• Published 18th Feb 2012
  • 7,861 Views, 177 Comments

Luna's Invitation - CloudMagnet

Luna is far too shy to talk to Twilight, but a thousand year old moon goddess has her ways.

  • ...

A Royal Tease (Prologue)

Pulling the drapes against the golden light of an obnoxiously cheerful dawn, Luna threw herself at her giant princess-sized bed with an indignant snort. She treasured the few private hours she spent with her sister each day and knew that Celestia put special effort into making certain that business of state did not interfere with their dawn and dusk meals.

Today had been especially nice, an ad-hoc tea in the royal gardens on the cusp of dawn with some lovely lyre music. It was so like Celestia to take the time to find a pony skilled in an instrument popular before Luna's banishment, just to make her feel at home in the new palace.

So then why did she have to ruin it all? Usually Luna could handle Celestia’s incessant teasing. In some strange way it made her feel at ease. If Celestia felt safe enough to tease Luna about her abacus or the rather provocative armor of her Royal Night Guard, then that was a demonstration of her trust in Luna’s reformation.

‘Celly would never tease me like that if she thought that I could become Nightmare Moon again.’

But today had been something else entirely. It had all started out with familiar territory, Twilight Sparkle’s rather obvious interest in the Night Princess.

Celestia had begun delicately needling her as they nibbled their regal way through a desert of traditional rosewater and lime lokum, a sweet very much in vogue when Luna last sat upon the throne of Equestria. Taken from a pleasant reverie of simpler times and simpler pleasures, Luna had immediately allowed herself to become cross, much to Celestia's evident delight.

“Sister, I hardly think this is the appropriate place to discuss these sorts of matters. The servants...”

“Are just as concerned for your welfare and happiness as I am Luna, why I’m surprised one of them has not smuggled little Twilight into your chambers as a surprise.”

“Celly! This is an inappropriate matter for discussion over dinner.”

Luna was certain her cheeks were glowing brighter than the red gingham table cloth their snacks were laid out on.

"It's breakfast for me dear sister." Celestia’s smile had been so .. well, it had been hidden behind her teacup but Luna knew every infuriating inch of Celly’s little smirk from thousands of years of experience. She had been just as infuriating during the whole Starswirl debacle.

“I'm afraid you are going to have to face the facts Luna, you and Twilight would be just perfect for each other. You have such similar interests. I hear that she's even learned how to use an abacus now. The little dear is just so.."

"Intelligent? Focused?" Luna ventured.

Celestia lifted an eybrow "I was thinking more along the lines of 'Versatile' or perhaps even " The lifted eyebrow took on the aspect of a comical leer "Adaptable."

"Look, sister, Twilight's sudden interest in the history and customs of my era is flattering but it does not imply any reciprocal interest on my part, so please drop this whole matter."

"Oh Luna, Don’t think for a second that the way you pore over her friendship reports has escaped my notice." Luna cast her gaze towards the heavens in exasperation.

Celestia took a measured sip of her tea. "Or that I am unaware that some of them are missing from my collection.”

Luna froze, knowing that guilt was written across her face like a placard. She wondered if her lunar powers could include sinking into the earth in shame. ‘Oh no.. This could not look any worse.’


“But not just any friendship reports. Just the ones that happen to mention our beautiful Princess of the Night, and in such glowing phrases too. Twilight was rather excited about finally meeting you again on Nightmare night wasn't she?”

“...” Luna found the tablecloth to suddenly be the most fascinating thing in Equestria.

“For two months she has asked after you in every report. She even found a way through her own research to send a letter to you with Spikes flame as a surprise. Am I correct sister?"

“Well yes, but...”

Celestia’s perfect brow lowered and her gaze hardened just a little as she took a regal sip from her tea.

‘I guess I was wrong, it can get a LOT worse.’ Luna steeled herself for what was coming next.

“You never saw fit to grace her effort and inventiveness with a reply.”

“That’s NOT true!” Luna thumped the table for emphasis, sending a tinkling shockwave through the precious china settings.

“Oh, yes, forgive me. You responded once. You complemented her on her discovery and wished her well for her studies. On official letterhead. In Old Equestrian. She sent me your reply, along with a letter begging me to tell her what she had done to offend you.

Luna, that response would have been considered unduly cold even in the era before your .. disappearance."

The urgent need to sink into the earth intensified .. ‘No, the earth's mere shell isn’t enough. Maybe the mantle. Down amongst all that molten lava.’

Celestia cooly sipped her tea. “I had to visit her in Ponyville to calm her down. She cried. A pony writing a thesis on freindship who couldn't keep a friend.”

Luna could just picture those huge lavender eyes tearing up. The same way that they had on Nightmare Night from pure sympathy as Twilight empathised with Luna’s rejection and loneliness. ‘... sinking down to the core with all that crushing weight and intolerable pressure.’

“Luna, I thought you liked Twilight ... at least as a potential friend.”

Luna snapped out of her descent into self recrimination.

“Celly, it’s been so long. After all those years of my banishment I just don’t know how to talk to ponies any more.” Her voice dropped “Not outside of our official royal roles.” Her voice fell to a whisper “And especially not Twilight. I did not mean to hurt her.”

An awkward silence fell over the table. Celestia dabbed her mouth with a napkin and rose from her cushion. Her voice softened.

“From reading Twilight's friendship reports, and what you told me yourself sister, I had thought that both of you made a real connection that night, I was looking forward to seeing you as friends."

Luna looked up from the table, meeting her sister's eyes. "I'm sorry Celly, I'll try to.."

"And naming your foals of course.”

With a gleeful giggle, Celestia easily ducked the telekinetically flung teapot.

“Please, Luna. Just write her a letter or maybe drop into Ponyville for a surprise visit. It would mean the world to her.”

“Well ...” ‘That sounds remarkably reasonable and straightforward... could I really do that? As a princess? Just drop in unannounced to visit a subject in their own home? What strange times these have become.’

“I’d recommend an hour after midnight - Twilight never locks her bedroom window.”