• Member Since 4th Jun, 2019
  • offline last seen Sunday

The Loner

The world of fantasy is where I feel at home, where I can write whatever I want and not feel judged by the world

Comments ( 90 )

Don't worry, I have big plans for this story. Arthas's story in Equestria is just beginning.

Nice man nice I really like how it started I hope to see more chapters soon keep up the great work and love the song you put in

It will be in a few chapters, I have to lead up to it and fill in a few key bits first. It is super annoying :/

well considering this story has the founders of equestria your gonna need to wait...probably a couple thousand years before those 6 arrive

If you guys spot any issues that need to be fixed, let me know via mail plz and thank you :pinkiehappy:

The vigilante shot the mayor

After watching the first of the Afterlife videos, I can imagine Uther not being too happy with Tirion for denying him justice.

Okay, I there might be a thing or 2 wrong about certain Warcraft facts...

With his link to them through the sword, he adds to that and uses telepathy to send them the rest of the order and thinks, "Do not kill women or children unless they attack first, and leave Princess Amore to me."

The Lich King does not control the undead through Frostmorne, he does so through the Helm of Domination. It was the only way Bolvar could keep the Scourge in Northrend. That was why him wearing that helm was important.

Then we begin our search for saronite to use as weapons and build walls across the access points to this land and put gates at each one.

And where is he going to find Saronite on this planet? The supply of Saronite that got teleported with him to Equus; that is all of the Saronite in the world. The truth of the mineral itself is that it's the blood of the old god, Yogg-Saron, mixed with whatever minerals buried beneath Northrend. So unless the Titans buried an old god on Equus somewhere, he's gonna have to settle for something else.

Sorry if I'm bursting bubbles, I'm a big Warcraft fan and I felt like I had to point those out.

I can't believe that i am pregnant by him!

I have a suspission.:trixieshiftright:

HAIL! HAIL! HAIL!:pinkiecrazy:

and suspission comfirmed. :pinkiehappy:
Wonder how Twilight would take the knowlage about her mentors father?:trollestia:

Thank you 10412338 for the feedback, I will correct the changes now. I kind of had an idea that he couldn't use saronite.

My brother Cosmos was one, but he literally vanished because I sent him to become the stars.

Wait, do you mean Cosmos from the MLP comics? If you are, I believe that she was female. Or do you already know that but want Cosmos to be male for some reason?

"No dear sister, I think that it is safe to say that father will continue to slumber unless fate or some higher power cause him to wake up for some unknown reason.

Foolish alicorns, he can free himself just fine,he just isn't in the hurry

Deciding against of breaking free of his prison now, he closes his eyes and returns to his slumber to gather his full strength before his grand awakening.

OOPS forgot a small tidbit at the end...one sec. There, now it's fully ready for reading. Sorry about using that song again but it is just soo fitting for him.

Arthas and Sindragosa are rather out of character I must say.

Nah, they are swinging betwen kind crazy and sadistic crazy.
Currently they are towards the kind crazy.

Sindragosa had sent her two children to find out what was going on and why they were migrating to their sacred breeding grounds.

Are you referring to Rimefang and Spinestalker? Did you know the names or do you refer to them as "her children" on purpose?

I did not know their names, no. Sorry about that, thank you for telling me though. My knowledge of WoW is not as much as others, I wish that Blizzard would phase the story out through chapters so the players could experience the story and understand it better.

It's all good. If you have any WoW related questions, you can send me a PM and I'll answer it as best as I can.

Recently an idea popped into my head that would really spice up this little family drama you have going on. Wanna hear it?

Hmmm never really got into WoW but this is enjoyable so far and I hope to see more soon!

This is awesome dude keep it up, please.

I love this story so keep it up, please.

This story is amazing. Arthas has unleashed his inner troll.

sorry about being away for so long, comp was out of commission for a bit. 260$ in repairs and I'm back, now time to get back to work.

Arthas is enraged right now at hearing how his consort took their children away from him and abandoned them by the woods, far from his reach. He raises his hand and backhands her across the face, sending her sprawling across the floor and storming forth to replace the ring back on her horn. After setting the ring back into place, he goes to speak to Professor Putricide about what to do with the prisoners now...including his consort.

Lmao this story is fucking based.

Wild ride so far, absolutely incredible. Haven’t laughed this hard in awhile.

Dj sings along to the song, saying, "Hail! Hail! Hail!" as the strange creature strides across the floor, blood dripping off some places of their armor.

Is this Arthas or Hitler?

Well, it’s been fun, but I take my leave now.

Good laughs though.

Sorry I didn't say anything earlier, but thank you for the features of this story.

Sorry it is taking so long to release the next chapter, it is a pain to get all of WoW's facts and keep track of them and what order they happened.

New chapter will be out TOMORROW!

Sorry it took a few hours longer than I planned, had to get details straightened out.

this is the best story keep going love it!

Comment posted by Clark Scary deleted Feb 3rd, 2022

Luna keeps trying to touch her father as her tears run in rivers down her face, her neck muscles weakening further due to the sadness building in her heart, and stops trying to touch him as her arm muscles weaken. She uses both arms to support her upper body's weight as her head falls forward, her eyes shut tightly when her sobbing slowly turns into quiet wails and pleads, "I'm sowwy papa...I'll do whatever you tell me. Pwease let me just touch you once more!"

poor luna I almost cried

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