• Published 26th Aug 2012
  • 1,920 Views, 20 Comments

Equestria's Reckoning - suijin228

following the Events of TDKR, a certain individual is heading to equestria.

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Chapter 3

Equestria's Reckoning
Chapter 3

Step by step, I carried Trixie's wagon down the road to her next destination. My hoofs crushing the earth under my feet as my hands had the wagons handles in a death grip. Harsh wind was blowing, as my coat and vest failed to block out the winds.

I'd grown use to the feeling of this years ago, but what was strange was the fact that I'd heard no schedule of winds taking place this early in the morning. The clouds were so thick that I couldn't even be sure if the sun had risen yet. Still, I continued onward, my mind wandering.

Over the last few months I'd picked up a few things about this land, Equestria, while traveling with the so called 'Great and Powerful Trixie'. For one humans didn't exist and instead the world was populated by equines (ponies as they called themselves) and mystical creatures. Unicorns, pegasi, dragons, all of it coming out of the mind of a six year old. This may entice some, but I saw through this and choce to look beyond the boarders of this supposed Eden.

With Trixie, I made frequent visits outside of Equestria, there I saw things from an outsiders point of view. Equestria was a shining gem, that I would admit, but there were several differences between Equestria and the rest of the world.

Firstly,everything was done by magic or physical labor, as electricity didn't exist outside of a lightning strike. From the weather to the celestial bodies, all of it was performed by someone. This didn't seem to bother the inhabitants as they all saw this as their duty to their ruler, Princess Celestia.

Second, Magic only seemed prominent in Equestria. Where in this land no winds would blow the clouds, animals needed others to take care of themselves, and the seasons were brought into existence by these ponies. Outside Equestria's boarders everything seemed to work as it should. The clouds moved via the wind, animals took care of themselves, and seasons happened naturally. The only difference between Equestria and everything else was the heavy existence of magic. Magic, while existing outside the boarders, was rare. Ponies seemed to stay within the confines of Equestria while dragons, changelings, minotaurs, and other creatures inhabited the outside.

The magic in Equestria not only gave ponies the power over nature, it also gave sentience to almost every animal that lived in its confines. From the littlest mouse to the largest bear, every single one of them was given conscience. While outside the boarders animals were as they should be, food. They didn't cry out in fear or say that this was murder, which was a blessing to others consciences. This was probably why carnivorous behavior was prohibited inside the boarders of Equestria yet perfectly OK outside. Already I'd been reduced to sneaking fished from streams when Trixie wasn't looking to survive.

Thirdly was Technology. Technology inside the equines domain was severely limited, yet magic seemed to progress rapidly. Outside the domain technology seemed to be in the middle of an early industrial era, airships and railroads covering the skies and ground. Inventors and thinkers were treated as heroes and each new invention brought forth was sought after as if it were gold.

Finally there was Weapons. Weapons to ponies were spears and bows, which to them could take out any threat along side their magic. Sadly for the outsiders, they were evenly matched in the weapons department. Swords and bows being their primary weapons. Yet the difference between the two was that outsiders had the will to use weapons.

War in equestria was nonexistent, while outside everything from theft to murder took place every day. Ponies appeared too kind hearted and weak to raise the call of battle, while everyone else was willing to throw their lives away at any cause that caught their eye. in the past hundred years alone, five wars had erupted outside the lands.

Currently things were calm with the outside world, but I'd bet whatever I had that war would eventually erupt again in the next five years over some petty difference. And I'd bet everything again that Equestria would once again come out of the conflict unscratched, as it always did.

When you get down to it, Equestria should have been wiped off the map ages ago, destroyed between conflicts. Only the rulers kept the country alive, and seeing as they were eternal, Equestria would continue to live on, a paradise the rest of the would could only look in with longing looks as they tore each other to pieces.

'Not if I have anything to say about it.'

As I worked as Trixie's slave errand boy, I began to think over a few things. Philosophy states that everyone in the world had a destiny based on their character and what they did best. Ponies had it easy with what they called 'Cutie marks', a stupid name in my opinion but I digress. Every other creature had to go out and find what they were good at the old fashion'd way. If said person wasn't instantly good at it, then they moved on. This philosophy was the reason that outside of Equestria, unemployment rates were monstrously high.

But philosophy's throughout history have changed. From humans place in the universe to the question of there being a god or not, man has always sought out to answer the big questions. Which seemed to be a trate that was given to humans alone since no philosophers had come along yet to call bullshit on this idealism.

As the sun finally come over the horizon, well after the time it should have risen, I had a smile under my mask. As the sun rose, so too shall the creatures of this new world. A new age was coming to this world, and something told me that I would have to be Equestria's Reckoning.


A.N. I know I've kept you waiting, but I was working out the plot to this story so as to not disappoint you later on when I hit a writers block. Here's the next chapter of this story, which I started about a week ago and only just finished it. Now this is mostly just filler, but everything afterwords will hopefully be longer, better, and more important plot wise. Hope you enjoyed this chapter, keep goin and stay golden^^

Comments ( 6 )


A middle-aged ninja raised in a pit

THat sums him up nicely

I have been reading this ever since you started it D: where are you?!?! We must find out wha Bane does to this world!

Did you forget your password or some shit, cause I ended up getting real specific in what I wanted to read and ended up here.
Needless to say, I want another chapter if it kills you.

P.S. the last comment you got was over 36 weeks ago.

P.S.S. does anyone know if this guy's still alive because a few months ago I figured out that one of the authors I was following died and the first thing to go through my mind was "so that's why he hasn't updated in forever"
Information is fun! :twilightsmile:

ANd it is abandoned :(

Please don't be dead.

For you.

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