• Published 19th Aug 2020
  • 2,327 Views, 67 Comments

My Anthroponic Reincarnation Story [On Pause except for Summer] - TheOneAndOnlyRhyanSparks

Some days you're just minding your own business... Me? Well... I died. Kinda. However, instead of hoping for reincarnation, something weird and magical summoned my friend and I to another world... Full... Of... ANTHROPONIES.

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[8] Definitely NOT Getting Some Answers....

The warmth of a thick duvet was the first thing I felt when I woke up. Followed by something resting across my stomach. With my head feeling a little sore, I let out a soft groan, but the arm doesn’t budge.

It’s amazing how this world has not just an abundance of magical items and magical creatures, but also mystical and ethereal beings that are part of their modern history and not in any myths and folklore.

‘Hey Cal, come here real quick!’ Rue squealed, like she had just found something amazing, just before I heard a squeaking of wheels from somewhere outside the kitchen with a soft hum mixed in with it.

‘Coming Rue!’ I yelled back, grabbing my current and only hoodie off the back of the chair.

As I quickly plodded my way towards wherever I heard her voice come from, my ears were filled by a childish giggle and a flash of yellow light from around the corner. The sounds seemed to come from behind the staircase, but the humming now seems to have stopped.

I slowly and quietly took gentle steps as I attempted to sneak up on where I thought she was, but when I jumped around the corner, I was greeted by a weird pedestal with a receding glow of light coming from an embedded crystal. It looked like it was half reflecting my current location, but mostly showing a view of somewhere above the stairs. I heard a soft giggle emanating from it, but also a louder and clearer one from the floor above.

‘Bet you can’t find me!’ Floated down the stairs, the bubbly undertone making her sound like she was on a sugar high with her laugh following shortly after.

That was it. I took off for the stairs, but turned around half-way up while making my footsteps sound louder as I went back down. I don’t know why, but I definitely guessed correctly at where I thought she was going to be. My annoyed yet playful grin quickly gets wider and turns up at the sides as I snuck back to the pedestal. Luck was on my side; she appeared with her back to me after a brief flash of the same light from earlier.

‘Betcha can’t f-- GAH!!

‘Oh you’re in for it now, you cheeky girl!’ I chortled, grabbing her sides from behind and tickling her sides with strong intent.

Neither of us had noticed our front door had swung open slightly, but before I knew it, I was on the floor. One seconds, I was playfully tickling Rue, the next I was on my back, arms pinned to the floor and being straddled by the young, blue-furred flyer as she held me down with more strength than I gave her credit for. Her stare was actually a little bit intimidating, despite her impulsive and tomboy-ish attitude.

What do you think you’re doing?’ she spoke, while her strong attitude withered her tone from annoyed to ... something I couldn’t put my mind to. ‘I-it‘s not ... W-what were y-you going to do to her?’

Both Dash and I looked up after a bright yet rather small flash of white light. I recognised the light, but I was still surprised by it. Luckily, it avoided the awkward situation, but our cheeks still glowed a little as Dash was quicker to react to the flash.

‘Woah, woah woah, hold up! What is that?!’

‘This? It’s a phone.’ Rue replied nonchalantly, tucking it back into a pocket inside her recently obtained and fashionable top.

‘No way, I thought phones were large and bulky like the one Twilight invented!’

‘Wait, they have the equivalent of phones from our twentieth century?!’ I found myself thinking, before Dash gestured her hand gently towards me and thus pulling me up to my feet.

‘Heh, um, sorry for knocking you over like that.’ She said, lifting herself into the air with her wings. ‘I also didn’t mean to barge in on you two.’ A noticeable glow spread across her cheeks appeared before she left abruptly in a rush of wind.

‘Well that was different.’

Turning around, I see Rue looking at her phone. Most likely looking at the picture with Dash and I stuck in a very awkward position. Walking back behind her wheelchair, I rubbed her shoulder with my right hand while we both looked at her phone screen.

‘I’ve never known Dash to be one to break herself away that slowly from a situation like that. Like she’s not as tomboyish as I remember her being.’

‘True, but like you mentioned before, you did mention that this world is entirely different to the one we all know about.’ I shift my hand so my thumb rubs a knot I found on her back.

‘Mmm… Yeah, I did say that, didn’t I?’ Her voice turned very soft, causing me to giggle quietly.

As she put her phone away, we both agreed to keep our smartphones out of sight. Especially since Dash has probably told Twilight by now what Rue was up to. Helping her down the two stairs, we then both made our way towards the centre of the city-like place of Ponyville. Which, stupidly, is still known as a village, not a town or city.

The trip took a few minutes, but we were still being given a few odd looks from everyone around us. One pair of girls were walking our way and they both seemed very animated in their conversation. There wasn’t much space on the sidewalk for all of us and I was worried they wouldn’t notice us. Being wrapped up in conversation like they were.

‘Hey, uhm… Melody? You too Octavia. I know you two love your music, but could you be dears and let us through?’ Rue coaxed, after getting their attention.

The looks of surprise on both their faces, immediately cut the conversation. Octavia was first to react by moving aside while pushing Melody from behind. Once we passed, the two of them immediately burst into conversation once we were out of earshot.

The walk to Sugercube Corner was slow but peaceful. Rue was in her element, replying to anybody offering their sympathy for whatever landed her in the wheelchair. Upon arrival, I immediately got the feeling I was being watched, but it quickly disappeared after I felt a giddy, chaotic feel to them.

Upon entering and after ordering, with these weird gold-like coins commonly known as “bits”, a flash of purple appeared through the window. Twilight’s signature arrival. Annoyingly, Rue isn’t the only one in here with a wheelchair. There were at least three others in them. Definitely different to the world Rue remembers.

‘Hey Rue, Twilight’s outside. Fluttershy’s with her too.’ I say, after I finished a long sip of my coffee. I ordered decaf, to be on the safe side.

‘Oh okay! Let’s go meet them.’ She replied, hoping to finish her latte before we went outside.

Walking outside, Fluttershy flinched a little from Rue’s energetic “hello” as we made our way over, but gently waved in response after quickly and visibly relaxing.

‘Hey you two! I heard what happened with Rainbow Dash and although I find it a little funny myself, I think she forgot to mention that I was finally looking to talk with you.’ Twilight spoke.

‘Oh, okay.’ Rue and I replied in sync, earning a warm grin from both Twilight and a smaller but cuter one from Fluttershy.

Nope, Rue’s your girl.’ I thought, scratching behind my left ear. ‘Although, I guess it’s okay to call Fluttershy cute?

Without me even noticing, Twilight had enveloped us in a teleportation spell. This was my first time experiencing it while awake. I had been teleported while asleep, but I can’t remember any other time than now when I teleported I felt a heavy, nauseous, burning sensation coming up my throat. I felt a hand on my shoulder, as I was guided quickly to an open door, or window; I wasn't paying much attention to where I was going.

Luckily, I didn’t actually vomit, but I was definitely feeling the urge to heave badly. Truth be told, I was wondering what the feeling was like for the ponies who could teleport. I’ve only ever seen Twilight and I think two others who were able to teleport.

One thing that’s different in this reality compared to Rue’s memories is the fact that there are indeed modern-ish toilets, but outdated to what we used daily before, using a gravity fed system. I was unfortunate enough to be guided to one once the nauseous feeling hit again. This time, it was because Twilight had teleported with me to a spare bathroom.

One thing I’m sure I’ll never get used to, is the not-so-instantaneous teleportation that Rue had seen on the television show. Cleaning my mouth out with a large glass of water, courtesy of the young dragon named Spike, I found myself being guided to a large room with an arrangement of crystal-like seats with royally coloured cushions that matched the tattoos Rue told me were each of their “Cutie Marks”.

In the time we’ve been here, Rue’s tours have calmed down a lot since her first two weeks of an emotional high. I have also got used to being around Spike. Rue calls him an adorable baby dragon. At least that's what Twilight and Rue immediately agreed on. He did have a growth spurt session a while ago, followed by an evolution-like stage, but if it weren’t for his scales, fire breath and tail, he could easily pass for a young boy who just started his teenage years.

‘So, I had asked you here to hopefully answer some of your questions and for you to answer some of mine, but your reaction to my teleportation spell was a little unexpected. I was not expecting it at all if I’m to be perfectly honest.’ Twilight stated embarrassingly, her cheeks gaining a soft pink flush as I felt a hand on my leg.

‘It’s okay, she was just a little excited and impatient about getting a propeller chance to talk to us.’ Spoke Rue, as she moved her hand to hold mine. ‘You’ll feel better soon. Just hang in there for now, ‘kay?’ The slight worry in her tone made me relax and simply nod in response.

Taking another look at Rue, her pale yet determined face holding back her own discomfort. Her discreet holding of her own stomach unfortunately didn’t go unnoticed when Fluttershy leaned towards Twilight and whispered something to her. With a quick nod, Fluttershy came over. With a short and very quiet conversation I could barely hear, Rue was wheeled off.

She returned with a more relaxed face that had a bit more colour in it. I guess she was feeling the same way I was after that awkward teleportation.

‘Thank you, Fluttershy. I really needed that.’ Rue thanked Fluttershy as she got wheeled back beside me.

‘Um, don’t mention it.’ She replied timidly, rushing over to a comfy looking stool I hadn’t noticed previously.

‘So I’m glad you two have managed to settle down here in Ponyville rather quickly.’ Twilight began, as Spike joined Fluttershy on the stool as he grabbed a notepad and pencil from somewhere. ‘I’ve been giving you some distance since you arrived and from the looks of it, Rue has been rather successful in some interesting relationships with my fellow ponies here.’

‘That I have.’ Rue gushed. ‘It’s been so wonderful making friends here.’ She added, which made the room itself feel like it radiated her happiness all around.

‘I’ve been waiting a while, but I think now is a good time to start talking about your … uhhh…’

‘Their “arrival”, right, Twilight?’ Fluttershy whispered loudly enough for all to hear.

A slow but noticeable chill ran through the room. Like the positive life force it previously had was sucked dry. This was something I was personally dreading, as the imagery of the horrific scene I saw of Rue and I in the Everfree Forest was still strongly imprinted in my memory.

‘I know it’s a hard topic, but it would be nice to know what it was that brought you to appear there.’ Twilight continued, while Spike wrote into his notepad.

‘Well, I can’t really say anything, but Calvin should be able to tell you more about what happened. He’s told me snippets of what he can remember.’ Rue replied as her hand reached out and grabbed mine, while smiling softly at me.

Bracing myself for this conversation, I took a few long inhales and exhales of air, before starting off my retelling of the events that I encountered. This time, I just let the memory of it flow through my head as I recalled the details. Rather vividly, might I add. From the weird floating orbs floating and flashing in the forest, to the fighting Timberwolves. I also included the female and the pup with the odd, purple eyes before I fell unconscious again.

'The event just felt so surreal. I don't know what it was I was feeling or seeing, but it was extremely overwhelming. That's pretty much everything I can remember at the minute.' I concluded, looking down from a spot on the ceiling I found myself staring at during the entire spiel.

Twilight's face seemed to express both an intent for knowledge of our world, but also compassion and worry. Fluttershy had both her hands covering her mouth, two wet streaks flowing down her cheeks as her eyes were almost flooded with tears. Even Spike was under the same emotional distress as Fluttershy, but he was holding it a lot better than she was. That was when the timid girl got up from her seat after what felt like ages as she trotted over to us.

'Oh sweet Celestia, I'm so sorry for making you recall that, Cal.' Twilight responded after the awkwardly long pause.

"I'm so sorry." Fluttershy whispered, grabbing my shoulders before she hugged me tightly.

I was a little startled, but I slowly returned the hug with my arms at a slightly awkward angle from our positions. After a while, with Rue’s help, I did have to pry her off a little after it started to feel uncomfortable. Her timid behaviour caused her to rush back over to her seat and hide behind her mane.

If I had looked at just the right angle, I possibly could’ve seen her cheeks glowing strongly. Unfortunately, my position at the other side of the round table made it hard to tell if she was blushing that hard.

‘Okay, so we’ve covered a rather … emotional recalling of something. Which I do apologise for.’ Twilight mentioned, after she added her apology once again. ‘But I sense that you’re just covering the start of it all.’

‘Something like that.’ I admitted with a small sigh, rubbing my head from a headache that was brewing. ‘I don’t know if you know anything about it, but are Timberwolves able to evolve?’

‘I’m prettier sure they can’t ev... Wait, they evolved?! HOW?!’ Twilight exclaimed, her sudden interest on the subject making her stand up very quickly, slamming her hands on the table.

Just like on the show, both Fluttershy and Spike facepalm loudly.

‘Aheheh… sorry.’ Twilight apologised, rubbing her head.

She quickly recovered from her outburst with a few forced coughs.

‘Speaking of apologies, I’m sorry for that reaction to you earlier, Spike. I wasn’t entirely expecting to actually meet a young dragon.’ I stated, my eyes softening after I looked over at him. ‘No offense of course.’ I added hastily, scratching my head.

‘Eh, none taken. Besides, I’ve had plenty of reactions like that long into the past. I’m fine with it.’ He replied, shrugging. ‘Wasn’t expecting you to faint though!’

I laughed and took that as a sign that it was just water under the bridge. I looked from Spike to Fluttershy and she appeared to be anxiously daydreaming, stroking her hair at the same time.

‘Umm, Fluttershy?’ I softly inquired, hoping to get her attention.

‘Eep! Um… Oh, sorry.’ She quietly yelped, somehow. ‘What did you want to ask me?’ She replied softly, her attention now focused on me.

‘I was wanting to ask you about that godly stare you gave me back in the hospital. How did you do that?!’ I asked incredulously.

‘Well, um....’ She hesitated, her anxiety flaring up visibly as she hid behind her mane even more than before. Her sudden shyness made her response barely audible for both of us.

‘She said she was sorry and that it was a force of habit from working there with troublesome creatures.’ Answered Twilight, who had placed a .... hand? hoof? Oh whatever, hand gently on Fluttershy’s exposed shoulder. ‘After all, she helps out there with the other animals who are a bit more challenging when they obviously need the help.’ A grimace slowly appeared on her face as a shocked one grew onto mine while our eyes stayed locked together.

There was one thing in her explanation that clicked in my head, because it really stood out. As we broke eye contact, I didn’t say a word. My eyes quickly locked with Rue’s eyes as I turned to check her reaction. It’s 100% likely we both thought the exact same words while our faces paled from the shock:

Wait… That hospital is for ANIMALS?!