• Published 6th Aug 2020
  • 1,077 Views, 29 Comments

Phineas and Ferb ponies - Nosey Flame

What happens when two boys, their friends and sister fall through a portal into a world full of talking pastel ponies? They turn to talking pastel ponies.

  • ...

New Friends part 1

Author's Note:

This chapter focuses on Isabella. Buckle up and board on the friendship express. Choo choo!! Oh and for those who are wondering Phineas doesn't have a triangular muzzle. And Ferb talks a lot in this universe but He's just shy. This chapter is actually based on how I met my Best Friend. Coincidence; I think not.

"Wait let me get this straight," Applejack said, "There are other dimensions apart from Equestria and The other human world?"

"I believe so." Twilight replied.

Candace was trying not to squeal but she just couldn't. She let out a small squeal from the corner of her mouth that nopony heard. She was so excited that characters from one of her favorite shows. Phineas and Ferb were also happy that their invention also worked. It wasn't much of a surprise to them since everything they built actually worked. Buford was just there for the fun and since he was with his best friends and best nerd Baljeet. Baljeet was so excited since he would get to study about an alternate dimension and do some practical work too. I was somehow a dream come true to the Indian boy.

Isabella was also happy since she could spend the day or Celestia knows how long with her crush Phineas Flynn.

"Hey do you know where Pinkie Pie is?" Isabella asked.

"Oh she's at Sugar Cube... Hey how do you know who Pinkie Pie is?" Aj asked the eleven year old filly.

"Oh um..." Isabella started sweating profusely until Phineas stepped in.

"Oh just a hunch," Phineas said. Isabella sighed dreamily.

'Hmmm He saved me'Isabella thought.

"Uh Isabella, hello Equestria to Isabella. Pinkie is at Sugar cube..." Before Applejack could finish talking Isabella dashed to Sugar Cube Corner.

"...Corner. Why doesn't anypony let me finish ma sentences!!" The country mare said angrily.

"Hey Aj know where Rarity is? Before you ask I do know who Rarity is. She's the greatest fashion forward pony in all of Equestria. She has boutiques in Canterlot, Manehatten and here in Ponyville." Candace said. Twilight and Applejack were shocked to find out how much that mare knew about Rarity.

"Well Rarity sure will be happy you know you know that much about her Candace," Twilight said,

"I know." She said with pride.

"...well she's at Carousel Boutique right now."

"Great thanks." Candace dashed out of the castle as she knew where Carousel Boutique was.

"Hey dweeb wanna go to town square and help me paint it red?" Buford asked Baljeet.

"No. I want to stay here with Twilight and Applejack." Baljeet said.

Just then there was thunder and lightning was heard. Baljeet, Phineas and Ferb all jumped butt Twilight, Applejack and Buford. Suddenly Discord appeared.

"AAAAAAHHHH!!!" Phineas, Ferb and Baljeet yelled.

"What is that creature?!" Ferb asked in disgust.


"I for one think you look cool," said Buford. "It's like a science experiment gone wrong and that is one definition of cool."

"Aww. I'm fluttered. You look like a cool colt too. Like a military colt that's in a ruthless gang of bikers."

"Well I'll look exactly like one if I had a leather jacket though."

"Well here you go." Discord said as he snapped his claw and a leather jacket and sun glasses appeared on Buford.

"Woah! How'd ya do that now?!" Buford asked as he stared at the draconaquus in awe.

"Well I'm Discord: The spirit of chaos and disharmony."

"Woah nice to meet you Discord. I'm Buford. Wanna hang out?"

"Does a duck breathe heavily?"

"I'll say yes."

"Of coarse I'll join you in mischief my boy. Town square isn't gonna paint itself red." Discord said while poofing a bucket of red paint.

"You read my mind. Literally. See you dweebs later." Just then Discord teleported the both of them to town square.


Isabella was busy humming a tune as she walked to Sugar Cube Corner when she bumped into three fillies. A Pegasus, a unicorn and an earth pony. You can guess who they were. Yes it were none other than the cutie mark crusaders.

Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle already had their cutie marks but they still did crusading cause it was still fun. They were going to try doing some scooter tricks Scootaloo was going to teach them.

"Ow! Hello. Didn't see you there. I'm sorry." Apologized Isabella.

"It's okay. We weren't watching where we were going either." Scootaloo said.

"Hi I'm Isabella Garcia- Shapiro. Nice to meet you."

"Hi we're the Cutie Mark Crusaders. I'm Apple Bloom, she's Scootaloo and she's Sweetie Belle." Apple Bloom said pointing at her friends respectively. "Nice to meet you too."

"Hey is the Cutie Mark Crusaders like a club or a scout troop?" Isabella asked curiously.

"Well both actually. We used to be a club that focused on getting cutie marks until one day we got these sweet babies by helping one of our school's greatest bullies. So we became a club devoted to helping others get their cutie marks or those who have cutie mark problems." Said Scootaloo with as much pride as Rainbow Dash's cockiness.

"Wow." Isabella said in amazement. "Where I come from, I have a group of girl scouts called 'the Fireside girls'."

"Cool!" The three fillies cooed.

"Hey wanna hang out?" Scootaloo asked the other Pegasus.

"Oh sure." Said Isabella excitedly to have already made friends in the alternate dimension. "So what do you guys do apart from helping with cutie mark problems?"

"We usually do crusadin' for fun these days so not much but try out other stuff." Apple Bloom answered.

"Oh okay. Let's crusade then." Said Isabella determined.

"Are you sure you wanna join our club?" Sweetie Belle asked in confusion.

"Yes you silly filly." Said Isabella. "Seems harmless to me."

"Okay then. We had to practice scooter tricks." Scootaloo said excitedly.

"What are we waitin' for. Let's go." Said Apple Bloom.

Isabella followed the three fillies to a hill in the out skirts of Ponyville. There were ramps where Scootaloo usually practiced her scooter tricks.

"Here we are guys. My somehow home I guess," Scootaloo said.

"Or as we like to call it Scootaloo's nest," Apple Bloom whispered to Isabella. She just snickered.

"Hey I heard that!!" Scootaloo said in an angry tone. Let us when the laughing got louder and Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom joined in. Not long after hearing the laughing Scootaloo joined the laugh parade.

"Anyway Isabella since you are our guest today how about you started off with the scooter tricks you know," Sweetie Belle said.

"Um okay I'll try," Isabella said nervously. She took the scooter from Scootaloo and went on top of the second tallest ramp.

'Here goes nothing I guess,' Isabella thought to herself. She breathed in and out heavily. She held the handle of the scooter with her front hooves and put her back right good on the scooter the other one to push her down the ramp. When she pushed herself down and put her other hoof on the scooter, she started rolling down the ramp. When she reached the jump, she was flying in the still on the scooter. she let go and started flying through the air without flapping her wings. she did a triple backflip in the air and when the scooter landed on the ground she landed safely on it without damaging it. The other three fillies were speechless especially Scootaloo.

"That. Was
Awesome. Can you do that again?" Sweetie Belle said. Scootaloo's mouth was dangling open for a few months minutes.

"Is she going to be okay?" Isabella asked Apple Bloom.

"Yep. She's comin' back in three, two one," Apple Bloom said and pointed a hoof towards Scootaloo. Just as she said she came back to conscious as soon as Apple Bloom finished her countdown.

"You filly are awesome. Not even I have ever done such a trick! Can you be my 'Senpai' Please?!"

"Gladly," Isabella said proudly as she had found new friends.