• Published 21st Jul 2020
  • 706 Views, 10 Comments

Fiery Passions - Nailah

Spitfire is a hardworking pony that doesn't mess around, so how did she end up in Appleloosa on a vacation she didn't ask for?

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Chapter 2: Horse Feathers!

“Hey Slowpoke, are you coming or are you just going to laze about on the train?” questioned Rainbow Dash, stopping in her sprint. Spitfire groaned, shaking her head.

“What? Huh?” she asked in return,stirring herself awake and shaking her head, rubbing the sleep dust out of her eyes., staring out the window, and sure enough, they were at the train station stop for Appleloosa. The big welcoming sign was a dead give away.

“Welcome to Appleloosa.” Spitfire glanced back at Dash again, who was tapping her forehoof against the other as she let out a huff, wings fluttering as she flew in the air.

“I must’ve dozed off.” Spitfire said as she shifted up from the seat, she immediately noted Soarin was nowhere in sight. “Did Soarin ever come out of the bathroom?” she asked, a bit concerned for her teammate.

“Oh yeah he’s fine. Just ate too much pie. But that’s nothing new. He’s outside with Applejack. I came back in because you weren’t coming out, and if you took any longer you’d be on your way to the next stop, which is a dead end!”

“At least then I wouldn’t have to deal with idiotic recruits that throw out the wrong paperwork,” Spitfire muttered, rolling her eyes.

“Ah come on! That was an accident and you know it.” Rainbow Dash whined, protesting her case. Spitfire wasn’t listening. She was already moving outside to see what this town had in store for her. She really wasn’t sure if she’d be glad that Applejack and Dash had plans, or if she’d be totally lost without a guide. That’s when she noticed him. He had a yellow coat just like her, an apple as his cutie mark, he had light blonde mane and tail, and wore a brown vest and cowboy hat, and he was talking to Soarin, like they were old pals. She trotted up to Soarin, tapping him on the shoulder.

“Hey Clipper, how’s your stomach?” Spitfire asked him, giving him a good pat to his back. Soarin tensed up, and she noticed a drop of sweat running down his cheek.

“My belly is all swell and good now, Captain. Thanks for asking.” Soarin said as he and Braeburn exchanged glances. “This is my friend Braeburn, we’ve known each other for a while now, though being a Wonderbolt keeps me from visiting more often. It’s really great here, and they have great sweets.” exclaimed Soarin as he reared up on his hindquarters, and whiny with a gleam in his eyes.

“Well, howdy there miss. Soarin has told me a lot about ya, and your team. I must say it must be really hard to lead a team as talented as the Wonderbolts. I value hard work, and honesty. A lot of respect, name’s Braeburn it’s a pleasure to meet you,” Braeburn smiled, tipping his hat, and bowing towards her.

“Spitfire. Pleasure’s all mine, I take it you’re in charge of this whole place?” Spitfire asked, glancing back and forth, to take in her surroundings. The dirt under her hooves wasn’t unfamiliar to her. She saw how the buildings lined up opposite of each other, and there was this giant space between each side. She found herself getting lost in the simplistic charm this town seemed to hold. She suddenly felt naked without a hat. Not that she needed one, but it seemed like this town was rather crazy about ponies wearing hats.

“Alright, Spitfire. Welcome. Allow me to give ya’ the grand tour. Soarin, I am mighty glad to see ya again as well, but I reckon you don’t need a tour. Excuse us.” he smiled towards his fellow friend.

“Ah, yeah. I know this town like the back of my hoof. Besides, I heard there’s a pie eating contest.” he said licking his chops and dashing off. Spitfire rolled her eyes, and shook her head. He would never change.

“He sure does always seem excited for pie. Can’t say I blame him. I’m a fan of it myself, I just haven’t been able to really relax much to enjoy it.”

“Yeah...I feel that.” Spitfire said as she looked to her left and to her right, continuing to observe her surroundings. There were a lot of ponies in this town, not quite as many as Ponyville, but there was this certain sense of a tingling sensation running through her. She felt a hoof on her shoulder blade.

“Allow me to show you the wonders that Appleloosa has, my lady.” he smiled gently, as he began showing her all the local sites and properties, even introducing her to Sheriff Silver Star.

“Howdy there, welcome to Appleloosa. If any pony causes you trouble, or if those buffalo come again, you can count on
me to be there.” he bowed to her, tipping his hat.

“Thanks, but I can handle myself.” Spitfire said as she continued walking alongside Braeburn. She noticed ponies traveling to and from the main parts of the town as they trotted along. She had a lot of respect for authority, and she was strangely in awe of how relaxed he seemed being the leader of an entire town.

“So...you’ve got a buffalo problem?” asked Spitfire, she really hadn’t seen much signs of trouble since she arrived, but where there was trouble, she found herself aiming to put an end to it. She sighed, thinking how much she tried stopping Rainbow Dash from doing her crazy stunts when she had first arrived as a Wonderbolt.

“Welp...you see, the buffalo really haven’t bothered us much since we found a compromise. We give them our pies, and they let us have our orchard.” he smiled pointing to the orchard that had enough room for buffalo to stampede through. Spitfire studied the lands, it was a good spot to grow crops, but she didn’t know much about the Buffalo, so it wasn’t her place to judge them.

“What is it with ponies and pies?” Spitfire groaned, shaking her head.

“Hey, I'm quite the gluten for sugar and sweets myself. Especially after a hard day's work, ain't nothing better than coming home and having some sweet apple pie. Just warms your whole body up!"

“Ugh. Can’t say I get it, but hey you enjoy it. As a Wonderbolt I have to keep in tip top shape or otherwise there would be a world of hurt.”

“True, but don’t be afraid to spoil yourself to something sweet and sugary ever now and again. If all you think about is fitness, then the world almost feels...flat.”

Spitfire merely nodded. She really needed to get Soarin to cut back on pies, he was probably going to be a mess again after the pie eating contest.

Braeburn tipped his hat towards Spitfire as they came to the end of Appleloosa’s property.

“Wooo, now lass. This is as far as we go. This is buffalo territory, and trust me when I say, they might seem friendly, but they don’t take kindly to strangers just waltzing in on their home lands.”

“Thanks?” asked Spitfire with a raised eyebrow, if the buffalo were territorial it was best to heed his advice. Besides, the view of the sky was rather nice from right here.

“Welp, that’s the town, I know it doesn't seem like much. But it’s home,” Braeburn smiled a big wide eyed grin. She could see how proud he was of the town in his eyes. Standing there next to him, she couldn’t help but feel this sense of calm and tranquility.

“It reminds me a lot of Cloudsdale. Though a lot more calming. I can see why ponies would vacation here. It’s a good spot.” Spitfire said.

“Oh...Welp I’m glad you decided to come here then. I’ll ensure your stay here is the best you’ve ever had or my name ain’t Braeburn.”

“No stress. I didn’t even want to come. I’m the leader of the Wonderbolts, and I don’t really have time to “mess” around as Rainbow Dash often does. Seems both of my teammates planned this trip behind my back.”

“They probably did it for ya own good though. You…” he began, stuttering. “Seem exhausted, and overworked. I reckon you could use a bit of down time from all that work ya’ been doing,” Braeburn flushed slightly, Spitfire tilted her head towards him and didn’t want to cause her unrest.

Spitfire mutters under her breath. Maybe he has a point. But...She felt a hoof on her shoulder.

“Now listen here y'all. As long as you are in my town, I’m making it firm and clear that you ain’t to be thinking about work. I want you to think about you, and what you would do with your time off. Enjoy yourself, stay awhile, and enjoy the pleasures of the simple things life has to offer. Keeping ya head up in the clouds, ain’t no good for relaxing, and I reckon that’s a darn fact.” Braeburn said.

Spitfire’s lips curled upwards into a big wide eyed smile as she chuckled.

“Yeah...I can’t say that’s not true. So what do you Appleloosa folks do for fun?” she asked him curiously. I wouldn’t mind just sitting here and watching the sunset.
“Well, I guess it depends on your interests. There’s a lot to do here, but I reckon for a mare like yourself, you might enjoy the races.” Braeburn replied. “We unfortunately haven’t been able to have them lately though. There’s been something causing one hell of a stir out yander. I’ve been trying to figure out what it is, and what it wants so that we can have some fun. I’m sure ya’ll don’t need to know much to understand.”

“A problem huh? Maybe I can help lend a helping hoof. It’s just not in my nature to “relax”.” Spitfire admitted with a slight shrug of her shoulders. “Besides, you look tired and overworked. I think you could use some help.”

“Welp, I reckon you got me there. I can’t ask you to get mixed up in my problems. You’re here on vacation.” Braeburn snorted, shaking his head. It wasn’t right.

Spitfire starred into his baby blue eyes, raising an eyebrow slightly, and tapping one of her back hooves onto the ground, as she crossed her front forelegs around her chest.

“Not wanting to get me dragged into it is perfectly understandable, but you brought it up, so you might as well fess up.

"What’s causing you trouble? Is it the buffalo?” Spitfire asked, starring right at him.

Braeburn took a deep gulp of a breath, as he felt his whole body twitching. He needed to say something. Anything.

“I reckon the weather is awfully nice today. Say, why don’t I take you out for dinner tonight? Treat you to what Appleloosa has to offer.” Braeburn said, praying she’d leave it at that, and agree to join him.

“Avoiding the question only makes me more interested to know what’s going on. But for now. I will let it be. I’m sure I’ll find out one way or the other.” spoke Spitfire. He’s hiding something. I don’t know what, but I’m going to find out.

“Great! I promise it’ll be a night you won’t soon forget. And maybe you’ll finally learn what it’s like to take it easy.” said Braeburn with a bright smile rising up on his face.

Spitfire sighed heavily. This place was going to drive her crazy, but she couldn’t deny that Braeburn had this sorta charm to him. She didn’t know why, or how, but she liked it. She smiled back at him.

“Well, cowboy show me your way of life, and we’ll see who will be learning from the experience. Who’s to say I can’t teach you something about hard work and dedication?”

“I reckon ya could, but I told you, as long as ya’ll are here in my town, you ain’t to be thinking about that. I want you to have a good time, Spitfire. Life isn’t all work and no play. Gotta learn to lay back, and admire the beauty before you.” replied Braeburn as he offered his forehoof to her. “Shall we go fill our bellies with some good home cooking? I’m perched.”

“Sure…” replied Spitfire. She paused and looked to the sky. Don’t get lost in the clouds. Good advice, now if only Rainbow Dash would heed it. She wasn’t sure what Rainbow Dash planned to accomplish by dragging her out here, but she’d find out soon enough. After dinner.

Braeburn held the door for her, she glanced at him and trotted inside to the restaurant. The whole place gave off this rustic charm. The tables were all wooden, covered by a simple white cloth. Ponies of all sorts were gathered at the tables. She could see Soarin digging into some kind of pie at one of the tables. She shook her head, as Braeburn gestured her to their table, and pulled out the chair for her. She glanced at him, not used to special treatment, but sat down, and waited for him to sit with her.

The waitress came to the table to take their order. Spitfire noticed she too was wearing a hat. What was it with ponies and hats in this town?

“Hello there, it’s a pleasure to be your waitress today, what may I get ya started with? We do have fresh cider on tap, and a variety of hoof squeezed fruit juices, and water as well.”

“Water is fine.” spoke Spitfire. She could just imagine if Rainbow Dash was here, her eyes would’ve lit up like a filly on Hearth’s warming at the thought of fresh cider, but Spitfire didn’t really need it.

“I’ll have some freshly squeezed apple juice.” spoke Braeburn with an eager yip in his voice.

Spitfire coughed into her forehoof to hide her slightly tinted cheeks. Why was he so darn adorable? What? She blinked and sighed. Air must be getting to her.

“So, do you at least feel more relaxed now? Y'all sure seemed awfully tense at the station. And exhausted. Not that I mean to pry or anything, but it isn’t good to run yourself ragged.”

“Yeah...I guess. I’m concerned about whatever is going on beyond your borders. It isn’t wise to just do nothing.” said Spitfire, as she pondered on how she could be an asset to the town, and maybe help solve his problem. She knew Rainbow wanted her to have a vacation, but she wasn’t going to just ignore a problem when it could be solved.

“I told you before, this is my problem, not yours. Don’t worry, I’m looking into it, but right now I’d like to enjoy dinner with a beautiful pony.” smiled Braeburn.

Spitfire looked over to Braeburn with the slightest raise of a brow. “Hehe, nice try buddy.” she shook her head, and waited for the food to come. In the back of her mind, she wandered about what was going on beyond the borders, but she also wondered how much trouble her recruits might get into while she wasn’t there to watch them. Rainbow Dash dragged her here to some middle of nowhere town, because she needed a vacation, well she hated to be the bearer of bad news, but she wasn’t going to have a vacation.

She was going to find out what was going on, whether this cow pony liked it or not. She couldn’t deny, he was a good looking stallion, but she certainly wasn’t here to look for a relationship. She was married to her job as a Captain of the Wonderbolts, and she couldn’t see herself ever leaving until she grew old and couldn’t keep up anymore, but that was a ways away yet. Their food finally came, and Spitfire noticed immediately how much Braeburn enjoyed his supper. She glanced around, looking at the others within the restaurant. Every pony seemed to be having a good time but her. Gosh...why was she here? She was going to get back at Rainbow Dash for this… Going to give that bolt six thousand laps when we get back.

“Spitfire? Are ya’ll going to eat your food or just stare at the wall all night?” asked Braeburn, a bit concerned, tilting his head to the side, and looking at her. He scratched at his hat, wandering to himself, just how stubborn this pony was. And here he thought Applejack was bad!

Spitfire snapped out of her thoughts, and picked up her silverware and began to enjoy her dinner as best she could. Her mind felt all over the place, but she knew right now, she needed to wait for sunlight. She wouldn’t get anything accomplished in the evening, and she knew in the back of her mind, Braeburn was stubborn and set in his ways. She understood his reasons, but she also knew she couldn’t change him, just like he couldn’t change her.

Change. It was such a simple thing, yet so hard for her to embrace. She was a Captain of an elite group of flyers known as the Wonderbolts. She was used to seeing change around her, but for her to change herself to be more…”chillax” as Rainbow called it, she didn’t see herself doing that anytime soon. She wondered just what Rainbow was doing on this vacation.

After they arrived here, Applejack and her just wandered off. She could envision what they might be doing, but that wasn’t the kind of thoughts to be having over dinner with a nice gentle colt. She shook her head, and decided she’d worry about herself and try not to get wrapped up in Rainbow’s vacation. Rainbow had bought her to relax, because apparently she thought she was overworked. Spitfire glared directly at Braeburn, envisioning Rainbow in his place.

“Woah, now. What did I do?” asked Braeburn, looking back at her, a raised eyebrow, feeling a drop of breath being swallowed down his throat by her intimidating stare.

“You didn’t do anything wrong. I just...have a certain rainbow maned pegasus on my mind. I didn’t even want a vacation.”

“Yeah, I can clearly see you’re tense, but that’s why she did what she did. She just wants to help. Even if it wasn’t in the best of methods, she’d try and that’s something ain’t it?”

“I suppose.” Spitfire sighed heavily. This is supposed to be her vacation, but relaxing just wasn’t something some pony like her could easily do, nor did she really want too. Work was in her blood, flight was her passion, and bossing other ponies around gave her quite the thrill. She looked over towards Braeburn. He was sorta similar to her, and that was respectful, she could value the morals, and duties he had as the leader of Appleloosa.

After dinner was finished, Braeburn insisted on paying for their meal, and she didn’t fight him on it. Right now, she just wanted to go back to her house she’d be staying at while she was here, and just get some well deserved rest. Perhaps she did need a vacation...

Author's Note:

I know it's been like a LONG time since you saw anything from this story, but I have been focusing on "Broken Promise" so this story was put on the backburner, but then I remembered I had this chapter finished, so I hope you all enjoy it, and Happy Hearthwarming!