• Published 23rd Aug 2020
  • 3,632 Views, 338 Comments

Half-Life: Pastel Paradise - I aint no damn brownie

Equestria is in danger. It’s up to the crowbar-wielding physicist, Gordon Freeman, to save the day.

  • ...

The B-Team

Dawn of the final day.

13 days since Gordon’s arrival.


Tomorrow is the day of the invasion.

“Gordon! Shift’s over.” Davenport said, walking up to the counter. I nodded, removed my apron, and proceeded to put it on the hooks.

I stretched my arms out, listening to my back crack. I exhaled as I put my arms down.

“Good work today, Gordon. I’ll see you tomorrow. Have a good night.” Davenport said, opening the doors to the shop.

“About that.” I said, trailing off. “Is it possible for me to take tomorrow off? I’ve got a big thing happening.”

Can’t specify the details. Please don’t ask..

“Hmm.. I guess so. You’ve been a great worker so far. But make sure you work extra hard when you get back!” He said, chuckling. I nodded.

I need to take tomorrow off. Why?

Well, I don’t want to be at work when the invasion happens. Who would? I’ve already done that, it wasn’t too nice. I’d much rather be prepared and ready for it. If I’m at work, I don’t even have my HEV suit on hand, I don’t have anybody to help, and it’ll take me by surprise. I’d much rather wait at home for it.

I left the shop, and walked down the streets of Ponyville. It was still bright outside. One thing I noticed was that there wasn’t really a sunset.. the sun kinda moved down at the same point in time every day. 6:00 PM. Speaking of time..

I walked up to a nearby stallion. They were blue with red, wavy hair. Well.. they were burgundy and teal. But why specify colors?

“Hey, you got the time?” I asked.

He pulled out a pocket watch. “5:34” he said, putting it back in his pocket. Okay.

“Thanks.” I smiled slightly.

He nodded, and continued on.

Okay, so apparently I get off at 5:30 every day.

I... actually didn’t know that until now.

I continued my walk through town, and scoffed when I kicked dirt up and it blew back directly into my face. What are the chances?

I sighed in exasperation. I’m tired.

I sat on my bed, holding a fist over my mouth. I was deep in thought.

So.. what?

How am I going to go about this? It’s tomorrow. The day time will stand still. The D-Day, the black day. The day to end all.

And some other euphemisms I’m too lazy to come up with.

No Princess is willing to help. Well, one Princess isn’t willing to help. The others aren’t available. Which means that no skilled magicians are on our side. Which means.. we’re boned.

Pretty much boned, at least. I have some help. But will it be enough?

Spike said he was coming over today to tell me about the friends he was able to get on his side. At this point, I’m just waiting for him, really. I suspect that Rainbow Dash is one of them.. but who else came with can be left up to interpretation.

So.. we’ve got a team of at least two, with me and Spike. That does not give us much of a chance against the entirety of an alien race.

Hopefully, Princess Twilight has a change of heart. But I doubt it. That’s reaching for straws. Grasping at straws? I forget the term.

I got up from my spot on the bed and walked out of my bedroom. I closed the door behind me and walked to the kitchen. I pulled a cup from the cabinet and filled it with water, quickly chugging it down, trying in vain to calm my ever-present nerves.

Knock, knock

Either Spike is at the door, or it’s that nice mailwoman. What was her name? Ditzy?

Ah, Spike! Come in. I’ll go grab Gordon.I heard Cheerilee say. She must’ve gotten the door.

There’s my queue. Okay.. let’s hope he’s got somebody..

Cheerilee walked into the kitchen and jumped at the sight of me.

“Woah! Didn’t see you there, Gordon. When did you come out here?” She asked, holding a hoof over her heart. I chuckled.

“Not too long ago. I was thirsty.”

She nodded. “Yep, that’ll do it.. anyway, they’re in the living room waiting for you. Go see them!” She said, grabbing a broom and sweeping me away.

“Hey, hey I can walk on my own-!” She did one last push.

“‘Git! Your friends are waiting on you!” She exclaimed, chuckling slightly.

I righted myself and walked into the living room. In it sat Spike, along with two other ponies. Rainbow Dash and.. Applejack.

This is a great sign.

“You son of a bitch, you really did it.” I said, holding out my fist for a bump. Spike chuckled and followed through with the bump.

“That I did, Gordon. Rainbow Dash is loyal to a fault, and Applejack is very protective of her friends and family. So.. a good mix, I guess. The others didn’t believe me, which I still don’t understand! We used to deal with evil on, like, a weekly basis. What’s so outlandish about aliens?” He growled, hitting his head with a fist.

“I don’t entirely believe ya, but better safe than sorry I s’pose.” Applejack said, tilting her hat.

There’s gotta be some sort of spell or something on these damn horses. Why won’t they believe me? Why is it only Spike??

Whatever. You get what you get, and you don’t throw a fit.

Spike took a calming breath, “Okay. Gordon, what’s the plan? What do we do when it goes down tomorrow?”

I put a finger to my chin. “First order of business is to find a portal. I’m really, really hoping that one shows up naturally. We can take it and go to Xen, where we can then take out the leader. My guess is that it’s either another Nihilanth, or something worse. I’m hoping it’s the Nihilanth thing. Now.. I doubt getting to the portal is going to be as easy as walking down the street, so I need you all to arm yourselves. Friendship won’t work against-“

My voice cut out.

“Friendship won’t work against it. You get me?” I said. They all nodded along.

“So, what should we arm ourselves with?” Rainbow asked.

“Uh.. baseball bats, crossbows, normal bows, maybe a baton? Something that can fire from a range. But, it’s also good to have a backup melee weapon.” I explained, counting on my fingers. They nodded along.

“I have a baton at work I can grab.” Rainbow muttered.

“I have mah lasso, but I should probably grab a fryin’ pan from the kitchen or somethin’.” Applejack pondered.

“I’ve got my fire breath, and I learned some dragon magic.” Spike said, letting out a little bit of his breath to show off.

“Dragon magic? Show me.” I said. He nodded, and waved his finger.

Nearby, a potted plant caught on fire.

“Woah!” I exclaimed. That’s incredible!

“..thanks.” He choked out, breathing heavily. How much did that take out of him?

“Okay.. that’s clearly not the best thing to use when on the run, yeah? I’d say only use it when necessary. Grab a baseball bat.” I recommended. He nodded.

Okay. So what now?

I mean..

I guess we could try that out.

“Guys.. let’s go do something real fast. It’ll either help us, or do nothing at all.” I said, waving for them to stand up. They had been sitting on the couch, after all.

Can’t get much done from there, heh.

I set down the soap box and stood on top of it, gaining an even bigger height advantage.

“Citizens of Ponyville!” I yelled out. They all stopped to stare at the weirdo.

What am I doing?

Well, it’s simple. I’m warning the public of the incoming danger. Whether they choose to believe me.. well, that’s their decision. Hopefully, someone does, and chooses to come save the world. If nobody does, well then that sucks don’t it?

“I cannot state why, but you are all in danger. Don’t worry; I am not the cause. Something bad is going down, and it’s happening tomorrow. Lock your doors, hide your dogs. If any of you want to help stop this endeavor.. come forward.”

Nobody moved.

Sweet! Awesome. This is definitely helpful to the cause.

“As I thought. Okay.. just in case we fail.. say goodbye to your loved ones-!” I cut myself off as I dodged a tomato. What the hell?!

“Shut up!” Someone yelled. Another tomato was thrown. And then another.

And then many, many more.

Apparently they don’t like a public speaker.

I grabbed the soap box, “Let’s bounce!” I yelled, running away from the impending tomato war. The others quickly followed after me, dodging their fair-share of the fruit.. vegetable... thing. I threw down the soapbox because it got too heavy to carry.

We ran home quickly, both dodging AND getting pelted by tomatoes. Rainbow Dash pulled an umbrella from.. somewhere, and was blocking the tomatoes. Applejack covered her face with her hat.

Spike and I just covered out faces with our hands. The luxuries of being bipedal!

I yanked Cheerilee’s door open and waved the others inside. I quickly slammed it when Applejack entered last.

I breathed heavily, leaning against the door.

“What the tartarus was that?!” Spike asked the question on everyone’s mind. “Why did they start throwing tomatoes?!”

I steadied my breathing, closing my eyes. “I don’t know.” I opened them again. “But that was really weird.”

Okay.. nobody wanted to save the world. Which I highly doubt to be the case.

So, this reinforces the idea of some sort of spell blocking them from feeling natural emotions. My guess:

The bastard in the suit, trying his damndest to make my life hell.

“I.. will neither confirm.. nor deny-these accusations..”

What the fuck? Are you always in my head?!


Answer me! Answer me you suited bastard!!


I combed a hand through my hair as I slid down the door slowly, like a movie character when they learn their wife got cancer or something. If only I had a cap to take off..

“You alright there Bud?” Rainbow Dash asked.

I’m pretty fuckin’ far from okay. But I can’t tell them that.

I sighed, taking off my glasses and rubbing my nose. “I’m fine.”

I put my glasses back on, adjusting them so they wouldn’t fall. “Okay.. let’s go over the plan again. We all find the teleporter, go to Xen, and fight the big bad. Save anyone along the way. Got it?” I asked.

They all nodded.

“You know it! This.. Uh, thing, won’t know what’s coming!” Rainbow Dash said, throwing a few faux punches.

“Yup. All ready, Sugar.” Applejack said.

“I guess.” Spike said, shrugging his shoulders.

“I feel ya, Spike.” I muttered.

We shared a laugh at that.

“Guys..?” I said, getting serious.

What?” They all asked at the same time.

I took a deep breath, calming myself. This is gonna be hard to say.. “Just in case this goes wrong.. tell your family you love them. Tell your friends. Pet your dog one last time, you know?” I said solemnly.

I didn’t want it to come to that. But.. it could happen. It was very much a chance. This mission isn’t going to be easy. Not by a long shot.

I felt a hoof on my shoulder.

“Don’t worry, Big Guy. That ain’t happening.” Rainbow said. Applejack put her hoof on my shoulder too, and so did Spike.

We got this.

We got this by the ass.

I stood back up and put my hand out.

“Everyone.. ‘Get fucked’ on three.” I said. They put their hooves/claw in the circle.

“1..2..3!” I counted.

Get Fucked!

Tomorrow.. is gonna be a good day.

I can feel it.

Princess Twilight sat in her chambers, deep in thought. She held a hoof over her mouth.

Had she made the right decision?

What if.. what’s his name, Gordo; was right? That there really was danger? And that.. she was putting her little ponies in danger by ignoring it?

Spike had been sneaking off to see somepony. She assumed it was Gordo. No, wait! Gordon.

She assumed he had been sneaking off to see Gordon. He probably thought she didn’t notice him when he left the castle for extended periods of time.

And he probably believes that the journal about the ‘plan’ is still a secret. She found that on like, the first day!

She sighed, rubbing a hoof on her forehead. She was getting a headache.

She stood up, and made her way out of her room. She waved to the guards outside her door to stay at their posts.

She walked into the kitchen and pulled a glass cup from a cupboard. She filled it with water from the tap, and took a sip.

She just hopes she doesn’t regret her decision.

“I hope he was just lying.” She thought, taking another sip of her water.

But what if he wasn’t?

What then?

Does she fight back? CAN she fight back?

She began to make her way back to her room.

Twilight shook her head. Of course she can fight back! She’s the Element of Magic, and a Princess at that!

But.. what if her magic isn’t strong enough?

She’s not all-powerful. She can be defeated.

...and she doesn’t want to think about the consequences if she were to.. fail.

If she let her ponies get harmed. If she let Gordon be correct. If Gordon was correct.

She entered her chambers and removed her royal regalia, slipping into her bedspread moments later.

She didn’t want to imagine it. She knew it was irresponsible to just brush it off.. but what else could she do? Believe Gordon? Hah! No. It’s too late for that, and she knew he was lying the whole time. It was so obvious.

Yeah, yeah! He was lying. Right out of his flank. He was just.. bullshitting. Forgive her language.

She turned over in bed. She clopped her hooves together twice and the lights turned off.

She had nothing to worry about.

Everything was okay.

Everything was fine.


Nothing was wrong.

Nothing at all.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the shorter than normal chapter; there wasn’t much to talk about with this one, and I wanted to reserve the whole ‘Arc start’ for its own chapter.

Also, apologies for me being a day early. I’m doing this so I can get the fic to be back on it’s schedule, because according to the website, it’s off by a day. This just balances it out.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter! All criticism is welcome, as usual. I love you all, and..

Thanks for reading!