• Published 27th Jul 2020
  • 841 Views, 5 Comments

Of Acts and Masks - Sparkling blaze

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Bonus Chapter:An Similar Ponies Meeting

Ever since getting out of stone a week ago,Twilight had been telling Space and Cozy about two of her friends that shared a similar past with Cozy.

"Actually one more that the other,only one of them really tried to conquer the world."Like she said.

She said tho one of her friends was from really far.So she only could come today.

Cozy was awaiting next to a filly about the CMCs age,that was the other pony Twilight told her she was similar to,she wondered how.

Meanwhile Space was having a conversation with Twilight.

"You think this would work Twilight?"Space asked unsure if bringing three ponies with past of manipulation or evil deeds was the brightest idea.

"I do." Twilight assured her. "Sure they used to be bad, but if we have them together I think the other two can keep Cozy from being like she was."

"I hope you're right. I want Cozy back but I don't want her to hurt anyone."

"Space trust me.They can help her."Twilight said in a calming voice.
Then suddenly an bright light came from one of the castle rooms.

"Oh,Sunset arrived."Twilight said,then proceeded to walk into the room from which said light came.

A yellow unicorn with a red and yellow mane had just showed up. She bowed to Twilight.

"Princess" She said to Twilight. Twilight gave the new mare a umamused look.

"You know how much I hate my friends calling me princess."

"I know but the look on your face is worth it." She said as she hugged Twilight.

With that Twilight turned to me. "Space this is Sunset Shimmer, this is the friend I was telling you about. Sunset this is Space Glow she's the mother of the filly I think you can help."

"Nice to meet you."Space greeted Sunset.

"Nice to meet you too."Sunset responded."So where's she?"

"On one of the rooms with Diamond Tiara."Twilight told her."I think it's for the better they talk first."

In the other room sat two fillies. One was Cozy Glow the other a Pink filly who was once almost as bad as Cozy: Diamond Tiara.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Cozy asked. "Being around other ponies I mean."

"Yes Cozy I do this is the next step. Once you are able to be around other ponies we can start figuring out what your cutie mark really means."

"But I know what my cutie mark means."Cozy said sure of herself.

"I understand."Diamond told Cozy."I thought I did too."

"And were you wrong?"Cozy asked.

"I was very wrong. I used to think it meant I was rich and because of that everyone had to do what I said. But what it means is I'm a better leader then most."

"So you were right. Everyone has to listen to the leader, they're the one in charge."

"That's not how it works. You don't have to follow your leader, but you do because you think they're right."

"Diamond Tiara is it?I don't see how this relates to me."

"Well what do you think your cutie mark means?"Diamond asked.

"I think it means I can manipulate everyone without they noticing like a tower in a game of chess."Cozy answered.

"Does that make you happy?"

Cozy thought hard,no,no that didn't make her happy.

Diamond took her silence as an answer.

"How can something you're supposed to do, your destiny be something that doesn't make you happy?"

"What do you think it means?" Cozy needed a answer. "What am I supposed to do?"

"I don't know, but I'll help you find out."

Cozy hugged the filly.She then murmured an almost inaudible:

"Thank you."

"You're welcome,now Twilight's other friend must want to talk to you."Diamond said as she broke up the hug.

Sunset Shimmer walked in.

Sunset smiled as she walked in. "Hi I'm Sunset Shimmer, you must be Cozy and Diamond."

"Yeah." Cozy answered seeming scared of Sunset at first.

Sunset saw that. "What's wrong?"

"You came from another word?"

"Yeah just to help you."


"Because I was just like you. But with some help and good friends I got better."

"Really?"Cozy asked unsure if she believed her.How can a pony change just because of friends?

"You seem unsure if what I'm said is true."

"Yeah I am.How can only friendship change someone?"Cozy asked."I thought friends only gave me power."

"You see Cozy,you're only half-right with this.Friendship is indeed powerful,but friends are not made to give you power.But I'm sure Twilight already told you that."Sunset said."So I'll tell you how having friends changed me.I used to be really manipulative."


"Really I even made Twilight's friends human counterparts stop being friends.I then tried to steal Twilight's crown back when she still used the elements of harmony,I manipulated everything so she didn't manage to keep me from using it."

"What happened?"Cozy asked.

"I got everything I thought I wanted. I had the crown, but when I put it on. I didn't get the power of a princess. I got something much worse."


"All it did was bringing out my darkness. I turned into a demon, and I attacked the school. I almost killed the people who became my best friends."

"But you were able to stop yourself right? You're able to control it right?"

"No it was to much for me to control. And I'm only here right now because of my friends."

"Wow,how your friends stopped you?"
"With the magic of friendship,the elements of harmony and rainbow lasers."Sunset said."But my point is...Friends are to help you become a better person,and you shouldn't mess with what you don't understand."

Cozy looked down,she still felt guilty for killing her only friend back in manehattan.She actually liked Sun's company.

"Look Cozy, if you make some friends and try your best to not repeat the same errors you can become a better pony,alright?"

After listening to all that Cozy realized the path she was following didn't make her happy and was only bringing bad to her.

"Alright."She answered with newfound purpose,putting her old ways behind her.