• Published 25th Dec 2021
  • 749 Views, 30 Comments

Obsidian: Legacy Of Sombra - Randimaxis

Equestria is in peril - will Obsidian and her friends be able to save the world, or is this the horrific beginning of a new Umbral Dynasty?

  • ...

Eleven: Why The Tartarus Not?

The three of them walked for what seemed to be about an hour or so before they started to reach the ridge where Ponyville was. Coming over the top, Obsidian, Mica and Bonzo all saw something that made them stop in their tracks...

All of Ponyville was lit up with lanterns, and there was a mass of singing and sounds of merriment coming from the main square. The three could pick out laughter, cheers, and even what sounded like an instrument or two...

They were having a party?

"Somehow," Mica intoned, "I have a feeling this is connected to Cupcake."

Bonzo just looked down at the town. "Poneez - inna middul uvva WAR, an dey make a partee tyme. Crazee, crazee, crazee."

"I would say it's a rather fun way to relieve tension, personally." Obsidian objected to the blatant accusation of insanity. "As long as the party doesn't directly hamper our war effort - using valuable resources we need elsewhere or a lack of proper security - it should boost morale, which is in desperate need about now. Come - let's see if we can find the others."

Bonzo just rolled his eyes and muttered something about 'poneez beinz poneez', but followed along as they went into town.

When they reached the outskirts, a voice spoke up in the darkness. A familiar voice. "HALT! State your name and purpose, or I shall bring the wrath of Twilight down on your head!"

A voice that sounded a lot like Stonewall Peavine.

Mica spoke up first. "Mica Chip, alog with Bonzo the Diamond Dog and Obsidian," he called out.

"Obsidian!?" Peavine cried out, "You're back!? Well, this ridiculous celebration will certainly get louder after YOU make your presence known..."

Then, the familiar snark. "... goody goody gumdrops, even more to add to my already mounting headache."

He came out from the shadows near a building, his armor all coated with black, flat paint. He looked rather haggard, honestly, as if he hadn't been sleeping well. Of course, with what he was doing the last time she saw him, it wasn't much of a surprise.

"And who is this 'Bonzo' dog? Are you telling me he's safe to bring into town?"

Bonzo's muzzle wrinkled in irritation. "Figgers - poneez noh invide diamond dogs; no surpryze dere."

"As safe as you or I," Obsidian replied. After a moment's thought, she added, "In fact, I'd say he's safer."

Of all the ponies around, they had to meet him. What a pain.

She sighed, then continued. "Now, is there a specific reason for this party, or did Cuppy go a bit overboard after we left?"

Peavine gave a humph. "Well, apparently there were some rather low feelings throughout the town, and Cupcake Sprinkles started singing a song... some silly little thing about how the Amber mare didn't stand a chance... and supposedly, it simply devolved from there into debauchery, lollygagging and all-out frippery."

He sighed. "They've been at it like THIS since yesterday, but tonight apparently has some sort of 'concert' in the middle of town. The stubborn fools - do they not realize that this would be the PERFECT moment for that foul devil to invade us? To infiltrate our ranks and poison our food and drink?"

He grumped. "NO. They do NOT care - in fact, aside from myself, Stalwart Stance and a few noteworthy others, there's no one else guarding the town!"

Mica looked at Obsidian. "Parties, I get, but... NOT good."

Peavine held a hoof out to Mica. "That's what I said!"

And just as she'd been trying to paint him as serious, responsible pony - damnation, Cup.

"Okay, well... let's go crash a party, then," she suggested as she sighed deeply. "Not literally, though. We'll need more guards active before the manure strikes the... er..."

Confounded idioms!

"... thing that spreads it everywhere. Come on."

Peavine gestured at the lively town. "Be my guest, Obsidian - meanwhile, I will stay here and keep to my duties, thank you very much; I've no need for all that... that... nonsense!"

Mica rolled his eyes. "Yes, you do that - thank you for doing so."

Peavine gave another humph, swiveled on his hooves and returned to his place in the shadows.

As they walked off, Bonzo slid his eyes sideways at Obsidian and smirked. "Iz frendlee, responseebull an hard-wurkinz. Two of dem, I can plainlee see, heh."

Now she understood why Mica was getting irked at the diamond dog earlier.

As they walked into the town proper, where the lanterns were, ponies around them began to recognize them - more specifically Obsidian - and called out to them, cheered, or even just waved at them in passing.

It seemed like the whole TOWN was here! More than that, because there were yaks here too, and griffons, and hippogriffs, and kirin, and all sorts of examples of nearly all the races in Equestria! There most certainly was music and dancing and food and...

Damnation; Peavine was right. Didn't that bite?

Did Cupcake possibly get possessed by Amber? It could surely explain a lot and save him from a genuine scolding. Perhaps this spurt of paranoia was from the sinking feeling that Peavine and Bonzo were a bit too right in this case.

She had to ask where her friends were; luckily there were plenty of creatures around for the purpose.

"Oh, Obsidian! Hiya! I've heard SOOOOO much about ya! The rest of the Siddy Six? Well, I don't know about the others, but I believe I saw Thunderclap Dash at Sugarcube Corner!"

"Hmmmm... is good to meet the Obsidian, yis. Finding Siddy Six, you are? Yis, seen the one they call Gypsy at Sugarcube Corner... very smart dog."

"Ooooooooohhhhh... such a lovely thing you are! Well, if you're looking for the Life of the Party, Mister Cupcake's baking goods at Sugarcube Corner, if you're interested!"

"Uh, excuse me... h-h-hi there. I uh, just wanted to tell you that... ohmygosh... that you're really awesome, Miss Obsidian. The Siddy Six? I don't know for sure, but I, um, think that I witnessed Miss Stalwart headed towards Sugarcube Corner. A-about ten minutes ago."

The passing partygoers were varied, but helpful. Apparently, they were all gathered in one place - how convenient.

Well, it was nice to know that she was famous. With the recent influx of refugees, most of these ponies only knew her as some nebulous hero - not a mare living in the here and now, alongside them. She hadn't really known too many other ponies in town before; to have all these folks approaching her, calling her by name? It felt kind of awkward.

As it seemed all the citizen reports indicated Sugarcube Corner, then that's where they should go. She made her way there, Mica and Bonzo staying close by, observing the town around them.

The entire square was filled with lanterns, foodstuffs and a circle of musicians who were playing something mellow but sweet - almost a lullaby. Two stallions, one with a lute and one with a small drum, and an elderly mare with a cello were all playing in perfect Harmony with each other, and the gathered crowd was riveted to their performance.

The doors to Sugarcube Corner were wide open as Obsidian and Mica stepped inside; Bonzo elected to stay outdoors for the moment - he said something about the smells from inside being 'too sweed for diz noze'.

Entering the building, they saw Stalwart seated in the center, looking very much stern and serious. When she saw them, her eyes widened slighty... then returned to their stern gaze.

"Ob-... Obsidian. Mica. Good - glad to see you both."

She sounded... strange, somehow. As if she were in the middle of her guard duty shift.

"Please - follow me. I am certain that Cupcake will be pleased to serve you. Both of you."

She stood up and headed for the kitchen, almost like a mechanical golem. Mica shot Obsidian a concerned look, but said nothing as he followed along.

In the kitchen, sure enough, was Gypsy, Thunderclap and Cupcake, who was busily baking as usual... but aside from a slight gasp from Clap, none of them made even the slightest move towards Mica or Siddy.

"Oh - there you are," Cupcake spoke calmly and evenly, as if he was reading from a cue card. "We've been worried about you two; please, come in and have a cupcake."

He then held out a tray towards the two of them; it contained some lovely-smelling green-frosted cupcakes, all laid out in neat rows.

"Please - have one," Cup said with a plastic-looking smile on his muzzle, while both Wart and Clap exchanged a strange glance. Gypsy said nothing... but eyeballed them both.

"Come on - have one," Cup repeated.

By Darkness, Stonewall might have been even more correct than she'd first thought. But how would the infiltrator have gotten in? Or perhaps it was a disguise within a disguise - a group of possessed changelings?

Well, there was only one way to find out for certain - and that way was to put her scarf on Cup... which she tried to do.

Cupcake stepped back a single step and frowned a bit. "Obsidian," he said uncharacteristically firmly, "have a cupcake."

Wart now stepped forward slowly, her horn giving off the slightest of glows; Clap spread her wings, eyeing them both carefully - especially Mica; Gypsy stood and came around the table, headed to cut them off from the door.

However, amidst ALL of this... Obsidian wasn't getting even a single peep of Dark Magic... and their eyes weren't glowing either. She wasn't sure WHAT was happening...

But whatever it was, she noticed that Wart was still wearing one of Quartz's symbols on her armor.

"Have a friggin' cupcake, Sids," Clap muttered through gritted teeth.

There were moments when Obsidian didn't know whether or not she was properly paranoid or too paranoid; whatever was going on here, she didn't like it - not in the slightest. Their behaviour was giving her the creeps and she had no idea why they were behaving in such a manner.

Everything would be so much easier if she could simply call upon Peridot and ask him for a situational analysis. She didn't feel anything strange, but they were behaving strange. Why? WHY?!

She grabbed a cupcake with her magic and peeked at Mica with a slight look of panic in her eyes. Clap had called her 'Sids' though, so either she was the real deal, or a changeling infiltrator had learned more about her behaviour than Cup's changeling had... or something like that.

She did NOT want to get poisoned twice in one day!

Obsidian sniffed at the cupcake carefully... green frosting? She was feeling nervously sick just from thinking about them.

The whole room tensed up, and everyone froze... except for Mica, who took a cupcake in hoof, then gave it a light sniff as well. It smelled delicious, just like Cupcake always made them.

Mica looked at her, then shrugged; she was sure that if she ate it, he would too - though there was no way to know what this was all about.

"Lady Siddy. EAT. The CUPCAKE." Wart seemed to insist.

There was no dark magic... no glowing eyes present... and that glyph on Wart's armour...

"If you all got possessed while I was out..." she growled as she finally took a bite.

It was... scrumptious. Quite good, actually. Mica followed suit and took a bite from his own.

There were a few seconds, then...

"SIDDY! IT'S YOUUUUU!" Cupcake dropped the tray onto the table nearby and threw himself at her, wrapping his forelegs around her and hugging her fiercely; next to her, Mica was getting a similar treatment from Clap, while both Gypsy and Wart relaxed and breathed twin sighs of relief.

"By Twilight's Crown, that was intense!" Wart spoke up, then smiled. "Good to have you back, Lady Siddy!"

Cupcake covered her muzzle in quick kisses, then just looked at her lovingly. "Oh, thank you thank you thank you for not being possessed! We had no idea if you'd been taken over, but we knew how to find out!"

Mica, amidst Clap's bone-jarring hug, squeaked out, "Glad... to... see... you... too..."

"Yes, it was quite intense... and if not for the glyph I saw on Stalwart's armor, I'd have assumed you were all possessed changelings, here to ambush the last two members of our group. Would anyone care to explain what that was about?"

To say that Obsidian was somewhat irritated would be a bit of an understatement. "After all, I AM wearing my scarf with the glyph sewn into it!"

Cupcake smiled. "Yeah, but we didn't know WHAT might've happened to you, so I had to use my SECRET WEAPONS!"

Gypsy smiled. "Y-yes... Quartz a-and Cupcake worked together, and c-c-cr-created a spell to put the glyph in f-foodstuffs; the cupcakes had the spell in the f-f-frosting under the green; had you been p-possessed, it would have broken the sp-spell's h-hold upon you."

"Not just THAT," Clap grinned, "but those paper lanterns out there? Yeah, they TOTALLY show off anyone who's here with bad vibes in their heads - they send Amber's mind-control packing!"

Wart nodded. "We have already caught four infiltrators tonight and rid them of her influence with Quartz's clothing - in fact, everyone here is wearing something of his creation, each with a glyph of protection on it somewhere."

"Sorry about all that, love," Cup snuggled her tightly, "but we HAD to be sure - and where have you been!?"

Gypsy then sniffed the air... then got close to Siddy and Mica and sniffed again... then, his eyes went wide. "This one smells... i-i-is th-that this o-o-one's Chosen Father!?!?"

"Well, that certainly explains why you weren't sure if Mica and I were possessed or not," Obsidian grumbled, still a touch irked. "Why are there so few guards outside? And yes Gypsy, Mr. Bonzo came back with us - didn't Blue tell you anything? The airship did make it back here safely, yes?"

Cupcake grinned and nodded. "Yeah, they showed up last night - and WOW, was Blue glad to see ME!"

Clap nodded. "Yeah... she even hugged him!"

Wart looked firmly at Obsidian. "Lady Siddy, two of the infiltrators avoided many of the initial lanterns, but were caught by the food scattered around Ponyville; you could have avoided both safeguards-"

"Don't forget the drinks!" Clap added.

"... yes, and the drinks as well; we were making certain to be cautious - because this entire party is actually a trap."

Cupcake grinned. "In fact, it was Tourmaline's idea! He said that if we made a big scene and prepared for trouble, then we could possibly get some of the possessed ponies and others back from her mental grip - and REALLY honk her off at the same time!"

"The four we found were all exhausted, and quite grateful to be rescued - in fact, they were so grateful, they gave us Amber's exact location. AND shared what plans she had in motion." Wart explained.

"Spy onto others," Clap started.

"As they spy onto US!" Cup finished, with a brohoof between them to celebrate.

At least everything seemed to be fine - Obsidian was particularly impressed about everything going according to Tourmy's plan, which was actually rather well-thought out. Their airship wasn't intercepted by Amber's forces, there were no terrorist attacks on Ponyville while she was out...

Which, of course, left one thing to do, at this very moment.

"I'll gladly listen to all you have to say about Amber's location and her plans, but first I'd like to discuss something else, if that's okay? Something not really connected to this whole resistance thing we're doing..."

Here it comes...

"...but I would really, really need all of you to keep quiet about this - at least until we've dealt with Amber and made things safe for everyone again, okay?"

Mica gave her a look that said he wasn't sure this would be a good idea... however, he didn't stop her; he knew it was her own decision, and he chose to respect it, doubtful or not.

"What's up, love?"
"Yeah, whatcha got Siddy?"
"Is th-this one's Chosen Father ok-k-k-kay?"
"Tell us, Lady Siddy - we are listening."

She had to tell them; they had to know.

"I mean it; I really need you ALL to promise me you will stay quiet about it - especially you, Cup. Not a word to anypony."

Cup blinked at her. "Me? Well... y-yeah, Siddy, okay. I mean, I'm not my mother when it comes to secrets!"

Clap looked at Mica. "Is this... do you know what this is, Mikey?"

"Yes, I do," Mica spoke gently, "but it's not for me to say; this is hers to impart."

Gypsy was fidgeting but nodded.

Clap lifted an eyebrow, but also nodded.

Wart placed her hoof over her heart. "You have my solemn oath that I shall not breathe a word of whatever this is."

"Okay, good. Great. Sooooooo... I'm pregnant."

Well. There it was.

The four friends all just stared at her for a moment.

Stalwart found her voice first. "By Twilight's Crown... Your Majesty..."

Then she wheeled on Cupcake Sprinkles. "YOU! You shall marry Lady Obsidian as soon as possible! For SHAME that you should do such a thing out of wedlock! To a Princess, no less! You are worse than LICORICE TWIST!"

Clap gave a chuckle that quickly escalated into a full-blown laugh. "Sids... ohmygosh, SIDS! REALLY!? REALLY REALLY!? Oh... OH YEAH! HA HAAAA! Way to go, Siddy!!!"

Gypsy blinked, then spread a kind smile across his muzzle. "Congratulations, Ob-b-bsidian; this one is pl-pleased to hear you shall b-b-b-bring more like yourself int-t-to the world!"

Cupcake just stared. "You... you... you..."

Then, he began to cry as his smile stretched across his entire face. "... I love you, Obsidian," he said through the tears as he hugged her again, but this time, it was a warm and loving hug that was gentle and nuzzly.

Well, they weren't exactly 'quiet' about it... though their reactions were understandable. Ironically, it seemed as if Cup was the most contained and calm one. Who'da thunk?

Wait... more like herself into the world? Oh dear. More like her, but with Pie lineage? The world wouldn't know what hit it.

Obsidian returned the hug eagerly, hiding her muzzle in Cup's fur.

"We'll have to work hard and fast to beat Amber now, before she learns of this." She sighed, then pondered as she held her stallion close. "I was actually considering such, about getting married... but it could be done privately, then we can all celebrate properly after defeating my stupid sister. I don't know too much about Equestrian rituals, laws and ceremonies when it comes to that subject, but I thought we could figure it out together, maybe?"

Cupcake nodded as he simply buried his muzzle in her mane and cried softly at the same time as he chuckled heartily.

"Right! Yes! GOOD!" Wart spoke up, then looked to Obsidian, "I agree wholeheartedly with this idea - in fact, you could do so tonight!"

Clap's grin was enormous. "Hey, YEAH! We could be your, uhh... your... your witnesses, yeah! That way, it's totes legit! We can even, like, throw you a private, all-Siddy-Six-only party! Right here at Sugarcube Corner!"

Gypsy was simply smiling softly... but his tail was wagging hard enough to be threatening to violently knock over anything that dared to stand behind him.

Mica simply bowed. "It would be an honor to witness your marriage to Cupcake... but, we have one single problem... not a one of us is qualified to perform the proper ceremony. Even in private."

"Well, like - who the heck qualifies?" Clap asked in exasperation.

"That's a good question - who DOES qualify? Bureaucrats? Princesses?" she tried to guess. "As far as I'm concerned, we can even get married according to Diamond Dog or even Dragon law; I don't care about the details."

A quick, quiet marriage - that would be perfect. They just needed someone who could do it.

Wart slowly grinned. "Actually... I believe I know exactly who would qualify for the role. Someone who managed to get here just this morning, in fact."

Clap slowly began to smile broadly. "Hey, YEAH... he'd be PERFECT!"

Gypsy lifted an eyebrow... yet he also began to grin. "Yes... y-yes, that would do n-n-nicely."

Cupcake looked up at them all, so hard struck by the news that he still seemed lost in the moment. "Hunh? Who? Who would be-..."

Then, his own smile spread out like light at sunrise. "Oh... him!"

Mica looked at them all. "Him who?"


"Dearly beloved," Midnight Star spoke solemnly, but with a pleasant grin on his muzzle, "we are gathered here today to join these two within the bonds of Blessed Maretrimony. To join the souls of Cupcake Sprinkles, and Obsidian... ummm..."

"Greyheart," Wart softly prompted.

"... r-right. Cupcake Sprinkles and Obsidian Greyheart, to bond them in their hearts and souls as one. I, as acting current Ruler of Equestria in-..."

He sighed softly. "... in my mother's absence..."

Then he shook himself out of it. "... shall perform this covenant as per my sacred duty to my subjects." He then spoke softly to the six gathered around him. "It feels weird to call you all my subjects..."

Wart nodded grimly. "And yet, we are, Star - at least until we rescue Princess Twilight and the others. Do not give up hope, my friend."

He smiled. "Thanks, Stally. Now, where was- OH!"

He cleared his throat. "Cupcake Sprinkles, do you take Obsidian Greyheart to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, until death do you part?"

"I do," he said instantly, "and even beyond death... 'cause she's done that before, so I just wanted to clarify that."

Midnight nodded, then turned to Obsidian.

"Obsidian Greyheart, do you take Cupcake Sprinkles to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, until death do you part?"

Well, it was good to know that Midnight was proofed against possession now... but wait a second; was this 'Greyheart' thing official now? Why was it even necessary at all? Obsidian's mind couldn't quite wrap around it.

But regardless of all that... first things first.

"I do... and even beyond death," she smiled softly.

She could feel shivers running laps up and down her spine - it was really happening!

Midnight smiled. "Then, by the power invested in me as the Ruler of Equestria..."

Here it comes...

"... I now pronounce you..."

This was it...

"... husband and wife. Cupcake, you may kiss your bri-"

She never heard the end of that word; Cupcake's kiss was better than he'd ever kissed her before. Even after lovemaking. Even when she came back from shard-ifying. Even after death itself had (temporarily) claimed her.

It was a kiss that shut out the entire world around them both, as she felt something deep inside her heart come together... and pure, unadulterated, unmitigated happiness burst forth from her very soul.

And, from somewhere in the depths of her mind, she heard a soft filly's giggle.

Ruby Chocolate isn't such a bad name for your first daughter - right, mom?

What in the wide, wide world of-


...did it matter right now? This was a happy moment - the happiest she'd ever known - and she certainly was used to strange things.

As Cup broke the kiss finally, the world almost seemed to pop back into place and pace.

"... atulations, you two; I think it's going to turn out to be just perfect. I mean, you're the mare who finally got through to Cupcake," Midnight smiled.

"And HE is the one who brought Obsidian out of her darkness," Mica added, "though the rest of us helped."

Wart was now all smiles. "Married... as you should be. Truly, I am glad to hear that you are happy, and I am happy FOR you, Lady Siddy... and Lord Cupcake."

"Hey, yeah," Clap said with a smirk, "technically, this makes you a Prince, ya know?"

Cupcake just stood there, his grin plastered all over his muzzle as he just gazed at Obsidian, love evident in every piece of him.

"{Obsidian... this one's heart rejoices for you both; he can say that you both deserve the happiness you shall bring each other for the rest of your lives together.}" Gypsy spoke in Crystallian, so that his stutter wouldn't make the words awkward.

"To be fair," Obsidian smirked, "I was technically kicked out of the Darkness by my siblings, then all of you helped to keep me here in the light." If not for Tourmy's first attack, there'd be no telling where she'd be now.

She smiled sweetly at Cup. "Now, my dear husband..." she said, practically tasting the word, "we did it!"

He laughed heartily. "Regardless of everything else in the world going on right now... we DID do it!"

Clap rolled her eyes. "Well, yeah - I mean, you're-..."

She looked sidelong at Midnight, then chuckled.

"... married, so of COURSE you did it!" From the look on her muzzle, she had been VERY close to spilling the beans about their little secret - but Clap had caught herself at the last moment. Obsidian would have to keep a close ear on Thunderclap Dash, to be certain; they would have to win quickly, before her pregnancy would be too visible... and before Clap would spill the potatoes.

That was the correct idiom, right?

She turned to Midnight. "Thank you for your help," she said, highly grateful.

Midnight grinned back. "When Gavin sent word that you needed help, they sent me along with the first wing of griffons; I'd been worried sick about my Mother, but she told me to stay put in Griffonstone until I received word to return.
Of course, she didn't tell me to wait for HER word to return, so I just took it as a sign it was time to go home. Stally filled me in on what you'd been up to, and I even got to meet some of your siblings."

He then looked around a bit, then leaned in closely. "You know that your sister Opal is a bit, em... different, right?"

Obsidian gave him a flat look. "All of us are different - on average, we are not average."

"Riiiiiight... well, all the same, I'm glad I got to meet them - after all, I very much owe their sister a debt of gratitude, right? You did save me from, er... what was his name again? Periwinkle, or..?"

"Peridot," Mica corrected, "his name is-... er, was Peridot."

Mica accompanied this 'correction' with a firm look at Obsidian; it was plainly obvious that he thought it would be a bad idea to inform the alicorn prin-... KING of Equestria that the stallion who had cursed him was still existing in Obsidian's noggin.

The fact Mica didn't actually LIE about it either was also a bonus.

"Well, I'm just glad that part is OVER with," Midnight sighed, "and that we can get on with solving Equestria's latest thorn in its' side - this Amber mare - who, by name alone, seems to ALSO be related to you."

He gave her a tired but amused look. "When your siblings are good, they're very, very good... but when they're bad, they're horrid."

"Well, she's our sister, yes," Obsidian admitted. "And for some strange reason, it turns out that the slave tyrant of the Crystal Empire raised some rather unhinged foals."

She smiled at him. "Now, it seems I've missed a bit while I was visiting the diamond dogs - any chance you could tell me something more about your return?"

Midnight nodded. "Well, after the whole thing happened with you and... Peridot?... Mom sent me back to Griffonstone to finish my college studies at the University of Feather Bay. I was there for all of a week before more tales kept coming in about your exploits."

"Hiring Flim & Flam to smuggle crystals from the Empire... confronting Smoky Quartz... and putting the kibosh on Pola Industrial... those things were news all over Griffonstone... but then, word got back about Princess Cadence, and I..."

He hung his head for a moment. "She really didn't deserve what happened to her. I'd known her mostly through Flurry Heart, who was my foalsitter; I never even imagined someone would be so cruel as to end her life."

When he looked up, she saw fire in his eyes. "And because of that - and a number of other offenses to all of Equestria - I'm sorry to inform you... but as Regent for the kingdom, I will declare that Amber is to suffer the same fate; if we manage to get our hooves on her, I shall order Equestria's FIRST execution."

He seemed to seethe over it a bit - and she even saw the slight purple mist peek out of the corners of his eyes. "And if she DARES to harm my Mother... I shall do the deed MYSELF."

So he'd been studying abroad? That would explain why they didn't meet up with him again after the whole mess with Peridot. At least he was up to date with current events, though Obsidian was a bit concerned about the fact that it was common knowledge that Flim & Flam had been hired to smuggle crystals.

She looked squarely at Midnight. "Do you truly think Amber would be worth committing the first public execution in Equestrian history? To convey that the defeat over an enemy that stood against everything this country is known for should be celebrated by discarding the rules and kindhearted morality that led this land for ages?" she objected. "I'm not saying she shouldn't die, no... but why drag the apparent authority of the state into this, or make it such a spectacle?"

"Because, Obsidian - look at the evidence; our foes are getting more and more dangerous and it seems to stem from the idea that we, as a nation, are SOFT on criminals. This is no longer a day and age of Harmony - from what I hear, the Tree of Harmony ITSELF was torn down by Amber - and an example must be made to assure the rest of Equus that we will NO LONGER put up with this!"

He stepped away from her, pacing as he spoke.

"I am TIRED of burying good ponies; Applejack would still be alive if it weren't for Onyx, and Cadence because of Amber - Obsidian, this nation needs to ENSURE those who would follow them that this will no longer be tolerated, and that Equestria will NOT stand for villainy ever again!"

Was this possibly a side-effect of the Tree of Harmony's loss? Obsidian was beginning to see what Whistlewhite might have been alluding to - she'd said she'd been watching over ponies for millennia... was she also protecting them from themselves, perhaps?

"My decision will remain as it is, Obsidian - Amber will go down in history as the moment where Equestria said 'the line must be drawn here! THIS far, and NO FURTHER.'"

"Your foes aren't getting more dangerous; these were simply enemies that had been kept removed for quite a long time, gathering their strength and preparing their assault. They would've struck with the same strength, no matter if Equestria was a kingdom of cruelty or harmony. But in the end, wasn't it Harmony that won last time?" Obsidian noted.

Damnation, she needed to look for that seed...

"If Sombra had stood against a brutal and cold nation, he would have WON because he would have outstripped them by far... but he didn't. That's why he was reduced to a statue in the Royal Gardens - which Amber further reduced to gravel. Equestria never stood for anything so heartless... and it shouldn't start now."

He spun to face her... and he looked angry. "You don't understand - this is not up for debate, Obsidian."

He began to walk towards her, his gaze boring holes in her head. "This WILL happen as it needs to - I have a LOT of others depending on me to defend them, and the era of the Bearers of Harmony is GONE! OVER! The circle was broken with the needless, senseless death of Honesty's bearer, and I don't see either YOU or your FRIENDS bearing any Elements."

He stopped short of bumping into her, closed his eyes and let out a LONG sigh. "So... even if it changes the nature of this nation, I refuse to allow another pointless death by simply slapping the enemy on the wrist. In many other cases, things have been different... but NO ONE has ever been straight-out murdered before."

He opened his eyes... and they were calm and steady. And unwavering. "And if I have to take that horrible role in history... for the lives of my subjects... so be it."

He looked at Obsidian with a bit of irritation, but he spoke softly. "I'm glad to have performed this rite today; it was my first act as Regent - something kind and good. I am glad... because I feel that my rule will have to be a bit darker than I'd like; at least THIS moment will be known as good in my history."

He turned and began to walk away. "If YOU can stop her, good - if not, then I will."

Oh, dear. Obsidian had hoped that getting an alicorn on their side would make everything easier; now she was afraid it might actually hamper their efforts... or change all of Equestria for the worse.

"Well, that's yet another reason to end this quickly," she muttered.

Her friends were waiting outside, at the party... at what might possibly be the LAST real celebration of innocence Equestria might ever know. Things were going to get dark very quickly... unless Obsidian, daughter of Sombra, took up the reins of responsibility - and hope - and dealt with her most evil sister.

Well, she'd already said this same thing before to Onyx and Peridot, that they had to enjoy these moments while they could, just in case it turned out to be the last opportunity to do so.

She trotted back to join her friends - and husband. She still LOVED the sound of that thought!

She would have to explain herself to her siblings when they found out about the marriage, most likely. She hoped that one day, they could ALL celebrate this marriage properly, officially...

But now, she had no idea when... or even IF... that day would ever come.

Author's Note:

Sapphire, Daughter of Sombra


Still here - still working through it. Just slower.

In the most extreme of situations, sometimes you need SOMETHING to grab onto, to keep from drowning in the rest of the world. For Obsidian and Cupcake, this was it. With this done (and truths revealed), now there's nothing standing between them and a Happily Ever After.

Except, of course, for Amber.

Now, there's an inherent darkness seeping into Equestria, brought on by Amber's machinations... how would Equestria - even the rest of the world - react to something like that? Just a straight-out execution? A number of things have happened in this story, but there's still a path back, right?


And for those of you who caught the Star Trek reference... you're welcome. }:)