• Published 3rd Sep 2012
  • 8,718 Views, 214 Comments

Novelty - Kody910

[2nd Person] Seapony!

  • ...

Chapter Three

The approaching surface looks strangely inviting today.

After your little meeting with a certain purple mare yesterday, you could hardly contain your excitement. The only thing preventing you from giggling like a child was your brother, who seems to be increasingly suspicious. You've been able to keep him in the dark about this though.

As expected, pearl-hunting was incredibly slow today. You didn't really mind, however, as your mind was on other things. Just what would the two of you talk about? You had been considering things to tell her, but there really wasn't much to say on your part. Life under the sea just isn't so exciting in your eyes.

Considering her lack of gills, you figured that she might think much the opposite. That look of wonderment in her eyes when she first discovered that you are a seapony is testament to her intrigue. She might find your world to be incredible, something she would love to learn about.

...At least, you hope it would be. Lest she be bored to tears.

The surface is just above your head at this point. You take a few breaths in resolve. Though you made little outings like this on a regular basis, it felt a little different this time. The surface above just seems more...magical. The fine membrane between two radically different worlds. The gateway to a new existence. The only thing between you and her.

And now is the time to break it. You give a small wave of your tail, propelling you to the surface. You slowly push your head past the water above. Peeking your eyes open, you are greeted again with the sight you behold nearly everyday. The setting sun was bathing the city ahead of you in a faint orange glow. The beach is barren of any ponies, as you expected.

All except for one, that is.

Resting on the dock is the purple mare you met yesterday, Twilight Sparkle. Her familiar saddlebags lie at her side, their contents emptied about the pier. A small book lies open in front of her as she lay there, her eyes skimming left and right over their pages. The gentle breeze in the air rustles her mane gently as she reads.

You suddenly feel much more at peace just by observing her. She seems oblivious to your presence, but you don't mind. She is just far too beautiful to pass up an opportunity to simply admire like this. Her mane, her eyes, her coat, her everything. She is just pleasant to look at...or is that just plain creepy?

Either way, she seems to be enraptured by her novel. Much like the first day you saw her, she is entirely focused on that book. Would it be rude to interrupt her? Then again, would it be rude not to? You did promise to meet her after all. She might be offended if you were to bail on her now. Besides, do you really want to pass up an opportunity to be with her again?

Steeling your resolve, you begin to swim closer to the shoreline. Taking one last glance around the pier, you reassure yourself that no other ponies are in sight. After a brief moment, you find yourself staring up towards the outstretched dock. It looms over you, its wooden surface tainted with years of mossy buildup. Resting at the edge of the dock is the purple mare you came to meet.

Now to just get her attention...

"Hey, Twilight?" you call out quietly.

No response. Her eyes simply continue to skim over the pages of her book.

"Twilight?" you call out again, albeit louder this time.

Again, no response. She simply flips to the next page. Whatever that book is about, it must be quite interesting.

You begin to grow slightly annoyed. "TWILIGHT!" you yell.

She squeals in surprise as she jerks her head up. Looking around herself frantically in search of your intruding voice, she eventually brings her attention to the water beneath her. When her eyes meet yours, you give her a sheepish smile and wave a fin.

Her face lights up as soon as she sees you. "You’re here!" she exclaims excitedly.

You open your mouth to respond, but before you manage to get any words out, her horn begins to shine brightly. Immediately following the glow is a sudden burst of light which swallows her up. When the light fades, you find that she is suddenly gone from the pier. Before you can exclaim your surprise, she re-materializes right in front of you, a smile adorning her face. All of her belongings float down from the dock to her position shortly after.

You simply stare at her, mouth agape and eyes wide open. Her smile begins to fade as she examines your features, tilting her head to the left with a confused look. After a brief moment, her eyes widen and her face reddens. Folding her ears back, she begins to chuckle lightly.

"Oh! Heh heh, I forgot to mention," she starts. "I know a teleportation spell, by the way." She rubs her foreleg sheepishly.

You stare at her for a few more seconds in awe. Even more intently now that she is giving such a cute, innocent smile. If there is any creature on this planet that could possibly find that smile to not be cute then they certainly have no heart, you think to yourself.

"Wow," you start. "You weren't kidding when you said magic is your thing, huh?"

She giggles a bit. "No, no I wasn't! But it's all a learning process. There are still a lot of spells I'm still trying to master!"

"Well, if what I've seen is any indication, it seems to me like you are the mare who could do it!" you say encouragingly.

She gives you a cute smile in return. "Thank you! But to be honest, teleporting is a relatively easy spell, actually. Now body swapping? That is a challenge!"

"Body swapping?" you inquire.

"Yes, switching the minds of two beings so that they are in control of the other's body!" she exclaims. "I've been studying and working on it for awhile, and I'm getting there! Although, I've had a few...mishaps." She begins to rub a foreleg. "And now Fluttershy won't let me use her animals as test subjects anymore..."

You raise an eyebrow. "What happened?"

"Well..." she begins shakily. "Let's just say that their minds weren't the only things that got switched."

"Oh. Well then." you respond. You figured it would be better to not question.

As a short silence begins to fall between the two of you, you start to think of what to say. You've certainly got quite a few things you are curious about, and you are mostly sure that she is thinking the same.

But...where to start?

“I have so much to ask you!”

The two of you freeze after having just exclaimed the same question. At the same time no less.

She puts a hoof to her mouth and giggles. “Oh, well, why don’t we take turns asking then?” she offers.

“Heh, yeah,” you respond. “That’ll work!”

“Okay then! Would you like to start?” she asks.

You nod in response. You swim forward to close the distance a bit. As the sand beneath you begins to brush up against your belly, you slowly work your way closer to make the conversation a bit more comfortable for the both of you. Swimming forward until you nearly beach yourself, you shimmy a bit to get a little more comfortable in the sand around you. After a brief moment of wiggling, you finally manage to find a cozy position.

“Okay, hm...” You lift a fin to your chin in thought. It only takes a second before you come up with a question to ask. “Do you have any other friends?”

Her face lights up with your question. “Yes! I have plenty of friends! I know most everypony in town...” She purses her lips. “Well, I have a few really, really close friends...”

“And who would those be?” you ask, egging her to go on.

“Where to start...” she says, taking a moment to collect her thoughts. “Well, there’s Applejack! She’s one of the most dependable ponies I know! She runs Sweet Apple Acres, and is an expert in all things apple-related.”

“Apple?” you ask.

“Oh, that’s right...you’ve never had an apple, have you?” she asks. You shake your head. “I’ll have to bring you one some time then!”

“Heh, that’d be nice.” you reply.

“Next is Rainbow Dash. She’s a pegasus, and I’ll admit, she can be a bit of a hard-head sometimes. But she’s always there when you need a little encouragement! She’s also an amazing flyer, and dreams of joining the Wonderbolts someday!”

Your face lights up at her statement. “Hey, I actually know what those are! They’re that group of pegasi, right?”

She looks genuinely surprised. “Why, yes! How did you know?”

“I heard a few ponies talking about them one day. It’d be kinda nice to see them someday.” you admit.

She smiles in response. “Then there’s Rarity. She’s a unicorn, and she has a great eye for detail, especially when it comes to fashion. Although she is a bit of a drama queen sometimes...”

You recall her mentioning the name yesterday. You give her a nod, but speak no words, signalling for her to continue.

“And we have Fluttershy, of course. She takes care of everypony’s pets and has a special connection with all sorts of animals. She can be really shy and nervous a lot of the time, but you won’t find a girl sweeter than her.”

“Is that why she won’t let you touch her animals again?” you ask teasingly.

She pouts in response. “I said I’m working on it...”

You chuckle a bit at her response. You flick a fin towards her. “I’m just messing with you.”

She seems to disregard it and continues. “And of course, I can’t forget Pinkie Pie.” She rolls her eyes. “That pony...I don’t think ‘crazy’ is an adequate word for her. She is the one responsible for all of the best parties, but she can be a bit overzealous at times.”

“Would I be wrong if I were to guess that she is pink?” you ask.

She giggles a bit before speaking. “Not in the slightest. That pony is the very embodiment of pink!” She pauses a bit before continuing. “And I can’t forget Spike.”

“Spike?” you ask.

“Yes, he’s my number-one assistant! He is always there to lend a helping hand when I need it. I don’t think there is a dragon more faithful than him.”

“Wow, he sounds like a great- wait, what?” you exclaim. “Did you just say dragon?

She goes into another fit of cute giggles. “Yes, he is a dragon. A baby dragon, mind you, but he is a dragon nonetheless!”

You stare at her in awe. “Aren’t dragons supposed to be, you know...dangerous?”

She gives you an earnest smile. “Well, many of them are, yes. But Spike is a real gentledrake. He would never hurt a fly! And to be honest, I don’t think he could if he tried!”

The two of you share a laugh at her statement. A few questions pop into your mind about how she went about obtaining a baby dragon, let alone how she managed to make it her assistant, but you decide to save those for another time.

“Well,” you start. “I may live at the bottom of the ocean, but even I know that that is a bit crazy!”

The corners of her mouth rise up into yet another smile. “Speaking of that, where exactly do you live? Or do you not have a permanent home?”

You chuckle a bit at the answer you were about to give. “I actually just live in a dinky little cave at the bottom of the ocean.” You redirect your gaze away from her, trying to think of something worth hearing. “I don’t move around too often, and when I do, it’s usually because something happened to the previous home.”

“Like what?” she asks, tilting her head to the side slightly.

“Well, let’s just say that a gang of lobsters wasn’t happy with my residence...” you say, trailing off.

“Oh my, you might have been in their migratory path. Lobsters aren’t the friendliest creatures to intruders, if I recall correctly.” she states.

“Well, I would daresay you do recall correctly.” you say, painful memories resurfacing in your mind. Those bruises seemed like they would never go away. You shiver at the thought.

She seems to catch onto your discomfort. “Oh, I’m sorry. I can’t imagine that must have been fun.”

“You don’t know the half of it...” You bring your gaze back to her. “Sorry for the boring answer. There just isn’t too much to say, to be honest.”

“You don’t have to apologize for anything. The fact that I get to talk to a seapony at all is just amazing!” she exclaims.

“I could say the same for you.” you add. You almost regret it the moment you say it, realizing how cheesy it was.

She doesn’t seem to mind, and only smiles at your response. “Your turn!”

“So, what is it that you do exactly?” you ask.

She puts a hoof to her chin in thought. “Well, I work as both a student and a librarian!”

“Librarian?” you ask.

“Yes. You know, somepony who-” she cuts herself off. “Oh, I-I’m sorry, you’re not familiar with most of these things, right?”

You give her a shrug. “Don’t worry, it’s no trouble. But no, I don’t know what a librarian is.”

“Well, a library is a place that sells and rents out all kinds of books. It’s my job to keep them in order and with my studies, I’m always getting new books from all around the world!”

“What kind of books, exactly?” you ask.

“Most of the scientific catalogs and other textbooks from schools and colleges. Princess Celestia sends me copies of all different sorts of books for my studies!” she says.

“Princess...Celestia?” you ask.

“Yes, the princess!” she says, beaming all the while. You simply give her a confused look, and the longer she sees you in your confusion, the more her face falls. “You do know who Princess Celestia is...right?”

You shake your head. “Well, no. I mean, I’ve heard the name, but I don’t know anything specific.”

Her face goes aghast at your confession. You swear you heard a slight gasp over the sound of the water around you. “You really don’t know?” she asks. You shake your head again in response.

With that, she takes a few steps closer and sits down on her haunches, just out of reach of the waters touch. She looks at you with excitement in her eyes.

“Princess Celestia is one of the rulers of Equestria!” she exclaims. She gestures to the sky with a hoof. “She controls the sun, raising it each day and lowering it each night!”

You can feel your eyes widen in surprise. “R-Really?”

“Yes!” she says, her smile widening even more. “She’s done so for thousands of years! She’s one of the most powerful beings in all of Equestria!”

“Wow...she seems to be quite the important pony, huh?” you ask.

“Yes, very!” she says, beaming all the while.

“Do you know her personally?”

“Yes! Er, no. I mean...kind of?” she starts nervously. “Well, I’m actually her protege, so to speak.”

You fail to fight the urge to blink in surprise. How is it that you managed to run into what is undoubtedly one of the most important ponies there is? “I, uh...wow...”

Her eyes widen a bit as she puts a hoof to her mouth. Gasping slightly, she reaches out to you. “Please, I don’t want you to be afraid of me or anything! I’m still just an average pony, just like everypony else!”

“Well, I’m not sure of that...” you say. For several reasons...

“Oh, please, I don’t want you to treat me any different than you would anypony else!” she says frantically. “To be honest, I really don’t like to tell anypony that I’m her student...I’ve scared off a lot of ponies that way...I don’t want you to be one of them.”

You look deeply into her eyes, taking note of the genuine fear in them. She isn’t simply saying it to appear humble, she is genuinely concerned. The fear in her eyes is, if anything, a testament to her concern. What could have happened to make her so afraid of telling you such a thing?

Maybe she really had scared off a lot of ponies that way. It’s not everyday you get to meet the personal protege to the princess of all the land. It would be a bit daunting to anypony. Is she technically considered royalty in that sense? Either way, you can only imagine how bad it could make somepony feel, knowing that their position can scare off those around them.

Or...can you only imagine it?

“Twilight...” you start. “I’m not about to run away from you, even over something like that.” Her eyes widen a bit at your words, but she says nothing. “Truthfully, I was expecting you to run away from me when you saw me yesterday.”

“Huh?” she says. “Why in Equestria would I do that?”

“For the same reason you think I would run; that you would be afraid of what I am.” Her mouth goes agape. “The only difference that I see is that I can’t hide what I am. The fact that you are so humble about something that, I assume, is so prestigious, well...I think it’s kind of admirable, to be honest.”

During the brief period of silence, she stares into your eyes. Gaze darts back and forth between your eyes repeatedly, seeming indecisive of which one they wish to look into. The only sound breaking the quiet is the water sifting around you. After a moment of staring, a wide smile begins to slowly form on her face. You swear you could see her eyelids quiver for a split second.

“Thank you...” she whispers.

You give her a genuine smile in return. “I think that was a good answer to my question. Your turn, yes?”

She gives you another smile before her eyes drift to the side. Her head quickly follows their motion as she stares into the distance. You watch her smile fade as she stares, her face taking on a more crestfallen look.

You follow her gaze, being forced to squint as your vision falls upon the setting sun, which bathes the waters surface in a lovely shade of orange. It looks like Princess Celestia is retiring for the day, you muse. How long have you been here? It only felt like a few minutes at most.

You bring your attention back to Twilight to find her still staring into the distance, her face accented by the sun’s glow. The contrast of her lavender coat to the sun’s citrus rays makes her shine in a fashion that is all her own.

“Oh my,” she starts. “I didn’t realize it was this late...”

“Yeah,” you agree. “Time really flies, huh?”

She nods in response. “I’ll need to get going soon...I have somewhere to be.”

You give her a reassuring nod. “I understand. If you’re busy, you’re busy, right?”

She brings her attention back to you with a smile on her face. Her smile quickly fades and is replaced with a rather awkward frown. “Um...before I go, could I ask you one last thing?”

“Of course!” you say reassuringly.

She nervously shifts her gaze away from your eyes for a moment. You notice her rubbing a foreleg with her hoof. Watching her eyes dart around slightly, you begin to worry about what question she’s conjuring up behind those violet eyes.

“Well,” she starts shakily. “I was wondering if I could...” she pauses, her eyes darting around a bit more frantically. “If I could see you?”

“Huh?” you say confusedly.

“I mean, could I see, um...y-your body?”

You can’t prevent your breath from hitching. Did she really just ask that? If her pink cheeks are any sort of giveaway, it looks like you didn’t just hear her incorrectly.

“Um...pardon?” It doesn’t hurt to make sure, though.

“I asked if I could see you. Your form, I mean.” she asks. Her eyes widen a bit. “F-For science, that is!”

Well, you didn’t mishear her. She wants to see you. In your entirety. This would certainly be a first for you. To finally reveal yourself to a land-dweller? Your entire self, that is? How much more taboo can you get? You can’t even imagine his fury should he find out.

Huh...that’s odd. What’s this warmness in your cheeks?

“Well, I, uh...” you stammer.

“I-I can understand if you don’t want to,” she admits. “It is a bit of a...weird request. I just wanted to see what you l-look like...”

You stare at her in confusion for a moment. She’s right about one thing: it is a weird request. No one has ever asked to see you. Then again, you’ve never actually spoken to anyone outside of Swift.

Though you are uncertain about this, you consider her request. Would it really be fair to deny her of this? You’ve seen more than enough demonstrations of her and her talents. Wouldn’t it only be fair to do the same for her? Granted, it’s still an odd thing to consider, but is there truly any harm in allowing her such a request?

After all, she said it’s just for science...right?

“Okay.” you concede.

“Huh?” she asks, puzzled.

“You can s-see me, if you want.” you assure her. Her eyes light up at your agreement. “Though I can’t really get out of the water...”

She gives you a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry! I’ve got it covered!” She then takes a quick look around the immediate area, scanning for any wandering eyes. With no one in sight, she then brings her attention back to you.

You begin to open your mouth to respond, but your words catch in your throat as your body is enveloped in a tingling sensation. Your vision darkens in a shade of purple as the feeling all around your body intensifies. Through the purple haze, you can see Twilight’s horn glowing in its familiar aura and her eyes are squeezed shut. A strange sensation begins to course through you. It almost feels as though you are becoming weightless.

Looking down, you realize that may not be far from the truth. You find your body is slowly rising away from the water you once rested in. You turn your head in all directions to find yourself floating higher and higher by the second. Even with all of your fidgeting, Twilight’s concentration doesn’t falter in the slightest.

The tingling doesn’t let up as the last bit of your tailfin exits the water. Once you are fully out of the liquid, the rising ceases and you are left to hover in midair. Tiny droplets of water fall off of your body as the sunlight reflects off of your soaked scales. The glow of Twilight’s horn subdues slightly, yet continues to cast a small amount of light.

As it continues to shine, she finally opens her eyes. Upon seeing your revealed form, she gasps.

“Oh my...” she utters.

You remain silent, still fairly uneasy at your sudden levitation. Your tail sways involuntarily as you hover. You watch as she gazes upon you with an unrivaled sense of wonderment in her eyes.

Her eyes linger over your entire body, taking in every little detail. Your flicking tail, your waving fins, the scales along the majority of your body, everything. Her mouth falls agape at the otherworldly being before her. You can only imagine what thoughts are lingering behind those wide, violet eyes.

Without warning, you begin to spin to your right. You glance around nervously with your new inertia. As you spin, her eyes continue to scan over you. As your back faces her, you hear her gasp again. No doubt it was sparked by the spines running along your, er, spine.

You continue spinning until you come to face her once again. Once she is back in your field of vision, you find her to be much closer to you. So much so that her hooves are within the reach of the water beneath you.

You watch as she slowly begins to lift a hoof toward you. Your eyes widen as she draws ever closer. Just before her hoof comes in contact with you, she freezes in place, taking note of your expression.

She quickly retracts her hoof as her cheeks flush and her ears fold back. “I-I’m sorry...d-do you mind if I...?”

Despite how awkward this should be, you can’t find it in yourself to say no to those eyes. “G-Go ahead...”

She gives you a sheepish smile in return. Bringing her gaze back to your form, she slowly reaches her hoof out again. With your approval in check, she carefully touches your side. Her touch is gentle beyond compare. Her hoof brings about an odd warmth in your flesh.

Running her hoof down, she brings her contact to your tail fin. She lightly touches the bristles that make up the appendage, briskly running her hoof over the surface. You watch as she brings her attention up to the fin on your side. She gracefully runs her hoof over the webbing, taking in the slick exterior of the fin.

You were half-expecting her to be grossed out by the feeling, yet she isn’t. Her eyes never seem to blink, trying to avoid losing focus on you for even a split second. Her hoof slowly trails around your body, taking in the sensation of the scales adorning your skin and gracing you with a sensation of your own. It is...an odd sensation, to say the least.

Just when it seemed like it would never end, she finally retracts her hoof from you. You feel yourself being lowered by her magic, the water beneath you gradually enveloping you once more. After just a brief moment, you find yourself submerged again.

Once you regain your bearings, you look up to the mare in front of you again. You find her with a genuine smile, one unlike any you had ever seen before.

“Thank you.”

You give her an honest smile. “No. Thank you.”

Her smile widens even more. You can’t help but do the same.

Before another silence can fall between you two, a familiar sound rings in your ears.


The smile on her face quickly fades at the sound. You can’t help but do the same.

“I...I need to go.” she says, crestfallen. “I’m sorry...”

You give her another smile. “I understand. Don’t worry about it.”

She returns your smile with one of her own. “So...tomorrow? Here?”

“Of course.” you offer.

“So...I guess I’ll see you? See you then?”

“Yeah, of course!”

“Okay then, great!”



And then the silence returns full force. Though this time, it isn’t so unwelcome. It almost feels complementary to the position you are in. Staring deeply into her eyes as she does the same. An odd feeling passes through you. It feels as though you have some sort of link to this mare. You could almost see a strange connection forming between your eyes.

Sadly, it comes to an end far sooner than you would like as she begins to back away. “So...I guess this is goodbye...”

“Yeah,” you respond despondently. “I’ll see you tomorrow...”

With one last smile and a great deal of hesitance, she finally begins to trot away. Her eyes linger on you up until the moment she steps out of sight.

As much as you would love to see her for a moment longer, you remember that you are trying to keep things discreet. You wiggle your way out of the sand and back into the water. Turning around within the now warming waters, you begin to make your way home. As you swim, a school of fish passes by. The fish within the school consist of every color in the rainbow.

For some reason, the fish that are purple seem the most alluring to you...


He didn’t know when he would be back. He had been gone for hours.

Still, that didn’t stop him from waiting. He sat there, all day. It’s not like the other had any idea he would be here.

He had been sitting here, nonstop, for so long. Long to the point where he was about to give in. There was no way he would be coming back anytime soon.

He sighs, feeling exhausted of waiting. What’s the point? He isn’t going to be here, he’s just-

No, wait. Is that...yes, that’s him. Coming straight from where he left towards.

He watches him swim back. That smile on his face...it seems quite uncharacteristic of him.

Uh huh, he thinks. Real nice...

He has no idea. No idea of the eyes that are upon him, or the fact that his secret isn’t so secret anymore.

Author's Note:

Thanks to Whirring Gears and Shining Glory for the proofing/editing/making this suck less-ing!