• Published 4th Sep 2020
  • 381 Views, 14 Comments

The Battle of Danger City Part One - A New Dawn - DangerDean

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Chapter 5 - The Calm Before the Storm (Part 1 - The Intimidator Awakens)

Legion of Speedfreaks HQ
Danger City 18:35

While the Alliance was preparing another attempt to bring the Legion of Speedfreaks down to the ground. Lightning Dust was with Spitfire in the ground floor corridor heading towards the elevator for the penthouse suite.

“I didn’t know that you and Danger had a history, Lightning.” Spitfire said, looking surprised.”

“Yes, ever since my departure from the Wonderbolts, I was feeling bored with myself and anything I do would literally be of no interest to me.” Lightning Dust replied. “I actually formed the Washouts before I became friends with Danger.”

Spitfire raised a eyebrow at Lightning, thinking that she was completely insane of her to join the Legion of Speedfreaks two years ago. Spitfire could’ve asked Danger why she joined, but he would say that he can become friends with anyone who has as much recklessness as Lightning does. Moreover, Danger knows Lightning Dust doesn’t get along with Rainbow Dash, even though he told her to put her ‘grudge’ against Rainbow aside for the duration of the ‘Vehicle War’ which started back at Paradise City.

“What? I’m just trying to prove a point.” Lightning said, while her eyes rolled upwards in disgust.

“I don’t think you’ve ever proved a point ever since your departure.” Spitfire’s face turned to annoyance as she folded her arms.

Then, the conversation went to tepid in terms of heat, but before either of them could speak, Twilight Sparkle, who was also heading for the penthouse in order to speak to the Dragonsfire sisters, saw that Lightning and Spitfire was close to having a grudge match.

“Hey, Lightning.” Twilight said, trying to divert Lightning from Spitfire. “Look, I understand you getting kicked out of the Wonderbolts wasn’t your finest hour. But listen to me, you’re a Speedfreak Legionnare now. So is Spitfire for that matter. You need stop picking fights with her. What has Spitfire ever done to you to make your life a living hell?”

“But I-“ Lightning said before being interrupted by Twilight again.

“Lightning, listen!” Twilight said. “Do you remember what Danger said to you about your rivalry with Rainbow.”

Then, two seconds later, a flashback consisting of her and Danger, who was try to eliviate the situation from going into hell.

After the flashback elapsed, Lightning came to the conclusion that she did have to put her dispute with Rainbow Dash aside and apologised to Spitfire.

“So that’s sorted then?” Twilight then announced.

Lightning didn’t want to say anything as she said enough, according to Twilight.

Meanwhile, in Command Station 3B, Danger was doing some more research into the Alliance of Extreme Darkness and after a number of Oscura’s firewalls got deleted, courtesy of his insane hacking skills. You would think he would probably get sent to a court in Canterlot City and locked away for a few decades, but the Legion of Speedfreaks is still at war with the Alliance so it was perfectly fine.

After 20 minutes of continuous typing and scanning the map, two alerts came to Danger’s monitor. One was that the BSRU found an abandoned Alliance manufacturing plant 40 miles west of the HQ. He noticed that the route to it passes the Akula Autodrom which he knew that one of his long-time friends, Akula would be there, preferably setting really fast laps in his Intimidator if Danger knew something about it previously.

The other was that Akula was trying to contact Danger through speed dial, which he didn’t realise until now. The last time somebody speed dialed Danger was Rainbow, five months before the Battle of Paradise City.

Danger accepted the message and put his headphones on a second later.

“DangerDean, here.” He can tell that Akula had something important to say to him.

“Oh hey, Dean, how it’s it going and what have you been doing since last I spoke to you?” Akula greeted.

“It’s been going swimming I’ve just been extinguishing every single one of Oscura’s firewalls, putting in the coordinates of an abandoned Alliance manufacturing base 40 miles from the HQ and creating masterpieces of vehicles which will be used to teach Oscura a lesson. The lesson being: to never mess with Legion of Speedfreaks.” Danger replied while typing at the same time.

“Oscura’s giving you trouble, I presume.” Akula then asked him.

Danger’s face turned to a ‘don’t even bother to ask’ expression but he didn’t want to end the conversation at this early stage.

“Yes, she held me a gunpoint about a couple of times, crashed into my car in Paradise City a few times and I had to resort to crashing her car as well.” Danger replied while let out a big sigh.

“You just get away from her, don’t you.” Akula said with deep concern from him.

“Akula, it’s not that easy.” Danger leaned on the table with his arms folded and his head on his arms. “Oscura is literally everywhere, in the center of Danger City, in the outskirts, in the room, even in the penthouse where Twilight, the Lionsfire and Dragonsfire sisters are. Worse stilll, is I keep dreaming of her, worrying that I might succumb to her deeds.”

“I see, I have an idea that might cheer you up.” Akula said, trying to stop Danger from being morbid, which he doesn’t.

“What is it.” Danger shrugged, thinking he might end on the wrong side of the deal, as his pony counterpart had made deals with changelings before and was always on the recieving end of them all. But this time, he trusts Akula so it will never happen.

“Why don’t you come to the Akula Autodrom and I will challenge you do a hot-lap shootout?” Akula offered.

Danger let a grin on the face as Akula may have found a solution.

“You know what? That’s a good idea!” Danger announced as he got up on the chair.

“I have another idea, Danger. Why not ask Rainbow if she will be interested.” Akula offered again.

“I will.” Danger responded.

After that, Danger was ready to finish off the conversion.

“Right, I’ll see you in about a hour. Oh and by the way, if you see black and red Oscura Supercars OSC1 Nemesis appear, be warned, she may be looking a lot angrier than she normally does.” Danger warned Akula and had accepted his challenge

“Ok I’ll be vigilant.” Akula replied and ended the call.

Legion of Speedfreaks HQ, Penthouse Suite, 19:00

While Danger was finishing with messing with Oscura’s hardware. Twilight, Blazey, Sparky, Crimsonia and Black Flame were having a nice conversion with the sunset slowy starting to appear from view of the penthouse window with the five girls relaxing before they each get some rest

Black Flame had changed outfits from her black leather bike suit which has no relation to Oscura’s leather suit to a black t-shirt with a black red-outlined flame artwork, denim shorts and black tights with red trainers similar to Danger’s but with black flames.

“So tell me, Black Flame.” Twilight said, putting her arms on the back of her head. “Why did became Danger’s friend all of a sudden. Personally I think anyone with the name ‘Black Flame sounds like an ally to Oscura.”

“Twilight.” Black Flame replied. “Me and Danger have a common enemy, she’s been tearing his emotions like ripping a thousand books in half.”

“Wow.” Crimsonia’s eyebrows suddenly raised.

“Crimsonia, can you not?” Black Flame got a bit anoyed with Crimsonia’s comment a few seconds eariler. “Anyways, Danger texted me before he left the building because he had some business to attend to.”

Sparky tilted her head towards Black Flame.

“Probably something to do with this ‘Akula’ he keeps talking about.” She repiled. “I never met him but, according to Danger he seems quite friendly.”

Twilight facepalmed and she wasn’t the only one that thought Danger was making a deal with the ‘Lords of Chaos’... again.

“Why does Danger do this to himself?” Twilight thought, taking a big sigh. “I know he has friends everywhere but this is getting out of hand. The next thing you’ll know is that he’ll reform another member of the Alliance of Extreme Darkness. I keep thinking about Midnight Skies though.”

“Why, Twilight, I may ask?” Sparky was looking confused with Twilight being concerned over Midnight Skies, who was a part of the Alliance before her betrayal which Oscura never recovered from.

“Because, Sparky,” Twilight replied with touch of angry which Blazey, Black Flame and Crimsonia failed to see. “Ever since her reformation, she’s been acting... strange over the past couple of hours.”

“Wouldn’t surprised since she was having flashbacks of Oscura’s acts since the last time I saw her like... six hours ago” Black Flame turned to Twilight while using her phone. I let her control her thoughts before they get too vile and dark. Worse still is that she’s like... going on about Rainbow Dash for something.”

Twilight got up from the couch and was taking deep breaths for 10 seconds because her anger was gradually increasing. “Why’s that, Black Flame?”

“Twilight, let me get this straight.” Black Flame cleared her throat. “You were in a vehicular skirmish in Paradise City last night and you were part of Group Shuriken. How long did you know that Oscura’s hate for Danger is rising?”

Twilight shrugged. Her words could be overruled by Black Flame.

“I’ll tell you, for the past year, after you defeated the Legion of Doom back in Equestria. The reason I know this is because two weeks after they were turned to stone, Danger and Rainbow were in a race with Midnight Skies, which Rainbow won and Midnight hated the fact that she lost to a pegasus of her own kind. She then turned to Oscura in an attempted to seek revenge on her newly-formed nemesis, which of course, is Rainbow Dash.”

“How do you know all this?” Sparky became confused as to what Black Flame was on about.

“Well, Sparky.” Black Flame replied, “Just because my pony counterpart resides in Cloudsdale, doesn’t mean that I share the same amount of knowledge as he does.”

Twilight, who had calmed down after her ‘anger splash’ as she calls it, was shocked about it.

“Danger’s from Cloudsdale!” She exclaimed.

“Yes, I think so. I may check with him when he gets back from his drive to the Akula Autodrom.”

Akula Autodrom, 28 miles from the HQ, 19:58

While Black Flame was still explaining to the girls about Midnight Skies. The Akula Autodrom was awaiting the arrival of the DGR15 Excelsior X which was driven by the British Speedfreak himself, DangerDean. But before he switch off the engine, he recieved a call from... Oscura. Danger faceplanted on the steering wheel.

“Does she ever learn anything?” Danger thought to himself as pressed the button to display the call.

He can tell Oscura was mad about something,

“What do you want now?” Danger was clearly annoyed because she gets calls from Oscura, every day.

“Danger, why have you BLOWN UP MY BEAUTIFUL CAR UP AGAIN! I THOUGHT YOU WOULD BE MORE OF A IDIOT THAT WOULD NOT DO SUCH A THING! WHY DID YOU DO THAT, YOU BASTARD?!” Oscura snapped, thinking that Danger exploded her car when clearly, it was Black Flame.

“It wasn’t me.” Danger said, trying to unpin the blame. “I wasn’t anywhere near your car, apart from when I put a hole through your windshield.”


Danger became tired with her and cut her off in the simillar fashion he did back at Paradise City. After he switched off the engine he stepped out from the Excelsior, the Intimidator was within sight and a human with black skin, red eyes and a flat, straight Flash Sentry-esque red hairstyle. Standing next to the Intimidator was none other than Akula, wearing a sleeveless flak jacket with a red star which covered a majority of the jacket. Teamed with it are red millitary gloves on his hands. He was also sprting black and red camo pattern milltary cargo pants with black sneakers.

“I heard someone was shouting.” Akula said as he held an AK-47 for safety. “I thought I might investigate.”

“No, I cut her off ten seconds ago.” Danger replied. “She’s pretty pissed off with me after she thought I blew up her OSC1 Nemesis a few hours ago. Which I didn’t have any part of at all. Apart from shooting her windscreen.”

“I’m not surprised considering she is your nemesis and everything, bit like my hatred towards one of your members for the Shuriken Group.” Akula folded his arms.

“You mean... Starlight Glimmer, by any chance, I wasn’t really fond of her before she was reformed.” Danger conceded, stroking his hair.

“I know, Danger.” Akula replied. “I know.”

“So, about that challenge. Are you ready?” Danger reminded Akula that they had a challenge right now.

After Danger and Akula shook hands, Akula turned to his Intimidator and fired up the V10.

Danger was excited to hear a V10-powered formula and he turned to this DGR15 and revved up the W16.

Their challenge was about to begin.

Author's Note:

Well, the Imtidator has awakened. Oh and big thanks to Akula966 for sharing me his EQG counterpart if you want to see more vehicular madness, you might want to check out Burnout Equestrian Paradise and F1 Equestria Duels of the Century.