• Published 19th Nov 2021
  • 610 Views, 15 Comments

Flutter-Bolt - Shadowmane PX-41

Having seen Rainbow Dash spend so much time as a Wonderbolt, she wondered what it must be like; to soar through the air as one.

  • ...

Plucking Up Courage

The next day at Wonderbolt Academy, all of the Pegasi there were training hard as they could. Both the veterans who were training for their upcoming shows and the newest batch of recruits looking to stake their claim as a Wonderbolt themselves. For both sides, the training was rigorous, demanding, and above all, it was designed to test all of their limits. And while some ponies could handle the pressures and stresses of training, there were others who just couldn’t handle it.

For Fluttershy, however, she knew that upon seeing the grounds for the academy, that a lump would form in her throat if she tried to get any closer. She knew full well that the life of a Wonderbolt was a far cry from what she was used to. Especially with how high up the training site was in general and how far down the ground was. Still, Fluttershy knew that fear would just be controlling her if she backed down now. No. She wanted to fly like Rainbow Dash. She wanted to fly with Rainbow Dash. And if being a Wonderbolt meant that she had to take on some of the hardest things a pegasus would ever have to undertake, then she was more than willing to accept the risk and face the challenge head-on.

Fluttershy flew towards the site. The lump in her throat formed as soon as her hooves touched the ground. But still, she pressed on towards the academy building and pushed the doors wide. She could see more recruits inside, some of them already dressed in their uniforms. With aviator goggles on their heads held together by elastic. Fluttershy could already see herself in a similar outfit, with a similar pair of goggles on her head. But for now, she put the thought out of her mind and walked on, towards a sign that read ‘recruitment’.

“Okay. This is it, Fluttershy. You’re going to join the academy.” She took some deep breaths as she trotted through the academy halls, moving closer and closer to the recruitment rooms that had been signed for her. “You’re going to fly just like Rainbow Dash. You can do this. That’s right. I can do this. I can do this…”

Finally, she reached the door for the recruitment rooms, her hoof shaking slightly as she reached for the knob, hanging and shuddering in place for a few seconds as her mind stalled. “Wait… Wonderbolts are the best of the best for a reason. What if… I’m not the best?” She asked herself, looking at the knob and the sign one more time. “What if I’m not as good a flier as they want me to be?” Fluttershy let the thought stew in her head, already picturing what the Wonderbolts would say about her, both personality-wise and in regards to her flying skills. After all, Fluttershy was afraid of heights, among many other things. And a fear of heights was never present in any of the Wonderbolts, both past and present.

“No. No. This is what my mind wants me to think.” Fluttershy took one more deep breath and jabbed her hoof for the door handle, gripping it as tight as she could. “My mind wants me to think that I’m scared; that I’m not gonna achieve anything because I’ve got a fear of heights. But being a Wonderbolt like Rainbow Dash helps you to conquer those fears. Maybe… maybe this’ll be just what I need, to finally fly freely, to never have to be scared of heights again. I just need to be brave here and now!”

Fluttershy pushed the door open so hard that it slammed against the wall it was attached to. She jumped slightly at the sudden noise, her brace facade shattering for a brief moment, before she took one more deep breath and resurrected that brave face of hers and walked into the recruitment office. It was a small room with cyan-coloured walls and cloudy theming around the roof and floor. There were posters on the wall advertising the Wonderbolts and the academy itself. With a few accolades and medals nearby. Most importantly, there was a desk where a pegasus was sifting through papers, trying to check the status of some of the recruits on site. It was a long and laborious job, as so many aspects of ponies needed to be checked and compared with others, to find the best ones for the job.

“I’d like to join the academy!” Fluttershy belted out from the other end of the room, trying to grab the pegasus’s attention, before walking closer to the desk and speaking in her usual soft tone. “If, uh, that’s alright with you…”

“You wanna be a Wonderbolt? Well, it’s not gonna be easy, believe me.” The pegasus spoke with a very familiar voice. “The Wonderbolts only pick the best of the best, but still, everybody’s gotta have a fair shot, so why don’t you tell me a bit about… your…” the Pegasus looked up, revealing its’ rainbow mane, light blue coat, and magenta eyes. “Wait… FLUTTERSHY?!” Rainbow Dash’s eyes shrank when she saw just who was signing up to be a Wonderbolt.

“Mmhmm.” She nodded, her face staying stoic as she stood before Rainbow Dash. “I’d like to be a Wonderbolt, Rainbow Dash.”

“Uh, well, I-I-I-I, uh…” Rainbow Dash was used to handling any kinds of problems, no matter how big or small they were. But when it came to Fluttershy being a Wonderbolt, that was a new one for her. Especually since she knew how timid Fluttershy could be at times. “Fluttershy, are you sure that this is what you want?” Rainbow Dash asked first and foremost, whispering as she leaned over the desk. “I mean, being a Wonderbolt recruit, you’re gonna get yelled at a lot. The Wonderbolts don’t just take any pegasus they can find, you know. I became a Wonderbolt purely because of my hard work, bravery, and for how good I am at flying.”

“I know. In fact, it’s one of the main reasons why I want to join the Wonderbolts in general.” Fluttershy just smiled as she took a seat on the stool by Rainbow Dash’s desk. “Being a Wonderbolt means that you leave your fear behind. That you feel strong enough to fly like nobody’s watching. Being with you and the rest of our friends has really helped to build up my bravery. And now, I think my bravery’s big and strong enough to warrant me trying out for the Wonderbolts, don’t you think?”

“I mean, it’s great that you’re trying out and all and I’d be more than happy to make sure you get a spot as a recruit. But…” Rainbow Dash’s face fell. “Well, I can’t say that I recommend it, Fluttershy. Wonderbolt training is super excessive. Like, we practice EVERYTHING multiple times until we get it right. And I know how frail you can be at times.”

“Oh, I know that part. Being a Wonderbolt, the best is expected out of both its’ recruits and its’ main members.” Fluttershy kept on smiling as she looked into Rainbow Dash’s eyes. “You, Spitfire, Soarin’, Fleetfoot, and all the other big names on the Wonderbolt industry. I know none of you would settle for less; not for anything.”

“So knowing that, you still wanna take part in being a Wonderbolt? Even when you know just how much is gonna be asked of you?” Rainbow Dash tilted her head to the side. “Even with all the yelling, being compared to other recruits, and with the potential that you might not even cut it for the big shows and being a proper Wonderbolt?”

“Of course. If I don’t at least try, then I may never know. Plus, isn’t it better to just try and fail than to never try at all?” Fluttershy asked, trying to lift Rainbow Dash’s spirits a little. Seeing her that distraught wasn’t something she was used to, so she knew that she had to show some kindness to a pony who was struggling to choose where her loyalties lay. “Besides, I won’t be too upset that I failed the tests, or that I’m lesser than anypony else. At least, at the very end, I gave it a try. And that’s what I think counts more than anything else.”

“I mean, when you put it like that…” Rainbow Dash knew full well what Fluttershy was about to get herself into. While Rainbow had been brave enough to face what had happened in the academy and how Fluttershy had been there to support and assist her, this was the first time that Fluttershy would have been taking on the training program for herself; being subjected to all the regimes, exercises, circuits, and everything else that went with them. Still, her words were rattling around in Rainbow’s head. Fluttershy was at least brave enough to step out of her comfort zone and try being a Wonderbolt. On that merit alone, knowing Fluttershy for as long as she did, Rainbow Dash had to give her the benefit of the doubt. “Oh, to heck with it. Why not?” Rainbow Dash eventually cracked a smile. “Sure, Fluttershy. I can get you signed up. But I’m gonna warn you. You’re not gonna be let off easy and just because we’ve saved Equestria so many times doesn’t mean that you deserve any special treatment; not even from me. If you wanna be a Wonderbolt, you’re gonna have to earn it. You’ll have to prove to me and the other pegasi here that you deserve to be a Wonderbolt, that you want this even more than the others around you.”

“Of course. I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Fluttershy gave a nod.

“Alright. Well, first things first, you’re gonna need a recruit’s uniform. We can figure out the rest of the details later.” Rainbow Dash flapped her wings and flew a short flight over the desk, landing by Fluttershy’s side. “Besides, all this paperwork’s not my kinda deal. I’ve just gotta do it when I’m not out there training others or flying with the other Wonderbolts.” She wrapped a hoof around Fluttershy’s shoulders. “Now, c’mon. Let’s get you dressed up, Fluttershy.”

And on that note, both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash left the recruitment office together. For Rainbow Dash, it was still a surreal thought that Fluttershy, the scaredy-cat of her group of friends, was willing to become a Wonderbolt. If it had been Twilight, Rarity, or even Applejack, then she wouldn’t have been as weirded out; especially since most of the rest of her friends didn’t have any wings.

As for Fluttershy, she was surprised to see that Rainbow Dash was handling her orientation. But it was a surprise that she welcomed nonetheless. She had thought that she would have been oriented by one of the other big-name Wonderbolts, or a Wonderbolt she hadn’t even heard of before. Seeing that it was Rainbow Dash guiding her through these times was a sight and feeling that gave her already growing courage one more boost. Now, she was convincing herself that this would work; that she would make a stellar Wonderbolt and fly by Rainbow Dash’s side. The fame and fortune stuff, she would come too later. For now, she had to focus on the here and now.

After one long walk, the two pegasi arrived at the locker rooms of the Wonderbolt Academy. Large, dark blue lockers were seen lining the walls; marked with names and sealed by padlocks. There were also benches in the middle of the room that tired pegasi could have used to rest their bodies after such an intense session or two. But as it stood right now, the locker rooms were empty apart from Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash’s presences.

Rainbow Dash was dressed in her Wonderbolt clothes. A traditional full-blue outfit with a yellow breast and lines around the middle of her hooves. As for Fluttershy, she was dressed in much similar clothes, though the colour was much more noticeable on her than it was on Rainbow Dash; the blue contrasting against her yellow coat. The only noticeable difference was that she was wearing a badge on said coat.

“Looks good, doesn’t it?” Rainbow Dash asked as Fluttershy examined herself in the mirror, looking at her clothes from all sides. “A Wonderbolt’s uniform is tight-fitting so that it doesn’t snag on anything or drag down your flight speed. It’s not just there to make you look like a pro flier.”

“I can… feel it.” Fluttershy wasn’t used to the tightness of the Wonderbolt uniform, and she shuffled and shimmied around, trying to get used to the feeling of the fabric pressing itself against her. “I’m sure I’ll get used to it.”

“Yeah. You will.” Rainbow Dash commented. “Now, it’s not just about looking the part, but also handling your outfit. Fold it up neatly, with the badge on top. That’s how recruits usually leave their uniforms when they’re not wearing them. Believe me. Spitfire will blister your ears if you’re not folding it right.”

“I’ll be sure to follow the rules. I’m pretty good at trying to avoid trouble.” Fluttershy made a soft chuckle as she looked into Rainbow’s eyes again. “So, when do we start?”

“Well, you’ve got the outfit, so the first order of business for a new recruit is to get themselves squared away with a drill sergeant.” Rainbow Dash explained as the two pegasi made their way towards the doors. “Now, normally, Spitfire would be handling those duties. But today, she’s on urgent business in Canterlot, so she’s asked Soarin’ to take over in her absence. Now, he’s not gonna make it any easier. If anything, he’s gonna be a heck of a lot different to the Soarin’ you’re used to.”

“Right.” Fluttershy just nodded.

“Now, the good news is, you’re not gonna be alone. Pegasi at the Wonderbolt Academy are trained in groups, so you’ll be with other recruits too. Some of ‘em might be just as nervous as you are, but they’re all just as strong and brave as you, Fluttershy.” Rainbow Dash patted Fluttershy on the back and walked with her out to the training site, where some of the pegasi were already gathered together. “For drills, just keep quiet unless spoken to, and speak like you’re ready to go. And though they might seem mean, it’s best to just go along with it. They want the best for you. And sometimes, you’ve gotta be cruel to be kind.”

“Of course.” Fluttershy walked towards the other recruits waiting by the landing strip. Pegasi of different shapes and sizes, with different mane styles, Cutie Marks, and colours, all united by the same uniform that she was wearing.

No sooner had Fluttershy made it to the group that a different voice called out to them. A voice belonging to a male pony.

“Alright, recruits! Fall in!” Soarin’ shouted, as everyone immediately sped into line, with Fluttershy being the last to form said line. She was also a step behind the others, so shuffled forward as Soarin’ examined the new batch of recruits. “Now I know being a Wonderbolt’s a high-profile job, and that you’re all here for different reasons,” he started, pacing in front of the ponies. “Some of you might think you’re here for fame and fortune. Others because they wanna be part of something bigger than themselves. And maybe some of you are here to face your fears…” He said, walking in front of Fluttershy. “But! Being a Wonderbolt doesn’t just happen in one day. We’re going to find what makes you mess up, and keep on training you not to mess up, over and over again until you never mess up. And if that’s not your kinda thing, you’re better off quitting right here, right now…” He turned around, gazing at the crew. “So! Any of you wanna quit?”

“Sir! No, sir!” The other pegasi all called loudly at exactly the same time, while Fluttershy just jumped at the shouting.

“What about you, new kid?” Soarin’ asked as he approached Fluttershy. “You sure that you’re cut out for this job? You look like your hooves barely even leave the ground any…” He then realised just who was on his recruit line. “Wait, wait, wait. Fluttershy? What are you doing here?”

“I’m here to be a Wonderbolt, Soarin’.” She replied, swallowing her fear as Soarin’ stared deep into her. Then, she looked back at Rainbow Dash, then to the other ponies and said, “I-I-I mean, I’m here to be a Wonderbolt, Soarin’, sir!” She yelled, sweat dropping off of her forehead.

“I’m just as surprised as you are, Soarin’.” Rainbow Dash commented as she walked up to Soarin’. “But Fluttershy insisted that she wanted to be a Wonderbolt, and it goes against recruitment protocol to turn down a pegasus for Wonderbolt training.”

“I’m aware, Rainbow Dash.” Soarin’ took a few steps so that he and Rainbow Dash could speak in private. “But, uh, well, Fluttershy’s not as hardened as most recruits. Training her into a Wonderbolt’s probably going to be impossible!”

“Still, she came all this way, so we’ve gotta give her a fair shot like all the rest.” Rainbow commented, giving Fluttershy another glance as she stood there, looking at the other recruits in the line, adjusting her posture and position to match the others. “Besides, she says she doesn’t want any special treatment. She wants to be treated like anypony else who wants to be a Wonderbolt. I think she knows just what she’s getting into, despite her nervousness.”

“Well, I’m not one to argue. But Fluttershy’s one of your friends. And I know how important your loyalty is to her as well as us. I just don’t want you to get torn between a rock and a hard place,” said Soarin’.

“Soarin’. We’ll probably talk about this later. But Fluttershy’s already made her position to me quite clear. So for now, just treat her like you would anyone else in that line-up,” commented Rainbow Dash. “No Spirit of Kindness stuff, no Saviour of Equestria, just Fluttershy. Recruit Fluttershy. And that’s it.” She then walked off. “For now, I need to get back to my work. As you were.” She commented, before walking off, whispering one last thing to Fluttershy as she went through the line of recruits. “Good luck, Fluttershy…” she whispered before heading back to the building.

“Alright…” Soarin’ watched Rainbow Dash leaving and, once she had, he shook his head a bit to psyche himself back up. “As I was saying. A Wonderbolt’s gotta handle anything, no matter how hard it might be. You might think it’s tough. You might think it’s unfair. And you may even cry over it.” That last comment was directed to Fluttershy in particular, as his eyes were cast into hers. “But that’s what we want to help you overcome. So to start, we’re going to see just how good that stamina of yours is. I want five-hundred laps of the perimeter, on the double!” He barked.

“Sir, yes sir!” The group of recruits all called together. Then, when Soarin’ blew a whistle around his neck, the pegasus recruits all took to the air, with Fluttershy swift off of the ground as well.

Now, Wonderbolt Academy was large, so a few laps would have been fine for pegasi. Maybe a hundred would have been enough. But no. These pegasi were all going for five-hundred; a big ask for anyone who wasn’t used for flying long distance. It demanded stamina, willpower, and determination to make it beyond a hundred. The recruits all still flew as hard as they could, counting off the laps as they raced past the landing strip over and over again, their wings flapping back and forth over and over again.

As for Fluttershy, she knew that she was going to be in for a lot of hard work. She had flown around in circles a few times and flown for her life, but never had she flown for such a rigorous work-out like this. Especially given the size of the site itself. Knowing that she was being watched by Soarin’, and with how much five-hundred laps would have taken out of her, she was already envisioning failing or crashing, or making another blunder that would have been unfavourable for her. The laps went on and on, with Fluttershy now in the hundreds. She could feel her wings were on fire, her breath starting to shorten, and her body shaking from fatigue. At any point, she could have given up there and then.

But she had thought back on everything she had done; the number of good deeds she had done for her friends and the creatures that she had met in her life. Not to mention the fate-of-the-world scenarios she had been caught up in. Compared to everything that she had seen, done, and experienced, this was nothing more than just flying around in a circle. And because she knew she had done more, Fluttershy focused herself, picked up the pace, took deep controlled breaths, and forged on regardless.

Four-hundred and ninety-five, four-hundred and ninety-six, four-hundred and ninety-seven, four-hundred and ninety-eight. Four-hundred and ninety-nine. Just one more lap to go. Fluttershy circled the site one more time, her wings aching and her body on fire from how much she had given to this workout. But it would have all been worth it in the end. The landing strip came into view, and she drove down towards it. Closer and closer the asphalt came, until at last, Fluttershy skidded her hooves against it and stood up proud before Soarin’, breathing heavily as she looked him in the eye and said “F-Fi… Five-hundred laps complete, sir!” She said, saluting with a hoof.

She actually did it… Soarin’ did everything in his power to keep his mouth from dropping to the ground. Fluttershy of all ponies had just done five-hundred laps of the site in training to become a Wonderbolt. And she looked like she was ready for more. As he watched Fluttershy taking her place as the other recruits continued their laps, he couldn’t help but crack a small grin. Maybe you’ve got the guts to be a Wonderbolt after all, Fluttershy. But still, better safe than sorry…

Comments ( 10 )

Fluttershy is doing pretty good as a Wonderbolt recruit and passed her five hundred laps. I hope she'll manage to try out the Dizzitron. Be bold, be brave enough to be your true self.

So far so good, Fluttershy. But will you be able to make it all the way through to the end?

You got this Flutters!


If Fluttershy is going to pass the Dizzitron then my answer is that she'll have to gather all the courage inside herself in order to make a smooth landing without any dizziness. True courage is a result of reasoning. A brave mind is always impregnable.

The Dizzitron would certainly be well beyond anything she's ever experienced. Though after the level of improvement she had made over the course of "Hurricane Fluttershy", her rising to that challenge would not be particularly implausible.

Though this story has me curious about the Wonderbolts' admission standards. The opening of "Wonderbolts Academy" implied that there one had to meet actual standards to attend the academy, but then when Spitfire orders everypony to do 500 laps, we see Bulk Biceps struggling to take off. Either their admissions standards are far lower than had been previously implied, or Spitfire thought it would be amusing to see him try.

I see you make your point. It will be very impressive for Fluttershy to see how fast she's going to do.

Comment posted by Phetiamwantip deleted Dec 16th, 2022
Comment posted by Phetiamwantip deleted Apr 7th, 2023

Hey, ShadowMane PX-41 I'm so hooked with your Flutter-Bolt story. I'll be hoping to see more of your upcoming chapters and remember: Believe in yourself, be persistent, and don't let anyone break your confidence.

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