• Published 1st Aug 2020
  • 2,813 Views, 65 Comments

Crimson Heart - Starkeeper_Ponyfic

Discord's battle with the Elements pulls a certain determined human into Equestria. Shenanigans ensue.

  • ...

Arc 1, Part 4: Frisk's Brush with High Society

POTENTIAL TW: Mentions of child abuse (nothing described)

Spike and Frisk slipped through the room as quietly as they could, approaching Twilight’s sleeping body. Spike poked her back with a single claw, stirring her awake. She sat up and looked at the fading sunrise out her window before Frisk pulled a party popper for her.

“Happy birthday, Twilight!” they and Spike exclaimed in unison before tackling her in a hug. Twilight made some incoherent noises before the fog of sleep faded and she started giggling. She hugged her de facto siblings back before shaking them off.

“What’s that smell?” she asked as she brushed her mane out.

“Frisk and I made pancakes!” Spike announced proudly.

“We even put silly faces on them!” Frisk explained. Twilight grinned and joined the two for breakfast. Twilight admired their handiwork, perfectly round, fluffy cakes with chocolate chips mixed into a lot of them and faces made of banana slices, whipped cream, peanut butter, and blueberries adorned the tops. The three dug in quickly and happily as Twilight talked about her birthday plans. She’d go visit Shining Armor and introduce him to Frisk and give Frisk a tour of Canterlot before swinging around to Pinkie’s party at sunset after Rarity finished Twilight’s dress. Plans changed, though, when Rarity approached Frisk asking if they could join Rarity around town while they and Twilight were on their way to meet Shining Armor, and Frisk promised Twilight they’d meet her brother at the party. Frisk climbed on Rarity’s back and Rarity squealed before galloping out to her room. She levitated a change of fairly fancy clothes toward Frisk and Frisk changed into them.

“So... just curious,” Frisk said as they inspected their new clothes, “Why’d you need me to come with you?”

“Well, ah...” Rarity hesitated. “I’ve told you about my longtime dream to enter Canterlot high society, yes?” she asked. Frisk nodded in response. “Well... Being here is a chance for me to live my dream, if only for a moment. And I have been, to an extent, since there’s a unicorn named Fancy Pants who’s taken a liking to me, and he’s the most influential unicorn in Canterlot!” Rarity squealed. “But back to the subject at hoof, a human would be... well, a fairly exotic creature that might, ah... boost my popularity, if they knew I was closely associated with one.”

Frisk rolled their eyes. “So basically you need me as a tool to climb the social ladder,” they summarized. “And here I thought you wanted to spend some quality time with a friend,” they teased, winking. Rarity chuckled.

“It would make me very happy,” she explained. “I’d just like you to visit the Wonderbolts Derby at noon with me and look nice.”

“Hmm... I think I can just sit and look cute,” Frisk admitted after an exaggerated period of thinking. Rarity chuckled. “As long as you promise not to forget Twilight’s dress,” they reminded, gesturing at the mannequin on the other side of the room.

“Oh, don’t worry, darling! I will most certainly finish it by the party,” Rarity reassured Frisk. “Now, to the derby!”

An hour later, Frisk found themselves regretting their agreement to go with Rarity. High-class ponies and high-class aspirants fawned over them all morning until they finally got to the Derby, and even then they got the distinct feeling that some ponies were paying more attention to them than the race. They tried to ignore them in favor of the stunning aerial speed the Wonderbolts displayed in the skies ahead. As Frisk watched they almost instantly understood why Rainbow Dash yearned so much to join the team– the display of raw aerial skill was jaw-dropping. As the race drew to a close, the pegasus named Fleetfoot drew out a tiny lead for the victory, to Frisk and Rarity’s cheers.

“Bravo, Rarity!” Fancy Pants nodded approvingly. “I say, how did you know Fleetfoot would be victorious?” he asked.

“Ah, my friend Rainbow Dash talks about her all the time,” Rarity explained. “She says what Fleetfoot lacks in size, she makes up for in speed.”

“And who is this Rainbow Dash?” another pony, named Silver Frames if Frisk remembered correctly, asked.

“She’s an amazing pony and friend,” Frisk commented as Rarity gave an uncomfortable look. “She’s also a bit of an expert on the team’s history and statistics.”

“I believe she was, ah, asking Rarity, miss,” a third pony named Swan Song clarified. Frisk frowned.

“I believe I already explained to you that I’m not female,” they muttered.

“Well, you look vaguely female, so why does it matter?” the high-class pony huffed.

Frisk glared. “It matters to me. I endured a lot of abuse when I told my birth parents I didn’t feel like a girl,” they growled before slipping off Rarity’s back. “Rarity, thank you for the clothes and for inviting me, but I’m going to head back to Twilight because I am not going to sit around ponies who disregard such an important part of my identity,” they huffed with a pointed glare at the pony who’d misgendered them. They ran off to the castle to find Twilight, but as they went through the streets their anger faded, replaced by a sadness and a loneliness they hadn’t felt in a long time that somehow wasn’t long enough.

*Huh. Guess you and I are pretty similar, Frisk’s narrator said, breaking them out of their spiral. That’s why I ran to Mount Ebott. Because... nobody accepted me for who I was.

You went to Mt. Ebott? Frisk replied in surprise.

*...Yeah. Yeah, I did, their narrator admitted. *It’s... not something I thought was ever relevant. Plus, having conversations with you is kinda new.

Fair, Frisk admitted, out of their spiral, at least, but still upset.

Eventually Frisk reached Twilight’s room, where they found her and Spike talking with their other friends and a tall white unicorn.

“Oh, hey, Frisk!” Spike greeted when he noticed them.

“Hey,” Frisk mumbled with a forced smile.

Twilight noticed and frowned. “Are you feeling alright?” she asked, walking over to Frisk.

“Physically? I’m fine. But...” Frisk trailed off and looked down with a sigh. “Never mind. You wouldn’t get it.”

“Who’s this, Twily?” the stranger asked, drifting over.

“Oh, this is the human Frisk I told you about. Frisk, this is my brother, Shining Armor,” Twilight introduced.

“Nice to meet you,” Frisk nodded.

“Frisk, just tell me what happened, okay? I’ll at least try to understand, okay?” Twilight promised. The whole group had gathered by this point, concerned.

Frisk sighed. “It’s... Well, Rarity made a few friends in Canterlot’s high society and took me to a Wonderbolt’s race they had invited her to. She took me as... well, as a means of helping her climb the social ladder. That’s not what mattered, I’m fine with and even kinda used to being an anomaly and the center of attention, it’s just... one of the high-class ponies...” Frisk started crying as they tried to continue through the story. “Swan Song, I think? She used a female term to refer to me, and... she said it didn’t matter that I didn’t identify as a girl because I looked kinda like one even after reminded her t-that I told her that I wasn’t male or female, a-and...” Frisk couldn’t make it through any more before they started crying. “And i-it rem-reminded me of– of when my birth pa-parents hated me f-for coming out as non-no-nonbinary,” they choked out before gripping Twilight and sobbing. Fluttershy called for a group support hug and the six ponies and the dragon circled Frisk and hugged them.

When Frisk's tears finally abated and the hug released, Shining Armor frowned. “I’ve met Swan Song before. She’s snobbish, sure, but she also deeply cares about her own social standing. She wouldn’t risk alienating someone like you over something as petty as clothing colors, much less something as important as your gender. This requires investigation,” he muttered. “Here, why don’t I take you there and sort this situation out?” Shining Armor offered.

Frisk sighed and nodded. “If I get to make snarky comments at Swan Song,” they mumbled. Shining Armor chuckled in response before crouching a bit to let Frisk on. The pair trotted through the streets of Canterlot until they came across a very fearful Swan Song in a heated argument with Fancy Pants and the rest of his entourage, as well as Rarity. From the few bits Frisk gleaned before anyone noticed them and Shining Armor, they gathered that the others were mad at Swan Song for the way she acted toward Frisk.

“O-Oh, Captain!” Swan Song exclaimed, not having yet seen Frisk. “These ponies just began attacking me for no reason! I was just about to call the police!”

“Yeah, he isn’t gonna buy that excuse since I already told him how you treated me,” Frisk said flatly, leaning to one side so Swan Song could see them. They continued, “You uncultured, scum-eating, backwater, miserable excuse for a daughter of a snake.”

Rarity squeaked at the very creative insult. Frisk panted for a moment after releasing the pent-up rage.

*I... am very impressed that you managed all that without profanity, their narrator commented.

So am I, honestly, Frisk mentally replied. How would you rate the insult on a scale of 1-10?

*Ooh, that’s a tough one... Probably a solid 9. Would’ve been better if you’d also added an insult to her mom by implying adultery, their narrator decided.

I’m angry, not evil, Frisk retorted before turning their attention back to the audible conversation.

“I-I- How was I supposed to know that the human was so sensitive about it?” Swan Song stammered. “Plus, ponies don’t normally do that!”

Frisk caught a lime green shine in Swan Song’s normally blue eyes and frowned as Shining Armor started laying a case against her bogus claims, Silver Frames and the other unicorns occasionally chipping in with their own observations.

Can you check her stats? Maybe offer some kinda insight?

*Sure thing... Swan Song ATK 16 DEF 14 - This pony seems really shifty... Is she more than meets the eye, or less?

Frisk frowned. “Hey... Shining Armor?”

“Yes, Frisk?” he asked, turning his head slightly.

“So... I’ve got this ability called ‘Check’ that gives me some insight on someone’s stats,” they whispered, “and it also occasionally gives me a clue on how to resolve a potential battle with them peacefully when the voice in my head feels like it...”

*...No comment.

“Anyway, I just used it and it specifically mentioned that Swan Song seemed ‘shifty,’” Frisk murmured. “I wouldn’t have brought it up if it had ever been notably wrong in the past...”

Shining Armor frowned, but he couldn’t act upon this new information before Swan Song hissed. She’d heard Frisk.

“So, the little kid thinks they’ve got me all figured out, eh?” she chuckled, her voice distorting. “You don’t even know the threat you face. The Queen will come, and Her Majesty shall crush all you pathetic worms!

Swan Song then vanished in a flash of lime green light, though oddly enough, a beetle scurried away from right beside the spot where she’d once stood. Frisk narrowed their eyebrows. Shining Armor looked up toward the palace.

“I must alert Princess Celestia of this. If any of you see something suspicious, report it to her or me as quickly as you can. I will instruct the guards to allow you through should you have relevant information. However, if you abuse my trust, I can promise there will be consequences,” he warned. After the others nodded, Shining Armor galloped first to Twilight’s room to drop Frisk off and explain what had just happened to his sister and then to the throne room to inform Celestia.

Aside from the lingering worry about what Swan Song’s words meant, the next two hours went largely as planned. Twilight gave Frisk an actual tour of her favorite places in Canterlot, which was mostly the donut parlor and the library, where Twilight remembered to return a somewhat overdue book and quickly paid what remained of the fine after the deduction for extenuating circumstances. Frisk giggled at Twilight’s embarrassment as she slipped the bits on the counter before hurrying out. Suddenly, Twilight was approached by a rather excited blue unicorn with an hourglass cutie mark.

“Heya, Twilight! Can’t believe you’re back in Canterlot!” she squealed excitedly. “Do ya remember me? I’m Minuette! We were classmates back in magic school!”

“Oh, yeah..!” Twilight nodded. “Um... I’m, uh... I’m really sorry for blowing you off on Moondancer’s party... I just kinda didn’t understand the point of friendship then.”

Minuette chuckled. “Hey, it’s fine! You remember Lyra Heartstrings, right? She moved to Ponyville right before the last Gala, if I remember right.”

Frisk shuddered. “I want to forget her,” they squeaked.

Twilight laughed. “Minuette, this is Frisk. They’re a human, and... well, you know how Lemon Hearts was when she managed to get an autographed edition of Daring Do and the Marked Thief of Marapore? Lyra was like that when she met Frisk, but a hundred times more intense, and probably would have caused actual bodily harm to Frisk if my friend Rainbow Dash and another pony named Bon Bon hadn’t stepped in.”

“Oh, I’ve met Bon Bon! She’s Lyra’s roommate or maybe marefriend... Yeah, that sounds like Lyra, though. Didn’t she have even better grades than you in the mythical creatures class?” Minuette pondered.

“...Maybe...” Twilight said, not daring to look at Frisk, who was giggling.

“Wow, Twilight second-best in a class? I’m surprised she didn’t blow up the classroom in frustration!” Frisk quipped. Twilight blushed.

“Um, how are the other three doing?” Twilight asked as she began walking beside Minuette. “Lemon Hearts, Twinkleshine, and... Moon...dancer?”

“Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine are doing great!” Minuette chattered. “Moondancer... well... she hasn’t actually talked to any of us since... since her party. She actually seemed really disappointed when you didn’t come,” Minuette admitted. Twilight frowned.

“Maybe you could apologize?” Frisk offered.

Twilight nodded. “Where does Moondancer live again? I... kinda forgot. I haven’t been to Canterlot in a while,” she chuckled slightly.

“I’ll show ya!” Minuette beamed before galloping off. Frisk quickly readjusted for a better grip before Twilight darted after her. As Minuette rounded a corner with a lamppost, Frisk saw a hanging business sign and got a really dumb but also a really cool idea. They’d leap off Twilight’s back, swing on the sign, and then go around the post to land on Minuette’s back or at least get close. They quickly equipped the Tough Glove and steadied themselves.

*...I know what you’re thinking, and this is a REALLY dumb idea.

Yeah, but it’ll look cool.

*You’ve hung out with Papyrus and Rainbow Dash too much.

But it’ll look cool if I do it right.

*Whatever. Your injuries, not mine.

Frisk rolled their eyes and steeled themselves. It all happened at once. They leapt off Twilight’s back and shot up to grab the part of the sign that was just the metal rod, made a complete 360-degree flip, and released to swing to the lamppost, where they twisted to catch it and swung 90 degrees onto the other side of the sidewalk. Unfortunately, they couldn’t stick the landing and tumbled a ways forward, cringing and whimpering as rocks struck their body. They ended up a bruised, slightly bleeding mess and every movement was pain as they reached to grab a Nice Cream from their inventory. They felt the pain slowly leave their body as they managed to get the frozen treat into their mouth, but there wasn’t much they could do about the soreness.

*Told you it was a dumb idea, their narrator commented smugly.

Shut up. I don’t need the voice in my head criticizing me too.

Twilight sighed in exasperation as Frisk stood up with a sheepish grin. “What were you thinking? You could have had much more serious injuries from that!”

“Yeah, but... it at least looked cool until I hit the ground, right?” Frisk chuckled in the oh-crap-I’m-dead-maybe-if-I’m-funny-it’ll-be-painless kind of way.

Twilight sighed. “I will not respond either way,” she muttered. “Now come on, McNeighla Mareony.”

Frisk nodded and stumbled back onto Twilight’s back. Minuette had trotted back over once she realized what happened and was trying very hard not to laugh openly. She decided to take a much more moderate pace to Moondancer’s house.

“Hey, how’d you heal up so fast, by the way?” Minuette asked. “That looked like a pretty nasty fall.”

“Um... how to explain it...” Frisk mused. “Basically, I’ve got some food that has healing magic infused in it and most of it removes all injuries. Was really useful to have nearby when there were people attacking me to try and take my soul,” they chuckled wryly.

Minuette raised an eyebrow before shrugging. “Well, we’re almost there. The gate to her house is coming up.”

Twilight pinned her ears back.

“You okay, Twi?” Minuette asked.

“Just... nervous. What if Moondancer doesn’t forgive me? What if it’s too soon or too late?” Twilight worried.

“I’ll flirt her into submission!” Frisk declared playfully. “She’ll be so enamored with me she’ll forgive you as soon as I ask!”

Minuette snickered and Twilight rolled her eyes.

“What? It’s worked before,” Frisk giggled.

Twilight magically opened the gate and hesitantly knocked on the door.

“Nopony’s home!” a voice yelled from inside. Twilight frowned and knocked again.

“I’m not interested in Filly Scout cookies! Or going to the theater!” the voice yelled again. Twilight continued to knock.

“Ugh, fine, I’m coming!” the voice finally relented. The door opened to reveal a very disgruntled pale yellow unicorn with a red and purple mane and tail styled somewhat similar to Twilight’s wearing glasses and a thick sweater. “What do you... want...” she trailed off as she took in the scene.

“Hi, Moondancer,” Twilight sighed. “I... I wanted... I wanted to apologize for missing your party. Minuette said you seemed really disappointed when I wasn’t there, and–”

“Go away.”


“Go. Away. What makes me think you’ve changed since then? How do I know you’re not just doing this to absolve a guilty conscience? You obviously didn’t care then, so why do you care now!?” Moondancer exploded.

“Well, I’d say she’s changed since she blew you off,” Frisk commented. “She accepted me as a friend without hesitation, even when she didn’t even know me.”

Moondancer sputtered. “You’re... a human. A living, breathing, talking, honest-to-Celestia human.

“If you are going to question me about literally everything, let me know so I have a chance to run away,” Frisk deadpanned. “I do not need Lyra 2.0.”

Moondancer blinked. “Lyra? Lyra Heartstrings?”

Frisk nodded. “I’m still scared of mint green things.”

Moondancer couldn’t help snickering at the remark, but clammed up quickly. The walls were beginning to crack, though.

“But, I mean... if there’s something in particular you want to know, as long as you promise to let me breathe every few seconds, I could tell you,” Frisk offered.

Moondancer bit her lip.

“I already beat you to the punch on an official report on Frisk specifically, but I never actually questioned them about humans as a whole,” Twilight offered. “We could go to Donut Joe’s shop if you like and discuss it over donuts.”

That remark finally opened up Moondancer. She sighed and gazed into Twilight’s eyes. “I... well, ‘disappointed’ is an understatement. You... were always my idol in Celestia’s school. I just wanted to prove I was worthy of your friendship, and when you didn’t show up... it made me feel like you were saying I wasn’t worthy of your time or attention.”

Twilight’s eyes widened. “...Oh. I... I never... I never could have... imagined you felt that way...”

Moondancer gave a tiny smile. “It’s... it’s alright now, Twilight. I... I think I forgive you. I mean, you brought a human to my doorstep. How could I not?” she chuckled.

“Hey, want me to get Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine?” Minuette offered. “Other than Lyra, we’d have the whole group back together!”

“And I am not allowing Lyra within a one-yard radius of me until I literally do not have a choice or she tames herself,” Frisk muttered. The ponies chuckled as Minuette skipped off to find her other friends and Moondancer and Twilight began chatting general nerd stuff and spells as they made their way to the donut parlor. As they passed the street where Shining Armor had confronted Swan Song, Frisk wondered what she had meant about the “Queen” and how the princesses would react.

As Twilight and her friends boarded the train back to Ponyville, Frisk found their answer. A magenta bubble encased Canterlot, which Twilight understood was her brother’s shield spell. The color bathed the train’s insides as it chugged out of the station, and Frisk felt for the heart locket.

*Frisk... stay DETERMINED, their narrator warned.

...I will.

Author's Note:

Hoho, already diverging from canon more extensively! To clarify, because I imagine some people will get confused, Twilight had her party in Canterlot from the start. And yes, Swan Song was indeed a changeling, and I picked her specifically because she was a unicorn in Rarity's song "Becoming Popular," which I know was probably an animation error, but I just wanted to tweak it a bit.

Also enjoy my personal headcanon as to why Chara went to the mountain.