• Published 2nd Aug 2020
  • 1,714 Views, 7 Comments

Reflection - Andrew Joshua Talon

Celestia and Luna have a chat about the last thousand years...

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What do you see in the mirror?


A My Little Pony: Friendship is magic one-shot by Andrew Joshua Talon

Disclaimer: This is a non-profit fan based work of prose. MLP:FiM is the property of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. Please support the official release.

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As much as the day was her domain, there were times when it felt like all her power was for nothing. When the crown atop her head felt as heavy as the sun itself, weighing her down.

Princess Celestia, Sol Invictus, The Bringer of Dawn, Solar Monarch, was exhausted as she trotted slowly into her quarters. Her sun was just about down, casting her royal chambers in red, gold and purples. Her hoofsteps clopped loudly in the stillness of the evening, echoing around her empty chambers. She made her way to her lavish bathroom, a weary sigh leaving her mouth.

She saw her reflection in the mirror, and studied it. She turned her head this way and that.

Her reflection changed. Her aurora-like mane ignited, burning like the fiery plasma of the sun she held aloft. It waved behind her like a war banner, proud and untamed. Her gleaming teeth retained their shine, but became sharp, deadly fangs. Her sclera became black as night, her pupils glowing a decadent orange.

Celestia regarded her changed reflection with an unchanged expression. After all, she was expecting this visit.

“Looking for wrinkles again?” The Daybreaker asked mockingly.

“Old habit, I will admit,” Celestia replied in a gentle tone. The Solar Tyrant shook her head, her fiery mane waving and curling like solar flares.

“You never find them, but they are there, born from your weakness,” she said. “Day in, day out. Tolerating rich nobles who never did a day's work in their lives. Tolerating enemies making a mockery of your laws and treaties."

Celestia lifted her toothbrush with her telekinesis, and placed a glob of toothpaste onto the head. She stuck it into her mouth and began to clean her teeth with slow, languid movements. Daybreaker continued speaking, even as her light counterpart brushed in circles.

“They think of you as weak. They think you are soft. That we are soft,” Daybreaker continued. “Is this not concerning? Weakness invites attack-You invite attack.”

Celestia finished brushing, and spat out the mixture of saliva and toothpaste into the sink. Daybreaker’s eyes flashed dangerously, as Celestia rinsed her mouth out with a cup of water.

"Wouldn't it be so much easier to just let me out?" She asked. “We would bring justice-True justice to this world. "Destroy and burn away all evil, anything that could ever threaten our ponies!"

Daybreaker flared her wings widely, her mane burning with furious power. The power of the sun, whose full fury even the best pony scientists could barely measure. A power Celestia felt creeping up inside of her even now-Ready to be called on in a moment.

“Think of it. We could make everything the way WE want it to BE! The way it SHOULD BE!” Daybreaker roared, the mirror rattling from the force. Celestia looked into the eyes of her counterpart… And smiled, nodding in agreement.

"It would be wonderful,” she admitted, in total sincerity. “To be a stronger, absolute ruler."

“Yes!” Daybreaker crowed, her grin a sharp collection of knives. “We know what’s best, not these pitiful foals!”

“What do they know?” Celestia agreed, her own eyes glowing. She let herself taste the raw fury of the sun’s heart-The thermonuclear forces raged within her, threatening to burst out. It had been so long since she’d allowed herself to feel even a fraction of that power. She missed it dearly, and Daybreaker was practically purring at the feeling.

"WE had to be ALONE for a thousand years! All of this responsibility on OUR SHOULDERS,” Daybreaker continued angrily. "Who are these FOOLS to question our wisdom?! We suffered! We labored! All for their sake!"

“You’re right,” Celestia replied, anger in her own voice, “ungrateful foals. They can’t see beyond their own petty interests.

“They are insects! Ungrateful, whining, ignorant SCUM!" Daybreaker bellowed, slapping her hoof against the mirror. The magically tempered metal cracked under the strain, but stayed together. Daybreaker continued her rant, multiple visages of her snarling back at Celestia.

She breathed deeply as Daybreaker’s words resonated through her. In her.

"We had to imprison Discord,” Daybreaker went on,”we had to imprison our own sister. We had to say goodbye and LOSE. Everything… Everypony... Everyone we ever loved. They faded away and we could do nothing.”

“Nothing at all,” Celestia agreed. Daybreaker nodded furiously, her eyes burning like the core of their sun.

"Their petty concerns are nothing compared to what we gave up!"

“So what should be done with them? Those who question us? Who stand in our way? Who might be threats to our power?” Celestia asked the mirror intently.

Daybreaker grinned mercilessly.

"Burn them... They should all BURN! No more fake smiles! NO MORE WEEPING IN THE NIGHT! Make THEM PAY!"

Celestia’s own mane was now burning with red hot plasma. Her heart beat furiously, and the fire in her veins sang for action. For battle. She closed her eyes, favoring the moment.

“... And then what would be left?” Celestia whispered. She shook her head.

"Power, domination, perfect order... what would be the point if there's nothing but ash to rule? If there is nothing but dust?”

Silence. She opened her eyes. The broken mirror still stood there, but only her faces remained. All staring back at her in question.

“Would I ever be able to look at myself in the mirror again?” She whispered.


Celestia turned from her mirror. Her little sister, Luna, stood before her. She was dressed in her full royal regalia, ready for work. In addition she wore a deeply concerned look, worry in her eyes as she looked over her elder sister.

"Are you all right?" She asked.

She smiles radiantly, and floats over to hug her tightly.

"Of course, sister,” Celestia said, enjoying the embrace. She enjoyed it even more when Luna returned it with equal affection. They stood there in a warm, comfortable silence. Luna nuzzled her, and looked back up. Her eyes glanced at the mirror, and then back at Celestia.

“Are you sure?” She asked. Celestia sighed softly, and stroked her long mane gently with her hoof. Luna returned the gesture, and then spoke.

“I know… I know what it’s like,” she said quietly. Celestia looked down at her younger sister. Luna continued, her gaze meeting hers evenly.

“The Nightmare preyed on my feelings,” Luna admitted. “It promised me everything I could want. Everything I could ever desire. All I had to do was just let go. Give up my control, my soul. Take the easy way out…” She shut her eyes.

“At least… It seemed like the easy way out,” Luna whispered. “The price… The price was so much higher than I could ever imagine.”

“It seems like it would be so easy, doesn’t it?” Celestia asked softly. She sighed and closed her eyes, resting her chin on the top of her sister’s head. “So easy…”

“... How did you endure it?” Luna asked softly. “How did you stand it?”

“... I almost didn’t, a few times,” Celestia admitted. At Luna’s surprised look, Celestia gave her a worn, tired smile she had seldom shared with anypony. The weight of a thousand years seemed to push down on her shoulders.

“Luna, you were not deficient in your moral character,” Celestia said. “You never were. I failed you. I didn’t help you. I was so concerned with running the kingdom and trying to do everything. I wasn’t doing it for the kingdom though… I was doing it for myself.”

“Sister,” Luna tried to interrupt and deny, but Celestia shook her head.

“No. No, it is my failing,” she said. She let out a long, long sigh. She closed her eyes tightly..

“For a time, I thought if I just used all my power, if I just kept trying harder… I would make up for my failure. If I destroyed every threat, if I ruled with an iron hoof. If I made Equestria perfect then maybe…” She trailed off.

“What happened?” Luna asked softly. Celestia shook her head, opening her eyes. She was barely able to look her younger sister in the eyes.

“I nearly lost myself, as you did,” she said softly. “I was going to reform the kingdom into an empire. I was going to crush all opposition.”

Luna pressed a hoof against Celestia’s. The elder sister trembled softly, and took a deep, slow breath. She composed herself and continued.

“The only thing… The only being who stopped me? Was a little colt,” Celestia admitted. “He’d wandered into the castle. Security was lax, for a festival. He wandered into my chambers and… He was frightened.” She shut her eyes and chuckled mirthlessly.

“He did not recognize his princess. He thought I was… Nightmare Moon.”

“Celestia,” Luna murmured. She nuzzled her elder sister. “You’re not a monster.”

“No,” she replied, “but that is not because of me. It is because of others.” Celestia looked intently into her sister’s eyes. “Even after all this time, the only thing that has kept me from falling… Was staying close to others. Was maintaining our friendships. The thing I failed to do with you.”

Tears bunched up at the corners of Celestia’s eyes. She wanted to look elsewhere, but Luna’s eyes seemed to trap her.

“I am so sorry,” she whispered.

Luna hugged her back more tightly, and nuzzled her back.

“I’ve forgiven you Sister. I love you,” she said, “but you need to forgive yourself. Please.”

Celestia took a shuddered breath. She closed her eyes, and smiled sadly.

“That is far more difficult a task,” she admitted.

“I know,” Luna said, “I know. So let us do it together, hm?”

Celestia slowly nodded. “All right,” she said. “I believe…” She took another deep breath, composing herself once more. “I believe we are late for dinner… And you for breakfast.”

Luna smiled back brilliantly, and wrapped a wing around Celestia’s back.

“Then let’s go and be late together, sister,” Luna said warmly. Celestia smiled back just as happily. They slowly made their way towards the door.

Luna paused just long enough to send a burst of magic back at the bathroom. It reached the mirror, and smoothed its broken surface. Every shard became one again.

Luna allowed herself a smile, and continued out the door with her sister.

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Author's Note:

Just had to get this out today when it hit me. I hope you enjoyed.

Comments ( 7 )

That was a pretty damn good character study.

I’m admittedly a bit of a sucker for good Sunbutt stories, and this one certainly scratched that itch.

Reminds me of another one-shot I read here many years ago, before Daybreaker ever showed up on the show. Celestia was taking a walk through the woods, and talking to mostly to herself; there were only animals around. And she mused about how easy it would be to just... let go. Stop restraining herself, stop caring, keep the sun up forever and just burn the world and laugh while it goes up like a match. And then (IIRC) she went about why that would be wrong, even if it would feel oh-so-good, and how she would never do that.


It ended with her walking off, and the animals staring fearfully at the sun, hoping it would set that day.

This story was amazing! Celestia seeing her dark side like that, *Chef's Kiss*. It made me tear up, it was so good. :fluttershysad:

It's beautiful. Spontaneously written, and yet without grammatical or spelling errors. :twilightsmile:

YES! That is, in fact, the very story I was thinking about. I knew I had read it, but couldn't find it in my shelves anywhere.

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