• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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427. Midgar Meltdown Pt.6.

-Midgar Plains, Battlefield assessment-

Mirage Mew sent out their reinforcements after showing up temporarily, before retreating back to holding the surrounding realms back and away from flooding all over Pom’s forces.

The support of the Mirage Collective came in the form of rushing rhinoceroses, armored kangaroos and flying fish dragon Pokémon, all digital entities brought in to tear the enemy a new one.

One melee rush down specialist in the rhino’s, they could get around the battlefield quickly provided they were given running space and could deal with most of the tougher threats one on one. They were the quadrupedal Rhyhorn, the slightly more armored and bipedal Rhydon and the thickly armored Rhyperior that were taking on the most dangerous targets. The Rhyperior in particular were using a move called Rock Wrecker to throw humongous boulders without the aid of a catapult to launch them, they were the brute force that matched the enemy EPs Brute force head on.

The tall toughed hided kangaroo’s provided a lot anti-infantry offensive power with moves like Avalanche, Earthquake and Bulldoze to blast the Trooper EPs or other weaker common EPs apart in large swaths. They would tear the ground apart under the heavier combat machinery on the offensive to immobilize or slow them down for other allies to deal with in an easier manner. They also made effective mobile defensive walls with the Protect move for the numerous explosive projectiles being launched by the enemy’s limited artillery platforms that were hastily fielded after the wall cannons self-destructed from forced overclocking. These were the Khangaskahns and they were quickly trying to form up a defensive line with Castle Alexander that had stalled in its movements on the battlefield once the current inhabitants of the castle were made aware of a glaring problem with pressing the gates of Midgar.

The last were monster providing raw aerial power to the battlefield and even more offensive might to the battlefield by clearing the sudden influx of aerial Heli-troopers, Moon Cell Watchers and a few gunships that deployed from Midgar to deal with the sudden invasion of Skein Flyer wielding Rider Zealots. These all terrain terror beasts that specialized in being enraged, while being capable of fighting in water, the air or on land, the ones that tore the enemy out of the air were the Mirage Collective version of a Gyarados.

Harmony Program Forces was being led directly by Pinkpie.exe, her friends were not on the battlefield and were still in Mare Melum to make sure nothing invaded while one of the Harmony Programs that used to inhabit Dodo’s head was out throwing a ‘war party’.

Taffy Ponies provided artillery support in the form of candy cannons that fired massive jaw breakers. This alongside marshmallow uni-cougars firing their horns in constant barrages like arrows gave the field of battle an archery style offensive support.

The purple smart raptors were performing infantry maneuvers with the flying lizards and blue cows to rapidly rip into the stragglers left behind by the Mirage Collective offensive.

As for the winged Caerbannog, they were provided support by slowing down the enemy and patching their ally’s data when they were damaged. The form of healing unfortunately only worked on digital entities, but it was similar enough to what Dormarch could do.

Speaking of at the front of the battle trying to make headway through the mechanical crab monster was the Pokémon Realm heroes.

Quetal was blasting out Beat Up to rapid fire powerful blasts of shadowy attacks on the small motorcycle riding Troopers trying to ram into them or shoot them, Favela and Dodo had his back as they blasted ranged attacks as well to deal with the quick two wheeled menaces that made it past the APs offensive lines.

Among the honorable mentions among the battlefield was Mundo performing a suplex on an entire scorpion machine three times his size, much to everyone’s consternation that he was strong enough to even lift the several ton thing off the ground and then slam it down breaking its back without doing so to his own.

Dazzle and Frizzle were having problems with a large crab based war machine… up until it stopped moving entirely and a yellow streak shot off the suddenly drained machine, its power source having failed to sufficiently protect itself from Lit eating the energy out of the excessively powerful battery.

While this was going on Ocellus was busy in Castle Alexander with making a call about a problem they’ve run into on the battlefield. This was while the castle was being infiltrated by Assassin Jellies and Reapers clambering up into the well protected fortress, the battling inside the castle was becoming as treacherous as being outside of it. At least Torneko’s forces were holding the line inside the giant walking dog construct and the Lancer Guardian APs were able to repel most boarders if Torneko’s Berserkers missed anything.

Castle Alexander had grinded to a halt for reasons that weren’t clear to the Harmony Program and Mirage Collective allied forces helping assault the plains.

-Moon Cell Realm, Midgar, Embattled Street, Pom-

Once I closed myself inside the Flying Magitek Armor, a screen came up and I saw Ocellus… I immediately gave her a flat look.

“Really Ocellus, Metal Hound Zero Zero 2?” I watched as the Rider Zealots in the four armors that dropped this one off fire missiles on the Brutes, even high explosive was having a tough time damaging them and I recall the first one we managed to deal with surviving having two spears run through them without problem. That there were at least twenty nearby being harassed and distracted by the Rider Zealots at least gave me a moment to actually have a hopefully short conversation.

“Welch’s idea and I’m glad you received the care package. Welch heard how upset Dolly was when her little brother ate the first one to provide him that powerful armored evolution of his, but enough about that. We need to focus on more important matters!” Ocellus looked about as the screen jittered and shook with explosion. “Can I get a situation report from you Pom, what’s going on in there?”

“We’re scattered, battered, barely have two PLANTs to our names, our enemy is keeping us from gaining any ground in the form of territories or any more PLANTs by playing keep away with us and we’re battling a power tank directly controlled by the problem servant of this realm who apparently has genius level intellect and is quite lazy with it. We’re also dealing with… behind you!” I called out and Ocellus swiftly reacted by transforming in a split second into a dragon and the knife skittered off her weaker version of true dragon scales, Smolder was on the Assassin Reaper and tearing them apart with her bare claws a second later. Smolder might be small, but she was terrifyingly efficient with rending that poor Assassin a pile of destroyed cubes… not dissolving cubes mind you, just positively destroyed and a testament why dragons were something you don’t mess with at any size. “We’re also dealing with that.”

I pointed the screens towards Shanty had already lost more than half the mass of water and Lu Bu was still a blazing inferno of raw fury and power slowly beating the protective water off of her.

“Yikes… that is not a visual I would want to be anywhere near even if I can make myself resilient to fire.” Ocellus made me glare at her again. “Okay, sorry, on our end we managed to press the field. Only… we’ve hit a bit of a snag with getting to the wall, much less starting the process of actually going through it.”

“What’s the issue and how do you work the flight system on this thing, so I’ll know what Dolly needs to know about making this thing apparently fly.” Kind of needed it soon, I saw The Arsenal charging up another shot and fired it at someone. I saw Peppercat scampering away on all fours a second later… she just avoided being directly hit with a charged shot from that thing as the blast chased her heels.

“Few things to update you on about your armor, we now know all the magical functions of a general Magitek Armor now. We made the missiles cycle like the guns, but they are four shots before a lengthy cycle time and don’t use magic anymore so the extra firepower won’t tax you or Dolly… they’ll also be a little weaker as a result. As for the magic functions you can still do the healing beam thing, for yourself or others. There’s also a Fire beam, a lightning beam and an ice beam, like the healing those will use magic and take from you, so use them sparingly and otherwise those are really powerful attacks the machine can perform when you’re in a jam… like right now from what we’re getting of the visuals of the Metal Hound Zero Zero Two. Welch made that armor with some increased communications capacity so that we can even have this conversation.” Here Ocellus pause and looked around, Smolder was also on alert as Castle Alexander shook with impacts from weapons of various mechanical vehicles still being thrown at the mobile castle even now. She returned her gaze back to me. “We can’t move Castle Alexander any further forward, it’s currently plugging the enemy territory in the plains with our own. They can’t summon anymore EPs directly on the plains… as long as we don’t move. We don’t want EPs to suddenly start hitting us from behind while the field of battle is going so well in our favor. The exception is that EPs are still appearing near the wall and blockading our path to it. We now have an idea of where the PLANTs are for the plains regarding what Midgar City has been throwing at us.”

Shanty ducked her physical body back down into the chest of water colossus as Lu Bu blew its head off in an impressive amount of steam, not a single drop of water from the loss of the head touched the ground at all. Shanty quickly backpedaled the water body while lashing out a water blade at The Arsenal. She was slowly being overwhelmed with having to fight two battles at once and she had a rapidly shrinking resource to work with thanks to Lu Bu’s blazing hot assaults that cause the air itself to waver.

“Hurry it up Ocellus, I need to get out there before Shanty loses her actual head.” I was a little impatient for good reasons and Elise was making a good show of protecting our currently unmoving machine with knives, energy bolt spewing Search Snakes, along with Crazy and Cruel working together… I watched as Crazy launched Cruel and the improved version of Search Snake stylishly twirled around a Trooper’s neck and take its head off with a bounding leap away that tore the knife she held in her tail straight through its neck without stopping.

I shuddered a bit at the sight, glad it wasn’t flesh and blood spewing from the stump of the neck.

“Lever to your far left is ejection of the flight pack module, ejection seat is below you under the seat. Lever to your far right side of the controls will switch between walk or flight mode, meaning it’ll lock the legs into whatever position they are in when you swap modes, no you can’t do both and that throttle right there tells you how much power to put into the propellers… just know that Flying Magitek Armor is not meant for high speed maneuvering or high speed in general. Flight mode is controlled the same way you would walking except the energy will go to the propellers for movement instead of the legs.” As Ocellus pointed out this stuff to us from her side of the screen, Dolly tested switch us into flight mode and the change was immediately as the leg of the machine locked up. She changed it back then test fired the missiles. Four explosives erupted away from us and blew apart a few Heli-troopers… there was nothing left of them after the explosions. “You’ll need a crash course on learning how to fly that thing, I mean literally learn by doing here, we don’t exactly have the time to go over everything about how to pilot it given your situation is quickly deteriorating.”

A magitek armor went sailing by with damaged flying rotors as a Brute had tried to throw it at us directly and thankfully missed. The damaged armor got up, but it could no longer fly, that didn’t stop the Zealot piloting it from getting back into the fight walking it along the ground and firing on the Brute. When the machine guns proved ineffective on the Brute it started firing missiles which were better in damaging the things hide.

“You think?!” I shouted.

“As for where those PLANT we suspect are being kept out of our reach and is why we haven’t taken many territories of the plains after launching a full out Divine Judgment attack… we believe that the PLANTs are within the walls of Midgar themselves, making it hard to take them out. As in, they are inside the walls material where we can’t reach them unless we can collapse the walls in on them which requires the capability to destroy the walls in the first place. Castle Alexander can do that, but nothing else will without enough firepower.” Okay, that wasn’t good news to hear Ocellus. “Good news is we can slowly expand and take territory if we pressure it enough and the PLANTs can’t counteract us and we’ll be able to press forward slowly with time, it’ll just take us a bit longer to get to the wall. Bad news… you’re likely to be swarmed by the same mechanical monstrosities we’re all dealing with out here the closer we get to the wall as they’ll soon only start being able to spawn within the walls themselves.”

“Excuse me, but I think I’m going to scream in a very volatile and frustrated manner soon…” My right eye was twitching until Dolly got us walking forward and unleashing four missiles into the Brute to aid the Zealots machine cannon fire tearing into nearby EPs.

“Quite understandable and very reasonable Pom, I can feel your anxiety from here… or is that raw depression? We’ll figure something out, just try to find a way to grab more territory in there and try to stay alive. We sent a box of Sitrus Berries in to be air dropped to you to keep you stocked up and the Gazimon will start setting up a stronger foothold with non-disposable reusable traps in the territory zones you have to deal with any incoming EPs… which are really small compared to the massive city we’re dealing with here.” Ocellus looked off to the side before her gaze returned to mine, apparently there was nothing to worry about as she continued. “I’ve got other things to worry about here myself and I have a command structure to keep in order. Please hold on Pom, I know guys can do it! Also, preemptively sorry for eventually making things worse for you when we start pressuring the territory back towards the walls and you start getting hit with the kinds of mechanical EPs we’ve been stuck fighting back.”

“Ugh… we’ll try, but the servant isn’t making it any easier. Also I want to mark someone as an ally, similar vein to Snake summoning himself on our side.” I gave a visual of Elise, Cruel and Crazy as they brought down Troopers, Heli-troopers and fended off the Brutes long enough for the flying magitek armors to blast down. The missiles were a slow cycle and required time to reload, Dolly had already blown another brute apart in the meantime as our conversation was running a bit long. Skein Flyer Rider Zealots were swarming the area and getting shot down in droves thanks to The Arsenal being a ridiculously powerful machine that could rip through the shields the Zealots were providing them in seconds. “Dolly we’re going to attack The Arsenal and Lu Bu. Ocellus, please send us a warning when you start pressing the territory on the wall. I absolutely want to know when we’re about to have even more hell dropped on us.”

“I’ll keep you posted Pom, good luck, in fact all the luck you can get with Lu Bu there!” Ocellus was hopeful given we were still alive and had our backs to a metaphorical wall and it was only going to get worse if they moved off the plains before establishing slow control over the territory. Any program, be it allied, enemy or neutral, tends to be capable of summoning in their territory just about anywhere.

“Glad I’m not in there.” Smolder stated with huff. “We’re going to have to explain this to our allies why we’re not moving forward.”

Glad you’re not in here either Smolder. I wouldn’t want you anywhere near the mess that is my life at the moment, which is currently being stonewalled by Merak in quite a literal fashion. Guy is definitely a genius and making it hard for us to win, the best we can hope for is to out grit all of his actions with blind faith, some luck, brute force and lots of dedication to absolutely bringing him down by doing things he can’t expect.

I looked up the tower where he was controlling The Arsenal from in the distance, he couldn’t delay us forever. If he didn’t take a more proactive role in stopping us… well Elise said he’s lazy, we should be able to at least use that somehow. He couldn’t have thought of absolutely everything to make it harder for us to take Midgar City!

-Battle continued: Counter Invasion Forces within the walls of Midgar (With ‘Metal Hound 002’ piloted by Pom and Dolly) Vs. Lu Bu (Trying to kill an annoying water protected doeling he hates with fire) Vs. The Arsenal (Now trying to kill all of Pom’s friends instead of just focusing Pom down, who’s proven to be harder to kill than previously thought to be.)-

(Music for ‘Metal Hounds 002’ theme: Be a King Always Type 1, from Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3.)

Dolly got the Metal Hound 002 charging forward on two legs and was firing on the Brutes with both machine cannons, much to the machine guns uselessness at piercing their bodies. She quickly retreated from the fist spikes before it could hit us and then lunged us forward to stab the nail blades of the right arm into the red eye and the thing… actually went down.

“Dolly back up, fire some machines gun shots on the red of the eye of the nearest Brute.” Listening to Pom’s advisement the bullets Dolly sent out bounced off the red eye as the next brute quickly stalked towards them. “Now fire one missile into them.”

The Metal Hound loosed a single missile from its right shoulder and the red core of a Brute immediately blew apart on impact with the explosive weapon.

“It’s as I thought. Magitek Zealots, focus on the Brutes cores with missiles or heavy physical impacts, focus on using their weaknesses against them. Avoid the two targets called The Arsenal and Lu Bu. The large tank and the fire guy. Focus on keeping EPs out of their general area so we can fight those two unimpeded to the best of your abilities, stay alive as long as possible and retreat if your vehicles are in danger of being destroyed.” Pom was going in to backup Shanty and the Metal Hound 002 quickly started running, before stopping place and its legs locked in position as it started hovering in the air as Dolly tentatively got the thing flying towards The Arsenal.

“Aw, yeah, we’re airborne!” Dolly said with Pom’s voice as The Metal Hound 002 hovered forward at a good speed and fired some missiles into the cores of several brutes, then swept around to fly towards the fight Shanty was quickly losing as the mass of water she had was rapidly reducing now. “Hold on Shanty, Metal Hound 002 piloted by Dolly Danger Dalmatian is on the case!”

The Metal Hound 002 flew up turned towards the two battlefield bruisers and rolled as it swooped down towards them.

“Dolly… no crazy maneuvers please, I’d like to keep what’s left of the last Sitrus Berry I ate down.” Pom complained audibly as they closed in on The Arsenal, even as she said this Metal Hound 002 fired four missiles off as it flew by and the impacts drew the attention of The Arsenal off of blowing apart Canard and Sami’s cover in a nearby building… said cover was a supporting pillar.

“What the, I call hacks, when the hell did you get that or would even know how to use it?!” Merak was upset and firing the left arm six rotary cannons up at Metal Hound 002 and it seemed to boost sideways in the air with an unnatural amount of momentum that it shouldn’t possibly have to avoid the thousands of machine cannon rounds tracking after it.

Metal Hound 002 fired off another barrage of missiles into the damaged portions of The Arsenal as it charged up the right arm plasma gun and one of the missiles struck the damaged back end that had been struck by the Divine Judgement beam. This caused the plasma cannon to lose its charge doing some damage to the still somewhat usable arm of The Arsenal.

This stopped Merak from attacking Shanty who had desperately started taking up muddy puddles and drawing fluids from any nearby source she feasibly could to fight against the blazing heat that threatened to boil her alive. If she could draw the ambient moisture out of the air she would, but the heat was becoming far too much for that and even the ground underneath Lu Bu’s feet was starting to melt.

Krosserdog and Peppercat took to the field while The Arsenal was focused on trying to shoot down Metal Hound 002 and Lu Bu was trying to outright end Shanty’s existence off to the side. Neither of the two big monsters in the fight were working together. They focused on attacking The Arsenal’s energy beam firing part on its back.

Peppercat hopped up and the machine electrified itself, which just improved Peppercats strength as she absorbed the energy and started to claw at the laser projection device while Krosserdog shoots at the weaker portions of it.

Dormarch came surging in with several zealots to attack the back screw shaped wheels in an attempt to hobble The Arsenal’s ability to move and helped Krosserdog while the Zealots to block the direction changing energy beams with their shields.

The other APs in the area were left to hold off the massive number of EPs flooding in from other sections of the city. The small number of Flying Magitek Armor present was at least dealing with the bigger problems of the Brutes who could slowly batter their way through the APs with little damage to show for it even when their weakness of taking damage directly to their red cores was now well known.

“Do you really think you can take me?” Merak taunted as a pulse sent Peppercat flying from The Arsenal, the same kind that blocked Pom’s Bark Breaker, and it tried to back into Dormarch and Krosserdog, only for Dormarch to grab Krosserdog with his tentacles and dodge the reversing tank.

“Now!” Dormarch called having successfully baited The Arsenal into position.

“Stampede XM!” Suddenly Sami, having recently evolved up into her Hi-Commandramon form, let loose with the grenade launcher that came with the form and hundreds of grenades pounded The Arsenal with numerous direct hits and some indirect hits around it.

The grenades did a lot of damage to the left side of the machine and even more damage came in the form of four missiles hitting the machine cannons on the right damaging them lightly. Merak had little idea what a digimon was, but he was certainly upset that the rifle wielding lizard somehow managed to surprise him with a dedicated projectile barrage.

When several portals opened up, Sami immediately stopped firing her grenades, not wanted to hit allies with her own explosives.

The left side of The Arsenal took a lot of damage, the machine cannons were still quite functional, but the energy beam emitter on the back still had a lot of life taken out of it as the emitter barely had anything functioning left on it from the numerous high energy grenade impacts.

“Look out!” Canard called out and everyone scrambled away from an eruption of fire as Lu Bu decided to start targeting them for some reason, Sami covered Canard with her odd shield projecting and energy barrier and protecting him from the sudden blast of heat.

It wasn’t hard to see that the attack from Lu Bu was meant to keep Shanty interested in being more aggressive, he gave a taunting stare to the water encased goat and Shanty stayed on the defensive as she lobbed a ball of water that evaporate as soon as it came within an inch of his face.

“Hallelujah!” While The Arsenal was trying to focus on attacking Dormarch, Peppercat or Krosserdog and sometimes sending beams of energy in the direction of Metal Hound 002, as it continued to shoot its two machine cannons and fire four missiles into the tank periodically. Merak had missed something.

No one had noticed when Snake had gotten close or when he had planted the grenade, but they saw the camouflage rabbit leaping away and it had already been too late to stop the energy beam emitter on the back of the machine from being completely engulfed in a golden blast and blown clean off.

The shadow of Snake the Caerbannog could be seen sneaking off and slowly turning into a rectangular shape as he did. Having dealt some major damage to The Arsenal which was still tearing through APs and injuring anyone getting near it.

“HOW?! I DIDN’T EVEN BLINK ONCE!” Merak the lemming proclaimed as he was staring at the screen he was controlling The Arsenal through. He hadn’t seen Snake coming at all, though he did see him leaving with a confident smirk and the trailing of his headband as he leapt away.

The Arsenal was left with the melee defensive features, the flamethrowers were still fully function, the beam emitter was completely gone, the right arm plasma cannon was working at half… make that thirty percent capacity as four missiles damage the left arm where the Divine Judgment beam had struck it and opened the rents in the armor even wider. The Left with the six rotary machine cannons were still fully functional and firing death, but it was hard to kill the really important living targets when the Zealot APs were actively protecting them from projectiles until they were taking out.

The problem with the tank was that it wasn’t meant to fight multiple opponents with different eclectic abilities working towards its destruction in concert.

The numerous Brute EPs were being dealt with by the small number of Flying Magitek Armors they couldn’t fight back against while the AP piloted Skein Flyers kept the Moon Cell Watchers, Heli-troopers and the newly added wrinkle of the twin propeller Gunships away from them. Even the one Flying Magitek Armor stuck on the ground was still capable of firing missiles and taking out Brutes by itself.

The Arsenal was started to take some serious damage from the combined efforts of everyone hitting it with everything they have.

Merak was tired of the various attacks coming at The Arsenal from all sides and decided to flip the board in his frustration to try and give Lu Bu at least some advantage because he knew they’d turn on the flaming beast after they finished off The Arsenal, but just because The Arsenal was just about done doesn’t mean he couldn’t pull out all the stops.

The Arsenal turned its arms towards Shanty water colossus that was a third its side and blasted the two napalm flamethrowers to both sides of her trapping her within to powerful walls of flame in the street she was on, Lu Bu grinned as she was stuck where she couldn’t evade very much anymore.

Lu Bu didn’t absorb the flames this time and instead let them be as he rushed Shanty as The Arsenal finished up by creating a wall of flames behind her that boiled the water around Shanty making it very uncomfortable for her.

“Well that’s bad.” Krosserdog stated flatly and continued to pour out shots into the surrounding EPs as their numbers were becoming increasingly closer to an unstoppable flood and he wasn’t doing much damage to The Arsenal after helping with the Energy Emitter on its back.

“You think, go back to covering me Krosser!” Peppercat turned as a Brute managed to encroach on them it was blown apart with a missile from the Metal Hound 002 as it flew by while shooting the spherical Moon Cell Watchers firing lasers at it as it flew backwards avoiding cables and wires as it went.

“Do you really think The Arsenal is all I have? I’ve got plenty of tricks left in The Arsenal, you’re not really winning here and I’m sure you’ve already noticed by now that help isn’t coming. If said help tries… heh heh heh, then you’re all dead.” This coming from Merak just confirms the setup that Ocellus told Pom about and their problems with getting closer to the wall to bust through it. “In any case, I’ve several plans to prevent you from reaching the upper city too… I’d like to see you even try if you survive long enough to actually beat the fire demon, because if this is the best you can pull together then Moon Cell has simply already won. I’m quite sure Elise will face yet another torturous death and will be back under our control after we extract her soul from her body. Might even use the same methods that the Sumeragi scientists used on her just to break it again.”

Elise was quite upset to hear that, as she was in the middle of forcing a Heli-troopers own propeller gauntlet into its face. She quickly threw a knife and it took down a Trooper trying to get at Canard who in turn protected Sami’s back from Guard Hounds as she continued to rain down grenades on the brutes and tried to avoid the various portals opening up around The Arsenal to spray it’s bullets about and into the various scattered opponents.

“Ocellus… keep pressing forward and pressuring the wall, don’t worry about us… we’ll live. We’ve got this, keep fighting!” Pom surprised everyone with that declaration and it was a one eighty from her soft personality. It wasn’t Dolly that said it through her either, they could tell the difference between their personalities. “Baa-Ram-Ewe Merak, BAA-RAM-EWE… come on Dolly!”

Dolly and Pom were of sound and similar minds as they drove their smaller aerial machine into going straight for The Arsenal after blowing away a Moon Cell Watcher with the two machine cannons as the charge for The Arsenal.


Over my dead body would Elise go through something like that again, I didn’t go to all that trouble to fix her soul just for them to mess it up in the same way again!

Also don’t worry Shanty, I’ll be there for you soon, I'll always come to save you… don’t know how we’re doing that or beating Lu Bu yet, but he’s not invincible given he’s already died once. It just goes to show that Moon Cell bit off more than it could chew if it couldn’t control Lu Bu’s soul after getting a hold of it, Moon Cell isn't some perfect entity and that gives me some hope that we can actually take it down.

I inhaled and started applying the concept of the 'Dancing Flame' to the Metal Hound 002, when I exhaled I would see if it would work or not.

The two machine cannons on the Metal Hound 002 were running hot and blistering a path forward and right into The Arsenal as we surged straight for it.


Ah yeah, Pom is actually in the mood for a fight, Bow-Whacka-Wow Awrooo, lets go Metal Hound Two~!

Dormarch, please do not eat this one...


Honestly, you eat one digital highly mixed magic and technology armor and everyone thinks you'll do it again... speaking of, almost at enough enough strength to break out Garummon evolution again, that'll be helpful for Lu Bu if we can finish of The Arsenal quickly enough. The energy requirements of that evolution may be ridiculous, but I'm willing to pay the cost for the kind of combat output that comes with it.

Mom has obviously cracked in some way, but I don't know if that is entirely a bad thing in this situation. In any case I'm not letting her charge forward without me there to keep a watch on her health and or constantly dwindling mental state!

For even if we finish off The Arsenal there's still Lu Bu to worry about and we haven't even scratched that guy yet.

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