• Member Since 24th Jul, 2019
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The Equestria Girls have faced many dangerous adversaries over their times, but nothing can prepare them for what lies ahead now. After being sucked through a portal in a looking glass, they find themselves in the magical Enchanted Forest that is filled with the classic fairytale characters we know.

Or think we know

Follow them as they, along with the CMC, journey through the Enchanted Forest and Storybrooke to break an evil curse that has taken away all of the happy endings.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 68 )

For those just tuning in, please note that this series is completely separate from the 'Cinematic Adventures' line-up. Any mention or relation to any previous series put together by Mr. Enigma and myself is strictly coincidental. Do not go into this story expecting any connection to the other series, you have been advised.

Anyways, as we look into this story, once again it is apparent that there is no such thing as a 'normal' day for our heroes. And apparently, it's Sci-Twi who ends up getting a vision of what's to come rather than Sunset Shimmer able to use her 'own' abilities to look back into someone's past to understand what led them to be as they are. Secrets and surprises are unveiled in a matter of seconds going into this chapter, just able to reference something that previously happened during the 'Equestria Girls' run before its inevitable end. And now whatever magic has drawn the girls back to the mirror, it is taking them (Along with the CMC) to a world unlike anything they've experienced before.

But with the magic taking full effect and we are introduced to a new character, who knows what other surprises await our heroes at this very moment.

damn i watched this show on netflix i loved it imma wait until there are a few more chapters to start reading but this looks promising

If anything you’ve just reminded me that I need to start watching this show.

So thank you. 😁

Okay, first off, I liked the story so far. Second, I love Once Upon a Time show, it's one of my favourite tv show.

This is pretty much just a 'prologue' in a sense. To get the fans warmed up over the fact that we're not dealing with a normal retelling of 'OUAT'. And for me, it's 'my' introduction to a show I regret not seeing while it was out.

You're not the only one. I've been meaning to watch the show myself. But I've been so busy doing other things I simply forgot.

Then hopefully you'll continue to like it as we have plenty of surprises in store for fans of two worlds.

No need to worry man, there’s time to see it. You can still find it on Netflix or even Disney+

To begin a new story you say once upon a time

Even though I don’t know the first thing about the show
this looks very promising!

Love Once Upon a Time and yes it is on Disney+.

This is a neat opening. I can't wait to see the new adventure the girls get themselves involved in

Hm. Wasn't expecting this, especially since I'm not sure if Equestrian Smackdown ever came to a conclusion. I've glanced at a little of Once Upon a Time and curious where this goes.

Only because the ABC network is 'technically' flagship property of Walt Disney Television. That being said, this does NOT have connections with 'The Disney Chronicles' as that series mainly focuses on the 'movies'. And even then, Dino granted Mr. Enigma and I permission to cover this series so we could do our own thing. If that's not enough to answer ALL of your questions, this is but the gist of it.

There are plenty of adventures to cover in this rendition of the series. There's no guarantee this will always be updated, as we jump back and forth between projects now and then. But we'll have something done when it's available and NOT out of demand.

Equestrian Smackdown is it's 'own' universe, that is developing at it's own rate. This takes place at a separate plane in a sense. As mentioned before, if you paid attention to my comment earlier, this is in NO connection to any of the 'Cinematic Adventures' or any projects Mr. Enigma and I put together. It's plain to see if you pay attention to the tone of the chapter.

I understand. Believe me I juggle between stories myself, even when so many make demands I update one story over the others

At the end of the day, that's what it's all about. Setting your own pace, playing by your own rules and not because the people demand you to have something done. The human brain was bestowed upon us for a reason and the upmost important function is 'common sense'. And we don't need years of schooling to know that.

Are other equestria girls characters going to show up like maybe the principals or shining armour flash sentry

Haven’t read this yet, but oh my god, I have been waiting for a Once Upon A Time crossover with Equestria girls for ages!!!!

I haven't seen OUAT, and I don't have a Disney+ subscription, so I'm hopng I can just read and hopefully be able to understand. Maybe I should look at the plot synopses of a few episodes?

Edit: And suddenly, I understand what's happening!

We have plans, but we can't reveal too much at this time. All we can assume is that the magic from the mirror swallowed up the Mane Six, Sunset Shimmer and Spike included, and the CMC. Unless the magic was powerful enough to absorb other notable denizens in the surrounding area, we don't know for sure. Right now, this is the 'introduction' stage before we start bringing in new faces.

Then we certainly hope this rendition provides what you love from the best of both worlds. We've got so many elements we definitely want to cover.

The ploy synopsis for each episode only gives so much (Regardless if it's the brief summary or the lengthy one). It's one thing to 'tell' you what is going to happen, it's another thing to 'bear witness' to the events before your eyes. It's one thing to be told 'how' it happens it's another to understand 'why'.

Yes. It's on there? I'll have a look then.

Edit: It's not there, I think it's only on Disney+. Ah, well.

Actually on second thought, it isn’t. Don’t worry though, there are plenty of other places to find it


I hope that Zelena makes an appearance, or Cruella, they were the best in Once!

Guess you’ll just have to wait and see

So if this the first story, you might want to make a drama folder.
also is Equestrian Smack down part of this series?

It’s kinda taken on a whole different thing of itself

Soon enough, the limo pulled up outside of the school again and all the girls stepped out. Quickly, they made their way back inside and made their way to where Sunset claimed an additional portal is kept. Just as they turned a corner, they almost ran straight into three familiar little girls: Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo of the Canterlot Drama Club.

The correct name is the Canterlot Movie Club;

Apple Bloom: I'm so glad we could get together for another meetin' of the CMC.
Cutie Mark Crusaders: The Canterlot Movie Club! [laughs]
Scootaloo: Doesn't even feel like we've seen the new Daring Do movie five times already!

-The Canterlot Movie Club

Apart from that one issue, this is off to a cracking start. I can't speak for the OUAT characters as I haven't seen that show in a while, but the EqG characters are all in character, and the dialogue feels very natural. I look forward to future chapters.

so that would be a no?
then, oh, never mind

Holy sufferings from rare forms of Contagious Amnesia spreading like Wildfire during a Pyro Tornado in Australia!
I have a very bad feeling that it's not just the citizens of Storybrooke who have fallen victim to the town's curse and I have a hunch that this "Juliet" may be a certain studious student that we know, who is apparently...(insert spit take).. MARY MARGARET BLANCHARD'S DAUGHTER?!?!!? WHAAAAAAAAAA?!?!?!


So is this like following the episodes or is it just it's own story

so this is the entire once upon a time series? if so i cant wait till a certain ice princess shows up wish i saw earlier eps though

So is this going to be based on the series?

Also, I got a feeling Juliet is a certain someone we know....

More or less. We're still taking our own constructive liberties. Unless that's going to be a problem for you and everyone else with the same doubts?


No. I got no problems. I'm just curious if it will followed the plot of the TV show and uses the same script, in case I need to see the Once Upon A Time show at some point and figure out what's going on.


Season 1 has 22 episodes that is gonna be interesting

I enjoyed the majority of Once upon a Time; both the ups and the Downs even the 7th season when they gave it a soft reboot that only lasted one season before finishing the story once and for all. and I couldn't help but notice similarities between several characters and plot points in Once upon a Time and the My Little Pony/Equestria Girls characters. For example, I couldn't help but feel like Regina was a lot like Sunset Shimmer: started out of the villain but becomes more like a hero as the show goes on

Okay! I got Disney+ back, and am currently on episode 7. Are we starting at the beginning of the series, or somewhere in the middle?

It'll be interesting to see where each girl ends up. I bet Fluttershy or Applejack will be staying with Doctor Hopper.

We shall see. I’m working on the next chapter now

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