• Published 29th Aug 2012
  • 3,046 Views, 13 Comments

Feeling Sick - Wing Dancer

Aeria the pegasus filly doesn't feel too well

  • ...

A Sick Filly

I squirmed slightly on my bed. The aching in my stomach was intensifying and I knew I couldn’t hold out much longer. I felt really sick.

I started feeling bad the day before, but I didn’t want to worry mommy and daddy too much. Sometimes I get stomach aches before tests or after I eat something strange, like those seaweed dumplings a few weeks ago. Golly, they were really good, worth that little discomfort afterwards…but now, it was something more than discomfort.

I glanced at my birdie alarm clock. It was three in the morning. Mommy and daddy were probably asleep by now. I tried being brave and just waiting it out, it sometimes passed if I waited long enough. I felt that today that wouldn’t be enough. I had to swallow now more often than usual, feeling a clump travel up and down my throat. And the pain in my tummy was making my whole body curl and shiver. I had to go tell mommy.

As delicately as I could I slid off my bed. That was a bad idea and my tummy churned, making me feel even more nauseous. I stopped and lay down for a second. Mr. Snugglebears wasn’t complaining, so at least I didn’t wake him. In the dark I could see Magenta’s big eyes staring at me. She was worried, she knew I was in pain.

“Don’t worry Magenta, I’ll be okay. Mommy will give me some icky medicine and the pain will go away,” I whispered, managing a smile.

I swallowed yet again and shakily got up. The room was rocking gently, as if I were on a boat or something. Slowly and silently I walked up to my parent’s room. The handle was so high up, and I didn’t want to stand, I already felt really bad.

A frown went through my muzzle as I had to gulp down hard not to dirty the carpet. My forehead was on fire and beads of sweat sprung all around my body. It hurt. I had to tell mommy. Steeling myself as much as I could, I jumped lightly and managed to poke the doorknob, just hard enough for the door to open.

I stood in the doorframe, feeling tired like never before. I wanted to lie down.

“Mommy,” I whispered, taking deep breaths. My stomach was twisting into a knot, accompanied by a gurgling sound. “Mommy,” I repeated, sitting and swaying from side to side.

I heard some shuffling on the bed and then hoofsteps.

“Aeria? Is that you darling? What’s the matter?” I heard a voice. I remembered it was mommy. It was strange. I thought her voice sounded a bit different. Maybe it was the sound of waves in my head that made me confused.

“Mommy, I…I don’t feel too good,” I moaned, trying with all my might to suppress the rising pressure in my throat. I knew what was going to happen soon, but I didn’t want to do it here.

Something cool collided against my forehead. Mommy’s foreleg. She was checking my temperature.

“Celestia, baby, you have a fever!” said mommy, looking at me up close. The faint scent of flowers fought its way through the hurricane that was in my mind. I gulped hard yet again and felt the first contraction.

“Mommy…I have to…mommy,” I yelped.

I felt she picked me up, putting her hooves under mine. We were going somewhere. I tried hard to keep it inside. I gulped and I refused to open my mouth, but-

* * *

My tummy was twisting and churning for some time. I felt a really bad taste in my mouth, and my throat was burning.

“I’m sorry mommy, I didn’t want to-” I sobbed, unable to finish due to some more coughing. I could feel there was nothing more in my stomach, but that didn’t seem to make a difference.

“Don’t worry about that sweetheart. Poor dear,” whispered mommy, slowly rubbing my back. I let my head rest on her forehoof. My mane was all wet and stuck to my head and neck, but mommy took the hair out of my face and eyes. I was tired. I wanted to go to sleep, even in this uncomfortable position, but each time I would close my eyes my tummy did a backflip again.

“Darling? Is everything alright? What’s happening with Aeria?” I heard a voice behind me. I didn’t know that voice. There was too much buzzing in my head, and a sound as if somepony was stomping really hard on my ears wouldn’t let me focus.

I felt something touch my neck, so I turned my head a little. I knew that muzzle. It was daddy. He had worry in his eyes. Oh no, I woke up daddy. Daddy needed his sleep to get to work early. If he didn’t get his sleep, then the rainbows he made would be sad.

“I’m sorry daddy,” I wept, unable to control myself. He hugged and hushed me, allowing me to rest my head on his neck.

“What are you sorry about Aeria? It’s not your fault,” said daddy, gently running a hoof down my head and back. They were both holding and comforting me. It kind of helped to shoo away the pain.

“I woke you up. I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry,” I said, barely able to vocalize the words. My body felt heavy, as if there was lead in my bones. And the rising heat, coupled with sweat running down my sides made me feel even more uncomfortable.

“Daddy…Daddy I-”

* * *

Mommy carried me in her hooves back to her bed. I curled up into a small ball of pain, each bounce or move felt like a spike was being pinned under my skin. It was as if the lead in my bones spilled all over my muscles, making them heavy and tired.

I felt the softness of the bed below me and soon after a blanket wrapped itself up around my neck. I could faintly make out mommy’s face. She was brushing aside my wet mane.

“Where’s daddy?” I managed. Each breath I took wasn’t enough, as if my lungs stopped working or were gone altogether. I was constantly out of air.

“He’s still in the bathroom, dear,” she replied, planting a cool kiss on my forehead. I was really hot and I squirmed a little, trying to throw the blanket away. I felt like I was going to cook any moment now.

“Tell daddy I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do it, I just couldn’t help it,” I gasped. I couldn’t focus my eyes anymore, everything I looked at was blurry.

“He’ll be alright. Focus on yourself dear. You have a high fever and will have to stay in bed some time.” As she said those words, she vanished from view, causing me to panic a little. I looked around but couldn’t find her. Where was she? Where did she go? I didn’t want to be alone!

I felt a new warmth emerge behind my back. Something wrapped itself around my neck, and something else, softer and thinner, caressed my aching tummy. The pain in my stomach was lesser now, replaced by a lingering sensation that threatened to overwhelm me at any moment. Each time I swallowed, my sensitive throat hurt. A small tear formed in the corner of my eye.

“Mommy?” I whispered, weakly moving my hooves about, trying to touch her. The object behind me shifted and I felt something land on my head. It was warm and fuzzy. It snuggled up to me, and the thing around my neck grasped my hoof. A gentle breeze blew over my ear, carrying the lightest of whispers with it.

“I’m here Aeria, shh. Everything will be alright. Just rest darling. Mommy will be here all night.”

It was mommy, I think. She was here, right behind me. She would make the pain go away. I knew she would, she always did. My whole body was on fire now, tired, unable to move. But mommy was right behind me, stroking my side with her wing, her head over mine. I struggled to curl up a bit – mommy helped me do that, putting one of her hind legs over mine and embracing me even tighter.

I was a little bit less scared now. Still so very tired. I closed my eyes and gave into the feeling of mommy’s warm tummy. My mind was a mess, full of stuff I didn’t recognize or didn’t want to see. Above that, there was a scent. Flowers. The flowers helped calm the storm. So tired….

* * *

I woke up. I couldn’t breathe. I took great hauls of air, but I still felt like I was suffocating. And there was something crushing me, a great pressure squeezing the life out me. I couldn’t move, why couldn’t I move?! What was happening?! Where’s mommy! I want mommy, it hurts. It’s hot, stuffy, I can’t breathe!

I sobbed quietly, trying to call out to mommy or daddy, even Wing Dancer. I couldn’t, I just couldn’t breathe. My mouth was sealed, I had no control over my muzzle. I was alone, crushed by this stone on my side, paralyzed and lost in darkness. I want mommy! Mommy!

Something blew over my ear. A breeze with a whisper at its edge, scented with flowers.

“Shh, mommy’s here Aeria, shh…hush now, quiet now, it’s time to lay your sleepy head.”

That voice. I felt something move behind me. A thing touched my neck, ever so lightly, a balm that soothed the hellfire under my coat. It was like an angel came and kissed me. It was mommy. She was here, behind me, I could feel her. It was a warmth, not the aggressive one that tore through my body, riding under my skin in a torrent of lava. It was a loving and gentle sensation, one that calmed me a little bit.

She was singing to me. A lullaby.

“Shh, Aeria. Breathe, darling,” said the voice. I listened. I was still suffocating, but I worked my lungs like I never had before. Something unstuck the mane that got glued to my eyes and cheeks, and it felt good. A soothing wind blew over my forehead, kissing away the sweat that wet the pillow I was lying on.

The warmth behind me shifted. Mommy was here, she would protect me. From the pain I felt in all of my body. From the weight of the thin sheets I was covered in. She always protected me. I trusted her. I knew she would kiss the pain away.

“Hush, now, quiet now, it’s time to go to bed….”

* * *

I woke up with a jolt. It was light outside, enough to see the clock at least. It was blurry and I could swear there were at least a dozen of them. I couldn’t read the time.

I shivered at the memories that lingered at the edge of my consciousness. Monsters, something gnawing on my leg. A faceless stallion looking at me from the corner of the room, dressed like he was going for the Grand Galloping Gala…

The warmth behind me moved. I felt a hoof on my forehead, followed by a cool kiss on my hot and wet head. Was that mommy? Yes, she was here. I remembered. She scared away the monsters. She bucked that thing biting my leg. She made the faceless one leave, standing between me and him. That last creature didn’t want to move, so mommy shouted at it with a voice that could scare any nightmare away. She was strong, she loved me, she wouldn’t share me with anypony or anything. I was hers. And daddy’s, sometimes. But mainly hers.

I tried to turn around and look at mommy. All I managed to do was squirm a little.

“Shhh, little one, shhh. Mommy’s here,” I heard mommy whisper. She stroked my side with her wing, brushing off the wetness and moping aside the warm sludge under my skin. “Are there any more monsters that would take my little rainbow away?”

“No, mommy,” I moaned. Her head on mine felt nice and I could close my eyes again. So tired. “The monsters are gone. You scared them away.”

“I wouldn’t let anything take my little angel away. Try and get some more sleep, okay? Shhh,” she whispered in my ear, planting a soothing kiss on it. Mommy was here. I could trust her with the monsters. She took the stone off my side and I was no longer crushed. I could breathe normally, and she cooled my body with her soft and tender wing. Up and down, up and down, slowly…so sleepy….

* * *

I woke up again when I heard a screeching sound behind me.

“Mommy?” I moaned, moving my hooves, searching for hers. She caught them and put her head over mine.

“Aeria? What is it darling?”

“What was that? A monster?” I asked, leaning against her body more tightly. I was all wet, but she didn’t mind. Her warmth made me calm down a little bit. Her wing was over my side, protecting the still sensitive skin from the rough blanket.

For a second mommy’s head went away and I didn’t know why. It came back a moment later, her cheek pressed against mine.

“It’s daddy, he’s going to work. I’m staying here Aeria, don’t worry,” whispered mommy, slowly rubbing her muzzle against mine. My eyes were closed and I relished in the feeling. It helped me forget the hotness, the tired body and aching bones.

“Tell him I’m sorry I woke him up. And then did that…thing,” I whispered, my voice hoarse. Mommy’s wing curled on my tummy, stroking it.

“He knows and he’s not mad, darling. He said that he would make a rainbow just for you, so you could see it from this room.” I felt her smile. The corners of my mouth went up a little too. It was hard to focus on anything in the buzz that I heard in my head. I knew what a rainbow was. And I liked rainbows. Daddy would make a rainbow for me. I loved daddy.

“I love you mommy,” I whispered, stroking her hooves that went under mine. “Thank you.”

“I love you too sweetheart. How do you feel? Any better?”

“A little,” I answered hesitantly. I could faintly recall the things that happened during the night. I think now I felt rather good. As good as somepony who couldn’t move a muscle could feel.

“Good, good. Mommy will give you some medicine soon, okay? And then we’ll have some breakfast.”

A thought struck me. Today daddy had to go to work. So today I had to go to school too.

“Mommy, I have to go to school,” I moaned. The thought of being late scared me. I wasn’t late, ever. I did sometimes sleep past my alarm clock, true, but I usually got to school on time.

“Don’t worry my little rainbow, Ms. Sunshine will understand. She is a good teacher, you know that. Today you will rest and get well, okay?”

Talking felt tiring, so I just nodded. Mommy would take care of everything. She always did.

* * *

I was almost swimming in bed now. The sheets, the pillows, the cover, everything was drenched in my sweat. I fidgeted a little and it took some time before I realized something terrifying – there wasn’t a warm body behind my back. I turned my head, but there was nopony there. The bed was empty, only me lying under the warm blanket. Where did mommy go to? Why did she leave me? Where’s mommy?

“Mommy?” I tried, my eyes lazily sweeping the room. I felt panic rise, but my body didn’t want to react properly. It was sluggish and so tired, despite having slept most of the time. “Mommy?” I moaned again, pushing down the blanket. It took a few strokes but the darn thing was finally off. And now I was cold. I never realized that the temperature was so low in the room. The sweat on my body instantly froze and I felt uncomfortable, almost ready to cry.

And then the blanket wrapped itself back up to my neck again. Something heavy landed by my side, another thing pressing my head against the pillows. Monster? No, it wasn’t a monster. Who?

Mommy. I felt flowers in the air as her muzzle came to view, her eyes full of love and care. The wet mane got swept away from my face, followed by a kiss on my steaming forehead. So she was here after all. Why didn’t I notice her?

“Here, Aeria. Drink this please,” she said, uncorking some kind of syrup and pouring it generously on a spoon. I opened my mouth as much as I could and the utensil slid inside. Yuck, the liquid was horrible. I didn’t have the power to spit it out though, so it just oozed down my throat, causing me to cough.

“Are you alright?” asked mommy, rubbing my back. Her touch was all I really needed right now. It said ‘everything is going to be alright’. I was under the tender care of mommy.

“Yeah.” I said with a sigh, watching as mommy slid under the covers again and wrapped me in her wing. One day I would have wings as big as hers, so soft and delicate.

“Now, how about we eat something, hmm?” she asked, showing me a bowl full of something. It smelled nice. Was that soup?

“I don’t feel hungry,” I said. It was the truth. My throat barely recovered and the void in my stomach was pleasurable. Everything was as it should be and I didn’t want to disturb the frail balance with food.

“You have to eat something, Aeria. Just a little bit, okay? For mommy.”

I groaned, already feeling nauseous. My tummy warned me that I would regret eating now. But I knew mommy wouldn’t hurt me. She knew what was best.

I let her sit me up, putting some pillows under my back for support. She kept me balanced with her wings, holding the spoon in her mouth and bowl with her hooves. I snuggled up to her, breathing in the scent that I loved so much. Opening my mouth was an effort, but not nearly as big as actually swallowing the soup. I didn’t have to chew it and it was very liquid like, but I still had difficulties. My throat was very tense and wouldn’t let anything pass, causing the food to go into the wrong hole.

I coughed, immediately bent over by mommy who pat me on the back. I think I spat on the sheets a bit. There I was, dirtying stuff in the house again. Being sick was so frustrating. Can’t move, speaking was an effort, and even eating wasn’t simple. And everypony around had to deal with a filly that dirtied stuff. I again felt tears well up in my eyes.

There was no second spoon. A hug instead. I gave into it, placing my head over mommy’s breast. I heard a steady rhythm inside.



I could feel her breathe, her chest slowly rising and falling. And the warm fuzzy feel of her coat. She was here for me. She wasn’t mad or irritated. She loved me and wanted to make me feel better. I already felt better knowing that she was nearby.

* * *

I must have dozed off. The sun was already up in the sky, greeting me with its happy rays. I wish I could be that happy. The hive in my head housed at least a bazillion bees, all buzzing so loud I couldn’t hear myself think. I was less tired now and could adjust the cover, but anything beyond that was too difficult. Mommy was gone again, but I was greeted by another pair of eyes. A few to be exact.

Next to me was Mr. Snugglebears, asleep as always. Puffy was in his container, swirling around, happy to see me up. I gave him a smile and then blew a kiss to Magenta, who gave a cute little hoot to greet me. My friends came to me, to cheer me up. But where was mommy?

I wanted to see her, to feel her again…but I knew I was being selfish. I took away some of her sleep, and probably made a big mess in the house. She would have to clean that up. I would get up and help right here, right now, but I just couldn’t. I’d just fall over and make an even larger mess. The best I could do for mommy was to get well fast.

“You’re awake snowflake?” asked mommy, standing in the doorframe. She had her apron, the one with the caption “Best mommy ever” that me and Wing Dancer gave her a year ago. Well, Wing Dancer bought it. I didn’t have any bits at the time. But I showed it to him, so it counted as a shared gift.

“Yes mommy. Look who came to visit,” I smiled meagerly.

“Yes, your friends were really worried Aeria,” said mommy, coming over and checking my temperature. She smiled, so I guess it wasn’t that bad. “They can stay as long as they won’t disturb you. Do you feel like you could eat something now?”

I didn’t. I felt the same way about food as I did some time ago. But I was brave.

“Yes mommy. Sorry I spat it out before…it went into the wrong hole.”

“I know darling, no trouble at all. I’ll be right back with some soup then. Do you think you can sit up by yourself?”

I was brave. I heaved my limp body up, piling the pillows behind me in the process. Mommy smiled. I’d do anything to see that smile, all day long. That smile made me feel better.

* * *

I swallowed the last spoonful of soup. It was even tasty, but most importantly it sat well in my tummy. I didn’t realize how hungry I was before I started eating. Mommy warned me not to be too greedy and to not gulp air or I would have trouble. So I was patient, waiting as she blew the steaming soup and then fed me. I felt like a little filly again. Faintly, I could still recall memories of when I was around four maybe.

Feeding time was always a fun time, as I would try and crawl around the house while mommy tried to feed me. I feel silly about it now, but I remember she was laughing and smiling, so it was good. I was very patient and nice now.

“There we go. Good girl,” praised mommy, kissing me on the cheek and then nuzzling it.

“Will you lie down with me now, mommy?” I asked, a note of hope in my voice.

“I will darling. But in some time, okay? Daddy will be back from work soon and I have to make dinner…oh! Look, look outside Aeria!” Mommy helped me turn towards the window.

My eyes grew to the size of the dish I still had on my lap. A rainbow was unfolding in the skies. It was daddy’s rainbow! It was for me! It was perfect – I could see the beginning and end in the small window of my parent’s room. The colors were clean and soft, probably washed twice or thrice in those giant washing machines. I wonder if that grumpy pony weaved this rainbow. If he did, I would have to be nicer to him the next time I saw him.

“It’s beautiful,” I whispered. I was so enchanted by the view that I didn’t notice mommy and the dish disappearing.

* * *

When did I fall asleep again? The sun was barely visible now. I stretched, my hoof bumping into something on its way up. I looked to my side to see mommy smiling at me.

“Feeling any better, Aeria?” she asked, bringing me closer to her side. She slid me from under the blanket and wrapped me up in her wings. I could now lie on her tummy, my head against her breast, listening into the beat of her heart.

“Yes, mommy. I feel a lot better. Thank you for being here,” I said, burying my face in the flowery scent of her mane. I loved the long hair she wore. I could always play with it or entangle myself in it, pretending I lived inside the earth like other flowers did.

I was still very heavy and tired, and my forehead could probably cook an egg, but with mommy here, everything was fine.

“Is daddy back home yet?” I asked, lifting my head to meet mommy’s eyes.

“Yes. Should I call him for you?”

“I don’t want to disturb him if he’s busy-” And before I could end, mommy called out for daddy.

His muzzle poked into the room a few seconds later. I smiled at him and stretched my hoofsies towards him.

“Thank you for the rainbow daddy. It was beautiful, your most beautiful rainbow yet,” I said, wrapping my forelegs around his neck and planting a kiss on his cheek. I giggled faintly, remembering what I did to him last time he cuddled me in the bathroom.

“I can see my little angel is feeling better now.” He laughed. I think he remembered that awful night too.

Daddy lay down next to mommy and gave her a kiss on the mouth. They both stroked my mane and head. This maybe wasn’t the best day ever, but without mommy and daddy it would be really horrible. Their warmth lulled me into a dreamy state.

There were no more monsters. Only flowers and rainbows. Mr. Snugglebears was here, along with Puffy and Magenta flying over my head. My legs were heavy, so I just lay on the ground. I was resting. The heat in my forehead didn’t disturb me at all. It was probably the heat of the smiling sun. I felt sweaty, but a gentle breeze kissed away the discomfort, soothing me in more ways I could describe.

I was starting to feel better.

Comments ( 13 )

As always, thanks to the pre-readers :pinkiehappy:


I really do enjoy writing these sensual fics. This is great practice for something bigger, maybe a bit more mature.

Yay, another Aeria fic!
Also, fir-
Damn you Zeth! :flutterrage:


I guess this means I'm your prereader for life, eh, Zethy? Can I call you Zethy?

dude, your dad is an awesome artist.

Why? Why would you include slendermane in an Aeria story? Whyyy? :raritydespair:

That condensed picture almost looks like that pony is being bound & gagged.


What the hell is wrong with me?

Man these stories just make my day!!:twilightsmile:

Dawwww. :pinkiehappy:

:raritydespair:The poor little dear!:raritycry:

I do hope she is back to her sweet little self again soon.:duck:

looking forward to your excursion into larger, more mature works.

Aw this was so cute!!!:rainbowkiss:

I thank you kind sire for you hast given us a wonderous tale and I must say it is brilliant

You are welcome :3

:rainbowhuh:how did I mis this adorable story?
have a like:pinkiehappy:

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