• Published 12th Sep 2020
  • 1,347 Views, 24 Comments

Sunset: To Equine or Not Too Equine - Sunset_Shimmer83

Sunset and Sci Twi discover that Sunset has human DNA and may not be a pony afterall

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Celebrations and Revelations

Sunset Shimmer stood next to Twilight Sparkle of the human world on the front lawn of their high school Canterlot High, several feet from the school’s horse mascot. The statue that held the portal to Equestria had been rebuilt months prior to their graduation ceremony that was scheduled to begin in half an hour.

“Are you sure my pony counter-part is still coming, Sunset?” asked Twilight, turning to face her best friend.

Sunset smiled at Twilight, nodding her head.

“If Princess Twilight is anything like you, she’ll be here on time. In fact if I'm right she should be arriving any second now,” Sunset replied, taking out her cell phone to check the time.

Sunset glanced back at the crowd of students, parents and school faculty still mingling, and she could just make out her friends up on stage performing a few of their best songs for the crowd. Sunset had asked Principal Celestia if they could perform so as to take the attention away from the magical portal and the arrival of one of the most important ponies from her home world coming through the portal at precisely five fifteen the evening of their graduation from Canterlot High.

The time on Sunset’s phone shifted to the appointed arrival time of Princess Twilight Sparkle, and as it did, the front of the stone plinth of the portal took on a shiny, almost reflective liquid metal state.
Seconds later, Princess Twilight stumbled out of the portal and into Sunsets hands, that helped keep her from falling over as she transitioned from a quadruped to bipedal.
“You alright there, Princess?” asked Sunset chuckling to herself.

Shaking her head, Twilight smiled back at Sunset. “I’m good, thanks. Interdimensional travel is bumpy as ever.” She laughed before looking over at her human twin. “Hey there, other me,” Princess Twilight said as she moved to hug her doppelganger.

Sci Twi moved forward at the same time to return the hug.

“That is still creepy that you both move and sound alike, even after all this time,” muttered Sunset under her breath.
Unfortunately for Sunset, both Twilight's heard her, and they grinned at one another and then as one turned towards Sunset and spoke at the same time.

“Why whatever do you mean Sunset? We don’t sound the same, nor do we act the same. In fact, we are very different. If you’d like we can sit down and go over the differences in detail. I happen to have several notes on the subject.” Both Twilight's then reached into their backpacks, producing several notebooks that they flipped open for Sunset to see.

“Aah, no. Just no, please for the love of Celestia. I don’t need to,” Sunset trailed off as she watched both Twilights burst out laughing. Sci Twi, having dropped the notebooks, was currently doubled over and holding her stomach with both arms, Princess Twilight was in a similar state, with one hand on her dimensional twin’s shoulder.

Sunset just stared at the two of them before she came to a very stark realization. “You two planned this didn’t you?” asked Sunset, smirking as both Princess and human Twilight nodded their heads in confirmation of their planned joke.
Sci Twi stood back up and unscrewed the water bottle she had brought with her, taking a sip from it.

Sunset stuck her tongue out at both of them in mock defiance. “Well if that's how you want to play, I guess the threesome I had planned for us later is off the table. Shame, I was really looking forward to watching you use a riding crop on your pony counterpart, Twi,” Sunset said pointing between them and making a small whipping gesture with her right hand.

Sunset stepped back a foot, just as she predicted would happen as the human Twilight spewed her water out several feet in shock, unfortunately Princess Twilight wasn’t so lucky and ended up sprayed in the face with water. Sunset threw her head back and howled in laughter.


Several hours later, Sunset and her friends found themselves climbing out the back of a limo that had just pulled up in front of a large mansion, with an equally long driveway and a heavy iron gate at the start of the property.
Applejack let out a low whistle at the imposing marble pillars that made up the path leading to the front door of the mansion.
“It was very generous of Sour Sweet to offer to host the graduation party for both Crystal Prep and CHS,” exclaimed Rarity as she triple checked her outfit and hair in a discreet compact mirror making sure nothing was out of place.

“WOOOOHOOOOO. WHO IS READY TO PARTAYYYY,” yelled Pinkie Pie, leaping out of the limo’s open sunroof. A small explosion of confetti followed in her wake, much to the limo driver’s shock, followed by annoyance at the mess he was now going to have to clean up as he scowled at the bouncy pink girl. Pinkie for her part quickly apologized profusely while promising her pet gator gummy would help clean up. Unsurprisingly to her friends, this did not set the drivers nerves at ease.

“I’m so challenging Indigo Zap to a drinking contest tonight” exclaimed Rainbow, getting out of the limo next, brushing some confetti out of her hair.

“No one said there was going to be alcohol at the party,” whimpered Fluttershy, getting out of the limo behind Rainbow Dash.

“Don’t worry, Fluttershy. I’m sure Rainbow knows enough to drink responsibly. Even if she is still a month away from being of legal age,” spoke Sunset as she helped both Twilight and Princess Twilight out of the luxury car.
Rainbow rolled her eyes as Sci Twi started to spout off several facts about underage drinking and the potential repercussions stemming from it.

“B’sides. If Rainbow does get outta control, I can just hog tie her to a chair or somethin’ nice and tight like,” Applejack replied putting a comforting hand on Fluttershy’s shoulder while glaring at Rainbow.

“Save the kinky stuff for the bedroom, AJ,” Rainbow replied quickly winking, causing Applejack's face to turn as red as a tomato at the sudden thought that crossed her mind.

Before Applejack and Rainbow could continue arguing, they were interrupted by the arrival of Sour Sweet and Sunny Flare.
“Hey girls, so glad to see you could make it. Tonight is going to be so much fun, unless you break something then I'll destroy you,” Sour sweet glared menacingly at them before a smile replaced her frown.

“It’s good to see you as well Twilight, but I'm curious, did you like, clone yourself or something?” asked Sunny Flare look from one Twilight to the other one.

The CHS girls and Princess Twilight all glanced at one another before breaking out laughing.

Sunset approached the two Crystal Prep students, slinging an arm over both the shoulders, as they made their way up the massive marble steps into Sour Sweets home. “I could tell you, but I'm not sure you’d believe me even if I told you.”

As they entered into the house proper, the party was already in full swing. Rainbow immediately made a beeline towards the punch bowl where she saw her athletic rival Indigo Zap trying to discreetly spike the punch, Applejack followed quickly behind to keep an eye on her.

“Your home is so lovely Sour,” Fluttershy spoke up in a rare boost of confidence.

“And the decor is simply divine,” added Rarity as the four of them walked off into the crowd.

“Well I guess that it’s just the four of us, who’s hungry?” asked Sunset. “Twilight one, Twilight two, Pinkie? Um where is Pinkie Pie? She was just a here a moment ago!” Sunset asked again, looking around.

“I see her, Sunset, she’s up there” replied Princess Twilight pointing up at a large stage where Pinkie Pie, Vinyl Scratch and Lemon Zest were entertaining the crowds with very loud music and flashing strobe lights. A large crowd of graduates from both schools were jumping around and dancing to the music.
Sunset and both Twilights waved at Pinkie, who waved back enthusiastically. Sunset led her friends that hadn’t gone off towards the buffet table to grab some snacks. The two Equestrians filled their plates with all vegetables and non-meat items. Sci Twi had a several Swedish meatballs on hers.

Glancing around the large party room for somewhere to sit down to eat, Sunset saw Trixie arguing with Sugarcoat about how her magic was real, and wasn’t all smoke, mirrors and misdirection.
Lyra and her girlfriend Bon Bon were surrounded by several males cheering and snapping photos as they made out on one of the couches.
Sunset smiled as her gaze fell upon Flash Sentry dancing with his girlfriend Derpy, his hands around her waist, and hers around the back of his neck. Derpy was all smiles as she leaned her head into Flash’s shoulder.

“Flash looks happy, doesn’t he!” Twilight spoke coming to stand next to Sunset.

Sunset nodded. “He sure does. You almost sound like you are jealous! You’re not, are you?” asked Sunset turning her head to the Princess.

Twilight shook her head. “No, I'm not. At least not because of them. If anything, I kinda wish I had what they have, but with someone else. that’s all”

“Yeah, I know what you mean” replied Sunset glancing over at Sci Twi over by the punch bowl who was currently lecturing Rainbow Dash and Indigo Zap, having caught them spiking the punch with alcohol.

The change in Sunset’s tone did not go unnoticed by Twilight and she followed Sunsets gaze. “You have feelings for her, don’t you, Sunset?”

Slowly Sunset nodded, looking away from the girl who who had stolen her heart. “Yeah, I do. Am I that obvious?” Sunset said looking down into the plastic cup of punch before setting it down on a nearby table, unsure if it contained any alcohol.

“Just a little. Have you, you know asked her out yet?” Twilight continued, following Sunset’s example and putting down her own cup. “You two would be great together. You are both smart, capable young women, and if you ask me, I think if you asked her out tonight, she would totally say yes.”

“I guess. I’m honestly just nervous I suppose. I mean sure we are both brilliant, and while that will definitely take Twilight far in life, As for me not so much! I mean I am technically an alien, and as of right now I have no legal way to attend higher education in this world, do I? Come to think about it, I don’t know why Principal Celestia ever allowed me to keep going to CHS all these years without any proper paperwork or identification,” Sunset mumbled.

“I’m sure she had her reasons, but Twilight is headed back over here,” Princess Twilight whispered. “As your Princess of Equestria. I order you to ask her out right now,” Twilight whispered again giving Sunset a small push towards her bespectacled twin. “Just remember what the professor of temporal magical physics at CSGU always said. There’s no time like the present!”

Sunset stumbled forward into Princess Twilight’s counterpart, her hands grabbing a hold of her shoulders to steady herself. Sunset raised her head only to find her face inches away from Twilight's own. Sunset and Twilight just stared into one another’s eyes, their faces quickly heating up and turning red before they broke apart. Sunset glared behind her at Princess Twilight, who simply waved sheepishly at them.

'Ask her, your Princess demands it,’ mouthed Twilight silently. Sunset turned her attention back to the Twilight in front of her.

“Hey umm, Twilight. How’s it going?” Sunset laughed nervously, running a hand through her hair, before bringing it to rub the back of her neck.

"I’m fine, I caught Rainbow and Indigo spiking the punch and yeah. I’m fine, how are you?” responded Twilight quickly, rubbing her arm nervously and twirling a lock of her hair with her other hand.

“Was there something you wanted to ask me?” continued Twilight looking back up at Sunset quickly.

Sunset gulped and met Twilights eyes with her own.
“Actually Twilight, I was wondering if perhaps you might want to...” Sunset began before a loud scream rang out. Not even the music near full blast could drown out Sour Sweet’s rage filled screams as she held up a large family photo above her head. Every party guest in the room turned to stare at the livid red headed girl. Sunny Flare stepped several feet back, worried her friend might lash out unexpectedly at anyone within arm’s reach. Vinyl Scratch and Lemon Zest paused their heavy make out session from behind the DJ booth as Pinkie cut the music.


Sour Sweet turned around and stomped through the crowd, that parted quickly to allow her pass unrestricted.
The second Sour Sweet vanished from sight, the entire crowd howled with laughter. Sunset caught movement from a nearby staircase leading to the upper floor of the mansion. Sugarcoat caught Sunset’s eye and smirked at her as she tucked a large sharpie into her jeans pocket, and casually sauntered into the crowd below with none the wiser.

“Well that was something, wasn’t it? Remind me never to piss that girl off.” Sunset grinned.

Both Twilights nodded, but it was Sci Twi that spoke up next. “Why don’t we go out and sit by the pool. it’s a nice night out for star gazing.”

“Yeah, that sounds nice. You going to join us, Princess?” asked Sunset.

Princess Twilight shook her head smiling at the two of them. “No thanks, I think I'm going to go mingle a bit. You two have fun out there,” Twilight said with a smile and a wink at Sunset.

Sunset glared at Twilight as she retreated into what was now a full-fledged mosh pit of bodies, as a drunken Wallflower Blush stood up on the music stage, head banging and singing a wicked rendition of Canterlot City by the band Pistols & Lilacs.

Sunset followed Twilight down the hallway towards the back of the house, passing a giggling Frosty Orange and Fleur DeLis from Crystal Prep, the two girls dragging a shirtless Micro Chips into the hall closet and closing it behind the three of them. Sunset and Twilight looked at one another before chuckling as several thumps could be heard from behind the closet door. They continued down the hallway passing several more party goers until they reached the open doorway leading to the pool area.

The pool area was almost as packed as the main party room, the large square pool held at least two dozen teenagers, with another dozen or so milling around the edges chatting with one another. Several more people lay passed out on lawn chairs. Bulk Biceps was relaxing in the hot tub with Octavia and Cherry Crash.
Sunset grabbed a set of empty lawn chairs, and led Twilight further out into the large grassy backyard so they could chat in peace and star gaze for a bit.
Sunset and Twilight spent the next few minutes just staring up into the night sky, with Twilight pointing out a few constellations.

“Hey Twilight, I wanted to ask you something!” Sunset said turning to face her best friend, her cheeks turning slightly pink.
Twilight turned to face Sunset, their eyes meeting briefly.

“Sure, Sunset! What is it?” asked Twilight nervously.

Sunset swallowed, beads of sweat rolling down her neck. “It’s okay if you totally say no, but I was wondering if you might want to go out to dinner with me sometime? Like an actual date?” Sunset spoke quickly looking away.

“Yes. Yes, I'd love to go out with you Sunset,” Twilight whispered softly. Sunset raised her head in disbelief.

“Really, I thought for sure you would say no. especially after you and Timber broke up a month ago?” Sunset stuttered, letting out a breath she didn’t know she’d been holding in.

Twilight just nodded her head.
“Yes, really! The truth is, and I'm so sorry I didn’t tell you this sooner. Timber and I broke up because we both knew that I had feelings for someone else. That someone was, and has always been you, Sunset. I know I told you and the girls it was because he had cheated on me, but I just wasn’t ready to admit that to myself and everyone that I loved another girl. I was scared that if I told you and the girls how I felt, they might not want to be my friends or feel too uncomfortable around me.” Twilight sobbed as a single tear rolled down her cheek.

Sunset brought a hand up to Twilights face, and brushed the tear away. Slowly both girls leaned into one another for a kiss, before Twilights phone buzzed with an incoming message. Startled, both Sunset and Twilight jumped apart, effectively killing the mood.
Twilight grabbed her phone furiously blushing at the thought of what had nearly occurred between them. Sunset groaned as she held her head in her hands.
Twilight let out an excited gasp as she saw the e-mail alert she had just received.
“Oh, Sunset the lab results came back finally. It only took two months,” Twilight said happily as she went to download the results they had sent her.

“What lab results? Is everything okay?” asked Sunset worriedly. Sunset pulled out her own phone just in case she needed it.

“Oh, everything is fine. Do you remember two months ago, a bit before Timber and I broke up? I asked both you, and Princess Twilight if you would be comfortable volunteering some DNA samples! I wanted to try and see if there was any similarities between talking magical ponies and the equines from this world!” Twilight gushed as her eyes scanned the results of the samples she had sent the blood technicians.

Sunset remembered how excited Twilight was when they had both agreed to help Twilight out with her experiment.
“I remember! So what did they say?” asked Sunset trying to get a look at the phone Twilight held.

Twilight’s smile slowly morphed into a frown as she muttered to herself. “That can’t be right? They must have made a mistake!”

Sunset put her phone down as she stared at Twilight looking puzzled.
“What can’t be right? Asked Sunset nervously. “I’m not dying am I?” Sunset tried to say jokingly to lighten the mood.

Twilight looked up at Sunset, then back to her phone, and then back to Sunset again rolling her eyes as she did so.
“No, you aren’t dying Sunset. Don’t even joke about that! Here, have a look!” Twilight said, passing her phone over to Sunset.

Taking the phone from Twilight, Sunset quickly read over the results in the email. Sunset blinked once before reading them again, them two more times just to be sure.

“You’re right Twilight, this has to be a mistake? This test says that Princess Twilights test came back as unknown, but I have human DNA. How is this possible? I remember being born a unicorn in Equestria!” Sunset and Twilight just stared at one another in shock.

Author's Note:

This is my first published Story here on FimFiction. I hope you enjoy it.
this chapter was edited by the wonderful fellow
I highly recommend their published works.