• Published 18th Aug 2020
  • 461 Views, 0 Comments

Crystal Scholars - spacekatherine

After writing his book, Stygian decides to visit the Crystal Empire for a bit of relaxation- meaning research. He meets a certain Crystaller on the way...

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A shed for the night

Crystal Empire, Sunburst’s 1/3 house, 2/3 library

“Okay, so this might be the meaning centaur, but the picture shows a manticore... ARGH I DON’T UNDERSTAND” “Well, I’m not quite sure either... ah Faust I don’t get it at ALL!”

Exasperated sighs and exclamations could be heard from Sunburst’s house. If the Crystal Ponies strolling around were bothered by the sounds, they didn’t show it. A year of Sunburst had hardened their ‘ Sunburst Filter ‘ and they had learnt to ignore the frustrated yelling issuing from the Crystaller’s house.

In the house itself, it was a mess, with maps strewn haphazardly across the floor, books marked with multiple dog-ears ( Sunburst had given up on bookmarks years ago ) , scrolls with half-written runes, you name it. Sunburst usually excelled in organising ( supposedly ), meaning he got his cutie mark by levitating! But these days Sunburst was either researching, taking care of Flurry Heart, researching and eating, with just a small amount of sleep squeezed in.

Of course, not that Stygian minded. His ( now long-gone ) study had been quite similar to Sunburst’s what with his sister Hestia running around with her wooden sword. She used to pretend she was fighting dragons like the Pegasi Protectors, and during her ‘fights’ she often ruffled up all of Stygian’s papers, inkwells and generally left destruction in her wake. After a while, Stygian got used to it, and ignored every single time he had to re-write his notes because Hestia spilled his inkwell on his notebooks.

So, it was safe to say that both Stygian and Sunburst were quite happy and contented screaming and tearing their manes out over difficult theories on inter-dimensional travel laws and indecipherable treaties written in Old Ponish.
In fact, they didn’t realise that the sun had set, spreading orange-pink strands of light across the inky purple sky. Stygian had yet to visit Mistmane, and he had not found a place of lodging thanks to his detour with Sunburst on the dragon-pony treaty of Year 100 BC ( Before Celestia ). Stygian looked up, and sighed as he realised he had nowhere to stay for the night as he had been so engrossed in the research.

“Hey, umm, Sunburst? I think, I mean, can I sleep here for the night, I think I forgot to find a place of lodging. I mean- if it doesn’t bother you of course-“ Stygian mumbled to Sunburst. Sunburst nodded vigorously.

“Why, of course! I was so excited that I forgot to find you a place to stay! You can stay here for your whole stay if you want, I don’t mind.”


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