• Member Since 5th Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Midday Shine

Fell in love with the show by total accident, watching the episodes at random. Shy and quiet around strangers, much more fun when among friends – that's about everything you need to know about me.


What can a man want and need to be truly happy? Respect? Fame? Fortune? Freedom? A fancy car? A big mansion with a swimming pool? Lots of beautiful women?

Sombra already has it all – or at least he could, if he wanted to; being a talented architect has its advantages. And yet, deep down, he feels a void that nothing has been able to fill for many years…

This story is a tribute to Mikołaj Klimek, the Polish VA of Sombra and a few other MLP characters. He died unexpectedly on July 12, 2020, at only 48 years old.

Chapters (1)
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