• Member Since 15th May, 2020
  • offline last seen April 8th


Hiiiii :D


It's been almost over half a century since the bearers of the elements of harmony defeated nightmare moon. Since then, times have changed. Age has snuck in, for all six ponies.
No, all five ponies.
Being the alicorn ruler of Equestria, Twilight has watched her friends grow old whilst she stays youthful.
Today, the last one of her friends was buried, and Twilight has had enough.
Prequel to https://www.fimfiction.net/story/482796/hello-again

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 29 )

Reading this was both beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time...Too many writers who write these kinds of stories fall victim to saturating the feel of the story with the subject matter's depressive nature and not adding any lighter elements. As I read the story, connecting with Twilight's thoughts, I hoped she would turn around instead of following through with it. :fluttercry:

Thank you so much!

I love this to me. Immortality is never worth and really only if everyone is immortal is immortality more worth it. Though immortily is a curse for what is a life lived in millions of years you know you can not help but become detached? You know?

Great story and great execution! Thank you.

Please stop I'm gonna burst into tears

Wait...what will happen to Equestria if she's gone? Will Celestia and Luna rule again? Or will Cadance take control?

Bravo, sir/madam, it's rare to come across good fanfics a decade after the beginning of it all
Faved right away

thank you! (it's madam :D)

yes, I know exactly what you mean. To me it'd be scary knowing that my life would never end, and I'd never see my friends again. it's just not worth it.
thanks for reading ;D

Nice polished story, really well done.
Though I’m more on the side of Twilights immortality not being as sad as many say. Yes Twilight will outlive many she loves but there will be those that will remain by her side, find it weird you even had to add the fact that Spike’s growing distant to ignore this fact (Not throwing shade, it worked for this story). Not to mention the whole message of the finale was even if you move apart of move on your friendship will always remain, Twilight will always have those memories of joy and happiness.
Twilights live didn’t start and won’t end with her friends, they are a major part of it but not it’s sole focus

With all that said this was still a nice well written story, well done

All my life I have known people who suffered immeasurable loss - soldiers who came home without their brothers, fathers who had to bury their sons, husbands who had to bury their wives, mothers who lost daughters before they could even speak, wives who lost their husbands while still young. Some were left with no one they felt close to. So many of them told me of the months, even years spent not knowing why they got up in the morning. Yet, as the years passed, they found others with whom to share their lives who, when they first suffered their loss, they never could have envisioned meeting. They told me about how they spent years not knowing that hope was out there - they just couldn't see it yet.

To anyone reading this who may be struggling with thoughts of suicide, please know that you can be helped. Your life matters, and the world will be emptier and darker if you are gone. Even if by some twist of fate no one noticed (and it's almost certain someone would know and care), there would still be a phantom pain - an absence that no one would know the source of, but would be felt all the same. We would be diminished by the loss of you. If that wasn't true, then why is it that people willingly choose to spend their days professionally helping complete strangers to realize their own self worth? You matter. Please talk to someone who can remind you of that.

Suicide Hotline: https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org
List of International Suicide Hotlines: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines

Man, Rainbow's death feels the most scary, because of how...logical it is.

Wounded pride can drive people to do really stupid things.

well said. everyone is important :')

I love feels fics like this. Their something that stick with you and really breathe life into the fandom. Years from now when the fandoms completely dead I’ll be sad to say I can’t show people this kind of stuff that really moved me and made me fell something.

Was this inspired by Going Out With a Boom, that Rainbow Dash end of life fic that came out last week? It reads very similarly, but its cool to see similar events from Twilight's perspective. I enjoyed reading it!

Classic issue for years. Still love it.

I'm sorry, Princess, but I can't do that. I just can't take the thought of you doing this to yourself...

Comment posted by LilyT deleted Jul 30th, 2020

No, haven't read that, it sounds good though.
thanks for reading :D

thank you :D

thank you so much!

After this incident, Pinkie became even more animated than before. She would never stop smiling. It was quite annoying, actually. We were all still mourning for Rainbow Dash, but she was throwing anniversary parties to Rainbow (one day of being dead, on week of being dead, a week and a half of being dead - because she couldn't wait for the two week marker) and cracking jokes. She was bodily encouraging everybody to keep smiling, keep laughing, and keep living our normal lives. Obviously, being in Canterlot meant that I didn't get it as bed (bad) as the other three did, but I still got invitations every day and on their visits, they'd quietly complain when Pinkie went to the bathroom or something.

First of all I just want to say I'm sorry if the paper is smudged. I haven't written manually for a long time, and the tears are still dripping down my face.

Wait, so she’s not using her horn?

The very next day, Rarity fell asleep on her fainting sofa, with Opal purring next to her. It kinda reminds me of that saying, you know:

"I want to live to be a hundred!"

"Well, in that case I want to live to be one hundred, minus a day, so I'll never have to live without you."

Who said which one? Also, I didn’t know that was a saying.

I've decided just now that I'm going to leave this in the castle of the two sisters. If you're to be anywhere, it's there. Whoever picked up this note, don't be sad for me. Don't mourn me, or cry about me, or mope about. Cherish the days we lived, the memories we made, instead of mourning our passing. Be glad that I'm happy, that I'm free, and keep on smiling.

What if the creature that picks it up is a stranger?

she is using her horn, she isn't used to having to write letters bc someone like Spike will do it for her.

its not really anyone saying it, its just a quote

that was kinda the point. its putting it in the perspective that you are the person that picked it up

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