• Member Since 17th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Horizon Spark

Writing My Little Pony stories for you so I can one day become an amazing author! Please comment and tell me what you think.


Having worked as a guidance counselor for several long years, Trixie decides to have a chat with Starlight about how much things have changed, and how she'll never become the world famous magician she wanted to be.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 9 )

I want to believe that Trixie eventually matured and became a proper guidance counselor, despite the show not giving me much hope for that.

Yeh ,it gives a personal closure between these two than the show gives. being only a glimpse of their positions from the finale. This this
is nice

Me too kid.
That's a great way of putting it

Even if she doesn't think so, she can always make a comeback every once a moon?

Trixie sighed, “Oh, you know, helping students deal with the daily stress of school life. Talked to both Light Step and Burly Heart and made them both apologize to one another for their stupid argument. I think I’m getting closer to helping Gold Star get over her bigoted and super stubborn parents. Long story short; annoyingly busy...”

Guidance Counselors have an Oath of Confidentiality just like lawyers and doctors. Even with the vague language Trixie just violated it pretty severely here. The rule is that unless you believe someone represents an imminent danger to themselves or others you don’t discuss their cases at all with anyone, period.

Like Trixie ever cared for that type of thing. Good bet probably she doesn't even know what any of that stuff is. She only got that job because Starlight gave it to her, not because she was qualified.

This was cute! Part of growing up is learning to settle for less than Great-and-Powerfulness and find enough meaning in the life we are already living.

Her quitting magic tricks and being a boring old teacher and never being world famous is really heartbreaking!


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