• Member Since 22nd Jun, 2013
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The Dimension Traveler

Comments ( 110 )

i was wondering what happen

Duskfall awoke to the sound of the TARDIS’ “breaks “ Shouldn’t it be brakes?

I’m definitely going to put this in my “Absolute Darkness“ bookshelf

A human cock big enough to choke a pony....yeah alright lol

so... magic is going down, even as she practices teleportation and the like?

I specifically said there was a size difference between this human and Duskfall. If you've ever seen my dad's cock, you wouldn't even be questioning this.

Lol, I stand corrected

Hakuna Matata. I'm just channeling all my inner crazy thru the lens of what Duskfall might find sexy. If something doesn't make sense, then I'm usually to blame. Sometimes, once in a blue moon, I do manage to explain myself without making everything even more confusing. Although why I felt the need to mention my dad's junk is a mystery to me. Clearly I haven't been drinking my usual allotment of bleach.

Well, what is Pony Magic primarily based on? Harmony and Friendship. Duskfall is certainly not being very harmonious. So Twilight's naturally huge pools of Pony Magic as an Alicorn of Friendship Magic, is slowly dwindling.

Ultimately, there are three questions here.

Will Duskfall return to a Harmonious state and thus recover her Magic stat?

Will Duskfall instead dive deeper into Insanity and Darkness?

Will Insanity and Darkness be able to replace Magic?

The answers to these three questions will determine what Duskfall will eventually be an Alicorn of.

So, Ponies are common but Alicorns are not known or are more common if no one is surprised by Twilight having horn and wings

In the grander scale of the universe, outside of directly pony controlled space, no one gives a flying fk about an Alicorn. Also, on a world as scummy as this one, it would not surprise me to learn at least a couple of Unicorn hookers can cast illusions on themselves to make themselves Pegasai/Earth Ponies/Alicorns.

The first comparison I thought of was Political, so skipping that. Think of it more like being a redhead to these people. That's basically what the pony tribes are to the different species. Hair color. Sure, an Alicorn would probably kick up a stir in the heart of pony space (assuming they don't just recognize Duskfall herself), but to most it isn't even worth commenting on. Especially in a place that's the asscrack of the universe.

I guess that ponies did not conquer the galaxy in the future, but managed to spread around

What about witness? If it's not too much spoiler, soon or later rumors about the 'strange zombie pony that die and re-appear/resurrect' are going to spread, sooner if someone watch Twilight die and be fine after a couple of hours or just watch her regenerating

P.S: It's not that bad porn, while it's not 'Great porn' believe me when I say that there are some worse things.

You know I realized something about Alicorns in this universe. They recover from all damage, and regenerate fully correct.
Wouldn't an Alicorns hymen regenerate after each sexual encounter. Though I'd imagine Dusk's pain threshold is near nonexistent

Yeah, Ponies are everywhere, but the space they actually control is pretty small, given they aren't a generally war-like species. They prefer to make alliances.

As for the Zombie Pony thing, that is a bit spoiler-y so just know the locals will adapt.

I mean, I suppose I can see that it isn't the worst porn on the face of the planet. It isn't 50 shades of gray. :moustache:

Alicorn healing is very potent, but it only completely reconstructs the body upon death. So it is possible to give an Alicorn a scar, up until the Alicorn dies and comes back. Given most Alicorns aren't suicidal lunatics, their hymens are broke and remain broken. Although, Luna has a sweet scar under her chest piece. I hear it drives the girls wild. :trollestia:

What gave you the idea that Duskfall has no pain tolerance?

And somehow I got the image of Star Trek with ponies... Sure, they are not war-like but I can imagine some of them adventurous... Maybe future Dusk traveling in a space ship and drinking tea sometimes with Q Discord and checking the calendar.

:twilightsmile:"Oh, it's today when my past self appeared in Planet X-7-902-B and died trying a fellatio? That was a good time..."

The best part is I can imagine exactly that. Except replace the tea with hot chocolate. Tea is the bitch version of coffee and coffee just sucks.

Now bonus points if Duskfall is captain and Twilight is Counselor Troy. Duskfall thinking about the time she died to fellatio gets her turned on and she drags Twilight to her private quarters for some Kirk Time. Wait...I just got my Star Treks mixed up. :trollestia: :trollestia:

Edit: Then the question becomes is that incest, twincest, or just two people who happen to share a body? The eternal questions of sexing one's clone...

So... We get as a spoiler that Dusk manage to get at last Twilight? Also, we can guess two things or the future have very good contraception spells, or Twilight and Dusk have many foals...

But then if Dusk is happy to go with Twilight, could she do the same with the rest of the main six? And we deviate too much from the story.

About Tea, I also like Chocolate but Discord and Fluttershy always have 'Tea Parties'... As for what it become? I think it become Twi-cest

Now you're just making me want to do a Shattered Souls AU where Duskfall comes back and creates a harem for herself. Seducing everyone she wants until she's the harem queen of all Equuis. Something to consider after everything is said and done.

Unless you want to write something like that? Book 3 is probably going to be the end of the series, but the idea of others writing stories in the same universe I created has always been a dream of mine.

My thinking is more that Duskfall has a very high pain tolerance. Whereas Tom could be stalled if no taken out of the fight almost entirely by a severe injury like the broken wing. I feel Duskfall could handle much worse injuries like having all of her legs bludgeoned and broken on top of multiple skull fractures and still keep going.
That isn't to say she can't feel pain, its that she can tank a whole lot more.
With that said, how much pleasure can be derived from pain before it becomes just pain?

That is an interesting question. One I don't know the answer to. The answer I've been playing off of is something to the effect of "Duskfall's insanity is coloring her experiences". Her mental agony is so great that any physical pain feels like they're making sweet love to her.

I have no idea if this holds any real life water, but hey, she's a pretty purple pony princess. She doesn't have to make 100% sense 100% of the time. As much as I like to pretend otherwise, I don't have doctorates in every field of study on the face of the earth.

Sad that Duskfall adventures are ending but 'Se la vie'... Do you have something else on mind after Dusk is finished?

After this series is finished, I'm probably going to focus on writing that fluffy Displaced fic I was talking about. Even if I'm starting to think I'm physically incapable of writing an original character without some kind of trauma. Except Tom. Tom was fairly trauma free... I mean, sure, he was stressed over being in a female pony body, but that's not the same as trauma. Exception that proves the rule.

I might also look into finally forcing myself to finish Rearranging Perspectives, even if I think it's a dumpster fire for the most part, I can't leave it unfinished forever.

Once that's done or maybe while I'm writing the Displaced fic, I'm going to start seriously writing that Pokemon/Kingdom Hearts/MLP story I teased in my blog posts.

I might also occasionally write side stories and AUs for this series, whenever the inspiration strikes me.

If it's not too much spoiler, are we going to see many of the 'Big Villains' before you finish the third book? Starlight, Stygian, Cozy Glow, Tirek (again), Sombra... Or in any AU?

Starlight is getting taken care of the chapter after Slice of Life. Duskfall will flat out murder Tirek if she ever sees him again.

I'm not 100% sure how long book 3 is going to go. So much of the plot of the later seasons is going to get thrown out. For one thing, Cozy Glow isn't gonna be able to pull her magic draining stunt with Harmonia being an active force instead of an utterly passive one.

The School of Friendship is probably still going to happen, just the students are going to be quite a bit more diverse. Now i'm just imagining Nigel Uno attending friendship classes with Jake Berenson taught by the Sailor Senshi.

Actually... I could probably just go for Book 3 up to the School of Friendship and then make a Book 4 about the various misadventures of a student body consisting of people from all across the Multiverse.

Shouldn't be that hard to turn the School of Friendship into a full blown college town with a little spacial manipulation...

Thank you for answer :)

I don't want to be the kind of author who just says "spoilers" over and over to every question. I'll only pull that when I legitimately think your experience reading will be enhanced by not knowing the answer to your question until you actually read it in-story.

That's also why I like to devote time writing long winded comments explaining the lore. The more you understand, the more enjoyment you get, at least in my opinion. There's also a case to be made that knowing something is going to happen ahead of time just makes people more eager to see how that thing will be implemented in the story itself. It's why I've never been coy about the fact that Tom and Twilight will ultimately make a return. It's just a matter of how that I'm not giving up.

So, after +6 hours decided to read the chapter, and have to ask... Why Pinkie of everyone? And... If the Alicorn body is resistant to outside magic, why Starlight spell worked in the cutie mark?

I have no idea why Pinkie. Like I said, I asked if Pinkie was pulling 4th wall shenanigans, but she said she wasn't. I believe her, so I have no idea what Duskfall is currently "thinking". I was typing and then suddenly BAM Duskfall becomes schizophrenic and is talking to an imaginary Pinkie. Truthfully, at this point, I wouldn't be surprised if Duskfall starts hallucinating the whole cast.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'm not in control of these characters. I'm just their transcriber.

As for Starlight, that's an answer in 2 parts.

Part 1: Duskfall was only 2 weeks "old" at the time. Her magic was still recovering from the trauma of the fusion.

Part 2: Resistance doesn't equate to immunity. Starlight has proven powerful enough to even mess with the Cutie Marks of Luna and Celestia, who are a heck of a lot older and potentially more powerful than Duskfall. It's likely my memory is being faulty, but outside of Discord, I can't recall anyone other than Starlight successfully casting magic on Twilight after she became an Alicorn. By that I mean actual spells, not DBZ moves made of magic energy.

Suddenly I have the image of Future Dusk and Pinkie talking as Dusk try to stop Future Pinkie from using her Pinkie Powers to appear in front of Dusk...

:pinkiehappy: Dusky! Please! I need to go! She is very sad and mopey and laughing like crazy, she need a hug and a party and...

:facehoof: No Pinkie, As much as I could liked it then, I was not at the best, and I don't remember you, if you go now you will create a time paradox, unless I erase my memory from that but then... Did it happen and I forgot about it because I erased my own memory of the party and I should let you visit her? But then...

:pinkiecrazy: Oh, no! Dusk.Exe stopped working... Twilight was very angry last time she was forced to repair Dusk... What can I do? Ctrl+alt+surp? No, that is not going to work... *A light appear above Pinkie* Idea! *Pinkie kisses Dusk and Dusk answer taking Pinkie and teleport her to one of the many bedroom of the Enterponyprise*

Oh boy Pinkies here:pinkiehappy: , sort of:moustache:

Eventually all that was left of me was my skeleton, then my horn, then nothing at all.

...So, how'd she regenerate from this? Did her regeneration "wait" until after the tub was empty, or something?
Because if she reformed while still in the acid, well...that wouldn't work.

Her magic located the nearest "safe space" and reconstitided her body there. It isn't super specific and sometimes it does wind up just putting the Alicorn in the air above the acid and she melts all over again, but that is rare. The magic isn't smart, but it can fulfill a basic function.

One change I think k noticed, she doesn't want Celestia to be involved in that part anymore?

Kinda? Duskfall is just salty at Celestia for not doing medical trials to find out more about Alicorn physiology. If Celestia showed up right then and asked Duskfall for sex, then Duskfall would be like "I'm mad at Celestia" but also "I'm supposed to be the perfect sex toy. Sex toys don't choose who uses them". Right now the second part would win, which is why her mental corruption is still so high, even if it's gone down slightly from last chapter. The fact she has to stop and think about it is progress, even if it is very small progress.

Now I just need to figure out how to make thermite.

if only Trixie were here to help with that

Well, interesting, so it's that type of immortality... The organs return to their place and everything go to it's proper place after returning to live...

I wonder what could happen if Dusk is decapitated and her head thrown down to the bottom of the sea... The head is teleported back? Is re-grown? The body walk around without head trying to find it?

The only time her body regrows is if there is complete destruction, such as when she jumped into the acid. Other than that, the parts are teleported back together and in their rightful place. So if her head wound up on the bottom of the ocean, it would eventually be teleported back to Duskfall's body and reattached. Her body could go flailing around looking for the head, at least until Duskfall died. As clearly indicated in the chapter where Duskfall started to practice eating herself out.

Duskfall isn't going to be able to open an organ donor farm using only herself as the donor.

Trixie's egotism feeding into Duskfall's insanity... that would certainly be an interesting thing to think about.

"The Great and Powerful Trixie demands you eat her out like a good little slut!" :trixieshiftright:

"Yes, Mistress," :twilightblush:

And around and around they go.

Waiting for Dusk to Super Corvette Laser herself to get off. But that's not likely to happen so I'll wait for the Thermite Drinking contest instead.

I'd make a political joke here, about how American politics are so toxic that not even Duskfall could survive them, but thinking about it makes me lose the will to live myself, so I won't.

as I had no clue what I was gonna do about her Cutie Mark before now and was kinda pushing it off until Book 3

This literally is a book 3 and you pushed it until the end of it, you doofus.:derpytongue2: The mere fact that it happens in between chapters of book 2 and there might be another book 3 which actually happen after the second one doesn't help it.

I'm not sure I want to know the details. :twilightoops:

You're right. Even if it is by a technicality. I'm just gonna cry myself to sleep now T_T

Sweet dreams. With your absurd sleeping habits you need it.

So...why is Duskfall suddenly having delusions about Pinkie? Fuck if I know. Duskfall just started talking to Pinkie out of the blue and when I asked Pinkie, she said she wasn't using her 4th wall breaking to actually talk to Duskfall. So...I guess she's developed Schizophrenia.

Have you tried to ask alicorn Pinkie that lives this far in the future, though?

I wonder how do you count percents here. Values over 100% means you giving relative measurements, but relative to what exactly?

I'm treating it kinda like the Darkest Dungeon stress system. 100% is the first break point and 200% is the max where everything explodes. Not a perfect analogy, because eventually Duskfall will hit 200% on Insanity and Darkness and realize her destiny as the Alicorn of those things, but that's the general model I'm working on.

I am not mentally prepared to talk to Alicorn Pinkie. She scares me.

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