• Published 28th Aug 2020
  • 623 Views, 21 Comments

Paroled, The Sequel - FIM Fiction

In a land where friendship has erased almost all free will, Cozy Glow makes a wish. This is what follows.

  • ...

2, Get off my lawn

"I think we're lost."

"Yeah probably."

Anonymous, Cozy Glow, and Blueblood wondered the halls of the massive vessel. There were no maps of any sort. "Mister?" Cozy Glow asked softly.

"It's Anonymous." Anonymous answered.

"Anonymous?" Cozy Glow asked, scrunching her nose cutely in fake confusion.

"Anonymous." Anonymous answered with a nod.

Blueblood let out an annoyed grunt. "Look, Anonymous. There is no one else here. You don't need a classified name."

"It's not classified. It's Anonymous. I got in so much trouble with my teachers for a month in high school, because they thought I wasn't putting down my real name." Anonymous reached for his holster, changing the setting. He whipped out a short range blaster and shot at the hinges of a nearby vaulted door.

"HOLY CRAP!" The two equines jumped at the sudden movement and loud noises. They jolted as the door fell with a loud BANG.

Anonymous gave a nod and entered the room. "Dang. It's an armory."

"What the Tartarus is that!?" Cozy Glow questioned, pointing at Anonymous'es weapon.

"Captain's pistol. He told me to shine it for him. Looks like it's actually a Dio Gun K-12 edition. Kinda illegal." Anonymous looked around the armory. "Score! Blunderbuss galore!" Anonymous ran over to the guns. "Year 2400 and we still got these. The first design was perfect, I guess."

"What on Equus is a Blunderbuss?" Blueblood asked.

"Well-" Anonymous began, only to be cut off as the alarm lights turned on. "Enemy approaching! Get to the deck! Or whatever part it's called!"

The three quickly ran out of the halls, into the open. Anonymous pulled out a pair of binoculars. "Bogie inbound!"

"What's a bogie?" Cozy Glow asked.

"I have no idea. I was meant to be killed on the front lines so I was literally taught jacksquat about anything to save time. I just know how to shoot a gun." Anonymous answered. He ran up to a plane, opening it's hatching and turning it on. "According to the sonar or whatever this is, we got a bunch of drones incoming." Anonymous looked through the binoculars. "The f*ck?"

"One Demerit received. It is illeg-"

Anonymous shot his pistol up at the control deck. A grapple shot out of it and broke through the 3 foot thick bullet proof window. It caught on a chair and pulled Anonymous up. He rolled into the room, slamming his fist onto a series of random buttons. He looked at a screen and seemed satisfied. He took the chair and used it to slide down the grapple rope back down to the jet. "F*CK!"

Silence. Anonymous gave a fist pump. "What did you even just do!?" Cozy Glow questioned.

"I have no idea!" Anonymous answered. "Now then, you guys told me how terrible your Omni was, and I shut it up. At least here. I may have just blocked communication. Or activated shields."

Blueblood paled. "Twilight's peeved!" he shouted, turning around and diving beneath a jet. Anonymous grabbed Cozy Glow and threw her beneath the same jet.

A platoon of robot guards landed with a thud on the cement deck. Twilight landed with far more grace. She seemed to look angry. Her horn glowed, casting a spell at Anonymous.

"There goes freedom." Blueblood groaned as the spell made contact.

Anonymous stood as still as a statue, before inspecting himself. "What happened?" he asked, confused as to what the spell did.

Cozy Glow's and Blueblood's jaws dropped as Twilight stared in confusion. Her horn glowed again as she cast the stone spell. It did nothing. "I- How!? How are you not turning to stone!?"

"I'm sorry what did just say you were trying to do?" Anonymous asked.

Sorrow replaced the expression on Twilight's face. Before her was a human, a being whose world didn't accept peace at all, who summoned a whole island of war and destruction, who wasn't even effected by the stone spell used by an alicorn. Her horn glowed once more, now covered in shadows of smoke. "I'm sorry." she whispered. A black beam of destruction shot out of her horn, hitting the human full on.

"Now that was supposed to hurt." Anonymous said.

"Omni, teleport Blueblood and Cozy Glow back home." Twilight said. Nothing happened. "Omni?" No response. Twilight gave a nod to her robots. They began marching towards the jet the two were hiding under.

"No! I just got freedom! I'm not losing it!" Cozy Glow leaped to her hooves and began running towards the hatch, followed by Blueblood and the now running Robo Guards.

Anonymous glared. He ran at the robots, only to be physically held by Twilight. "I'm sorry." she said, holding a knife in her magic.

"Hell naw! Not tahday, tyrant!" Anonymous punch Twilight in the face, before shoving her back. The robots now all ran at him. He dodged one, grabbed another and swung it over his head, using it as a club. He kicked another guard in the face before slamming the one in his hands down on it. He grabbed Twilight's knife and threw it at a robot. It flew strait through the head. Anonymous wiggled out of the group and pulled out his pistol. He shot several guards to pieces, only for his gun to click with no ammo. "Surrender now!" Anonymous shouted. They refused. He grabbed the scrap pieces and threw them at speeds of 100 miles an hour, breaking all the robots. He was now 300 feet away from Twilight. He stood tall, bloody, and proud, with a shard in his left hand. "Get off my lawn!"

Twilight growled, now wielding a spear. "You and I both know you can't hit me from here." she shouted back. A shard of metal gave her a clean buzzcut.

"Baseball player, Beyatch! Minors!" Anonymous shouted.

Twilight looked at her remaining robots. "Retreat!" she shouted, trying to teleport. Her magic failed to do such a spell. She quickly took flight, her robots leaving with her. Anonymous continued to throw scrap metal at high speeds after her, until she was out of range.

Cozy Glow and Blueblood watched in amazement from the hatch. Anonymous faced them and gave them a thumbs up and a lopsided smile. "Who the crap did I just fight?"

"Uhh... The Empress of the World." Cozy Glow answered. "How did you do... any of that?"

Anonymous shrugged. "Back to exploring!"

Anonymous entered the captain's quarters, watching the two ponies play a CloneWars game in front of a flat screen. "So, how you guys enjo-"

"EAT LASER!" Cozy Glow screamed, making her Superdroid shoot at a clone trooper. "BUCK!" she shouted as Blueblood threw a grenade at her.

Anonymous chuckled. "Is the couple happy?"

Both players paused the game to glare at Anonymous. "Shut up!" Blueblood shouted.

"We're competing!" Cozy Glow growled. The two then turned back to continue playing, completely oblivious to what Anonymous just said.

Anonymous stared at the two. Despite fighting and arguing, they had on smiles of joy. He shrugged, finishing up with his bandages. He walked out of the room only to realize- "A fancy suit ain't a war uniform! What the heck!?"