of the cafeteria, a good distance from everybody else. They took a moment to savor their meal before getting down to business.

"So," Indigo whispered conspiratorially. "Where are we headed tonight?"

"Dunno," said Lemon through a mouthful of potato. "There's only one other place on the third floor." By this, she was referring to the boy's residence hall.

Indigo scoffed. "Nah, nothing worth seeing there."

"What other places can we reach within three minutes tops?"

"The library."

The Academy library was located on the second floor, adjacent to the central stairwell. Not counting the time they lost nearly bumping into Fleur de Lis, it only took them a minute to sneak from Lemon's room to the recreation room the previous night. Going down to the library would probably take an additional thirty seconds, leaving them with still plenty of time to explore. It was perfect!

Lemon arched an eyebrow. "What kinda books are you looking for?"

"Oh, something in the romance section."

Lemon chortled, nearly spitting up a mouthful of broccoli. "Oh, you are so bad!"

Indigo gave a sly grin. "You're one to talk!"


Later that evening, Indigo once again came to Lemon's room, where they both shed their clothes, showered and dried off before taking their synchronized dose of the invisibility powder at eight o'clock sharp. They were more careful moving through the residence hall this time, sticking close to the walls and being extra wary of corners. Luckily, they were able to reach the central stairwell without encountering anybody.

The central staircase, like all the others in the Academy, was tiled with wood. Some of the steps creaked, so they had to be careful not to make too much noise. Under other circumstances, they would have loved to try sliding down the rails, but in their current state...that simply was not practical.

Halfway down, they paused when they saw Royal Pin coming up the stairs. As with Fleur de Lis the previous night, they held their breath as he approached. While the stairs were wide enough to allow plenty of room for them, they nonetheless pressed up against the railing as Royal Pin passed them by. Once he had disappeared over the landing, they continued down to the second floor.

Like the rest of the Academy, the library mixed the look of a centuries-old structure with modern trappings. The double doors remained open during operating hours, so Lemon and Indigo did not need to worry about opening them and drawing attention. As expected at this hour, there were few students present. Frosty Orange was at the circulation desk quietly speaking with the librarian, First Folio. Sugarcoat sat alone at a table immersed in a book. Off to the side, Trenderhoof sat at a computer terminal researching popular tourist attractions in distant lands. Two terminals down, Neon Lights was typing an essay. Four students in one of the study rooms appeared to be playing a game of Ogres and Oubliettes. The invisible girls tiptoed over to the middle aisle of shelves, the literature section.

Indigo whispered to Lemon. "If First Folio is busy, then you know someone's taking advantage of it."

While the Academy library had shifted more of its resources toward providing students and faculty with Internet access, it nevertheless maintained its impressive collection of printed books. The bookshelves had been arranged so that the sections containing the most widely circulated books were located closer to the circulation desk. This way, First Folio and her assistants did not need to spend a lot of time and energy reshelving books. Efficient as this was, it also resulted in the rear of the library becoming a popular kissing spot for students, especially near closing time.

Lemon and Indigo quietly moved down the aisle, past shelves packed with copies of both classic works and the latest bestselling paperbacks. Once they reached the end of the row, they stopped and peeked around the corner. Sure enough, one row over they found two of their classmates locked in a passionate embrace. Those classmates were none other than Crystal Prep's star couple, Upper Crust and Jet Set.

It was no secret that Upper Crust and Jet Set were both snobs. Either of them could make Sunny Flare seem humble by comparison. While Sunny had some actual academic and athletic ability, Upper Crust and Jet Set, on the other hand, were mediocre students and athletes at best, offering little more than thinly-veiled contempt for anyone they considered beneath them. They were made for each other!

"What luck," Lemon purred. Upper Crust and Jet Set had each snubbed both her and Indigo on more than one occasion, regarding them as little more than riffraff. But now, as with Suri the previous night, she and Indigo had a chance to humble the two self-styled aristocrats in front of their peers.

"Okay," Indigo whispered. "Just like we planned."


Upper Crust leaned against Jet Set's tall frame as they kissed, lost in their own little world. From the moment she first met him, she knew that he was the only one for her, the only person in all of Crystal Prep worthy of her pedigree. With the boys' and girls' residence halls separated as they were, they had very few opportunities to truly enjoy each other's company. It was moments like these that made enduring the daily drudgery of classes well worth it.

Jet Set suddenly lifted his lips from hers. She opened her eyes to find him staring intently at something behind her. Damn, she thought to herself. Had one of the plebs stumbled onto them? Talk about a mood killer! She snapped around, ready to rebuke whoever it was that just ruined their romantic moment. Her eyes widened when she saw what Jet Set was looking at.

Floating in the air before them, almost level with their eyes was a large, featureless leatherbound book.

Upper Crust and Jet Set both glanced around. Somebody had to be playing a prank on them. Jet Set took a step closer, but he could not discern any wires or strings holding up the book. It really was floating in mid-air! Cautiously, he reached out with his hand. As soon as his fingers touched the cover, the book dropped to the floor. Both he and Upper Crust stared it wondering if they had only imagined it hovering a moment ago.

Suddenly a book flew off the shelf before them. Then another. And another. With increasing rapidity, books shot off the shelves not just in front of them, but behind them as well! Upper Crust let out an earsplitting scream as she took off running down the aisle as fast as her legs could carry her. Jet Set followed close on her heels. He was halfway down the aisle when he twisted his ankle and tripped, nearly falling flat on his face.

The ruckus rang throughout the library. First Folio set down her paper cup of coffee as she rose from her chair. She had just stepped out from behind the circulation desk when Upper Crust came crashing into her. The student and librarian bumped against the counter hard enough to knock the coffee onto the tiled floor. Despite her shock, First Folio managed to get a grip on the frightened girl.

"What is it?" First Folio asked. "What's wrong?"

Upper Crust could only tremble as she mouthed the word 'ghost.'


Sugarcoat had just finished a chapter in her Shadow Spade paperback when she heard the sound of objects hitting the floor followed by Upper Crust's scream from the rear of the library. Seconds later, Upper Crust came bolting past her only to run smack into First Folio at the circulation desk nearby. Jet Set followed a moment later with a slight limp.

Sugarcoat took a moment to process what she had just witnessed. She had never seen Upper Crust so terrified. What could have frightened her so badly? Somehow, she did not think it was Jet Set's kissing skills.

Then she smelled it. A faint scent of watermelon. It was the exact same scent she smelled in the recreation room the previous night. She was sure of it! As before, she caught only a fleeting whiff before it disappeared.

Trenderhoof and Neon Lights left their computer terminals to check on Upper Crust and Jet Set, the former now quivering in the arms of the latter. As First Folio strode to the rear of the library, Sugarcoat decided to call it a night. She was not particularly fond of Crystal Prep's "star couple," and whatever the problem was, she was sure that First Folio would get to the bottom of it.

As she approached the library's tiled entryway, she suddenly stopped to gaze down at the puddle of spilled coffee...and a single bare footprint pointing toward the door.

Author's Note:

My first job was in a university library. While I never witnessed it first hand, I remember hearing stories from other library employees about catching students engaged in all sorts of hanky panky among the bookshelves.

I had previously explored Sugarcoat's detective skills in The Second Story Underwear Thief. It only makes sense that one so dedicated to telling the truth also be skilled at sniffing it out (no pun intended).