• Published 13th Jun 2024
  • 173 Views, 5 Comments

Lotus Changeling Spa - Kentavritsa

Going to the Spa is always a special time for Rarity. Seeing Aloe and Lotus, at their Spa is an event she would never pass up for anything. This time is different, even if she could not put a hoot on exactly how or why.

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A Surprise Treat: 1

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After my regular greeting of Aloe and Lotus, I had enjoyed my time in the steam room. It had been just as relaxing as I had been expecting. Why shouldn’t it be?

As I had left the steam room; I came a cross a door, behind which a new pony was preparing to treat the next pony entering the room. Only no pony had entered the room, just yet.

Curious..” I ponder; “but it does look as if it would be comfortable and relaxing!” I conclude.

Maybe, just maybe; I should try it out, for myself?” I ponder; “Are you ready, to treat yet?” I inquire, as I am peaking into the fairly small room.

“Step right in; and I will be with you, in a moment!” she exclaims; maybe just a bit more excited, than called for. (Why is she so excited, over seeing me entering the room; in order for her to treat me?)

“Oh, okay!” I respond, as I step into the room.

“Squeak, squeak; squeak, squeak; squeak, squeak..” is heard; with every step I take, as I move in the room.

I notice an opaque green glow, just as the door is closing quietly behind me. She had closed the door for me, without prompting; even if I could have closed the door, by myself.

She had invited me, in a more informal tone!” I realize, after I had entered the room.

The white floor had been coated with a clear coat of a squishy Silicone. I do appreciate the exceptional grip, my hooves have on the floor; even if the noises it makes can be a bit much, for me.

“Make yourself comfortable, Please!” she offers; as she is indicating the cushion on the pad, in the middle of the floor.

“Thank you!” I respond, as I am moving towards the indicated position.

“You are quite welcome, my dear!” she exclaims, grinning generously.

“It does look rather comfortable!” I agree; as I am looking at the cushion, she had indicated.

“Neither Aloe, nor Lotus would have permitted it into the building; had it not been!” she promptly giggles, in obvious amusement.

That is the Aloe and Lotus, I know!” I ponder, giggling with her.

“You could as well step up..” she offers; “and make yourself comfortable, while I finish up the preparations!” she concludes.

“Okay!” I respond; as I approach the elevated cushion, and step up onto it.

“Squeak..” is heard, as I step up; “squeak, squeak!” it continues, as I slip into the comforting position.

This smooth surface should be easy to clean and maintain, in hygienic condition!” I realize; as my belly is rubbing against the ultra-smooth Silicone surface, under me.

“Soft, slippery smooth and always ultra clean..” she points out, pointing a hoof at the surface of the cushion.

“I noticed!” I respond, with a warm smile.

“A customer favourite, among the guests here..” she points out; “not to mention, easy to maintain!” she concludes.

“I could very well imagine..” I respond, smiling; as I am looking up, noticing she is but two feet to my right.

“Yes!” she coos; “I know!” she continues; “She doesn’t have a clue, but I am still loving my job!” she ponders, with a wide grin on her face.

“Maybe, I could tempt you with a bit filing your hooves; before I start?” she inquires; “She is such a sweet delicacy!” she muses; wordlessly, under her breath.

“By all means, please do..” I respond; “A lady needs to look her best, after all; doesn’t she?” I continue.

“Yes; but of course, my dear!” she responds; producing the file.

At first glance, the file does look exactly like the once I had seen Aloe and Lotus using countless times before. Naturally, it is not one of these. I may learn the difference soon enough, but that is not important. Not right now.

“If you close your eyes, I can dim down the light a bit; for a more intimate moment, as I work the magic!” she suggests.

“Yes!” I respond, as I am closing my eyes; “That sounds good!” I continue, as I am relaxing.

Just as promised, she gently dims down the light; with just a touch, of that opaque light I had noticed as the door closed behind me. I did not pay it any mind, then; just as I pay it no mind, now either. Why? Why bother?

If only my bed had been this comfortable..” I consider; where I lie down, waiting for her to treat me.

I hear a few squeaks, as she is moving up to my right fore-hoof; then it is quiet, as she starts filing my hoof with delicate care. I don’t feel anything. But, had I really been expecting to? Why? Though it still does feel good; to rest on the cushion she had offered me, so generously.

There is another squeak, followed by another; developing into a short series of squeaks, as she moves over to my left side. There is quiet, as she is filing my left fore-hoof. Quiet. So intimate, I could never have been expecting it.

A few more squeaks, as she moves over to stand behind me; crouching, by my right hind hoof. Quiet. She is once more filing my hoof. I can barely sense a thing. Though I do know, she is indeed filing the hoof. Just as she had promised.

There it is, again; the squeak, the squeaks indicating that she is once more moving.

Quiet. The quiet once more reclaims the room. That intimate, quiet sensation. Everything is safe, as if Celestia herself had been sitting guard. Or, maybe; a hundred Celestia. How ever that could be possible?

As she had finished filing my hooves; she steps out of the room, swapping the file for a can of lacquer and a brush. It is a crystal clear lacquer, based on the fact that it is a clear crystal base. Baby blue sapphire, to be exact.

Hoof polish: Clear Sapphire” the label reads.

I love this Sapphire, such a hard and adamant mineral..” she ponders; “and the smooth and glossy surface is perfect, for my purpose!” she concludes.

Of course; I have to coat the entire hoof, without a single drop outside the surface of the hoof I am working on!” she reminds herself.

She uncaps the can, as she is standing before my right fore hoof. Now she is applying the lacquer with utmost care in a very deliberate manner. From the tip of the middle of the hoof, slowly slipping the brush down towards the edge, stopping just as the brush is touching the lower edge.

Right, left; right, left. Right, left; right, left. She continues; until she is certain, she has coated the entire surface of the hoof. The Sapphire coating the surface of my right fore hoof, with just a very thin layer.

There is a slight glow, as the magic of her lacquer is doing what it had been intended for; saturating the hoof, as it is fusing and replacing the surface of the hoof.

I hear the squeaking noises, as she is moving over to my left fore hoof. She quietly stops, before she is repeating the process all over again. As she finish working the left hoof, the process on the right hoof has concluded. The hoof is dry and hard. It is after all coated with a thin layer of Sapphire. Not a mere polish or varnish you may choose to buy at any regular Spa or Beauty Salon.

I don’t think she would be satisfied, with the budget version..” she ponders; “Neither would I; even if she does not know or understand why I want to give her the more luxurious version, with a few more layers!” she continues.

She did not just stop, at my left hind hoof!” I realize; as I hear the squeaks, suggesting that she is moving up to face me once more.

Just because I do not feel the brush, touching my hoof; does not mean, she is not applying the next layer of the lacquer. Even I know as much, and I am not a hooficurist.

Curious, it is almost as if it had been intentional; to use these squeaks, to inform me where she is at any given time!” I ponder, in bemusement.

The fact that her Sapphire lacquer has no scent, does not mean it is not there. Only that I can’t sense it, or feel the scent as the can is open under my muzzle. Maybe, just maybe; I should be thankful, for this one fact? A hoof polish was never intended to smell good. Why bother adjusting the formula, with the scent in mind in the first place?

“You can open your eyes; and extend your fore hooves, for a moment!” she coos.

I extend my fore hooves, expectantly.

“Oh?” I respond; “Okay!” I continue, as I am opening my eyes and look down at my hooves.

“How does it look?” she inquires.

“Beautiful..” I respond; “Simply stunning!” I continue; “But, isn’t that just a bit glossy?” I ponder, without a word.

“Wonder, just how long the effect would last?” I consider; looking up at her, with obvious approval.

As I close my eyes, she is trotting out; swapping the lacquer, for a highly viscous hoof gel.

I hear the squeaking noises, as she is moving around in the room; stepping from one hoof to the next. There is a slight hint of the scent of rubber in my nostrils, as she is applying the gel under my right and left fore hoof. I also feel the squishy gel spreading out, under each hoof; as she is applying the clear gel under the respective hoof.

What I do not notice, is how the gel is adjusting the hoof ever so slightly in the process. While the outer surface of the hoof remains just as hard and adamant; the hoof itself is turning more and more squishy, but with a hard rubbery surface in the desired shape under the hoof.

“Could you rest your hind hooves here, please?” she offers, indicating the desired positions; gently guiding my hooves, into position.

“Okay!” I respond, as I follow her instruction; permitting her to guide my hooves, into position.

“Press your hooves down; gently, please!” she continues, and I follow the direction.

That is actually quite comfortable!” I realize, as I feel my hooves pressing down onto the indicated spots.

There is a hint of that green glow, as she is applying the crystal clear bonding gel along the rim of each of my hind hooves. I don’t feel the gel applied, but it bonds my hooves onto the firm material I am pressing them onto on contact. Had I tried to pull my hooves back, for whatever reason; I would have failed, and quite miserably so. The hooves bonded, have fused to the material. It is, as if the individual hooves had been the same material all along; for as long as the gel is between the hoof and the material, it is resting against.

She follows my instructions, to the letter; she is such a well-groomed mare, I can’t help but love working with her!” she ponders.

“Keep your eyes closed, and relax!” she coos, rather seductively.

“Okay!” I mumble, in response.

“Could you place your fore hooves on the rests; before you, please!” she continues; guiding my hooves, to the intended positions.

“Press your hooves down; gently, please!” she coos.

As I follow her instruction, she is applying the clear gel along the rim of my right and left fore hoof in turn; thus bonding my hooves to the solid surface, upon which I am currently resting them.

“Since you are resting, comfortably; it would be the perfect time for the make-up to be applied, wouldn’t you think?” she offers; giving me a chance to confirm, while letting me know the details she needs me to know.

I just nod.

Good little mare!” she ponders, giggling inwardly.

As I had given my ascent; she produces the lip-balm, applying it to my upper and lower lips in turn. While I had not noticed it, she had swapped sides of the balm; separating the product, for the intended purpose she had in mind.

Mr. Checkov’s gun; ready to go off, when I choose to let it!” she ponders.

“There, how does it feel?” she inquires, purposefully leading me off of the chance, of realizing exactly what she had just done.

“Good!” I merely respond, as I am enjoying myself.

“Based on your natural colour palette, I have chosen the perfect blue for your lips!” she informs me, letting me know she understands the colour theory perfectly.

This metallic electric blue should be just right for her, and its highly elastic rubbery quality should fit my purpose just as perfectly!” she ponders, as she is applying the lip stick onto my lips.

She had applied the matching lip liner, before each step of the way; just as one should have been expecting, from a make-up artist.

“I will add just a hint of gloss, to your lips!” she informs me, before she continues.

I feel the moisturizing wetness of the viscous gel being applied onto my lips. She is finishing the process, by drawing a line along the outer border of my lips; this securely binding the effect onto my lips, drawing the outer border of the intended effect of her work.

That does feel good!” I realize; “I’m certain it will look, just as good as it feels!” I conclude.

“Would you like; for me to apply your eye-shadow, while I am at it?” she inquires, in her usual cooing voice.

“Yes, please!” I respond, rather emphatically; nodding my ascent, to the proposed offer.

“Then, by all means; I will give you the eye-shadow, while you continue to keep your eyes closed and relax!” she responds.

If she continues, in this fashion; I know, even Celestia and Luna would have been impressed!” I ponder.

She starts to apply the foundation, for the eye-shadow; from the rim of my eye-lashes, continuing further outwards. I feel the soft brush teasing my eye-lids, as she continues towards the outer limit of where she is intending to apply the eye-shadows. One soft stroke, after another.

I feel the effect thinning out towards the edge of the eye-shadows. Right and left, upper and lower.

Once she had finished applying the base for the eye-shadow, she promptly continues to apply the actual eye-shadow. It is a light electric blue, with metallic and pearl shimmer to it; fairly close to the original colour, I am commonly using. As a professional, she does have access to a wider range of more expensive products.

As she had finished applying the coloured eye-shadow, she starts to apply the final top-coating over the colour and thus effectively seals the effect of her work into place. Almost, as if it had been a tattoo; which it is not, of course.

For a moment; I feel a bright light, hitting my face. In the process, she had cured the product; almost as if it had been a gel hoof polish.

Odd..” I ponder; “But I am certain; she knows, what she is doing!” I conclude.

“Open your eyes, please!” she coos; as she had produced a mirror, she had placed before me.

I instinctively smile, at the mirror; even before I had even opened my eyes.

“Okay!” I respond; “Oooh!” I coo; as I see the reflection of my face, in the mirror she is presenting before me.

“How does it look?” she inquires.

“Beautiful!” I respond; “Maybe, just a bit on the glossy side; but you did get the colours just right, and I love it!” I continue.

“Close your eyes..” she coos; “I have a little bit more, for you to enjoy!” she offers.

“Oh, okay!” I respond; closing my eyes, once more.

Just as I had closed my eyes, I feel light in my face. While I had not realized it, just yet; I am incapable of opening my eyes now, and not just because I am relaxing. It does feel good, though.

Now I realize, there is a brush between my legs. While I do not yet know, it is coated with a gel identical to what she had used on my lips before. Now I feel the gel coating me, first on the right, then on the left.

Cool..” I ponder, smiling at the situation.

Now I feel a line of clear gel applied between my lips, from the right to the left; bonding my lips, thus partially fixating my smile in place. I also feel my lips being pulled together, as they contract slightly.

Strange..” I ponder, as I realize what is happening; “but surprisingly exciting, at the same time!” I realize.

The next moment, the process is repeated; only this time, it is the lips of my vagina that is exposed to the effect.

Distraction, and confusion has always been a great tactic of mine!” she ponders.

She is producing a can of gel, uncapping it; before she is dipping her brush into it, applying it onto my muzzle. I feel the cool, clear gel spreading out from the tip of my muzzle and outwards; as the gel is coating my entire muzzle and slowly turning my muzzle more and more elastic in the process.

Of course, I have her exactly where I want her; she can’t leave, or even utter a protest if she had not liked where I am taking her now!” she ponders.

She had been careful, not to let on what she was doing or where she was going; keeping me eagerly expecting, what she was giving me. Just that I had no idea, as to what she is in fact actually giving me.

This is oddly exciting..” I realize; “but I just can not put a hoof, on exactly how or why that is!” I conclude.

I will not be able to hide, what I am doing to her for much longer!” she is pondering.

“One small detail..” she coos, as she is inserting the squeaky robber-doll plug into my belly button.

She forgot to mention, how this plug comes with the corresponding valve. It is also possible to attach a leash, onto the plug; enabling her to walk me, like a dog.

Once she had inserted the plug, she is applying the master-bond gel along the outer rim of the plug; thus bonding the plug onto me, making it an integral part of my body. Not only that, she can connect other plugs to it, by using a corresponding slave-bond.

“Please, do not try to ignore this!” she offers; generously, as she is producing an anal plug.

“This is your key, to your head-space!” she informs me.

Head-space?” I ponder.

As the very tip of the plug is touching my rump, I find myself instinctively contracting firmly. The next moment, I feel it slipping in; making me contract more distinctly the further in the plug is. As she is pushing it in, she is opening me up wide. She is filling me up, minute by minute, as the plug slips in, inch by inch.

Oh! Oh, oh! Ooh, ooh! Oooohh-oooohh!” I ponder; as I am realizing, just how large this plug is.

The plug just keeps sliding further and further in, spreading me wider and wider as it continues slipping into me.

Just as it is slipping over its summit, I find myself contracting and effectively pulling the plug the rest of the way in. With that; I am filled to the brim, spread wide open. I am utterly incapable of pushing it out, where it had lodged itself deep inside me.

With the plug firmly and inescapably in place, she is applying the slave-bond along the rim of the plug; effectively bonding it onto me, making it into an integral part of my anatomy for the duration. At this point, she is coating the surface of the base of the plug with another gel.

Dilation Aid Gel” the label reads.

“There!” she points out; “Excellent, excellent!” she exclaims, in obvious excitement.

“That should keep your thoughts, from wondering off?” she inquires.

“Uhm, uhm!” I mumble inaudibly; since I can not part my lips at this point, since she had sealed my mouth securely.

“Then it is time!” she merely points out; as she is placing what appears to be a timer, on the floor before me.

She taps the top of the timer, with her right fore hoof.

Ten Minutes” the counter declares, as the time starts ticking down.

I hear a humming noise, as the first bolt of stimulation is hitting me on the outer surface of my still sealed orchid. As the tingling continues, I am finding myself growing excited. The excitement just keeps building up as the stimulation continues with the ticking of the clock before me.

Second by second, it marks the passing time; all the way up to the ten minutes, it had promised me.

The clock stops, and the buzzing ceases; just as the orgasm strikes, and the stimulation vanishes.

“If you don’t mind, I like to see you simmer in your own juices for a moment!” she explains.

While the stimulation may have ceased, I am still experiencing the orgasm, just as deep and intense as it had been, the instant it had struck home. Like this, the orgasm persists; staying just as intense, instant by instant. I feel the cyclic contractions, indicating the orgasm; over and over, second by second.

I am trapped, but it feels so good.

She is waiting, for what feels like forever to me; but is in fact just one hour, before she is hitting the top of the timer once more. Only this time, it is set to go for a full hour or sixty minutes.

I feel the tingling sensation once more, as the stimulation is once more driving me forwards and excitement is building up towards the designated crescendo. I find my orgasms contract harder and harder, with continuously shorter interval in between, as the seconds are ticking by.

As the excitement is building, I feel as if I had been made out of rubber; melting, as the temperature is rising.

At the sixty minute mark, the clock stops ´, and the stimulation ceases; just as I peak, finding myself completely orgasmic. In the orgasmic state, I am no longer aware of the plug inside; filling me up to the brim, as it maintains me fully open.

Since the stimulation stops all by itself, she is no longer required in the room; she had stepped out, taking my place. She is effectively impersonating me, as if I had left the room. Since she takes my place outside, no Pony is even aware of me. None is missing me; because they think I had left the spa before they close for the day.

In the orgasmic state, she had induced; I am not aware of the time passing, as if I had been nothing more than a rubber Ponnequine.

At the twenty four hour mark, she is extracting the plug inserted into my belly button; with that, the plug in my anal cavity is extracting itself and falls onto the floor behind me. I soon experience my climax, finding myself unconscious under the exhaustion she had exposed me to.

While I remain unconscious, the light aimed at my face has been turned off. Likewise, the bond holding my hooves in place had been broken. I had also been carried to a gurney, upon which I am permitted to sleep.

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