• Published 16th Jun 2024
  • 118 Views, 1 Comments

Twin Raritys' - Kentavritsa

Holographic characters are all the latest rage. Since Rarity is my favourite, I had to acquire her. Initially wishing, I could have been her; but wait, there is more. Being the only girl, I had a dream of a twin, with which I could enjoy my cosplay.

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Returning the Favour: 3

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”Thank you, darling..” she responds; ”would you mind, if I were to return the favour?” she inquires.

”No, darling..” I respond; ”In fact, I would love it!” I respond.

Since I am fully physical, all-ready; if could not hurt..” I ponder; ”it is just going to look like regular make-up!” I consider, as I am accepting her gracious offer.

”If you place your hands on the table, before you; then spread your fingers wide, so I can apply the polish!” she offers.

I follow the instructions, eagerly; as I am looking forwards to the result, in breathless anticipation. I know Rarity knows and understands how manicure works. If she had been a Pony, originally; but at least in her human form, she grasp this perfectly.

I watch her, as she is uncapping the vial; before she is starting the process of polishing my nails. One at the time, from the thumb to the pinkie finger; right and left hand in turn. She starts from the middle, at the root of each nail; drawing the stroke all the way down over the tip; right and left, right and left.

She gently grabs the wrist of the hand and turn the palm up; before she applies the polish under the entire nail.

”Beautiful..” I breathe, as I am admiring her work.

”While I am at it, I could as well finish the work, completing your manicure?” she offers.

She quietly caps the vial of nail-polish, while she is examining the palm of my right hand, before she is reaching for the next vial. A moment later, she is uncapping the vial of gel intended for her touch pads.

Since I had modeled her, after the form my tube came with; naturally, I have the highly sensitive touch pads just as she has.

For a moment; the gel is feeling slippery and wet. The moment subsides, as the effect is slowly dissipating; until the pads are comfortably dry, as if the gel had never been applied in the first place. What the effect of this gel is, to me; I have no idea, partially since it is an unsupported third-party product in the first place. Not to mention; it had been intended for these holographic characters, not for physical humans.

While I am experiencing the gel drying up, pondering the effects it may have upon me; she had been capping the vial, then uncapped the one I had used to apply onto the suction-cup making up the palms of her hands.

I watch her, as she is applying the clear and viscous gel onto the palms of my hand; then how the glossy surface slowly turns mate and smooth.

If these suction-cups work as intended, the way I had intended for them to work; I probably have to be careful, with how I place my hands from now on?” I ponder.

The touch-pads had been more of an exciting, curious effect; with little, to no effect upon my life. I may have to reconsider this, though.

While I am considering the effects of the manicure, she is producing the lip-liner, in preparation for my make-up. I part my lips, slightly; as I smile at her.

”There, that is perfect!” she offers, as she is drawing the clear lip-liner along the border of my lips.

From the right, to the left; on my upper lip and from the left to the right, on my lower lip. With that, she had created a border for the lip-stick she was about to apply onto my lips.

I feel the brush following the outer contour she had just applied, as she is applying the lip-stick onto my lips. From the middle and outwards; right and left, right and left. She continues all the way, as far as she can apply the lip-stick. She is repeating the process, painting my lower lip.

I had chosen this electric, metallic blue lip-stick for her; that is the same colour, she is applying to my lips. Incidentally, it is the same hue as I had chosen for her eye-shadows, based on the colours she had been using before.

Once she had painted my lips, she is applying a lip-gloss onto my lips; coating my upper and lower lips with the wet and glossy finish.

”Close your eyes, please!” she instructs me, and I eagerly comply.

”Good!” she mumbles, as she starts to apply the eye-shadow to my upper eyelids, right and left.

She is finishing, by applying the shadow to my lower eye-lids, right and left.

The effect is a smooth and somewhat rubbery surface of my lips and eye-lids; just as the product had been intended to offer her, as the holographic character she is. I had just forgotten to consider, what the effects would be for me; since I never had expected, for her to extend the favour to me. I should have known better, considering it is Rarity; she is after all the element of generosity.

As Rarity, I do not need to care about how well the colours match; I just go with the colours, matching her colour pallet!” I ponder.

As twins; we can share both the clothes, and the make-up!” I ponder.

”If you place your hands, palms down; spreading your fingers wide, please!” she suggests.

As I comply, I feel the smooth surface of the table under my hands; she places her hands over mine, gently pressing down as she is caressing the backs of my hands.

”Oo-oh!” I sigh, enjoying the moment.

”Squeak” is heard, as the suction-cups are engaged.

She continues for but a moment longer, before she is pulling back.

”Just relax, please; enjoy the moment, while I polish your hooves!” she offers.

If I would have tried to pull back, now; I would have destroyed the mood of the moment, feeling the suction holding my hands in place.

Of course; neither the make-up, nor the manicure would change me all that much. Since this is the first time I am wearing the tube, I have not had the time to test it out as much as I am sure I will; but I know I will enjoy wearing it, plenty of times in the future.

I had chosen to insert the tube, before I introduced myself to Rarity; but this does not mean, I can’t extract it with her in the room. As a matter of fact; I could even ask her, if she could extract the tube for me. Just not, right now.

She is polishing my hooves, in the same manner she had polished my nails; just that she is using a larger brush, and has to apply several more strokes of polish to my hooves.

Just as with my nails, the hooves had slowly but undenyingly been saturated with the clear sapphire-gel polish; leaving my hooves with the same glossy surface, as my nails. My hooves will become just as hard and adamant, as my nails too.

She is only applying the polish to the hard surface of the hoof, but not the soft surface under the hooves!” I ponder.

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