• Member Since 29th Apr, 2020
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Starswirl the Beardless

Don't let your dreams be memes

Comments ( 169 )

Boots with the fur (with the fur)
The whole club was lookin' at her
She hit the floor (she hit the floor)
Next thing you know
Shawty got low low low low low low low low


I'm glad to see someone got the reference.

Beat you to it, Shakespearicles

I very much hope I don't disappoint you.

The only critique I've got so far is to tone it down on the toes thing.

I'm not exactly sure what you mean by that. In ten thousand words, there were only a few instances where I mention feet/toes, and most of those were part of a larger description of a character's body. Yes, I threw in a few gratuitous moments here and there, but I didn't think it would be distracting, given how minor they were. I'm not sure how I can "tone it down" without just never mentioning that subject at all.

"Cute little toes," "unpainted toes," "adorable toes;" there's a lot of attention being paid to that particular part of the anatomy at the expense of other, more obvious details like the cut of one's hair or the actions of one's hands, and it honestly gives more attention to detail in the adjectives to that part of their anatomy than their clothes get.

I understand what you're saying, but in my defense, we already know what everyone's hair looks like. If I tell the audience that a character is supposed to be Applejack, then they'll assume she has the same hair that she does in the show without me needing to describe it in detail. What I do need to describe, however, is every other part of their body, as the audience will not know what humanized Applejack's body is supposed to look like. And as far as clothes are concerned, I feel I spent as much time as was needed to provide good mental images. In a story like this, knowing what the characters' bodies look like is more important than knowing what their clothes look like, as those clothes might not be around for very long anyways.

All that being said, this was the first chapter, so I had to spend more time describing the characters' appearances than I will have to in subsequent chapters. There will probably be less of the stuff you're talking about later on just because it won't really be needed.

*comes into the thread expecting to discuss clapping slutty white pawg cheecks*

*slowly backs out*

We can discuss that too, if you want.

Great chapter cant wait for more

I'm glad you liked it. Chapter two will be out soon!

Is Anon adopted or has he replaced Big Mac completely?
I'm not asking because of some stupid "incest bad unless not really siblings!" mentality. It's just odd how he doesn't have an apple (or pear) related name. Unless his full name is Anonymous Blackapple I guess...

I tried to make it as clear as possible without stating it outright, but no, Big Mac does not exist in this universe. Anon has the same biological parents as Applejack and Apple Bloom. Also, you can imagine him having an apple-related name if you really want to.

Another great chapter. I like how this is developing,it's not rushed and there's the drama that would come with this sort of relationship. And once again it's interesting to see the apple family in a more personal perspective. Keep it up hope you keep going.

I'm happy to hear you liked it. I was somewhat worried that the slow burn would bore people, but I'm glad to see that there are at least some people who enjoy it.

Are you going to finish this story

I like a good clopfic but I really like when the clopfic has a great story.
AJ and Anon, a forbidden relationship.
I ship them ❤

Great chapter.
I like how AJ is slowly accepting Anon feelings and I how one day Anon put his seed inside her.

Like every other young woman in the world, the thought had crossed her mind before. In the past, she had tried to shove such thoughts out of her mind as soon as they appeared, reminding herself that it was difficult to do farm work while carrying an extra passenger. This time, however, she allowed her mind to wander, imagining how her life would be different if she decided to take that tremendous step. She wasn’t against the idea altogether, she had just always told herself that such a life, if it were to come, would have to come later on, when her family could do without her and she could find a man good man who loved her.

Found a teensy tiny weird line.

I'm just wondering if he's gonna stop with AJ or go after mom and little sis too

* sound of touching his chest * right here * sound of touching his chest * is where the feelings are.

God. the amount of romance there is ... I can't ... I like it don't get me wrong ... but I can't.

My ship is in danger! :(
Nothing against Rarity but Applejack is better for Anon.

Anyway, thanks for the chapter.
Have a nice day

If you think that, then you'll probably like the next chapter.

I honestly doubt Anon's gonna be able to find some girl to love besides his sister.
Oh why do they have to be related?!

Once again, love trumps morals.

My ship is sailing again!
I really like the dialogues between the two lovers.
I just hope AJ fixes Rarity's door 😅

I really feel sorry for the weirdness, maybe she could also give someone to love (I don't mean spike in case you ask I mean an oc)

Don't worry, Rarity's door will get fixed.

If you're asking about Rarity having a love interest of her own, then I can say that I probably won't touch on that in this story. However, you're welcome to imagine her finding someone else while Anon and Applejack's story is going on.

as long as it's an oc I'm fine

I love it!
Good to see Applejack apologize to Rarity.
At least Rarity has a lovely dragon for herself ;)

I love the dialogues between AJ and Anon.
Their relationship is become deeper.
Trust is a perfect title for this chapter.
Even a strong female like AJ wants a brave knight to protect her.

awesome chapter my friend keep it up cant wait for the next chapter:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

Thanks, friend. The next chapter will be out soon.

Kids I sense in there future I do

What an interesting theory. I wonder what will happen.

you like to tease people dont you

It wouldn't be nearly as fun if I told you what was going to happen before it happens.

You must be River Song incarnate

David Tennant is best Doctor

It was worth the long wait.

Glad that anon finally put his seed in the sexy cowgirl.
I hope she doesn't get pregnant.

I hope they tell about their relationship with Pear Butter and later the rest of the apple family.
Pear is a milf in this fanfic 😉

Thanks for the chapter

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