• Published 4th Aug 2020
  • 1,383 Views, 157 Comments

Snickers: The Royal Colt - Mocha Star

After a fallout with his family and friends, Snickers is moving to Canterlot to spend time with Princess Celestia. However, politics and people aren't as easy or fanciful as they seem in books.

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First Impressions

Trotting around his room, Snickers giggled at a mirror that was at least four times taller than he was. “Wow, if I get that tall, I’ll be able to walk over everyone that bugs me. Maybe I can slip and fall on the ponies that I never wanna see again.”

Snickers made his way towards the massive doors that he wasn’t sure he could even open on his own, then looked up and, with wide eyes, scanned the murals that depicted the sun rising through setting, and the moon going across it crossways though it’s phases. It was so real, he felt like he could watch the actual time of day pass if he waited long enough.

“Nope, gotta check on Kiwe!” Snickers shook his head and looked at the bed. “Laxxie, wait there. If I need you, I’ll call, ‘kay?”

Snickers galloped from his room. He slipped on the floor and was helped up by a unicorn maid. “Thanks. It’s slipperier than I thought it would be.”

The maid nodded, keeping a professional expression. “Yes, master; it is advised you wear the provided shoes when in your room or going for a run around the palace,” she started and showed her hoof, and the rubbery material that coated the shoe she wore. “Princess Celestia has taken her leave, but will see you again soon. If you need anything, you only need to call and we shall service you at once.”

Snickers smirked. “Really? You’ll service me? At my age, I don’t know how to feel about that…”

The mare started to blush and her facade cracked slightly. “M-master, I did not mean--”

“...and being a prince, I wonder how Celestia will handle hearing your offer to me.” Snickers started to smile, then stepped back.

The maid broke and fell to her belly, prostrating herself before Snickers. “Please, Master; do not tell Princess Celestia. If she retires me, I will be unable to pay for my foal’s schooling… I will do as you request, if it will save my employ.” Her horn scratched against the floor and Snickers winced at the thought of how much that must have hurt.

Feeling like an ass, Snickers backstepped and shook his head. “No! I was joking, only teasing! I’m like that; no blow jobs or anal… wow, did I really skip vagina and go to anal? What the hell, Snickers?” Snickers tapped the side of his head curiously.

The mare sniffled and stood up, wiping her damp eyes on her sleeve. “A-are you certain, Master? I-if y-you wish it…”

“No,” Snickers shook his head, “I won’t tell anypony, and I hope you won’t, either. It was a joke that was in bad taste, darling; that’s why it went so wrong so fast. That, and I don’t know a thing about you, or this castle, for that matter. Hi,” Snickers said, extending a foreleg, “I’m Snickers, and I’m gonna be staying here for a while.”

Their hooves clacked. “My name is Rosemary, your personal attendant and maid. Anything you need will also be available and offered by the rest of your staff. However, I primarily focus on your needs. If you need clothes, anything laundered, or the theme of your room changed, I will have it taken care of, post haste, as well.

“That does bring into account the more basic needs a pony has, primarily food; which, as you can tell from the buffet offered, anything you request can be made and delivered as soon as equinely possible. Your friend has his own attendants, as well.”

Snickers nodded, wondering what he’d change his room to look like, if he wanted to later; and what ‘post haste’ meant. Snickers listened to the sound of hooves clacking and clipping on the marble floor. “C’mon, I’ll introduce you to Kiwe. He’s a zony and unicorn, he’s really cool and is my brother from another mother.”

Rosemary nodded. “Ah, extra marital affair; they are common with Zebra being so… exotic.”

Snickers rolled his eyes. “Kiwe’s only seven, I don’t think he’s looking for love yet.”

Rosemary smirked from behind Snickers as the thought of a Zebracan ambassador flashed through her mind. She relaxed into her professional facade and listened to the hooves from the next room over. “I believe your friend has become stuck in the bathtub. I’ll go ahead and help him, if that’s okay with you, Master.”

Snickers sighed. “Okay, I thought it was cool at first, but can you stop calling me Master? I’m many things, darling, but being master over another is not one. Call me Snickers, okay?”

Rosemary cocked her head to the side. “I was told your name is Aquelis, was I misinformed?”

Snickers sneered slightly. “No, that’s what Celestia calls me. My name is Snickers, got it?”

Rosemary quickly bowed her head. “Yes, Your Highness. I will make sure we all refer to you by the name you’ve provided.”

Snickers was about to say something, but stopped and walked to Kiwe’s room. The door was open and Rosemary rushed past. Snickers snerked and followed close behind her. Once in the bathroom, Snickers chuckled and then laughed.

Kiwe was in a bathtub large enough to rival the tub at Ponyville Spa, set in the floor. He looked down at Kiwe in the empty tub, a full adult’s height below the steps leading in. Rosemary’s magic surrounded him just as Snickers broke and started laughing uproariously until he fell onto his haunches.

“How… how did you get in there?” Snickers managed to ask when Kiwe was on the floor beside him, blushing and looking away.

“I… was hoping to see how deep the pool was, and didn’t think I couldn’t get out until I was inside already.” Kiwe refused to look at Snickers. Meanwhile, Rosemary was looking intently at the dark grey stripes showing through Kiwe’s chocolate brown coat.

With a bow, Rosemary introduced herself. “My name is Rosemary, attendant to Master… er, Snickers. It is nice to meet you, Master Kiwe. Sage Brush should have been here to assist you...”

In comically perfect timing, a maid rushed into the bathroom, panting quietly. She dipped to a bow and lowered her horn until it was nearly touching the floor. “I apologize, good Sir, Kiwe. I am Sage Brush, your personal attendant. It is an honor to finally meet you.”

Rosemary moved past Kiwe to look at Sage Brush with contempt. “And where were you just now? Your charge nearly had an accident that could have proven fatal.”

Sage covered her mouth. “Oh, no. Is it so? I didn’t know… should I just go?” Sage said lowering her hoof and head, rhyming unintentionally.

Rosemary sighed and pulled the younger mare a step further from the unfilled bathtub. “You are not in trouble, but as this is your first Royal assignment, I must insist you not dawdle or tarry; everything you do reflects on the castle staff; and is reported to the Princess every afternoon.”

Sage nodded and smiled weakly. “Yes, ma’am. I won’t disappoint you.” Sage gave a half hearted salute and then turned to Kiwe again, crossing her forelegs and bending her elbows in a curtsey. “Master Kiwe, I am at your service for anything you may need. Day or night, I’ll be at your beck and call.”

Kiwe blushed a little. “I am simply Kiwe, not a Master, as you say.”

Snickers smirked. “He rhymes when he’s nervous; just call him Kiwe. I’m Snickers,” Snickers bumped hooves with the nervous mare, “and I think gettin’ to know this place is gonna be next on our to-do list.”

“Ah, M-master Aquelis… the honor is mine,” Sage bowed while crossing her forelegs. Her legs crossed awkwardly and she stumbled to the side, slipping over the edge of the bathtub. “Fill!” She shouted and splashed into water that quickly brought her to the surface. Her uniform was wet and clinging to her body as she exited the tub without help from the others.

Snickers looked down on Sage as she flopped onto her back. “My name, darling, is Snickers. I’d ever so appreciate it if you’d call me that, rather than a name that isn’t mine.”

With water pooling around her from her body, Sage nodded. “Y-yes, Your Highness... I’ll do that. May I have a moment, Kiwe, to dry off in the drying area?”

Both colts shared a look of curious excitement. “What’s that?” Snickers asked eagerly. Sage got up and her dress sloshed with each step she took. She stood on an orange square tile near some towels. After four seconds, a rush of warm air buffeted Snickers and Kiwe, warming their faces and chests.

Sage sighed after the warm air stopped and shook habitually, “That is the Pony Dryer, something nice from an out of town guest. Okay, now I’ll get to work, properly. Is there anything I can do for you, Kiwe? Oh, or Snickers?”

Both colts shared another look. “I’unno, maybe we can listen to the radio and play a game?” Snickers asked.

“Wait,” Kiwe said, looking around his room. “First, we should unpack. It would be rude to leave it all to these fine mares.”

Sage Brush waved her forehoof. “It’s no problem, we will do that when you have your audience with the Princesses.”

“Your time is scheduled for four o’clock, which is in…” Rosemary looked out of the window, “forty minutes. I feel we should take our leave, gentlecolts. Basil and Oregano will escort you to the Princesses meeting room for your first appointment.”

“Both of us?” Kiwe asked, hopefully and expectantly. After a nod from Rosemary, Kiwe let out a ululation and hopped into the air. “Yes!”

Snickers held out his hoof and got a solid bump in return, just as two stallions, a unicorn and pegasus, cleared their throats. Snickers noticed them coming out of a bow before one spoke. “Gentlecolts, I am Basil and he is Oregano,” one dark green unicorn said while gesturing to the slightly lighter green pony beside him; both had black manes with two green stripes, only on opposite sides. Basil started, “We are here--”

“--To take you to your meeting. The princess will see you shortly, and the path is confusing at first.” Oregano finished.

Stepping back, the butlers flanked the door and gestured for Snickers and Kiwe to join them in the main room. The colts were led, followed by the maids, to the main foyer, where they all made certain to wear their adhesive shoes before leaving. Snickers noticed the door had a number ‘9’ to identify it, and the door opposite theirs had an ‘8’.

The hallway ended after their apartments, and didn’t seem to go much further past ‘7’ and ‘6’. “Hey, how many apartments are there here?” Snickers asked one of the stallions ahead of him.

Oregano answered. “There are ten, Master Snickers. Your Highness is in apartment nine, Princess Celestia is in apartment one.”

“The others are used as quarters for visiting dignitaries or envoys.” Basil added.

Snickers and Kiwe were silent for the rest of the walk, trying to take in the splendor that was Canterlot’s castle. Topiaries, tapestries, paintings, stained glass, and fountains were the main attraction. Snickers also noticed several species he didn’t know were real, such as a dragon as large as he believed he once was, a flock of gryphons talking by one of the fountains, and two minotaur wearing glasses and cloaks that did little to hide their massive bodies.

“We have arrived, Your Majesty,” Basil said, opening the door with his magic to show a large open room lightly furnished. A fireplace lay unused against one wall while two couches sat opposite one another with a large table between.

Celestia sat on one with a cup of tea in her magic. Taking it from her lips, she was clearly excited to see Snickers, even though she tried to hide it. “Welcome home, Snickers. It is nice to see you enjoying yourself.”

Snickers and Kiwe entered and came up to the relaxing Princess. Snickers felt the power from Princess Celestia practically tingling his skin and making his fur feel weird. “Uh, hi, Princess Celestia. Sorry about how I was last time; I was kind of an asshole to you, and you didn’t deserve that.”

There were audible gasps from the servants that had accompanied the colts, as well as one stallion that was ready to serve various food items as needed.

Celestia was silent and smirked when Kiwe shoved Snickers slightly. “You do not speak to one in such a way, or they may shorten your stay.”

Snickers rolled his eyes. “I’m apologizing, not telling her her butt looks big, dude!” Snickers squeezed his eyes shut tightly in regret. He opened them and looked at Celestia as the mare casually looked at her own flanks from side to side. “Sorry about that.”

Celestia chuckled softly. “It is true, so you do not need to apologize. They say that when one has foals, their figure never truly returns; I am proof of that. Oh, and cake. Lots of cake over the years.”

Snickers didn’t know what to say, so he nodded as Celestia tittered at her own musing.

“Well, Aquelis… I apologize, Snickers. Would you mind taking a seat so I may have some words with you about your time here?” Snickers and Kiwe nodded, moving quickly to the other couch and flinching as ponies seemed to appear out of nowhere, placing tea cups, snacks, and tableware rolled in white cotton napkins around and in front of them.

“Th-thanks,” Snicker said as he looked at the teatime meal he’d been provided. Snickers looked at Kiwe, then they both looked at their servants, noticing the mares were gone. “Um, you guys gonna join us?”

The twins stood still and silent. Celestia setting her teacup on its saucer was the loudest noise at the moment and drew the attention to her. “They are only here in a supervisory capacity. What I have to tell you both, is that while you’re here, you are going to be considered very important ponies.

“I have already told many important nobles about your arrival, but nothing of the pony you once were to me,” Celestia’s voice didn’t waver. “Only that you are both to be treated with the same respect and honor they would give to me, and any other colt or stallion in the nation. If anypony causes you trouble, let any staff member know and the problem will be dealt with swiftly and justly.

“You have full access to any non-restricted areas of the castle, anything you want outside these walls will be covered by my personal coffers, and any questions you may have will be answered to the best of whoever you ask ability, as per my orders.

“Also, you will both be required to have at least two hours of schooling while staying here. The subjects will be determined by your tutors, not I. And, to ease you into a transition of living here, for as long as you wish it to be…” Celestia sighed, “...I will keep my distance from you, Snickers, until you wish to spend time with me.”

Snickers and Kiwe had sat still through her lecture, then Snickers raised a forehoof like he was in class still. “Um, what if I wanna play with you now?”

Celestia’s head jerked back and the sugar cup in her magic fell, nearly breaking had a servant not saved it. “Wh-wha-, I mean… y-you do? Now?” She asked with a growing smile. Her wings opened slowly and she sat up taller. “What would you like to play? My, what even do foals these days play?”

Snickers leaned forward and grabbed a tea sandwich with his lips before eating it, then he held up a hoof and ate another, then drank a cup of tea. “Okay, well… it’s kinda weird, but…”


Several minutes later, the sound of heavy hoof falls echoed down the many corridors with foals laughing and giggling intermittently. The sound of wings flapping heavily punctuated a set of shrieks, then more laughing and muddled talking and shouting. A flock of gryphons and a pair of minotaur around a fountain stopped their chatting at the sounds and looked down the hallway leading to the public areas of the castle. A few seconds later, Celestia herself turned the corner grinning in a way none of the guests had ever seen or heard of, running towards them with two foals on her back.

A flap of Celestia’s wings brought her over the fountain in a single assisted leap and without loss of speed, the group turned the corner and were gone, leaving the guests to get up and gather their wits. The sound of more hooves followed in Celestia’s path, only not as fast or energetic. Basil and Oregano nearly slipped turning the corner and galloped after their ruler as fast as they could.

They both went around the fountain their own way, ending side by side as they left the area. “Is that all, or are we going to expect another pony to come down the path?” A gryphon snarked as she picked up her dropped scrolls and grumbled at them.

A flash of golden light preceded Celestia’s appearance in the foyer of apartment 9, laughing and giggling filled the room and Celestia stopped with aid from her wings. She pranced like a show horse, elbows high and an extra bounce in her step.“That was more fun than I thought it would be.

“It’s been many years since I last gave foals a ride on my back. As it so happens, you’re going to meet one of them this evening at supper. He’ll be your guide to Canterlot, and show you the ways of the nobles. Should you stay here with me, my son, I shall teach you the ways of ruling a nation and, perhaps someday, taking the official mantle of Prince."

Snickers didn't comment on that topic. "So, can I get down now? I'm done riding you for now. Thanks," he said when his hooves touched the floor. "That was fun, but what you said killed it, kinda. Why not just call me Aqua-whatever and start trying to make me mad at you?”

“That was not my intention… there is a lot I must adapt to with you being alive, and even more I have to worry about now that you’re living in the castle again.”

Snickers flared his nostrils with a huff. “I, was, never, here! I’m not your son; you’re not my mom. Rarity is my mommy, and you can’t take that away from me!” He ran away, leaving Kiwe and Princess Celestia alone.

Princess Celestia exhaled a shaky sigh. “You should go and keep him company, Kiwe. Try rubbing small circles at the base of his head. It always relaxed him from whatever stress may have happened.”

Kiwe watched as Celestia vanished in a silent burst of light, barely brighter than a candle, but with his horn, Kiwe felt the magic thrum through his very being when she teleported away.

Kiwe quickly ran up the stairs and into Snickers’s room, skidding to a stop when he was greeted with a surprise. Snickers was frowning and snapped his tail when two fillies greeted him. “Hi, Kiwe.” Silver Spoon said with a small wave.

“Yeah, hi… are you mad we snuck in your luggage, Snickers?” Diamond Tiara asked.

Snickers looked at the fillies for a few tense seconds, then walked to them and sat down. “I need a hug from the best filly friends I have.”

Silver and Diamond hugged Snickers while Kiwe made his way over. “I do not mean to pry, but how have you gotten past the maid’s eye?”

Silver looked at Kiwe and smiled. “Oh, we were totally busted right away. It was, like, crazy how loud she screamed.”

“Yeah,” Diamond Tiara said, backing from the hug against her own will. “The maid is gonna talk to some ponies around the castle to get a letter to my mom and dad, and Silver’s, too. But, I already talked to our parents and got their permission to spend the rest of the week here."

Diamond Tiara gestured proudly between Silver Spoon and herself. Snickers sighed. "Okay, so what are we gonna do about sleeping?"

Silver Spoon raised her foreleg. "I call Snickers!"

"No way, I do! You owe me after listening in on me and blabbing," Diamond Tiara stated. Silver Spoon halted and frowned. "Yeah, that's right, I'm calling in one of the favors you owe me."

"One of these days I'm gonna knock that tiara off your head," Silver mumbled.

Diamond Tiara ignored the comment and noticed Kiwe. "Oh, hi, Kiwe. Are you sleeping with us, then?" Diamond gestured between herself and Snickers.

“Hey,” Snickers said, “Silver’s not sleeping alone, and Kiwe has his own room. I guess you’re here for the rest of the week, so I’ll let you stay as my guests… as long as you don’t cause any trouble. One slip up, and you’re out; got it?”

Both fillies nodded and then raised their right foreleg. “Filly Scout’s honor,” they said in unison.

Snickers shrugged and then went to his bathroom. “I’ve gotta go, so you three talk about stuff.”

“Wait! I gotta go next,” Silver Spoon called out, following Snickers. “I had to go for hours, hiding in that trunk.”

Diamond Tiara shook her head, following Silver Spoon. “I went before we left, like I told her to… but does she go before we leave? Of course not.”

Kiwe waited and followed a length behind Diamond Tiara, watching her tail sway with each step and letting his mind wander to what he might have been able to see, or might be able to see, if he were so lucky. Once they were all in the bathroom, Diamond eeped. “Gross! You dropped, put that thing away, Kiwe.”

While Diamond Tiara averted her eyes and covered her view of him with a foreleg, he looked down his body, then at Snickers, who was standing over the slot in the floor with fresh water flowing through it. Kiwe saw his friend’s sheath, but nothing coming out, then realized that she was the only one that had skipped on the spell.

He lit his horn and concentrated, a golden light brightening before a small orb shot out and struck Diamond Tiara. “Hey,” Diamond shouted as she noticed her body glow, “what did you do?” Diamond asked heatedly, then her eyes widened as she stared at Kiwe from the side, then Snickers. “Hey! Take that off me, right now!”

Kiwe stomped toward her. “I will do no such thing! You have not had the spell cast on you, allowing you to see personal parts that we may not have wished you to see. You were to undergo the see-not spell with us. Now I understand why you were late yesterday to the casting.”

Diamond Tiara stood frozen in place, looking between the foals in the room. “Uh… I had a headache?”

Snickers squatted and swished his tail around to his hind legs, a foreleg held his tail to his body. “I swear, if this is gonna be a thing, Diamond, you’re gonna have to… start taking lessons from Applejack, or me. I don’t lie unless I have to, and even… then, whew; that was a big one… uh, oh yeah! Even then, it’s only to protect others, not myself.

“And I don’t think liars are cute or fun to be around,” Snickers finished sliding his remaining forehoof along a lever. “Wow, the bidets here are so much better than at Rarity’s. And no paper to get stuck in my frogs,” he said showing his forehoof with a smile.

“Wow, I wanna try next… I can’t wait much longer!” Silver Spoon began hopping between her hooves and once Snickers had left the toilet she took the same position with a satisfied groan. “Oh, that’s so much better. I’m so going every time before I leave somewhere if this is how much it starts to hurt. Seriously, you boys don’t know what it’s like to have it sting because you hold it so long.”

Snickers and Kiwe shared a look,.

Kiwe turned back to Diamond and huffed. “You should be more like Snickers, then. Less games, more honesty.”

Snickers used his head to butt Kiwe a step back from Diamond. “Look, you two. I know you’re both emotional over this, but seriously… okay, Diamond, I would like you to apologize to all of us for watching us and seeing our privates without our permission. Kiwe, I’d like you to apologize to Diamond for casting a spell on her without her permission.”

Snickers took a step back and only the sound of Silver peeing into flowing water filled the air. Finally, after a stern look from Snickers, Diamond stood tall and proud. “I apologize to you all for being dishonest and looking at your goodies. I won’t do it again, as long as I can handle it, anyway.”

“Diamond!” Snickers snapped.

Diamond spoke back calmly, “Hey, it’s almost Fall, then Spring estrus, right? I can’t help it if I’ll be uncontrollable for a couple days. I mean, it’s a whole month of everything sex! I can finally be a part of it, like a real mare.”

Kiwe nodded. “She is right. The town should have a restriction on where ponies can go at certain times, and most stallions may self confine themselves to their homes. Mares will have their own methods to control their urges in public, but I have heard most mares cannot control themselves during their fertile days.”

“Do we have to talk about this while I’m peeing? It’s kinda making me feel butterflies in my tummy,” Silver said anxiously.

“Sure, I’m sorry, Silver,” Snickers said. His words were echoed by the others, then the attention was on Kiwe.

“I apologize for casting a spell on you without your knowing. From now on, I will do no such thing without your permission, or at least knowing of it. Deal?” Kiwe and Diamond bumped hooves.

The sight of Silver Spoon hopping from the spray of water with an excited squeal startled them. She landed on shaky legs, wide eyed and panting for no reason. “That… the water… cold on my… back there…” Silver blushed and she looked at the floor, tapping her hoof on the marble.

Snickers realized what Silver meant. “Oh, don’t be embarrassed. It was just shocking, is all. Do you want a few minutes alone to masturbate?”

Silver Spoon inhaled sharply and snapped her attention to Snickers. “Ah! How can you say that?! You’re a cute colt, not some pervy stallion! Get out of here before I… I don’t even know. Go on, all of you! I need to spend some time alone to de-stress!”

Snickers snickered as he and the others were ushered out of the bathroom and the door shut behind them. Silver Spoon loudly growled and began talking to herself animatedly. Diamond Tiara moved to press her ear to the door, but was stopped when Snickers clicked his tongue.

“Hey, no.” Was all Snickers had to say.

Diamond’s ears perked and she moved beside Snickers. “Okay, so what’re we gonna do while she… de-stresses?”

“How long will it take, do you think?” Snickers asked.

Diamond thought for a couple seconds. “Maybe two minutes. She gets really worked up sometimes.”

“That’s it?” Snickers asked, surprised. “I usually go for fifteen before I get the shivers.”

The sound of wood hitting the floor and small trinkets rolling got Snickers’s attention. He looked back to see a board game lying open on the floor in front of Kiwe, clearly dropped from his magic.

“Did you say… fifteen minutes? Or did you mean fifty seconds? Or, some other time I might have misunderstood?” Diamond asked urgently.

Snickers stepped back from the filly that was approaching him. He looked at Kiwe, who was following Snickers with his eyes, but his mouth was tightly closed. “Hey, little help, buddy?” Snickers asked.

Kiwe shook his head slightly, still immobile and quiet.

Snickers bumped into his bed and took notice of Laxxie looking down on him with a wooden smile. “What’s the big deal, Diamond? When I do it myself, that’s about how long it takes, and fifteen minutes isn’t much for a human, nowadays.”

Diamond stopped and stepped back. “M-most… no, no stallion lasts more than a minute and a half, and that’s with magic, potions, and medicine! Oh, my, gosh!” Diamond turned and galloped to the bathroom and opened the door, running in before slamming it. Silver Spoon clearly shrieked, but it was muffled when the door closed.

Snickers looked at his friend. “What the hay was that about? Is she right, Kiwe?”

Kiwe nodded and looked at the game and pieces. “Yes… you having said that will make… problems for you now.”

“Problems? What ‘problems’?”

Kiwe hesitated before he answered, “We… will talk about that later, when my mind is more clear. Come, let us play while the girls talk and… do what they do in private.”

Snickers grinned at the thought of what the fillies could have been doing with one another, only for his grin to turn into a grimace. “Gross! Ew, that’s so nasty! Ugh, I need a memory spell to make me forget what I just thought of. Right here, when you’re ready, brother.” Snickers tapped a random spot on his head.

Kiwe lit his horn and pulled a hair from the spot. “There, you are cured. You no longer remember the secret I just shared.”

“Wait, what secret? I don’t remember any secret!” Snickers said in a panic. “What else have I forgotten?!”

Kiwe giggled. “I was only joking, brother. Your memory is intact.”

Snickers smirked. “Me, too. Gotcha!”

Snickers, Kiwe, Silver Spoon, and Diamond Tiara followed Basil and Oregano into a comfortably sized dining hall , with a rectangular table centered in the room. Celestia sat at one end, a white unicorn with a blonde mane sat at the other, and the foals felt the weight of their eyes on them.

Celestia nodded to the arriving guests. “Greetings. It seems you have more friends here than you said earlier, or in your letter.” Celestia’s voice was curious and a bit light hearted, but Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara bowed once Celestia finished speaking.

“Princess… I, uh, I mean we’re… I mean, we are honored to be here. With Snickers. In your presence. Your Majesty.” Diamond stammered for her friend, who was trembling with excitement.

Silver, still bowing, turned her head so she could whisper to Diamond. “This is the second time we’re meeting the princess.”

Diamond grinned and whispered back, “I know. We’re so gonna rule the school when we get home.”

“Rise, and do not bow again while in private, or at all, for that matter. Foals shouldn’t be pressured to live with the same rules adults do, right, Blueblood?”

Snickers looked at the stallion closer and he clenched his teeth, waiting to hear what the pompous jerk that insulted his mother would have to say.

Blueblood nodded and gently moved the hair from his face, showing a kind and heartwarming smile. “Yes, it isn’t the duty of the young to worry about the troubles of the old.”

“Nephew, do you mean to say that I am old?” Celstia said with mock hurt.

“You are only as old as you feel, Auntie. And, since you were there when feelings were being named…” Blueblood laughed as he used a plate to shield himself from a bread roll Celestia threw at him. “Don’t worry, children. I’m on a roll with great jokes.”

Snickers couldn’t help himself and chortled, covering his mouth with his hoof to be polite, as well as to try to stay upset with this confusing stallion. “Hey, you’re the jer--”

Another roll bonked Snickers on the head, stopping him in place and sending him mind aflutter with questions. Mostly, who threw it, and how sweet revenge would be. Snickers looked at Celestia; the mare looking at the top of a nearby window casually, as though she had no part in any of the roll throwing, practically whistling comically.

Snickers looked at Blueblood, who grinned with perfect white teeth, and then gestured with his head at Celestia while hiding behind his plate. Snickers picked up the roll, wound his foreleg back, and let loose with a quiet grunt of pain. Apparently,his foreleg wasn’t meant to move that fast in that way.

“Auntie?” Blueblood asked, getting Celestia’s attention.

“Yes? Is there som-...”

The room was silent for a second, then snickers and giggles filled the room from the servants to the guards, and especially the foals as the roll skewered on Celestia’s horn. Any remaining tension was lost when Celestia’s eyes crossed as she tried to see herself shake the bread off.

Celestia stood and began flinging her head around like she was at a heavy metal concert, looking foolish and silly; singly for the foal’s benefit and to relax them into their temporary lives living with her. After nearly a minute passed, Celestia finally had a guard use her wings to remove the roll, which the guard saved to prove the story she’d tell later. Retaking her seat, Celestia sighed and used her magic to help the laughing foals to two seats large enough to seat them as pairs.

Snickers and Kiwe bumped hooves while Diamond and Silver sat up properly and prepared for a fancy meal. “That was a very nice throw, you nailed her with that roll,” Kiwe said, coming down from his laughter.

Snickers hopped in his seat, recounting events. “Yeah, I can’t believe I made it! I was like, whoosh, and it was like, squish. Then we were all, what?!”

Blueblood tapped his wine glass with a spoon to call attention to himself. “In honor of our newest guests, lost family, and good humor; I’m honored to call this supper to order. May we dine like the royals we are.”

After the toast, Snickers used both forehooves to lift the glass in front of himself to his lips, and drank a full swallow. His eyes widened slightly and he licked his lips as the taste of fine wine tickled his tongue. He glanced aside to Kiwe, who was looking at Blueblood. He sipped again and set his glass back on the table before noticing the fillies across from him whispering and tittering, giving furtive glances around the room.

A door behind the colts opened and two mares dressed as chefs walked to the table, two carts with several domed platters were behind them, pushed by two mares in cook uniforms. “Madame und monsieur, from ze furthest reaches of ze land have the best meals traveled; all to come to zis moment. In honor of our young guests, I prezent… supper.”

The platers moved to the center of the table and lined up nicely. The domes were lifted with a puff of smoke that rolled from the exposed food, then the sound of happy children filled the room.

“Hayburgers!” “Fries!” “Fish sticks!” “Hay fries!” “Onion rings!” “Salads!”

The foals all shouted over one another and didn’t wait to be offered permission before they began grabbing food from the platters, lost to the hunger they didn’t know they all had. Decorum and politeness were pushed aside, even by the fillies, at the prospect of eating after nearly twelve hours without a proper meal.

Once their plates were full, they began to eat without abandon for several bites, before they all seemed to realize where they were and who they were dining with. Still chewing, Snickers looked between the sitting ruler of the nation, and the prince he knew nothing about.

“Um, effcuth me,” Snickers covered his mouth from the ketchup covered hayburger with fish sticks in it he had just spat out.

“Ew! Don’t spit in my shake, Snickers!” Diamond scolded.

Silver Spoon hummed. “Don’t be mad at him, Diamond Tiara. Colts just don’t know proper table etiquette.”

“Hey,” Snickers said with an empty mouth and a little more wine in his belly, “you’re eating like us, so cram it.”

Celestia quietly laughed and took a fork and knife to her burger, as did Blueblood. “This is quite more lively than I imagined it would be. Shortly, Blueblood, Luna will arrive and we will see how she reacts to our guests and their energy.”

Snickers heard Luna’s name and looked at Blueblood. “So, when’s she getting here? I haven’t met her yet, is she nice? Mean? Crazy? Cool?”

Blueblood chuckled. “She is who she is, and that depends on the day, some days. She’s still only recently back from her stay on the moon, and adjusting isn’t as easy as she thought it would be. But, she is making great progress, right, Auntie?”

“That she is. Now, eat up before it gets cold,” Celestia urged.

The meal was nearly done, plates were cleared, and dessert was brought out to each pony; a lava cake that was actually on fire with controlled magic. Snickers wavered ever so slightly from side to side and eyed his nearly empty glass of wine with a goofy grin.

Kiwe noticed Snickers’s descent from sobriety. “Snickers, are you well? If not, there are many here you can tell.”

Snickers waved at Kiwe. “Nah, I’m good as ever. If I was more good, I’d be… gooder.” Snickers giggled into his forehooves while Kiwe reluctantly looked around, trying to take in the wonders of the room he didn’t notice earlier. “Snickers, the ceiling--”

“Hey, Blueblue? Did you make cake on my mommy? That was very uncouth of you, darling. Why, if I had a say in the matter,” Snickers began to slur his speech, telling the rest of the table something was off and raising mental alarms, “I’d put cake on you. Ha, what’d’ya gotta say to that?”

Blueblood sighed and lowered the fork he was using to eat his souffle back to his plate. “Ah, yes. I was wondering when that was going to return to haunt me. You see…”

The sound of metal clanging against the floor outside the room distracted them all and Celestia perked up. “Ah, my sister will be here in a moment and I can introduce you all.”

Snickers, however, was stone still and staring at the door. While the other foals began to talk animatedly, he was lost in a private world of cold silence where only muffled noises could be made out.

A chill ran through Snickers, and when he shivered, the hairs on his entire body prickled. The only thing he could hear were the steps approaching and the only thing he could feel was the temperature seeming to drop.

The door handle glowed with a blue aura and turned, showing Snickers one of the most frightening creatures he’d ever seen in this world.

A mare as tall as Celestia with a coat blacker than the void between stars stood looking into the room when the door swung open. She smiled with a maw full of sharp, predatory teeth and her cat-like slit eyes darted from pony to pony, foal to foal, until they landed on him.

Her voice was like silk, the words haughty; looking down on those around her. “Ah, I have made it to the feast!”

A poorer choice of words couldn’t have been used, as Snickers’s flight response switched on. The colt panicked, and ran over Kiwe. He raced past the servants and crashed into a service door that only swung one way.

Blood dribbled from Snicker’s nose as he stood up on wobbly legs. He turned back to the room, and saw the worried look on Celestia’s face.

The warmth there, in her expression, clashed with the icy sensation Luna gave off. Choosing Celestia over more pain, Snickers’s rational mind pushed him to gallop to the Princess and hide under her, letting his bladder loose as he held onto one of her forehooves, just above her golden shoes.

“Don’t let it get me, Princess! Please, I don’t wanna die!”

A concerned and knowing look from Celestia met the shocked and quickly shamed one from Luna.

The room was quiet as his words echoed. Luna vanished in a burst of dark light, a single tear hitting the floor as she left.