• Published 8th Sep 2020
  • 1,075 Views, 19 Comments

Learning To Feel - Mechawrecker

During a routine trip into the Everfree Forest, Fluttershy encounters a damaged metallic pony that doesn't quite know what it means to be alive. While it's far from normal, Fluttershy would never abandon another pony if she could help.

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Separate But Equal

When ponies thought of the Everfree Forest, most imagined a wild, untamable mass of trees, vines, and shrubs filled with who knows what kinds of dangerous beasts. One pony, however, had a rather unique view of the forest’s majestic properties.

Fluttershy trotted through the dense foliage with practiced ease. Glancing at her half-filled wicker basket with concern, she whispered, “Oh dear, I hope this will be enough for Angel’s dinner. I’d hate to see him upset with me…”

Examining a berry to see if it was edible, Fluttershy jumped as a crashing noise sounded somewhere to her right. Fearful of what it might be, she flew into the treetops and peered down at the approaching beast.

Instead of a wild boar or manticore, her eyes were greeted by a flash of blue light before a pony-shaped metal figure stumbled through the trees.

Even at a glance, it was obvious this machine had seen better days. The metalloid’s once pristine coat of paint was now faded and scratched in several places while its synthetic mane and tail was missing most of its fibers. As it staggered its way forward, another spark of electricity flashed through the air, accompanied by a groan of distress from the strange metal pony.

Fluttershy stared wide-eyed at the unusual machine. Never in all her life had she seen anything like this, the closest being that apple-squeezing machine the Flim-Flam Brothers brought to town a while back.

As she contemplated her options, the metal machine’s leg gave out, sending it tumbling into the dirt with a pitiful whine.

Horrified at the sight, Fluttershy shook her head and sprinted over to its aid. Machine or not, she would never abandon someone in pain if she could help.

The broken pony-bot let out a ring of alarm as she approached. Turning away in fright, it dragged itself towards the shrubs it had just crashed through, desperate to avoid her at all costs.

Fluttershy placed a hoof on its quivering frame and tried to comfort its overworked engine motor. “There’s no need to be afraid. I can help you if you want me to…

The distressed metal pony slowed to a stop and turned to look at her with a dim, broken yellow eye. After several moments of tense silence, it croaked out, “H-H-HELP M-ME?

She smiled warmly and ran a comforting hoof through its broken mane. “Yes, I can help you. I can see that you’re injured and need treatment. I promise, I won’t try to hurt you.” Helping the damaged automaton to its hooves, she asked, “What is your name?”

The contorted metal pony gazed at her with an unreadable expression before stuttering, “OR-15, c-code n-name ORISA

Now that the android was standing up, Fluttershy began to notice some more interesting features about its design. While it was similar in shape to a pony, Orisa also had what appeared to be a griffon-like claw on its left side and a strange cylindrical container on its right. Pushing these strange observations aside, she shook her head and focused on the more pressing matter at hoof.

“Well, it’s very nice to meet you, Orisa! My name is Fluttershy. If you want help with your wounds, I can take you back to my friend in Ponyville. She’s really smart, so I’m sure she’ll be able to fix you right up!”

Orisa tried to nod but stopped halfway through after a bolt of electricity flew out of its damaged joint motor. With a synthesized groan, it slowed before leaning against a tree to cool down its overheating engines.

Not wanting to lose Orisa before making it to town, Fluttershy whistled into the air and summoned a bird to relay their predicament to Twilight. As the messenger left to deliver the news, a loud rebooting noise sounded from Orisa’s frame.


Orisa’s cracked eye lenses shuttered open as it came back to life. With a thrust of its newly rebooted motors, the metal pony slowly lifted itself to its hooves and stared around before focusing on Fluttershy.

Fluttershy gave it another comforting pat on the back. “Are you okay, Orisa? I was worried about you for a while!”

Instead of replying, Orisa grabbed Fluttershy with her griffon-like hand and dragged her through the air until she was behind a large boulder. Pointing the cylindrical container into the woods, Orisa called out, “WARNING! MULTIPLE ENTITIES APPROACHING! PLEASE REMAIN HERE UNTIL YOU ARE SAFE!”

Confused, Fluttershy peeked out from behind the stone, only to be greeted by the sight of five growling timberwolves stalking towards their position. The distinctly foul smell of their breath caused her snout to scrunch in disgust. Letting out a whimper of fright, she tried to fly away, but Orisa snagged her tail and forced her behind the protective rock.


The first timberwolf broke away from its formation and charged forward, fangs bared. Orisa raised her arm cannon and fired multiple green pellets at the approaching beast. The projectiles flew through the air and impacted the raging wolf, reducing the magical predator to splinters.

Seeing their comrade blasted into matchsticks, the other four timberwolves flattened their ears and whimpered before sprinting away with their tails between their legs.

Fluttershy gasped as Orisa reloaded her weapon and took aim at the retreating wolves. As the charge up of Orisa’s cannon started, Fluttershy flew over and knocked the gun’s barrel away, causing the remaining bullets to fly off course from the fleeing wolves' backs.

Orisa blinked in surprise at the interruption. As Fluttershy struggled to her hooves, it approached her and asked, “WHY DID YOU IMPEDE THE EXECUTION OF MY DUTY?”

A small sob sounded from Fluttershy’s shaking form. Holding up the broken bundle of sticks, she whispered, “why… why did you hurt him… you didn’t have to attack like that…”

Orisa’s CPU ground to a halt as its auditory processors captured the stunning response. The metal automaton couldn’t comprehend how this meek, innocent little pony could feel sympathy for something that had just attacked her. Restarting its processor, Orisa explained, “I WAS BUILT TO PROTECT THE INNOCENT AND KEEP EVERYONE SAFE. I AM INSTRUCTED TO STOP AND APPREHEND ANY WHO DISOBEY THE LAW.”

Fluttershy shook her head and led Orisa to the remaining timberwolves’ hiding place. As they approached, the wooden wolves let out more pitiful whines of fear as they stared nervously at the cannon on Orisa’s arm.

Leaning in, Fluttershy placed the broken twigs on the ground near the wolves’ den. As she backed away, one of the smaller timberwolves hesitantly stumbled closer and touched the bundle of sticks with its snout.

Instantly, the broken branches glowed bright green as they reassembled themselves into the shape of the fallen fighter. Once the last piece of its head fitted back in place, the revived timberwolf opened its leafy eyes, focusing on Orisa with a look of terror.

Before another battle could erupt, Fluttershy raised a hoof and whispered, “Don’t worry, timberwolves, Orisa won’t hurt you again. We’re sorry for trespassing on your territory and promise to leave you in peace.”

The lead timberwolf stared at her for several seconds before giving a slight nod and barking out a retreat. As the hunters departed, a small timberwolf pup emerged from its hiding place and ran forward to cuddle its father. Crouching down, the alpha wolf licked the pup’s head and nuzzled it back, causing the child to let out an adorable squeak of happiness.

Fluttershy smiled at the loving bond and turned to look at Orisa’s face-plate. “Do you see now? Just because they attacked doesn’t mean they’re bad. We were disturbing their nest, so they were just doing what they could to protect their young.”

Orisa stared after the timberwolf family, logging this new data into its undamaged memory card. After several seconds of computing, its yellow eyes glowed with a new kind of light not powered by electricity. Fixing Fluttershy with a soulful gaze, Orisa announced, “THANK YOU FOR YOUR FEEDBACK, FLUTTERSHY. I WILL DO MY BEST TO APPLY WHAT YOU HAVE TAUGHT TO MY PROGRAMMING!”

Fluttershy sighed with relief and led Orisa back to the clearing where Twilight stood waiting for them. As the magic of friendship flowed between them, Fluttershy gave Orisa’s metallic frame a comforting squeeze.

“Don’t worry, Orisa. I’ll be there with you every step of the way…”

Author's Note:

A/N: This story was just a small one-shot I wrote for the Quills and Sofas Speed Writing competition. If you don’t already know, the OR-15(ORISA) robot is actually a playable character in the videogame, Overwatch.

Thanks for reading!

Comments ( 19 )

Fluttershy stared wide-eyed at the unusual machine. Never is all her life had she seen anything close to this, the closest being that apple-squeezing machine the Flim and Flam Brothers had brought to town a while back.

Is should be in.

The and is unnecessary, as they refer to themselves as the Flim-Flam Brothers. Doesn't nessecarily need the dash, just one of the ways of spelling it.

This was a really sweet story! I'm glad to see someone making the Timberwolves actual creatures, rather than just mindless predators. The fact that they retreat, and that they have family bonds is a nice detail.

Also, Fluttershy as always incredibly compassionate. Her affect on ORISA is cute and heartwarming. When the weapons switched on, at first I thought it would go slightly differently, but luckily my quick to assume mind was wrong.

Good Job!

Thanks mate! I'm glad you enjoyed. Let's see how well we write during the next competition.:twilightsheepish:

I’d hate to see him upset with me…”

He’s always upset.

A small sob sounded from Fluttershy’s shaking form. Holding up the broken bundle of sticks, she whispered, “ why… why did you hurt him… you didn’t have to attack him like that…”


As the magic of friendship flowed through their connected appendages

What does that mean?

It's the magic of friendship. It's the answer to 95% of the problems in Equestria, so why not this one?

Is that the answer for the 3rd quote?

Yeah, I'm not sure what you're asking with the other two.:twilightsheepish:

The others weren’t questions.so their “connected appendages” has the magic of friendship flowing through them?

It was just a way of showing that even machines are able to feel friendship. It wasn't a literal magic glimmer, just that warm, fuzzy feeling you get when you talk to someone you like.:scootangel:

Oh, so it refers to the connection she has with twilight and fluttershy?

Really just Fluttershy. Twilight was just a plot device to move the story forward. The one shot was meant to show Fluttershy's kindness extend to not just creatures but also machines.

Oh ok, I think I get it now.

Apparently self-defense is NOT in the Equestrian dictionary. It should be added.

I know Orisa's actions can be counted as self defense, but Fluttershy's reaction was meant to emphasize the kindness she was trying to impart to the metal pony.

This was a crossover I didn't know I needed - aside from maybe Bastion crossing over. I know Orisa already has a "Twilight" skin and all. I really do wish there was more. The characterization for Fluttershy was on point, and I liked how you made timberwolves out to be more than just monsters. Does make me wonder how Orisa made it into Equestria though. Nice job.

Well, if this story gets enough attention, I *might* be able to add a few extra chapters.:rainbowwild:

10426282 I keep forgetting this is Equestria. Not Earth.

Yeah, things like aggravated assualt aren't as common in Ponyville as they are in the turd we call Earth.:twilightoops:

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